Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 14: Have their own intestines

The borderless city of heaven, Mo Yike House!

Mo Yike was sitting by the pond in the courtyard, holding a fishing rod in his hand, fishing a fish in the pond, and standing next to a chessboard, 31 lines across.

The fish kept eating the bait at the hook. At this moment, it was the easiest way to catch the fish, but Mo Yike didn't move. He watched the fish swallow the hook and smiled slightly.

It wasn't until the fish finished eating the bait that Mo Yike lifted the fishhook and put the bait in the water again.

"At this time, Qin Zibai, dressed in white, walked over slowly.

"My lord!" Qin Zi said in complex expression with respect.

"Zibai? There are no outsiders here, so don't be restrained, come and fish with me!" Mo Yike laughed.

"Sir, Sima Chang came to visit just now, but I was turned away!" Qin Zibai respectfully said.

"Sima Changkong? Oh, his father, Sima, betrayed the Dragon Warring States. Nowadays, people who hate him hate him, and dare to follow Dragon God Wu?" Mo Yike laughed.

"Sir, before, other forces sent people to come, you just have to see it. Now, why did Sima Chang come to the sky, why was he turned away?" Qin Zibai reluctantly said.

Mo Yike turned his head and looked at Qin Zibai: "Zi Bai? Do you want to leave the Dahan Dynasty?"

"My father told me before his death that I will always follow you, my idiot, but my father will never harm me. Wherever my adult goes, I will go, but the emperor is dead, I just don't pay for the adult!" Qin Zi smiled bitterly.

"Why not?" Mo Yike looked at Qin Zibai.

"Isn't that awkward Chen Tianshan? Extremely pedantic, my Dahan dynasty is surrounded by songs, but he is going to shrink his head and not let others out. He He Dehe can be named the King of Tian Shan? Higher than adults! "Qin Zibai refused.

Mo Yike shook his head: "You are wrong, the emperor's decision is correct!"


"Dahan Dynasty, enemies on all sides, do you really think that sending troops to fight the enemy is enough? Oh, it's not that simple. If the emperor is in the dynasty, everything is fine, but the emperor is not there now, the mind is scattered and the troops are sent out, maybe Can't take it back! "Mo Yike said in a deep voice.

"Ah?" Qin Zibai frowned slightly.

"The more troops sent, the faster the Dahan dynasty disperses. Although the Dahan dynasty is now suffering from the enemy, Chen Tianshan has retained the greatest vitality!" Mo Yike said in a deep voice.

"Really, really?" Qin Zibai said strangely.

"The emperor is really accurate when looking at people. Chen Tianshan is timid and pedantic. I know that these were all shortcomings. But now, for the Dahan Dynasty, it is a great advantage because timid is afraid of things. Therefore, he will not mess around randomly. He doesn't know if the next step will be dangerous, he would rather not go! "Mo Yike sighed slightly.

"Even if the lord said that Chen Tianshan could keep the Dahan dynasty for a longer time, but the emperor is no longer there, lord, are you still guarding, what's the point?" Qin Zibai anxiously said.

Mo Yike looked up and looked out of luck, but at this moment the cloudy sky was slightly sighed.

Indeed, if Gu Hai is dead, then what is the use of defending the Dahan Dynasty? What's the use of keeping for a long time and keeping it for a short time?

Mo Yike's wisdom can naturally break Chen Tianshan's thoughts, but the more it is broken, the more I feel that the ancient sea is no longer alive.

Mo Yike was not in the heart.

"Sir, you told me last time that there might be great trouble in Wudu and Tiandu?" Qin Zibai looked at Mo Yike.

Mo Yike nodded.

"Why?" Qin Zibai asked.

"The great annihilation is a chaos within its territory. Therefore, in the past five years, we have not threatened us too much. However, the Dragon Warring States ultimately died in the hands of the emperor. The people brought back by the dragon god's puppet are watching. Clearly, the Dragon Warring States? Do you know how many loyalty he has? Dagan's territory is gradually settled. Those forces and families who have been loyal to the Dragon Warring States must transfer their hatred to my Dahan dynasty, and the Great Wutian Dynasty sent troops. It's just the beginning, and then there is the Great Emperor's Emperor Dynasty, and the forces of the Quartet are looking at it, eh! "Mo Yike smiled bitterly.

"Adult, why stay here? Now, all parties are soliciting you. It's when you sell for the price. The emperor is no longer there. You have to plan for your future, even if you don't. You, those of us who follow you, adults have to think about them! "Qin Zibai said.

Mo Yike put down his fishing rod and looked at the chess game next to him. This is what Gu Hai left to himself.

Thirty-one days of chess game.

After the ancient sea was fully understood, he did not hide anything, and passed it to Mo Yike. Looking at the game, Mo Yike was extremely grateful to Gu Hai.

In the past five years, Mo Yike has gradually realized the thirty-one chess game. However, Mo Yike has become more reluctant.

"Master!" Qin Zibai asked solemnly.

The emperor is dead? Mo Yike's mind is even more certain, but it's the certainty that Mo Yike's mind is the most uncomfortable.

"Wait!" Mo Yike shook his head.

"Why?" Qin Zi said blankly.

"In this world, I have only served the Emperor. Those forces are not qualified to submit to me. Wait, wait ..." Mo Yike shook his head.

"Yes!" Qin Zi nodded in secretly.

Although Mo Yike is unwilling to contact people outside, he is not exclusive. This gives Qin Zibai a lot of peace of mind. At least adults don't have the elm head like Chen Tianshan.


In the capital city of the borderless sky, Jin Yiwei's headquarters lobby, Montait sat in the main seat, and there were two columns of Jin Yiwei standing around.

At this moment, a man who was covered in blood and had just been sentenced to death was kneeling on the ground.

Mengtai looked gloomily at the man who seemed to be maimed in front of him: "Hm, Hong Gang, this seat is not thin to you, because you have followed this seat in the morning, this seat has been promoted all the way, you are now the head of Jinyiwei , How dare you collude with those of the Emperor Wudi? "

"My lord, my lord, you are helpless, and the emperor has been dead for five years. What's the point of keeping it up again?" Hong Gang cried unwillingly.

"Presumptuous!" Monty stared.

"The emperor is only five years away from the dynasty. You dare to betray the country, but you also despise the emperor, deceive the people, come, come on!" Montai glared.

"My lord, my lord, do n’t do it. It ’s for your humiliation. These days, how many forces have sent people to invite you, you have stopped them one by one, Chen Tianshan is pedantic, lord, why are you doing the same? I will wait to follow you For many years, I have pledged allegiance, but you can't substitute everyone into the fire pit. Our Jinyiwei system is only valuable now. Once, once the forces of various parties have divided the Dahan Dynasty, our Jinyiwei system will be useless and worthless! Hong Gang said anxiously.

"Staff!" Monty stared.

"Yes!" His own Jinyiwei stepped forward, beating him with a heavy stick.

"Sir, think twice, sir, I'm right, I'm right, as long as you are loyal to the Great Emperor Dynasty, you will be able to make a great contribution, and have the same high weight in the Great Emperor Dynasty!" Hong Gang anxiously said.

"Hit!" Monty glared.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" ...............

Beating again and again, finally killed Hong Gang.

The other Jin Yiwei feared for a while and didn't dare to say more.

"Dare to rebel, this is the end!" Montai glared.

"Yes!" Zhong Jin Yiwei excitedly answered.

Dragging Hong Gang down, Zhongjin Yiwei also retreated. Sitting alone in the main hall, Montai was in a moment of madness.

I don't know if the emperor died, no, it is very likely that he has already died.

The major forces sent in olive branches, but Montai had never accepted it. It was not Monte's loyalty to the ancient sea, but Montai knew his ability.

His own ability is not strong, not like Gao Xianzhi and Mo Yike, so his talents can be replaced. Only the emperor appreciated himself. The other major forces solicited and appreciated not their own ability, but their own Jinyiwei system.

As long as you join a certain force, once the Jinyiwei system is taken over by them, you will not be far from dead.

But waited all the time, but it was endless.

"Emperor, can you really come back?" Monty's eyes flashed a strong desire.

Because of the emperor's return, Montai can once again have a high weight. But the emperor does not return, he has to wait for death? Or incognito, start over?

On the table in front of them, there were solicitations from the major forces. Montait looked at them one by one, but it seemed that no one could appreciate his ability.

"Huh!" Montai discouraged the solicitations.

If you want to find a master, it is difficult to find a master. At least today, he is a high weight.


Chen Tianshan, after the Chaohui, returned to his house.

Around the Quartet, a large number of cities have fallen, but Chen Tianshan was helpless for a while.

In the hall.

"Liangyi? Are you here for me?" Chen Tianshan looked at a handsome man in front of him.

"Three grandpas!" The man Chen Liangyi looked a little awkward.

"How? You, like those people, want to persuade me to surrender to a certain force? The Emperor Wudi?" Chen Tianshan stared.

"No, no, Grandpa San, I'm not persuading you to join a certain force!" Chen Liangyi said immediately.

"Oh? That's good!" Chen Tianshan sighed slightly.

"Lianyi, the emperor was only introduced when your father died. The emperor was very gentle with Chen Guo. Although you have no great ability, the emperor has given you a title. It is time to be content and not to be like that group Things, always thinking of selling the country! "Chen Tianshan taught.

Chen Liangyi glanced at Chen Tianshan: "Three grandpas, I know that you are the best to me, and we are also the most dear ones, but, some words, I don't know what to say!"

"As long as it is not a traitor, you can say it!" Chen Tianshan shook his head.

"Grandpa, how could I have thought of selling the country? All of this is our Chen family, how could I sell it?" Chen Liangyi shook his head.

"Huh?" Chen Tianshan suddenly shrank his pupils. Looking coldly at Chen Liangyi.

"In the beginning, the Dahan Dynasty, I also gave Chen Guo to the emperor. Now, the third grandfather is the king of the Tianshan Dynasty, and the emperor is ridiculed. The third grandfather is the biggest in the dynasty. Naturally, this thing that originally belonged to my country should be Take it back, Grandpa San, do you mean? "Chen Liangyi whispered.

"Presumptuous, Chen Liangyi, you are bold!" Chen Tianshan glared, and suddenly stood up in anger.

"Tongtong!" Chen Liangyi knelt down.

"Grandpa, where am I wrong? Guhai was just a rich merchant of my country Chen. Wasn't it all my country at the beginning? Grandpa, ancient sea was ridiculed, all this is naturally ours! You can also ascend the throne As the emperor, the king will come to the world, and we will have the vitality to return to the country, so we don't have to be afraid of the Quartet forces! "Chen Liangyi eagerly cried.

"Ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha, Chen Liangyi, you are really crazy, want to swallow the Dahan dynasty? Ha ha ha, come on! Give me Chen Liangyi into the prison!" Chen Tianshan eyes closed stare.

"Yes!" A large number of guards rushed into the hall and arrested Chen Liangyi.

"My grandfather, I am good for you, my goodness, grandpa, this is my Chen family, grandpa, no, don't catch me!" Chen Liangyi said in panic.

"Chen Liangyi, think about it in the face of Tian prison first, hum, greed is not enough to swallow elephants! The Dahan dynasty can only be the emperor's Dahan dynasty. It is not called the Dahan dynasty. Take it! "Chen Tianshan stared.


"Three grandpas!"




PS: Going to the field today, the update is slightly unstable. The first is much earlier.

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