Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 58: Kong Xuan

"It's better to cut meat with this knife!" Gu Hai sneered, watching countless monks in the distance.


"you dare!"





Around, countless Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Luo Han glared and drank.

Gu Hai grabbed a blood knife in his hand, and made a gesture on the body of the Buddha in the future, like cutting meat and feeding eagles. No, this is one of the three Buddhas in Lingchi Holy Mountain in front of Lingshan Holy Land.

This is an insult to Lingshan Holy Land.

Who is not angry at this moment?

Now the Buddha was sitting on Kong Xuan, looking coldly at the ancient sea, but not speaking.

In the past, the Buddha sneered, "Can you cut it? The magic in Kong Xuan's abdomen will not hurt the future Buddha, so rely on your small knife?"

"Immortal gold body **? Oh, if you remember well, immortal gold body ** can indeed make the physical body not bad, King Kong does not rot, but it has a cover door? The cover door seems to be on the right ear Inside, let me try! "Gu Hai laughed.

While talking, the killing knife suddenly point to the inside of the right ear of the future Buddha.


Immediately, the future Buddha slammed a golden light. When the future Buddha agitated, it seemed to be awake, and the golden skin of his whole body suddenly disappeared.

Still eyes closed, but the whole person seems to be alive.

I can't see, but I can hear, and I can see the Quartet with my heart.

"Where am I? Gu Hai, my body has been sealed? How is it possible, now the Buddha's" Yahan Seal "**" The future Buddha suddenly exclaimed.

"Huh?" Now the Buddha suddenly sank in the distance.

That seal was the seal of the ancient sea by myself not long ago. How did the ancient sea come to be?


The ancient sea didn't say much. A probe was cut. Above the right arm of the future Buddha, a piece of flesh was suddenly cut by the killing knife, which flew into the sky.

"Alas, alas, alas ........."

A group of hungry eagles suddenly rushed down, cheerfully eating the cut flesh.

"Ah ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The Buddha shouted suddenly in pain in the future, not the pain of the meat being cut, but the stabbing knife, which seems to be sucking blood. Just a stab at the knife just sucked almost half of his own blood, if it was not suppressed by the ancient sea , His own blood will be drained.

"Stop!" The Buddha stared in the past.


Suddenly, a crowd of Buddha, Bodhisattva, and Luo Han gathered around in anger.

In front of Lingshan, Ling Chi Buddha is even more crazy than Kong Xuan's big devil. This not only hurts the future Buddha, but also shakes the spirit mountain fundamentally.

The third Buddha is not only three people, but also the foundation of Lingshan. The three represent perfection and are the spiritual pillars of all Buddhas, Bodhisattva, and Luohan. Now, the future Buddha will be delayed by the ancient sea, as if the doomsday came to Lingshan. Despair.

Waves have not settled and waves have risen again.

The Buddha just surrendered the big demon head of Kong Xuan. Now, there is another big devil head of ancient sea? Is today my robbery?

"Gu Hai, you really are not afraid of death. You have to rip your face with my Holy Mountain Holy Land and never die again!" The Buddha looked at Gu Hai coldly.

"I never die? Oh, ha ha ha ha ha, you are not targeting the Holy Mountain Holy Land, you Lingshan Holy Land will not deal with the vastness of You?" Gu Hai Shen said.

"What do you mean?" The Buddha looked coldly at Gu Hai in the past.

"It's not interesting. Since Kong Xuan entered the Dahan Emperor's dynasty, as the leader of the Dahan Emperor's dynasty, He has the obligation to protect his safety. Today, if you let him be insulted by others, how can he command the Dahan dynasty? How to make Dahan the world convinced? Lingshan Holy Land, a big family, I do n’t want to be embarrassed, but also the head of the army, let the future Buddha be free! ”Gu Hai said coldly.

"Oh, ha ha ha ha, Gu Hai, this is a quick picture for you, do you know the consequences of this?" The Buddha said coldly.

"Consequences? Hahaha, the consequence is that in the future, if you find trouble with your officials, you will continue to find the Buddha, Bodhisattva, and Luohan in the Holy Mountain Holy Land, cutting meat and feeding eagles. Endlessly! "Gu Hai said coldly.

"Bold!" The Buddha's eyes glared in the past.

However, Guhai is in another time and space, but the Buddha could not attack Guhai in the past. It's depressing.

"The Warring States Period of the Warring States Period?" In the distance, the Buddha suddenly made a loud noise.

"Huh?" Gu Hai frowned and looked at the current Buddha.

Now the Buddha has not spoken, but just a short time ago, he discovered the key to the ancient sea.

Fairy sky. The Warring States Period?

Now there was a flash of heat in the eyes of the Buddha.

The ancient sea was sinking. Now the buddha has such great eyesight that he finds himself in the 'Ancient Celestial Dome'?

No, no time can be wasted.

Gu Hai understands that at this level, the most powerful method is a method that the other party does not know. Once the other party knows exactly, there is a way to crack it.

For example, if the ancient immortal dome cannot be found now, he can always use it. However, if he is found, he will do everything possible to find a way to crack it. Once he finds it, it will be his own destruction.

"Oh, it seems that Lingshan Holy Land really doesn't care about the future Buddha anymore. In that case, that's all. The future Buddha's great compassion and sorrow will continue to satiate the hungry hawk!" Gu Hai stared at his eyes, and was about to be cut off.

"Do you dare!" The Buddha's face changed in the future, angrily.

"Oh, future Buddha, you do n’t need to be angry. I know that you have 'closed eyes and pure world meditation', and that ’s all together. Even if it ’s swallowed by Kong Xuan, you have n’t performed it. Now you want to all be together? Useless,不 Wo n’t you stand directly opposite you, you are the past Buddha, the present Buddha, the thousands of Buddhas, bodhisattvas, and arhats in the Lingshan Mountain, you want to perform? ”Gu Hai said coldly.

"You, despicable!" The future Buddha exasperated.

"I'm not mean, I don't want to embarrass you, but now the Buddha doesn't care about your life or death, but grab the head of the Dahan army, and you would rather die. As long as you release him, you will be free. He is not willing, sorry!" Gu Hai said coldly.

In the middle of speaking, it is about to be cut off.

"No!" The Quartet Bodhisattva and Luo Han exclaimed.

"Enough!" A loud noise came from the Buddha now.

The loud sound rushed towards the ancient sea, and the void around the ancient sea shuddered slightly.

"Oh, a good buddha now, are you still trying to see you?" Gu Hai's face was gloomy.

The vacillation of the void just now is not just the anger of the current Buddha, but now the Buddha is testing the ‘Ancient Fairy of Heaven’ and trying to crack it. How can the ancient sea not be angry.

"Kong Xuan to you. The future Buddha gives the deity!" The Buddha now sank.

"Thank you Buddha now!" Gu Hai smiled slightly.

However, at this moment, the ancient sea is still alert to the present Buddha, and this present Buddha is not such a fuel-efficient lamp.


Jiupin Jinlian escaped from Kong Xuan.


Kong Xuan suddenly spread his wings, flew out, and flew to the ancient sea in the distance.

Kong Xuan instantly turned into a human figure, but his whole body was distorted, like, extremely painful.

"Chen Kongxuan has troubled His Majesty!" Although Kong Xuan was in pain, his face was extremely grateful.

At this moment, Kong Xuancai recognized Gu Hai from the bottom of his heart without any further resistance.

In order to save himself, Gu Hai was enemies against the entire Lingshan Holy Land.

"Kong Xuan has released, what about the future Buddha?" Said the Buddha coldly now.

"Jun has no jokes. Future Buddha, return you!" Gu Haishou patted on the back of the future Buddha.

A golden light poured into the future Buddha.


The blood of the future Buddha spewed out, and was suddenly shot by the ancient sea towards the current Buddha.


Suddenly, it was caught by the present Buddha.

"Kong Xuan, come here!" Gu Hai beckoned.

Kong Xuan flew to the ancient sea immediately.

"Your Majesty?" Kong Xuan was still in great pain.

Kong Xuan approached the ancient sea, but entered the ‘ancient heavenly dome’.

"Ohh Ohh ohh………………!"

In the body of Kong Xuan, in a flash, numerous black gas burst out, and the black gas was transparent, as if there was a stream of life.

"Your Majesty, this is what the Buddha broke into me just now. It's not good. He has sinister intentions in order to open your secret method!"

This is to find out the flaws of the immortal vault and to control the ancient sea.

Kong Xuan's face was anxious, this was a disaster for Her Majesty.

Kong Xuan immediately grabbed his hands and opened his mouth to suck.


The black wind billowed and rolled the black transparent living body, but it could not be touched at all.

"What is this, how can it happen? Five colors of light!"


The five-colored Shenguang brushed, but still couldn't touch it. Kong Xuan became very angry.

In the distance, the Buddha's eyes brightened in the past, but it was a time of great joy. But I saw Gu Haishou pinch out a method.

"God demon? Now Buddha, good means, to use the demon to explore the truth and truth of the prince? Haha!" Gu Hai smiled coldly.

However, when I saw a trick in Gu Hai, suddenly, the demon flying out of the Quartet seemed to be suddenly attracted by some kind of general, and instantly condensed to the fingertips of Gu Hai.

"Heavenly traction? This is the method that this seat has personally realized. How can you?" Now the Buddha stared, surprised.

This is something I only understand. How could the ancient sea?

"This is Rulai Buddha's preaching my secret method, ha ha ha ha ha!" Gu Hai laughed.

But when they saw a group of gods at the fingertips of the ancient sea, I saw a pinch of the fingers of the ancient sea, and suddenly, the group of gods turned into flying ash and died.

Countless Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats have long been ignorant of what to say. How can this ancient sea have such a means?

Even Kong Xuan's eyes were bewildered, why couldn't he see through?

"Now the Buddha and the past Buddha, the uncle is in the borderless sky capital. If the two do not agree, you can come to the borderless sky capital, and there will be a period later!" Gu Hai sneered.

With Kong Xuan, you have to fly far into the distance.

"Stop!" The Buddha stared in the past.

"Oh, stop me? You still care about the future Buddha first, and then don't save each other. He doesn't guarantee how long he can live!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Huh?" The Buddha turned to look back.

But I saw that the face of the Buddha was purple in the past, and in the hands of the current Buddha, twitching.

"Heaven's broken heart mark? This is the mystery of the deity, how can you?" Now the Buddha suddenly looked at the ancient sea in a deep face.

"I said, it ’s the secret method of Ru Lai Buddha to pass on the chant, ha ha ha ha, now Buddha, since you know it is the demon's broken heart mark, you should know that if you don't show the demon in his heart, he will change his mind and completely demon . You counted me, I just left for each other, let's each other! "Gu Hai sneered, already shot into the distance.

"Rugao Buddha?" Now Buddha's face sank.

Thought that the ancient sea was saying goodness comes. However, I do not know that Gu Hai is talking about the Buddha of the earth.

"Buddha, what do you do now?" In the past, the Buddha turned his head and looked anxiously at the current Buddha.

"No need to chase, the past Buddha, retreat with the deity, and expel the devil from the future Buddha!" ​​Now the Buddha looked deep into the ancient sea that disappeared in the distance, coldly.


PS: Leave for a day, sorry, for the two chapters saved for the annual meeting, I ran out of money today. I'm not feeling well today, I have a bad headache, I didn't write a word. I'm sure to take a day off tomorrow. I haven't saved it. Sorry.


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