Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 29: Ao Dragon Blood

Thousands of islands, where the island of Jiuwu was once.

The nine-five islands flew away and turned into an unbounded heavenly capital. At this moment, once again a giant island fell, but it was the land pressure city of the former Sun Temple.

Without the demon garrison, the land pressure city settled off Qiandaohai. Everything seemed extremely peaceful.

In the center of the island, the former temples changed their names at this moment to ‘Aushun Palace’.

A group of guards walked around, guarding the place.

In Ao Shun Palace, Ao Shun has woke up from the retreat, but at this moment he is just like a host and is receiving a guest. A man in a gold robe.

Ao Shun sat on a chair in the center of the hall, and some guards served fragrant tea. After taking a sip of tea, Ao Shun looked at the man in front of his eyes for a moment: "Oh, Shimako, you are really a good tool. I live in Qiandaohai for a while, you can find it!"

The man in Jinpao smiled slightly: "Prince Ao Shun is famous all over the world. It is not difficult to find you. In the past, you made your last appearance in Lu Yacheng. I also heard that Lu Yacheng filled Qiandaohai. , Prince Ao Shun really is here! "

Ao Shun looked coldly at Shi Zhenzi: "Looking for me? Oh, still want me to conquer your western waters? In the last battle, if you were not ordered by your father and king to spare you, can you still stand in front of me today?"

"In the past, my Xihai Dragons had a misunderstanding with Prince Ao Shun, but ........." Shi Zhenzi explained.

"Wait? Xihai Dragons? Oh, Xihai Dais, not Xihai Dragons!" Ao Shun Shen said.

"But, I have already become a dragon!" Shi Zhenzi argued.

"Dragon? Oh, I admit that you have become dragons, but please don't insult the word" Xihai Dragons ". 800,000 years ago, the Xihai Dragons destroyed the family. However, it does not mean that you can replace them. .

Shi Zhenzi's face was gloomy, but still calm.

"Well, let's go, Xihai King, what do you want to do?" Ao Shun said in a deep voice.

"Prince Ao Shun, the protagonist is the Dragon King!" Shi Zhenzi refused at the moment.

Ao Shun sneered: "Don't talk nonsense, what does Di Shitian ask you to do! Doesn't he hate to see me most?"

"The principal asked me to come and invite Prince Ao Shun to enter the West and reopen the Dragon Palace!" Shi Zhenzi solemnly said.

"Reopening the Dragon Palace? Xihai Dragon Palace?" Ao Shun frowned suddenly.

"Yes, please Prince Ao Shun to enter the West Sea and reopen the West Sea Dragon Palace."

"Oh? What does Di Shitian want to do? Let me preside over the Xihai Dragon Palace?" Ao Shun wondered.

"Uh, Prince Ao Shun may have misunderstood. It was the host who reopened the Xihai Dragon Palace, not Prince Ao Shun, and Prince Ao Shun just assisted!" Shi Zhenzi explained.

Ao Shun suddenly shrank his pupils.

"Ha, ha, ha ha ha ha, Emperor Shitian, so brave? Really thought that he joined Lingshan Holy Land and was named as the leader of the dragons in the Eight Dragons Tribe, thinking that he could reopen the Dragon Palace? He really did when he was Xihai Dragon King? "Ao Shun suddenly said coldly.

"Prince Ao Shun, you can't say that. The Xihai Dragon Tribe is gone. What about the Lord's reopening of the Xihai Dragon Palace?" Shi Zhenzi said in a deep voice.

"Well, 800,000 years ago, the four sea dragon palaces were surnamed Ao, do you know why the last name is Ao?" Ao Shun said coldly.

"Dragon God?" Shi Zhenzi looked at Ao Shun.

"You know it!" Ao Shun said coldly, "The Four Dragon Gods are all condensed by my ancestors of Ao Family. They are the ancestors of the Dragon family. Only I Ao Family can open the Dragon Palace. Dragon Palace is my Ao Family ancestor. Only to inherit the Dragon God! Emperor Shitian? A wild dragon, dare to open the Dragon Palace? Invited the dragons of the world? Establish yourself as the supreme dragon? A joke! "

Shi Zhenzi was not in a hurry, and smiled slightly: "Ao Tianhuang is dead. Presumably, the dragon **** has also been destroyed by the six immortals. Now that the dragons have no head, why can't they be the main character? Moreover, how do you know that the main character does not have a cohesive dragon character? "

"Huh?" Ao Shun suddenly looked at Shi Zhenzi coldly.

"800,000 years, not only your Aoshi, but also the new dragon **** has been condensed in the protagonist. Why is there no qualification to order the dragons of the world? As soon as the Xihai Dragon Palace is opened, the dragons of the world are invited, and the protagonist and the Holy Mountain Holy Land are allied with the holy place Then, who dares to touch us? "Shi Zhenzi laughed.

"The Eight Dragons Department? The Dragon Departments? Di Shitian really sold a good price. 800,000 years ago, the destruction of the Xihai Dragon Palace was because of the Lingshan Holy Land. Now, Di Shitian wants to reopen the Xihai Dragon Palace? Do Lingshan Holy Land Eagle Dog? Would you like to invite me to open the palace? Hahahahaha, ridiculous! "Ao Shun said coldly.

"Prince Ao Shun, now you have been expelled from the Beihai Dragon Palace, why not join the Xihai Dragon Palace? The lord promised that as long as you enter the Xihai Dragon Palace, he will allow you, only under his dragon, above all other dragons! "Shimako tempted.

"Let me surrender him? Joke, hum, want to borrow my hand and invite the Dragon family? Borrow my blood to help him open the Xihai Dragon Palace? Dreaming!" Ao Shun said coldly.

"The protagonist is now united with the dragon god. It is not difficult to break the dragon palace. It is just that you don't want to destroy the internal things. You only need your blood. Prince Ao Shun, the protagonist sincerely invites you to create a great cause! Restore the dragon family. Hegemony! "Shi Zhenzi invited.

"The King of the Four Seas can only surname Ao, never the Emperor. I won't let the ancestors and ancestors be ashamed, and Emperor Sha Tian will condense the dragon god. I don't care, but don't mess with me, otherwise, don't blame me! Ao Shun said coldly.

"Prince Ao Shun ...!" Shi Zhenzi was anxious.

"Huh?" Ao Shun stared.

In a blink of an eye, a huge murderous intention came out of his eyes, and went straight to Shi Zhenzi, whose hair was vertical and his face was horrified.

As Ao Shun was about to drop off passengers, there was a sudden voice outside the hall.

"Prince Ao Shun, Elder Lin of the Clan of Dragons asks for a meeting!" A guard outside shouted.

"Oh? Uncle Lin? Please come in!" Ao Shun smiled.

Suddenly, a middle-aged man in gray clothes stepped into the hall.

"Uncle Lin, how did you find it?" Ao Shun's face showed a touch of affection.

"Prince Shun, you have lived here for a few years, but have been reluctant to go back?" Elder Lin smiled with a bitter smile.

"Will go back, but not now?" Ao Shun shook his head and sighed slightly.

"Shizhengzi? Why are you here?" Elder Lin sank.

Shi Zhenzi smiled slightly: "Elder Lin, don't come here!"

"Di Shitian is delusional and wants to ask me to help him open the Xihai Dragon Palace? Joke!" Ao Shun shook his head.

"Oh?" Elder Lin's face sank. "The emperor's release is really brave. The lineage of the dragon clan is inherited. There is no room for confusion. He dares to meddle? Really!"

"Elder Lin, you are wrong. Your purpose is actually the same as yours. You invited Prince Ao Shun to return to Beihai Dragon Palace. I invited Prince Ao Shun to Xihai Dragon Palace! It was all for the blood of Prince Ao Shun. "Shi Zhenzi smiled.

"What did you say?" Elder Lin sneered.

"Elder Lin, didn't you tell Prince Ao Shun? You have completely loyal to the new Dragon King, Ao Sheng. But?" Shi Zhenzi laughed.

"Dragon King?" Ao Shun frowned slightly at Elder Lin.

"Prince Ao Shun, Ao Sheng has succeeded to the throne, officially becoming the new Dragon King of the North Sea, the supreme new dragon family!" Shi Zhenzi explained.

"What Beihai Dragon King? Elder Lin, dragon rules, have you forgotten it? Beihai Dragon King, but he wants to jump the dragon gate, he Aosheng ...!" Ao Shun looked to Elder Lin.

"Prince Ao Sheng has already jumped over the Dragon Gate. The Supreme Decay, my Beihai Dragon God was overthrown, but a trace of magical fire was left on the Dragon Gate for the sake of inheritance. New Dragon God! "Elder Lin nodded wryly.

"It's impossible, jumping the dragon gate? Even me, it's not always possible. How did he do it? He didn't just make the palace?" Ao Shun's face changed.

"Ao Sheng did it in front of all our dragons! According to the rules, all dragons must respect him as king!" Elder Lin smiled bitterly.

Ao Shun frowned: "Why, why did he increase so fast?"

"I don't know, but none of this matters anymore, does it?" Elder Lin smiled bitterly.

"Actually, what we are most looking forward to is that you can become the new Dragon King, but ..., alas, I hope you don't blame us. This is the ancestral teaching of the Dragon family, I must ...!" Elder Lin smiled bitterly.

Ao Shun took a deep breath and nodded his head: "Well, if he wants to be the Dragon King, let him do it, rest assured, I won't fight with him, after all, it's my brother!"

"The Dragon King sent us this time, but he wanted to ask you to go back. After all, you are his elder brother, and he will seal you as the prince. They are all Ao Dragons, please go back and revive the Dragons!" Elder Lin looked forward. .

"Go back? Oh! Will he want me to go back?" Ao Shun sneered.

"Speaking of which, I seem to have heard it a little. Ao Sheng dug the ancestral tomb and swallowed the countless dragon souls in the dragon grave! It was only cultivated as a growing one! Only need Prince Ao Shun to go back to the blood sacrifice. "Shi Zhenzi smiled suddenly.

"Nonsense! Shi Zhenzi, dare you provoked me to Beihai Dragon Palace?" Elder Lin stared.

Ao Shun sank.

"Isn't it? Elder Lin, do you want the Beihai Dragons to regain their former glory, and you want to go crazy? Ao Sheng opened Dragon Tomb, and you don't care about it? Is it because he is the Dragon King?" Shi Zhenzi sneered.

"The monsters are bewildering, I've stunned you!" Elder Lin's eyes seemed to be shot.

"Uncle Lin, stop!" Ao Shun's face turned cold, and he immediately stopped in front of Elder Lin, turned to look at Shi Zhenzi, his face was cold, as if you didn't give a word, don't want to leave today.

"I am foolish and confused? Do you think that the Beihai Dragon Palace can hide everything? Has Beihai Dragon Palace recently added an army of bone dragons? An army of ghost dragons?" Shi Zhenzi sneered.

"That doesn't mean anything ...!" Elder Lin stared.

"Uncle Lin, what Shi Zhenzi said is true? Ao Sheng really dug his ancestor's grave and opened a long grave?" Ao Shun's face was dark.

"Not only that, Elder Lin didn't come here to talk to you. If I guessed well, if you refuse to go back with him, he will forcibly take you away!" Shi Zhenzi sneered.

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