Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 55: Molin Lingshan


The peacock spread its wings, and the magical energy instantly blackened a sky, and the magical energy carried an outrageous resentment, erupting, as if there were thousands of demons howling inside.

The demon king's face suddenly changed.

"Kong Xuan, how did your strength change ...?"

"How do I feel like seeing Emperor Taiyi?"

"Let's do it together, Lingshan Holy Land will know it immediately, quickly, take him down!"




A group of demon kings instantly turned into demon bodies, the whole body was imposing, and around the Huaguo Mountain, the sky was suddenly set off.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, what a Lingshan running dog, looking for the way to death, no wonder who!" Kong Xuan stared.

The wings fluttered suddenly, and a black storm formed around them. Instantly rolled to a crowd of demon kings.

"Let's do it together!" One of the toad demons suddenly snarled, opened his mouth, spit out a long tongue, and pierced the hole.


When Kong Xuan spread his wings, he immediately brushed out a five-colored magic light. When the magic light was brushed, the toad's tongue disappeared.

"Ah!" Toad exclaimed.

Kong Xuan took a breath.


The toad demon was swallowed by Kong Xuan.

All the demon kings shot at almost the same time, and their beast claws and bird claws instantly turned into magic weapons. They punched Xuan Xuan and shredded Xuan Xuan in general.


Kong Xuan fluttered his wings again, and the five-colored gods passed by, all the beak and bird claws disappeared.

"Ah, my legs!" Exclaimed the demon kings.


Kong Xuan opened his mouth and sucked, and then three demon kings were swallowed.

The demon kings had broken one leg and were frightened inexplicably.

"Kong Xuan really has too much strength, go, go!" The group demon exclaimed.

No one could have imagined that Kong Xuan would be so powerful. Taiyi strength? All demon kings are excited.

Turn around and run away.

"Escape? I just want to escape now, it's late!" Kong Xuan suddenly felt cold.

Fluttering his wings followed the most demon king.

Among the demon kings, running slowly, in a blink of an eye, Kong Xuan opened his mouth and sucked into his belly.

There are some bird demon kings ahead.

"Come, over there, there is Tianning Temple, a subsidiary temple of Lingshan Holy Land, which contains the Tianning Bodhisattva. Quick, Tianning Bodhisattva, help!" Several bird demon kings rushed in surprise.

In the Tianning Temple, a monk in white was teaching his disciples, and suddenly he heard a shout from the sky, and a huge fierce spirit came straight.

The monk in white changed his face: "Quickly, start the battle!"


Tianning Temple was suddenly wrapped in a golden array.


A group of demon kings in front was stopped immediately.

"Let us in, Tianning Bodhisattva, let us in!" Exclaimed the demon kings.

"Hurry on, hurry on!" Tianning Bodhisattva ignored.

At the back, Kong Xuanfei was not fast, he was in a hurry, and he had a hatred in his eyes, like a cat and a mouse.

"Well, Tianning, the old bald donkey, let me help you find Lingbao last time. I said nothing. Now we are in trouble, but you ignore it?" The head of the demon king roared angrily.

"Sin beast, get out, don't make me mess!" Tianning Boss stared.

The demon kings rose up in hate.

Kong Xuan came closer.

The entire sky was instantly blackened, and the face of the Tianning Bodhisattva changed.

But he saw Kong Xuan's wings.


Tianning Temple burst into a burst.

"What?" Tianning Bodhisattva's face changed.


As soon as he opened his mouth, all the monks in Tianning Temple were engulfed in the black wind, and they instantly entered the belly of Kong Xuan.

"Don't, don't, ah!" Tianning Bodhisattva had nowhere to run, and was swallowed by Kong Xuan.

Tianning Temple was empty, and the monsters who fled in front of him suddenly changed their faces.

"This is just the beginning! As long as it is related to the Holy Mountain Holy Land, you must swallow it!" Kong Xuan patted his wings with his face exposed.

The demon fled in front, and Kong Xuan ate behind.

The passage of Tianning Temple, Ningguo Temple, Daming Temple, one temple and one temple, Kong Xuan's belly, like a bottomless pit, kept lingering.

Looking ahead, the demon kings were terrified.

"Five Hundred Arhats, quickly, stop Kong Xuan!"

"Ah, five hundred Arhats were eaten by Kong Xuan!"

"The demon is mad, the Bodhisattva helps!"

"Ah, Bodhisattva was eaten by Kong Xuan!"




For a moment, the Holy Land of Lingshan seemed to have encountered unprecedented calamity.

The demon was fierce, and Kong Xuan swallowed the sky.

The entire Lingshan Holy Land was alarmed.

Numerous Bodhisattva, Luohan, Picchu, and Vajra looked cold from the distance.

This is an unprecedented calamity.

Kong Xuan was too strong to be swallowed by the monks who swept away.

Big array? Can not reach the five-colored light of Kong Xuan. All the magic weapons disappeared into the five-colored light of God, the black wind was mad, and Kong Xuan's mouth was like eighteen layers of hell.

Countless Bodhisattvas, Arhats, and Picchus flew to the Holy Mountain Holy Land in horror and to the mouth of the Great Heroes Hall.

"Buddha, the demon is mad, begging the Buddha!"

"Buddha, the demon is coming, destroy my Holy Mountain Holy Land!"

"Buddha ...............!"




More and more monks gathered.

The mouth of Lingshan Holy Land.

The present Buddha, the past Buddha, the Nanlong girl, all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas all looked at the distance.

"Wuliangshou Buddha, in Kong Xuan's heart, she really resents the monstrousness!" The Buddha frowned in the past.

Now the Buddha is also frowning at Kong Xuan in the distance.

"Buddha, Kong Xuan has completely demonized the Buddha. Don't condone it!" The Buddha smiled bitterly in the past.

"Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha!" ​​Now the Buddha folded his hands.

"But ...?" The Buddha worried in the past.

"Only the deity can personalize it!" There was a gleam of light in the eyes of the Buddha.

"Yes!" Said the Buddha, Bodhisattva, and Luo Han respectfully.

Now the Buddha stepped and disappeared.

In the past, the Buddha led all the Bodhisattvas, but Luohan stood on the square, watching how the Buddha surrendered to Kong Xuan in the distance.



Shangguan saw that persuading Kong Xuan was invalid, so he did not persuade him much.

After all, Kong Xuan can't listen to himself, and His Majesty is most concerned about Sun Wukong now. He must send Sun Wukong to His Majesty as soon as possible.

Therefore, Shangguanhen didn't persuade him any more, but took Sun Wukong to shoot into the distance instantly.

Kong Xuan and a group of demon kings broke down, fierce and powerful.

It was in the distance, and there was still one staring at it, but it was the leader of Tianlong Babu, Emperor Shitian.

Di Shitian's eyes narrowed: "Kong Xuan? Come out this time, it ’s so violent, and the strength has soared so much? Eighteen layers of hell, is there still this benefit? It seems that I have to enter the eighteen layers of **** Something! "

Emperor Shi Tian did not stop Kong Xuan, because Emperor Shi Tian understood that Kong Xuan was now full of vigor, and he might not be able to stop him. Moreover, Kong Xuan was mad, and now the Buddha and the Buddha in the past must be staring dead in the distance .

Emperor Shitian was frowning to see the direction of Shangguan mark leaving.

"Shangguan marks? It was completely ruined last time, but now it is so powerful? Then Sun Wukong is not his opponent? What happened in the eighteenth floor of hell? Huh, wait to catch them, and ask! Di Shitian's eyes were cold.

"call out!"

Di Shitian chased to Shangguan mark instantly.


After half a day, Shangguanhen took Sun Wukong and finally returned to the previous place.

"Your Majesty, fortunately shameless!" Shangguan Hen smiled.

"What about Kong Xuan?" Chang Ming curiously.

"A group of demon kings set up an ambush in Huaguo Mountain. Kong Xuan let me go first, and he stopped them!" Shangguanhen smiled bitterly.

"I know that Kong Xuan's resentment will not be removed, and he is unwilling, oh!" Gu Hai sighed slightly.

"Gu Hai, huh, huh, you really don't give up, you have to send me back!" Sun Wukong was restrained by Shangguan, and his face was sad and angry.

But at this moment, the ancient sea had waved his hands, the void was trembling slightly, and the formation method was reappearing, and a huge black hole entrance condensed behind the ancient sea.

"Sun Wukong, sorry, when I was a child, I heard about your troubles in Tiangong, and I worshiped you. If I change my time, I will be very happy to be your friend, but I will no longer be a child, so I have to offend Now! "Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Ha, ha ha ha ha, worship? Haha ha, put away your fake puppet, hum!" Sun Wukong said coldly.

"For various reasons, you can go back to find the Bodhi ancestor, he will tell you everything, and I will have to send you back. At the same time, you do n’t have to be too angry. This may not be farewell. Maybe, soon, you will Can come back. "Gu Hai shook his head.

"Just lie to me, do you think I will believe it?" Sun Wukong yelled.

"Sorry!" Gu Hai sank again.

At the same time gave Shangguan marks an eye.

Shangguanhen flew over, trying to put Sun Wukong into the void hole.

"Kaka Kaka, let me go, smelly turtle!" Sun Wukong was still unwilling.

But the cruel truth is that there is really nothing you can do.

Those eight or nine Xuan Gong thought that he was the strongest cultivator, but who can think that this stinky tortoise is better than himself in just ten days.

Just when Shangguanhen was about to send Sun Wukong into those two immortal passages.


Suddenly a strong wind came straight, and a figure instantly reached a mountain peak not far away.

"Who is it?" Chang Ming and Ao Shun stared at each other suddenly, rising alert.

"Di Shitian?" Gu Hai's face sank.

"Di Shitian, hurry up, save me out!" Sun Wukong suddenly gave a joy on his face.

"Oh? This channel again? Where does Sun Wukong come from, and where are you going to send him?" Di Shitian asked with a stare in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, I'm sorry, I didn't notice being followed by Di Shitian!" Shangguanhen frowned.

Unexpectedly, I also attracted Emperor Shitian.

"No need to apologize, Sun Wukong handed it to you, stop him!" Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Shangguan Mark answered.

Sun Wukong and the golden hoop were handed over to Gu Hai, and Shangguan Mark immediately rushed to Emperor Shitian.

At this moment, Emperor Shitian also came straight and met Shangguan Mark.

"Oh? You want to stop me too?" Di Shitian sneered.

"My mistake, naturally I will solve it!" Shangguan marks stared.

The two rushed face to face, raising their punches against the blast.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

PS: There is something in the afternoon, this first update was made in advance!

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