Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 41: Waves just flat, waves again!

With the passage of time, the Dragon Palace enchantment was more and more damaged, and more and more water poured down, and the entire Dragon Palace was drowned.

In the Longmen area, the terrain is not high. At this moment, the flood is more than two people, and it is still rising rapidly.

Long Shenwu and Emperor Shitian are also angry at this moment. Anyone who is crushed by a small person who can't be seen before will feel bad.

However, even if the two team together, they are not the same as the ancient sea opponents.

The foundation of the ancient sea is too strong. It only fights for physical strength, and it is invincible at the same level.

If you are the same level, you will be defeated, but the ancient sea in Zhongtian Temple, the two will not be reconciled. If you cannot remove the ancient sea today, the ancient sea will be like a thorn in your throat and become your own demon.


Not far away, Shangguan marks crawled weakly onto a larger stone. At this moment, his body was extremely weak.

On the other side, Chang Ming played against Ao Sheng, and Ao Sheng shot again and again.

"Are you all dead? And the dragon clan of Di Shitian will not come in yet!" Ao Sheng growled.

Numerous dragons have not entered the Longmen area before, because entering this area, all laws are prohibited, and their bodies gain millions of times instantly. Movement is inconvenient.

Zhongtian Temple did not dare to enter, and there were those who went to Heaven Temple, but the cultivation was not overbearing, inconvenient to move, and worried about death. After all, the aftermath of the ancient sea battle and the lasing stones were extremely horrible to them.

However, at this moment, the two parties are deadlocked. Ao Sheng roared.

Groups of dragons swim hard.

Upon entering it, the pain of being suppressed at once was incomparable, but it still headed towards the center.

"Come on, grab Shangguan marks!" Ao Sheng roared.

"Ang!" "Ang!" ………………

A group of dragons swim towards Shangguan marks.

"Dare you!" Chang Ming exaggerated, exclaiming.

"Dare you dare not get away? Smelly bat, now your opponent is me!" Ao Sheng stopped to Changming facelessly.

Suddenly, Chang Ming was unable to rescue.

"Who dares to move Shangguan marks is to avenge the uncle, never die!" Gu Hai roared suddenly.

"Uh?" The dragons in the distance suddenly froze.

Remembered by Gu Hai?

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha, endlessly? Go, take Shangguan marks!" Long Shenwu said suddenly.

"His Majesty?"

"The ancient sea was just arrogant, hum, waited out of the Longmen area, he just entered Zhongtian Temple, how could he never stop dying and get Shangguan marks for the uncle!" Long Shenwu's eyes glared.


Suddenly, a large number of dragons pounced on Shangguan.

Di Shitian didn't stop, because at the moment the two also found out that even if they shot with all their strength, they could not kill the ancient sea in Longmen District. Now, only the sword walks away, and Shangguan marks distracts the ancient sea.

"Let's die!" Gu Hai suddenly rushed to the two.

"Boom, boom!"

Emperor Shitian and Dragon God Wu were immediately blown out.

Gu Hai wanted to rush to the upper mark, but Emperor Shitian and Long Shenwu came to Gu Hai again in an instant.

"Want to go? Hahahahaha, you can't get away!" Long Shenwu sneered sneer.

The dragons were getting closer and closer to Shangguan.

Shangguanhen is weak and weak at this moment. How can there be strength to resist?

Shangguanhen smiled bitterly: "Your Majesty, I'm dragging you down again!"

Just when Shangguanhen was helpless, he felt guilty.

"Ang ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

A sudden loud noise came from Longmen, but it was Ao Shun's voice.


But I saw that in the sky, the white halo ball suddenly converged and quickly shrank into a white light ball.

Ao Shun's huge dragon body suddenly appeared, opened his mouth, and swallowed the white light ball instantly.

"Ao Shun?" Ao Sheng's face changed.

"Xihai Dragon God?" Di Shitian also sank.

"Xihai Dragon God, Ao Shunding lives up to your high hopes, thank you!" Ao Shun sighed with great solemnity.

"Ao Shun, save Shangguan marks!" Gu Hai shouted.

At high altitude, Ao Shun excitedly, looked down, and immediately saw the fierce fighting below.

With ten dragons already at Shangguan marks, it seems that Shangguan marks should be torn apart.


With a roar, Ao Shun flew into the body, and instantly entered below.

Even in the Longmen area, Ao Shun did not know why, and suddenly was able to cast magic power.


As soon as the powerful Long Wei came out, the surrounding water exploded instantly, and the air of Long Wei was several times stronger than the previous one, and all the people in the battle below suddenly changed their faces.

"Your cultivation has increased so much?" Ao Sheng's face changed.


Ao Shun landed on the side of Shangguanhen, and the tail of the black dragon slammed.


In the void, ten giant dragon tails appeared, and they threw away suddenly towards ten faceless dragons.

"Don't!" "Help!" "No!" ...............

The dragons shouted in horror.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The dragons, like artillery shells, shot in all directions, crashed into a crowd of black stones, and immediately collapsed all mountains and rivers.

"Puff puff!"……………………

The dragons vomited blood all at once, and the paralysis softened, as if the whole body's bones had been shattered by Ao Shun. The terrified paralysis was distant and could not move easily.

The other dragons who were about to pounce on them suddenly became agitated. His complexion fled everywhere.

Ao Shun did not pursue, but turned into a human form, and raised Shangguan marks.

"Extreme Shangguan? Have you lost your cultivation?" Ao Shun changed his face.

Shangguanhen smiled bitterly and nodded.

Ao Shun helped Shangguanhen look at two battlefields not far away. Seeing Gu Hai alone fighting Emperor Shi Tian and Dragon God Wu, his eyelids jumped wildly.

"The ancient emperor was mighty! The father said that it was true. The foundation of the ancient emperor was too thick!" Ao Shun smiled bitterly.

Turned his head and looked at the other side again.

Ao Sheng battled Changming.

"Chang Mingxiu also increased? Ao Sheng? Huh!" Ao Shun snorted.

Lengheng, holding Shangguan marks to take a step.


Ao Shun immediately came to Ao Sheng.

The sudden appearance made Ao Sheng excited.

"You have the inheritance of the Dragon God of the West Sea? Dragon ban is not effective for you?" Ao Sheng's face changed.

"Ao Sheng, you can't make mistakes again and again!" Ao Shun said coldly.

While talking, the detective flung.


Ao Sheng was immediately flung out by Ao Shun and slammed into a mountain.

Understatement, this is the difference between mana and powerlessness. Moreover, Ao Shun has inherited the Xihai Dragon God, and the repair has increased a lot.

"Well, Ao Shun!" Ao Sheng spit and screamed.

On the other side, Emperor Shitian and Long Shenwu were suppressed by the ancient sea. They also saw Ao Shun's shot in the distance, and saw that Ao Shunxiu's performance was as good as possible. The two's faces suddenly changed.

Then they looked at each other with a smile of bitter smile.

The appearance of Ao Shun completely broke the balance. Today, it seems impossible to kill the ancient sea in Longmen.

Sure enough, in the distance, Ao Shun suddenly turned his head.

The two faces sank.

"Go!" Roared Long Shenwu.

"Want to leave now? Huh!" Gu Hai's face turned cold, and the detective threw out suddenly.

"Boom, boom!"

The mighty force pounded heavily on the backs of the two flinchers.

"Oh!" "Oh!"

Each of them spit out a bit of blood, and by the strength of the ancient sea, the body shot like a sharp arrow and shot out of the dragon gate area.

"Gu Hai, I'll see if you can't come out, hum!" Long Shenwu wiped the corners of his mouth with blood, and resentfully said.

"Stop!" Ao Shun stared at him, snatched it with his hand, and suddenly, a huge palm gathered in Longmen District.

"Huh!" Long Shenwu snorted coldly, welcoming with his hands.


Suddenly, Long Shenwu exploded and flew out. However, the surrounding mountains and rocks that still exploded with the palm of his powerful body shattered countlessly, and the water was soaring.

"Longmen District is forbidden by law, Ao Shun, I don't believe it, you won't come out." Ao Sheng also screamed out of Longmen District.


Di Shitian and Long Shenwu quickly stepped out of the Longmen area. As soon as they came out of the Longmen area, the two of them flew into a flame-like momentum, and the seawater around them was suddenly fired and opened.

"Surround the dragon gate, don't want anyone to leave!" Di Shitian stared.

Emperor Shitian also had a great deal of fire in his heart at the moment. He originally wanted to kill the ancient sea in Longmen District. However, how could Nao He Aoshun no longer ban the law? How can he fight again?

Hit hard, fight strong, and fight wherever you lose, where you find it, in order to kill the demon. Do n’t worry about it later, it ’s hard to practice. Although they had previously lost, Di Shitian and Long Shenwu didn't think Gu Hai could kill themselves, so they kept entangled. Now, Ao Shun recovers his mana and then stalemates, just to die.

Emperor Shitian's face was gloomy, and Longmen District was surrounded by the dragon **** martial arts. Don't want anyone to leave.

"Ang!" "Ang!" ……………………

The dragons roared outside, but the water was horrible and the rocks collapsed inside.

"Your Majesty! Are you okay?" A large number of Dawu officials looked worriedly at Long Shenwu.

"I'm staring at you, don't even want to leave!" Long Shenwu ignored his subordinates and looked coldly at Longmen District.

In Longmen District. The water was so dazzling that the four of the ancient seas could not be seen for a while.

"What about people?" Long Shenwu frowned slightly.

"Sea water, calm down for this seat!" Detective Tian Shi pressed his hand.


The seawater was calm all around, and even the seawater in Longmen District calmed down instantly.

Today, there are five people in Longmen District. But Guhai, Ao Shun, Chang Ming, and Shangguan marks all disappeared.

"Hiding? I see how long you can hide!" Ao Sheng stared.

The Longmen District was completely blocked. If anyone came out, a group of powerful men would definitely find it, even if it was underwater, it was dead, but there was no movement.

Where is the ancient sea?

Emperor Shitian and Long Shenwu were impatient in the eyes, waiting patiently.

But I don't know. At this moment, there are four carps. They have moved away from the Longmen District, and headed for the broken place in the direction of the flood.

Swim against the water.

The four carps were enchanted at the water pillar.

"Shangguan marks are weak, take it with you, you go first, disperse your actions, and converge at the place you said last time!" One of the gold carps sank.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The two carps scattered immediately, firing in the other two directions.

"Your Majesty, it's a drag on you!" Bai Liyu smiled bitterly at the golden carp.

"Where's the drag for your injury? But unfortunately, it will help you reshape your body and repair it so you can't make up for it. Alas, leave here first!" Golden Carp sighed slightly.

The white carp swims slowly, accompanied by the gold carp.

Two carps swim towards the sea, swimming, and suddenly see the golden light blooming on the sea.

"Not good, people in the Holy Mountain Holy Land? They are sitting and collecting fishing profits?" Bailiyu's face changed.

"Go away!" The golden carp sank.

Two carps swim around.

At this moment, suddenly, a golden beam came straight, like a searchlight, enveloping two carps.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, Gu Hai, you think you have become a carp, and you can escape the golden eyes of the old grandson? Buddha, where is the ancient sea, and that golden carp is the ancient sea!" A loud drink was uploaded from the sea. Mobile users please visit http://m.piaotian.net

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