Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 107: Dragon Warrior Victory

In the fury of the eyes of the sky, he manipulated the thunderous lightning like lightning and poured down toward the Dragon Warring States!

As soon as the thunderstorm came out, there were suddenly beasts condensed by lightning, including dragons, snakes, tigers, and leopards, all in the form of thunder and lightning, emitting a ferocious atmosphere. What's more, among the thunder seas, it seems that there are still peerless powerhouses condensed by thunder and lightning. The towering majesty erupted and came straight to the Dragon Warring States.

The ferocity of the breath was greater than the previous one hundred slaves, and once again a large number of people were stunned by this breath.

Looking at the overwhelming thunder sea, Gu Hai's whole body exploded, and a great death threat filled the whole body.

Thunder sea tossed and headed for the Dragon Warring States.

Dragon Warring States is not afraid, grasping the opening axe, stepping into the sky.

A thousand feet in shape, surrounded by explosive golden power, but still not enough in front of Wang Yangleihai.

"Hoo!" "Hoo!" "Hoo!" "Hoo!"

The endless thunder beasts collided with Lei Hai and the Dragon Warring States, as if to completely destroy the Dragon Warring States.


The Dragon Warring States holding the axe of the sky was drowned instantly by endless thunderstorms. Drowned in a sea of ​​thunder. Countless thunder beasts scrambled towards the Dragon Warring States. It was fierce, it seemed to be in the center, and it kept exploding.


Lei Hai floated in the air, forming a super huge thunder ball, wrapping the Dragon Warring States in the center.

Fried fried fried fried!

The Dragon Warring States withstood the devastating explosion of the Thunder Sea.

The void rolled around, and around the thunder sea, it seemed that the void was blown up, forming a circle of black holes. In the center of the black hole circle, thunderstorms remain.

The eyes of the sky looked coldly at the thunderstorm center.

The Emperor Qing, Confucius, and Taichu all jumped wildly.

"That's Thunder Prison? Once upon a time, the old man who watched chess was destroyed!" Qing Di flashed a horror in his eyes.

"Eight hundred years ago, Lei prison came out and Yi Tiange went out. Even the old man who watched chess was eventually stuck here. Now, can the Dragon Warring States come out alive?" Kong Di was also horrified.

"Dragon Warring States is over!" There was a hint of hate flashing in Tai Chu's eyes.

The eyes of the sky are cold, and there seems to be a sense of relaxation. Obviously, the Dragon Warring States is dead.

Sky axe? What about the axe?

There is only one magic weapon born in this world. Now, the entire heaven and earth are their own. How could the magic weapon born in this world hurt themselves? Not in control!

As the eyes of the sky looked confidently at Thunder Prison, a loud scream came from Thunder Thunder.

"The world is chaotic. I open the sky, clear is the sky, and the turbid is the earth. I will break all the laws! Break ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

It is the voice of the Dragon Warring States.

"Not dead yet?" Tai Chu exclaimed suddenly.

"Dragon Warring States?" The future Buddha exclaimed.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

There was a loud noise, and the thunder ball formed by the entire Leihai exploded.

"Ah!" "Ah!" "Ah!" ………………

In the thunder sea, countless thunder beasts suddenly burst apart and spread, covering the sky and heading in all directions, as if in an instant, the whole world was illuminated.

Thunderstorm exploded, and the Dragon Warring States emerged from the fire.

The dragon robe on her body had been blasted in Thunder Prison, revealing the upper body of the body, and the muscles in the whole body were tightened. In some places, it seemed to be scorched.

However, the Dragon Warring States did not care about the injuries on his body at all, and his face continued to soar into the sky, and in front of the eyes of the sky.

"Look for death!" Cangtian's eyes suddenly stared in anger.

In front of the eyes of the sky, a red light film suddenly appeared, heading for the Dragon Warring States.

"Kaitian ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Long Zhanguo yelled, his body was completely opened, the axe was raised above his head, his upper body was bowed, and he seemed to stretch out his body's greatest strength, violently chopping up.

When the axe was opened, hundreds of millions of gray light burst out suddenly. When we split it, it seemed like a sky was rising.


The red light film emerging from the eyes of the sky burst and opened instantly, as if the glass exploded and turned into billions of fragments.

At this moment, nothing can stop the sky axe, and nothing can stop the Dragon Warring States.

Opening the axe out of the sky, going forward, violently split on the right eye of the eye of the sky.

"Impossible, the Dragon Warring States is not an opponent of heaven!" Tai Chu squeezed his fist.

The future Buddha is also holding his fist.

Even Qing Emperor and Kong Emperor did not believe that the Dragon Warring States would succeed.

That's a fairy. Six immortals. Will immortals be rebelled by mortals?

"Boom ~~~~~~~~!"

With a super loud noise, the whole world suddenly became thorny, so that everyone suddenly became blind.

In Gu Hai's eyes, he felt nothing but white and could see nothing.

All I could hear was the white sky, and there was a sudden scream of heartbreak.

"Ah ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The screams ripped through the heart, straight through the soul.

For a moment, Cang Sheng shuddered all over his body instantly, as if he was thrilled by the heartbreak.


The blindness disappeared quickly, the void light shrank instantly, and everyone's eyes became dark again.

"Break!" The roar of the Dragon Warring States came again from high altitude.

"Dead away!" Cangtian came with a skyrocketing resentment.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

A loud noise, like a cannonball, slammed the ground where Tianyin City was located. Tianyin City burst and burst into pieces, turning into countless fragments.

In the city of Tianyin, all the people were shocked, and they seemed to feel a great force tearing towards their bodies.

But, the next moment. But a warm power came.


It is the voice of the Dragon Warring States.


The newly exploded Tianyin City suddenly gathered again in an instant, and the people in the city were all right.

At this moment, everyone's eyes slowly recovered. Can see the outside world.

The first thing that caught my eye was naturally the huge back of the Dragon Warring States.

The back of thousands of feet, facing everyone, the countless burnt places on his body, spilled a lot of blood, accompanied by the golden surround power.

The Dragon Warring States is still proudly standing above the central square, staring at the sky with an open face.

At this moment, the sky's eye and the right eye have a huge axe, which is the axe that has been magnified many times.

Kai Tian's axe was embedded in Cang Tian's right eye.

The right eye was split, there were countless thunders and lightnings in the interior, and an irreparable crack, all of whom were frightened.

"Impossible, how is that possible? Dragon Warring States, he, he hurt the sky?" Tai Chu's face changed.

"Everything is an illusion!" The future Buddha is also folded his hands. Although the eyes cannot see, the heart and eyes can know what it is, but they cannot believe it.

That ’s heaven, six immortals.

"No one, no one can hurt me, no me!" Cang Tian's eyes screamed in pain, unbelief.

"Come back!" Dragon Warring States yelled.


The sky axe automatically flew out immediately, flying back to the right hand of the Dragon Warring States instantly.

Cangtian's right eye became clearer after opening the axe and cracked, and there was a large broken hole inside. In the big hole, it seems that the pus is draining, and there are countless lightning-shaped things.

"No, no ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The eyes of the sky yelled in pain.


The right eye of the sky's eye exploded and opened, turning into endless thunderbolts.

The scream of the sky is spreading all over the world. At this moment, countless creatures are showing horror.

Cangtian wailed so much, what happened to Cangtian?

Too early seems to have been frightened, looking at the Dragon Warring States not far away.

Won? The Dragon Warring States won? how can that be?

Cangtian's pair of eyes have been opened by the Dragon Warring States.

Although the Dragon Warring States looked embarrassed, at this moment it was war-fighting, a fierce evil. The sky axe in his hand waved again, as if to cut through the sky's other eye.

"Ah, ah ~~~~~, my eyes, howl!" The eyes of Cangtian growled in pain.

In the roar of the warring nation of the dragon, the open-faced axe cut it again.

"Roar!" Cangtian Eye yelled frantically.


The sky's eyes closed.


The sky axe suddenly cut through a lot of dark clouds, but the left eye of the Cangtian who had previously disappeared.


The six eyes of the six immortals have fled?

The strong men of Tianyin City have already watched. Am I dazzled? The only remaining eye of the sky escaped?


The void crack suddenly disappeared, and the dark clouds covering the whole world suddenly spread out, and in such a short time, the smoke disappeared.

There is no air in the sky above heaven. Only the Dragon Warring States, standing at a high altitude, showing his face.

"Liudao, flee from war? You don't deserve to be heaven, you come out and fight with you again!" Dragon Warring States growled.

The sound instantly penetrated the heavens and spread even farther away.

However, there was no trace of six immortals in the sky.

Gu Hai and others all felt it, because the Tianwei that had suppressed all kneeling before disappeared, and everyone no longer needed to kneel.

A large number of strong men stood up one by one. At this moment, the heart was leaping gazing at the sky.

Everything is like dreaming, but this dream is too evil?

Cangtian defeated? One eye was exploded by the Dragon Warring States. Then, when the Dragon Warring States fought again, Cangtian fled? That heavenly eye escaped?

"How can this be?" Tai Chu stared at the sky in shock.

"Bulgarian Buddha!" ​​The future Buddha was thinking of the Buddha, and seemed to be shocking himself.


The Dragon Warring States Kaitian Axe once again stroked in the void, marking a void crack, but there were no more six figures.

"Huh, oh, here in the heavenly court, Liu Dao, come again if you have the ability, 朕 wait at any time ~~~~~~!" Long Zhanguo said coldly.

However, the sky was clear, but there was no response from the sky.


Dragon Warring States landed in the central square of Tianyin City.

"Dagan people, I'm defeated!" The Dragon Warring States sang aloud.

"Long live the Holy Long Live Long Live the Long Live!" An official on the central square of Tianyin City excitedly, then exulted, and worshiped together.

"Long live Holy! Long live Long live!"

"Long live Holy! Long live Long live!"




With the beginning of people, starting from Tianyin City, the sound of Long live the mountain, passing quickly in all directions.

The voice of the Dragon Warring States and the voice of the sky were as thunderous as before. They were so vast that countless cadres and people naturally understood what they meant.

Everyone was almost desperate for Dagan, but the result was reversed.

Isn't Dagan going further?

PS: Continue to notice, the day after tomorrow will be called for annual leave, please eight days, from the day after tomorrow to the New Year's Day, forgive me! The eighth formally resumed the update. This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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