Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 27: Rescue Shangguan marks

Thirty-two World Games!

The chess game is extremely complicated. In the past Halloween Convention, the ancient sea chess ability has entered the first thirty-two, but it is only the first time. The chess course is not like other spiritual practice. The chess course requires opponents. The potential of a person is unlimited. Opponents can constantly sharpen their chess skills.

Gu Hai's opponent chose the old man who watched chess.

Moreover, the chess game of the old man watching chess, from twenty-eight, to twenty-nine, thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two, is a progressive process, which just allows Gu Hai to see opponents with different chess skills.

Guhai has now hit thirty-two, but just entered the game. Now that there is a complete chess game, Guhai's chess power can break through again.

The full version of Thirty-two is indeed vast and profound. In the ancient sea's mind, it is constantly dismantling chess games, and it is constantly simulating the game. For a time, the mind is immersed in it.

In the eyebrows, four hundred chess souls are also constantly enlightening, and gradually, if there is any gain, the chessboard that sits down suddenly has four chessboards suddenly merged.


The four-board game turned into a huge chessboard. The four chess souls merged into one. Suddenly, the chessboard was more concentrated.

"Slap!" "Slap!" "Slap!" ...............

Other chessboards are continually merging, and getting faster and faster, just seven days.


All the chessboards were successfully merged into a one-four-four-four merger board. Chess also condensed to only a hundred.

Looking at it, five more days passed.

"Should this be the position?" Gu Hai suddenly looked at a position on the thirty-two chessboard.


The ancient sea is exciting. Seems awake.

"The old man who watched chess was wrong? No, no, he was right, I did the right thing. His move is his style, and my move is my style. Previously, I learned his chess, but I haven't lost my style. I have my way, thirty-two? This can only be used as a reference, but my opponent, not my imitation! "Gu Hai's eyes were condensed.

Just a moment from the ancient sea figured out.


In the center of his brow, a large chessboard suddenly condensed, removing some unnecessary superfluities, and suddenly condensed into a small chessboard with nineteen vertical and horizontal lines.

The chessboard has shrunk, but it is more complicated.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka!"

One chessboard after another, a hundred large chessboards, as if the ancient seas suddenly became epiphany, quickly condensed, only five days, they condensed into a hundred small chessboards.

Hundreds of chess souls, also slowly filled with a hazy white gas.

Ancient sea chess power has been improved again. After digesting the thirty-two world chess games, although the ancient sea chess course was different from the old man who watched chess, the chess strength was actually as high as thirty-two.

"Zhou Tianqi? Oh, Zhou Tian's swordsmanship is constantly being promoted. Unfortunately, today's power can only be sustained until Sunday, Friday, Saturday and Saturday are extremely hurting, unfortunately ..." Gu Hai smiled bitterly.

Zhou Tian's swordsmanship is based on ancient sea chess skills. Nowadays, the chess skills increase again, but unfortunately they cannot be used.

"It ’s a good thing to increase the chess power. It ’s a good game for thirty-two worlds? It ’s all mastered. The old man ’s chess power is really powerful, but I do n’t know, how can he sharpen his chess power? The enhancement of the chess course requires opponents, and he has opponents Gu? "Gu Hai showed a hint of doubt, but was puzzled.

After thinking about it, I couldn't figure it out, but Gu Hai turned it out and took another picture.

"Before, chess was not enough, and I realized that it hurts me, but now, it's almost!" Gu Hai carefully opened the picture.

It is a map.

A chart of the thousand islands. Thousands of islands are clearly and accurately arranged on this chart.

In the eyes of others, it is just an ordinary map, but in the eyes of the ancient sea, these islands seem to be beating. One picture contains the wrath of thunder, endless lightning, heavy rain, and tsunami. In this picture, the riot is ordinary.

"Thirty-three heavens and earth battles?" Gu Hai's eyes condensed.

The chart of Qiandaohai was a game of chess played by the old man and the six immortals in the past, an unfinished game.

Just waiting for the ancient sea to study in depth.

"Your Majesty, Yinyuehai has arrived!" Chang Ming's voice came from outside the hall.

Gu Hai looked at the chart in his hand and carefully closed it. Stepped out of the hall.

The flying boat was flying high, and between the clouds and fog, you could see a huge sea area in front of you. However, at this moment, a lot of clouds were floating in the sea area, and a handful of them were extremely hazy.

"Extreme Shangguan marks, just above that central island, Your Majesty, do we need to fly over?" Changming asked.

"Fly over? Oh, what you see are fake, this is a thirty-two big array, no, it's just a simplified version!" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed.

"Thirty-two worlds?" Chang Ming looked.

"Yes, it's just an illusion. As He pointed out, Feizhou flew inward!" Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" The vampires answered.

The flying boat circled the surrounding clouds and began to fly.

Spare an area.


Suddenly, the surrounding winds were violently stormy, rainstorms were around, the tsunami was soaring into the sky, and suddenly the Yinyuehai suddenly changed.

"Your Majesty, have we touched a large array? Found?" Chang Ming worried.

"It's just an illusion. Continue to fly and follow the direction of the cricket!" Gu Hai pointed in the other direction.

"call out!"

The flying boat flew away.

Suddenly, the torrential rain all around suddenly disappeared, the sky was refreshing, and then snow and goose feathers flew for a moment.

"This is it? Really an illusion?" Chang Ming exclaimed.

"Thirty-two? Already a world of its own, be careful!" Gu Hai ordered.


Flying boat slowly flying-

Silvermoon Island.

Shangguanhen sits in a small courtyard. Outside the small courtyard, there is a turtle-shaped enchantment. A lot of golden light bloomed. Inside, a large number of basalts constantly urged the turtle-shaped enchantment. Outside, at this moment, a group of black-robed men and basalts were also standing. It seems to be destroying the tortoise.

"Shangguanhen, open the enchantment, and follow me to Yitiange!"

But it was Fengjing Extreme, looking at the turtle-shaped enchantment gloomily.

Behind Feng Jing, followed by a group of black robes of Yitiange, and a large amount of basalt, it seems to be cracking the turtle-shaped enchantment.

Shangguanhen sat in the small courtyard, beside Miao Chen and other elders of the basalts who were upright, worried.

"Yinyuehai, I live very well and don't want to leave! You go, I'm here!" Shangguan Mark said faintly.

"Are you waiting for the ancient sea? Haha, the ancient sea will not come. The Dahan Emperor has just set up. How many things have not been dealt with, how could he come? And, the few basalts you sent have already trusted me. , Only to tell Gu Hai, you are not inconvenienced, you don't need him to come. Gu Hai will not come! "Feng Jing Supreme sneered.

"The ten elders of Yitiange, at that time the Xuanwu tribe was the old man who watched chess. They did everything they could, and at the highest ridicule, the fire of Xuanwu God almost extinguished. Now, you Yitiange want revenge?" Said coldly.

Outside, Feng Xuan Supreme aside, a man in a black robe sighed slightly: "Shangguan marks, you misunderstood, we will not hurt you, just want to invite you to Yi Tian Ge! It was 800 years ago, the owner Accountable! Only good for you. "

"The old man told me to watch chess? What did he explain?" Shangguan marks coldly.

"Before explaining the resurrection, please ask the Xuanwu God to enter the Yitian Pavilion. Help the current Supreme to restore the peak time of the Supreme 800 years ago." Ten elders said.

"Well, what if I don't want to?" Shangguan marks coldly.

"Wish not to be with you, but this is an explanation from the patron, and it offends you!" Said the ten elder Shen.

There was a depression on Shangguanhen's face: "Extreme Fengjing, are you stupid or crazy? Can't see, go to Yitian?"

"The end? Oh, the stupid person is you, Shangguanhen, the Xuanwu tribe has been tied to Yi Tiange, and it was determined 800 years ago. This time, you and I will be trained to reach my 800 years ago. At the peak, what are you doing silly there? Follow me, if you do n’t, my cultivation will be limited.

"Go to Yitiange, restore the peak, and fight against the Six Immortals again? You want to die, I don't want to." Shangguanhen said coldly.

"Well, your wings are stiff? Are you up to the Heavenly Palace or entrusting me with blessings? Now, use the mysterious turtle formation to stop us? Shangguanhen, today, you have to go, you have to go, just broken. You Xuangui array, I will also take you! "Feng Jing Extreme stared.

Shangguanhen's face sank.

"Also, the ten elders have set up a formation in Yinyuehai to isolate everything inside and outside. This Yinyuehai has become its own world. Don't expect anyone else to ask for help. Today, you have to go, and you do n’t have to go. Have to go. Give me to continue to break, mysterious turtle formation, but there are flaws, only I know, I will break it later! "Feng Feng Extreme said.



Xuanwu inside and outside suddenly hit the Xuangui array method, external damage, internal repair.

Shangguanhen's face was gloomy.

"Extreme, the news can't go out, the figurine is isolated!" Miao Chen worried.

"Broken!" Feng Jing Supreme suddenly pointed a little at Xuangui array.


Suddenly, a crack appeared in the Xuangui array boundary, and the crack gradually became larger.

"Ten days, this mystic turtle enchantment is supported for a maximum of ten days. I don't think you will follow me!" Feng Jing said in a cold voice.

Ten elders looked at Feng Jing Supreme and said, "This Shangguan mark has always been disobedient, why not go to Yitiange and reshape his body like Gu Qin, so that he can only be loyal to you?"

"Okay, wait another ten days, and we'll go!" Feng Jing sneered.

A group of powerful men were destroying the Xuangui formation, but they did not find that, above the heads of the people, the ancient sea's flying boat had stopped there. The ancient sea stepped on the flying boat and looked coldly at everything below.

"Oh, it's a coincidence that you're here. In ten days, Shangguan marks will be beaten!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Your Majesty, why can we hear them? They can't see or hear us?" Changming was surprised.

"Thirty-two formations, the ten elders only need to have a little fur, they can only set it up, but they don't know how to use it, naturally they can't see us!" Gu Haidandan said.

"Have a good game of chess, admire him!" Chang Ming nodded and admired. Mobile users please visit http://m.piaotian.net

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