Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 31: Fight against Buddha and Monkey King

Ao Shun followed Gu Hai. Leaving Shi Zhenzi and Elder Lin standing at the mouth of Ao Shun Palace for a long time.

"What's going on, what's going on?" The two were furious. Each flew into the sea quickly--

Shenzhou, the land of the west. Above a sea, there is a huge island. On the island, there are numerous flowers and various fruits, and there are a lot of monkeys playing on the island.

In the mountains, there is a waterfall. After the waterfall water curtain, there is a large hole, and monkeys shuttle inside and outside the hole, happy.

At this time, an old monk wearing a **** stepped into the mountain. The monk was kind-looking, thin, and wrinkled.

"How's the fight against the Buddha recently?" The old monk asked, looking at a monkey.

"The king has been sitting on the top of the mountain recently and hasn't played with us anymore, I don't know, past the Buddha!" ​​A monkey respectfully said.

The old monk is the past Buddha of the third Buddha in Lingshan Holy Land.

In the past, the Buddha looked up at the boulder on the top of the mountain not far away.

Sitting on the boulder is Sun Wukong, who was summoned by the ancient sea in the past.

Sun Wukong was wearing armor, and a red cloak fluttered in the wind behind him, sitting on the top of the boulder, with a dog's tail grass in his mouth, his face gaunt and blankly looking out to the sea.

"The Infinite Sovereign Buddha, the Monkey King Qitian Dasheng of the Huaguo Shanshui curtain cave defeated the Buddha, Sun Wukong. I don't know what I was thinking?" In the past, when the Buddha stepped on his foot, his body appeared next to Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong did not look at the Buddha.

"Old deaf, I can speak, can you hear? Aren't your third Buddha all disabled? Deaf, dumb, blind?" Sun Wukong dismissed.

"Although the poor monk is deaf, he can listen attentively!" The Buddha smiled slightly in the past.

"Cut, you can hear, pretend to be deaf, boring!" Sun Wukong ignored.

"Dou defeated the Buddha, this Huaguo Mountain, I wonder if you live comfortably? What more needs to be said than me?" The Buddha smiled slightly in the past.

"It's all fake. What's so comfortable about it? These monkeys were all arranged by you, monitor me? Hey, how can grandpa grandfather play with them? Boring!" Sun Wukong said impatiently at the dog tail grass.

"In the past, Dou defeated the Buddha alone and broke into the Great Hall of the Holy Mountain Holy Spirit. The Buddha was merciful. Not only did you forgive you for your guilt, but you are also dissatisfied with fighting the Buddha. Do you have any dissatisfaction with fighting the Buddha?" The past Buddha laughed.

"Well, Rulai is a virtue, huh, I was fooled by Rulai last time, let me stay, don't you want to tell me?" Sun Wukong sneered.

"Rulai? There is another Rulai? Fighting over Buddha, I wonder where you saw Rulai?" The Buddha looked curiously at Sun Wukong in the past.

Sun Wukong suddenly turned his head to look at the past Buddha: "Giggle, past Buddha, do you want to talk to me?"

In the past, the Buddha smiled bitterly: "The victory over the Buddha is now part of the Holy Mountain Holy Land. There is no need to hide the news about the Buddha?"

"No need to conceal it? You lend me all the treasures of the Holy Mountain Holy Land for a while, would you?" Sun Wukong sneered.

"What do you want?" The Buddha groaned in the past.

"Jiupin Jinlian, Reincarnation Pool, Bafang Liuli Lamp! How?" Sun Wukong laughed.

In the past, the Buddha smiled slightly bitterly: "If it is other, of course it doesn't matter. This is the magic weapon of the 16th National Congress of the Ancient People's Republic of China. It is the treasure of Zhenshan in my holy place!"

"If you don't give it, why don't you have so much nonsense? Hurry and hurry ........., don't affect my mood!" Sun Wukong waved away the guest.

In the past, the Buddha gave a slight sigh and nodded: "The Buddha and we all want to help you, but you don't tell us the situation, how can we help you?"

"Walk!" Sun Wukong waved his hand impatiently.

In the past, the Buddha sighed slightly and flew towards the distance.

"call out!"

In a blink of an eye, the Buddha flew away in the past, and soon, the Buddha landed in the mouth of an extremely majestic palace. Temple name, Nobita treasure hall.

Monks walked around the Noble Hall.

In the center of the square, at this moment a group of monks are holding two figures, one is the current Buddha in a gold robe. The other was a woman in white veil.

"Buddha, that Sun Wukong still has a very tight mouth, and would not say anything. So it seems that the solution of the bell still needs to be a bell person, and we still need to ask the ancient sea to ask?" The Buddha frowned in the past.

Now Buddha's brow frowned slightly: "It's also a good thing that the splashing monkey doesn't leave. Don't press too hard, he will always speak one day."

"Buddha, in my opinion, he is strong and directs him with a hoop curse!" The woman in white frowned.

"No!" Said the Buddha now.

Now the Buddha's mouth is not moving, but a thick voice comes out.

"Oh?" The woman in white wondered.

On the one hand, the Buddha laughed bitterly and said, "Nanlong Girl, you often live in the Purple Bamboo Forest in the South China Sea. You have never seen this monkey-eating Lingshan holy land. He is a fierce child. The distinct person, if it is not for the Buddha ’s policy of Huairou, and he was defeated by the Buddha, I do n’t know how many incidents there are. This monkey, with his Taoism and the Buddha ’s power, is quite strange. Only with a false name can we be stable, if it is strong, it must not be! "

Nanlong Girl's brows frowned slightly: "So, only from the ancient sea?"

"No hurry, less than one year, the old man who watched the chess resurrection meeting, you can see the ancient sea, for the time being first from Sun Wukong!" The Buddha shook his head in the past.

"Okay!" Nan Longnu nodded.

At the same time, at the top of Huaguo Mountain, Sun Wukong looked at the sea in the distance, but showed a sneer.

"Zhuzhulin, Nanlong Girl? Oh, why is there no Guanyin Bodhisattva? There is no Guanyin Bodhisattva in this world? A dragon girl has replaced it? But yes, this world is really weird. A group of old bald men want to count me? There are countless monkeys and monkeys. In the past, they have visited the brothers six-eared macaques and six-eared magical powers. You can hear the three realms of the Three Realms. Although Lao Tzu did not learn all of him, it is not easy to listen to the words of you bald men?

"Well, I don't know if my group of worshiping brothers are looking for me!" Sun Wukong sighed slightly.

What Sun Wukong didn't know was that after he disappeared, all the worshipping brothers had found him. Unfortunately, Sun Wukong of the earth's fairyland had been dropped. The six-eared macaque turned to investigate and staged a real and fake Sun Wukong. But the black hand of the earth came.

"My grandson is greedy for vanity? Hey, the old bald is the old bald. The old grandson is here to borrow your spiritual mountain holy place to help me find out what happened. Every day you have new news, you think I ca n’t hear it. As long as I disclose something occasionally, you will desperately check it, giggling, both are the same, neither is a good thing, blame me! "Sun Wukong sneered.

Sun Wukong sat on the boulder and was still stunned.


Suddenly, a bat fanned its wings from the forest to the place where Sun Wukong was.


Sun Wukong called amusedly, seeming to scare away the bat.

The bat was not afraid of Sun Wukong, and wrapped around Sun Wukong's body for a while, then suddenly fell into the hands of Sun Wukong.

Just after a while, it flew away instantly.

Wukong frowned slightly. Clenched his fist and watched the bat slowly disappear into view.

After a while, Sun Wukong unfolded his right hand and a note on his right hand. The first sentence of the note, Sun Wukong suddenly changed his face.

"Lingtai Fangcun Mountain, Xingyue Sanxingdong!"

Seeing these ten words, Sun Wukong almost stood up. Is this ...? There was an excitement in his eyes. This is the residence of Bodhisattva, the master of Bodhisattva. I have never told anyone about it.

Then the next sentence.

"You have been watched, and be careful to avoid, a black rocky island three million miles north, come to me!"

Looking at the note, Sun Wukong's eyes rolled straight.


The slip of paper in the hands was immediately kneaded into powder. Sun Wukong continued to look at the sea.

After watching it for a while, I stretched out and walked down the mountain.

"The king, the king, the little ones made a dance and showed it to the king?" A group of monkeys suddenly rushed up eagerly.

"No, I'll take a break and don't bother me!" Sun Wukong said lightly.

"Oh!" The monkeys nodded.

Stepping into the water curtain hole, Sun Wukong hid in a room and fell asleep. The other monkeys were afraid to approach.

When the monkey went out, Sun Wukong spied a little and turned a stone into himself, but Sun Wukong himself turned into a mosquito and flew out slowly.

Slowly flew out of Huaguoshan Island.

Out of Huaguo Mountain, Sun Wukong turned into the original shape, a flash of eagerness, a somersault, suddenly tens of thousands of miles, and then another somersault, flying quickly towards the northern seas.

Anxious with enthusiasm, it felt like finally finding an organization.

It didn't take long for Sun Wukong to find the black stone island.

"Master? Is that you? Master!" Sun Wukong called eagerly.

But the Bodhi ancestor did not come out, but in a group of stones, came out of the four people in black robes.

For the first one, he lifted his hat and smiled, "Qi Tiansheng, long time no see!"

"Is it you? Gu Hai?" Sun Wukong raised a brow and stared.

"It's me. This place is near Lingshan Holy Land. Although you come out quietly, accidents will inevitably occur. If not, let's find another place to talk about how?" Gu Hai laughed.

Sun Wukong stared at Gu Hai for a while, a flash of alert flashed in his eyes. Although he did not see much threat from Gu Hai, being able to rescue himself from under Wuzhishan was a threat in itself. go with.

"Let's go!" Cried Gu Hai.

"Hum!" Sun Wukong snorted, but did not refuse.

The group flew off the island quickly and headed for the other shore. Soon flew to a very remote mountain forest land, but this place was arranged by the ancient sea to a gazebo.

Gu Hai fell into the pavilion with three men in black robes, but Sun Wukong suddenly spewed out a golden light, glanced around.

"Gold eyes? Huh, rest assured, I'm not here!" Gu Hai said lightly. Mobile users please visit http://m.piaotian.net

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