Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 60: Fire emperor

The ancient sea flew all the way to the border of Dahandi Dynasty.

"Your Majesty, Chen Qin's figurine has moved again, and there is something wrong with Wudu Tiandu!" Chang Ming smiled bitterly.

"The third batch?" Gu Hai looked at Changming.

"The first batch was Fengjing Supreme, as if it had been skyrocketed in Qiandao Haixiu. The spirit came to the sky without boundaries. We must catch Shangguan Supreme, but fortunately, the mosquitoes were guarded by His Majesty. No one can help Mosquito, staying outside the borderless sky, waiting for us to go back and throw themselves into the net.

The second batch was Ao Sheng. In the Xihai Dragon Palace, they opened the Xihai Dragon Mound again. I do n’t know how to share it with Emperor Shitian. Anyway, Ao Sheng ’s strength has soared a lot. If you ca n’t find us, I ’ll come to the borderless sky and look forward to Ao Shun ’s return. Unfortunately, mosquitoes were also encountered. Also stationed outside the borderless sky.

Now in the third batch, mosquitoes can't stop it. "Chang Ming smiled bitterly.

"Who is this time?" Shangguanhen frowned.

"Extreme Phoenix, Fire Emperor!" Chang Ming smiled bitterly.

"The Emperor of Fire? The Great Beast of the Dayan Heavenly Kingdom? He never met him, and there was no conflict of interest?" Gu Hai suddenly raised a brow.

The emperor of Fire came here with a jerk.

"It seems that the mosquitoes are fighting with him! Specifically, Chen does not know." Chang Ming shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Guhai frowned deeply.

"The emperor of fire? It seems to have been quiet in the East China Sea for thousands of years, never to show up. He didn't show up last time during the Warring States Period, and this time, why ..." Kong Xuan also showed a hint of doubt.

"The fire emperor came, was Jiang Lianshan's intention?" Shangguan marks also wondered.

"Go! Speed ​​up and return to Wudu Tiandu immediately!" Gu Hai Shen said.



The five of them suddenly turned into a stream of light and went straight to the borderless sky--

Sky without borders. Outside, a mountain.

There are a lot of Dragon and Xuanwu people walking around. On the top of the mountain, there are two figures standing at the moment.

Feng Xun, a black robe, looked at Wudu Tiandu coldly at this moment.

Next to him, Ao Sheng in a white robe stood, but at this moment, the purple and black air on Ao Sheng's face was even worse, as if there were all kinds of blue tendons on his face, which was quite scary.

"Feng Fengxun, I haven't seen you for a few days, have you added so many?" Ao Sheng sneered.

"Let's go to each other. I took back my former strength. Unlike you, you are not your own practice, are you?" Feng Jing Supreme sneered.

"It's mine now!" Ao Sheng said coldly.

"I only want Shangguan marks!" Feng Jing Extreme looked at Ao Sheng.

"So, no matter how good, I just need Ao Shun. It's up to each person's ability!" Ao Sheng said lightly.

"That's right. I don't know when they will return!" Feng Jing Supreme frowned.

"His Majesty said that the ancient sea must be reluctant to resign to the Dahan Emperor's dynasty and will definitely return. The ancient sea will return, and Ao Shun and Shangguanhen will surely return. And, look at the fire emperor, haven't you got more accurate information? You can come back! "Ao Sheng looked coldly at the distant borderless sky.

"Yeah, this ancient sea is really full of enemies, Fire Emperor? It seems that it hasn't left the East China Sea for nearly a thousand years?"


A loud noise trembled in the void.

Outside the borderless sky, it was surrounded by billowing fire. It's like a world of fire, trying to burn the entire borderless sky.


"Buzzing buzzing ~~~~~~~~~!"

Numerous mosquitoes form a sea of ​​black mosquitoes, protecting the borderless sky.

There was a loud noise just now, but in the center, a black shadow collided with a flame shadow.

Under the fierce collision, the void trembled, and the two shadows stopped.

One was a mosquito, standing in the midst of a mosquito sea with a gloomy face.

The other is a very burly man, with a fiery red robe, hair, and beard, all of which are fiery red, with a somber face and an evil spirit.

"A mosquito-stalker? Do you dare to oppose me?" The fiery red man yelled.

"Trusted by people! Sorry, Fire Emperor, you still have to wait!" Mosquito Tao smiled bitterly.

Mosquitoes promised to help Gu Hai take care of the borderless sky while Gu Hai left. I thought it was a simple matter. After all, after Gu Hai's great show of power last time, who dare to come to trouble?

But how long is this? Wave after wave? The previous two waves were fine, but now this third wave is the most terrifying.

How did you agree? Mosquitoes want to slap themselves.

"Trusted by others? Things of loyalty? Hahahaha, hahahaha, mosquitoes, if others say this, it's up to you and worthy?" The fire emperor was also very popular.

The Emperor of Fire still has a certain understanding of mosquitoes. This mosquito is definitely a master who is afraid of trouble. He never likes to face the enemy and only likes to attack. Even if the strength is extremely powerful, he never dared to shoot casually. And, most of the time. For your own benefit, everything you can do can be done.

Right now, who looks right? Who is it?

Mosquitoes heard that the fire emperor was falling, and it didn't matter. To this day, the mosquitoes have a thick skin, and the world is invincible. Are you afraid of this?

Lao Tzu is timid and afraid of things, what's wrong?

I wouldn't be so troublesome if it weren't for mixing Yuanzhu.

"Fire Emperor, where did you get the news from, Gu Hai is coming back? Since you said he is coming back, just wait, what are your grievances, wait for him to come back, and trouble him again, why bother me? What about? "Mosquito smiled bitterly.

"Huh, the old man is going to take up this borderless sky. Now I have a bad temper, the ancient sea took my things, and I take over his capital, what's the matter? Mosquito man, if you don't let it go, I will be real. Now! "Huohuang stared.

"Don't stop, Gu Hai took you something, just talk to me, don't do it!" The Mosquito said wryly.

"Well, do you deserve to know?" Huohuang stared.

While talking, the detective waved his hand, and the billowing fire rushed towards the mosquito sea again.

"You still have a bad temper, and haven't changed for years, hey!" The Mosquitoist looked depressed.


The sea of ​​mosquitoes can only surge away and swirl with the fire.

Mosquitoes can only be depressed to resist the fire emperor.

In the distance, in addition to Ao Sheng and Feng Jing Extremely staring, there is another group of people staring at another moment in another forested land.

A group of people in white robes embroidered a pattern of tai chi yin and yang fish on their chests.

As the first one, it is the master who is too good, Xuandu!

Xuandu looked at the battle coldly, and frowned slightly: "This ancient sea is really a myriad of enemies. Soon after we went out, three groups of strong men came to block the door? How many years did he practice? Dare, every time The second time you go out, you are causing trouble everywhere, pulling hatred everywhere? "

"Brother, at least, our news is right!" A too disciple behind laughed.

Xuandu nodded: "Yeah, the disappearance of Gu Hai and Zang Yulian is only five years. How much effort did it take for this seat to find them? What happened suddenly?"

"It's just that Zang Yulian hasn't shown up!" One worried behind her.

"Anyway, you can find Zang Yulian when you find the ancient sea. Oh, it's been six years, and I don't know if the ancient sea is lucky or not." Xuandu said coldly.

"Brother, Lin Waner's girl, ...!" One frowned behind him.

"Call it‘ too high ’!” Xuandu said coldly.

"Uh,‘ too high ’is not a big brother sooner or later?” The person behind him flattered.

"She was 'too high' in one day, so she must be called 'too high'. This is the rule!" Xuandu said coldly.

"Uh, yes, yes, too much. Brother, will we know if we are here ...? It seems that the relationship between Taishang and Gu Hai is unclear, and the way is unknown!" The people behind worried.

"Yi Tiange issued invitations to the resurrection conference. I have sent the three pulses of Taoism in Wanshou. Yuanshi did not ask about the world and has been retreating. Naturally, it does not come. The master of the Heavenly Heaven has already set out in advance, and now, it is sure Is it near Qiandaohai? As for us, it ’s too close to me? Oh, I ’m too aware that I ’m not strong enough to stay in the Wanshou Taoist retreat and do n’t want to go, then I will do it for you! ”Xuandu smiled and took out an invitation.

"Oh? So surely it won't come?"

"Well, it doesn't matter if we don't come. When we find Zang Yulian, we will go to Qiandaohai! The Resurrection Conference is just around the corner, so it is so prudent to connect the Lord of Heaven, which shows that this Resurrection Conference will not be so simple!" Xuandu said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" The crowd waited patiently.

far away.

Mosquitoes and Fire Emperors are still fighting.

Within the borderless sky, Chen Tianshan held everyone down and couldn't, because after all, this fire emperor was too powerful.

The East is undefeated, Simon blows snow, Dugu seeks defeat, but Zhang Sanfeng frowned slightly.

"Unfortunately, I was limited by this large array, so I could only wander in the Heavenly Palace. If we have a real body, we can also impact the Heavenly Palace!" Zhang Sanfeng sighed a little, helplessly.

"The ancient emperor will certainly have a solution!" Shen Dongfang said undefeated.

The crowd nodded. Waiting for it.


On the horizon, five figures came straight, but Gu Hai and his party finally returned.

"Your Majesty, ahead! The battle between the fire emperor and the mosquitoes?" Shangguan marks sank.

"What a fire emperor, the entire borderless sky is covered by the fire, like a sun!" Ao Shun's face sank.

Kong Xuan frowned slightly, his face was gloomy, but said nothing.

"Changming, you can withdraw!" Gu Hai Shen cried.


Chang Ming suddenly turned into a streamer and flew into the ground below.

Chang Ming's trip to the West with the ancient sea was just a special case. Bloody clothing was in the dark after all, and there was no need to show people.

Seeing Chang Ming leaving, Gu Hai said in a deep voice: "Go, go into the sea of ​​fire!



The four turned into four streamers in an instant, rushing from the edge of the sky, forming an air explosion, which instantly exploded the world.

"It's them!" Ao Sheng looked coldly into the distance.

"Ao Sheng, didn't you say that Shangguan Mark Xiu was a waste?" Feng Jing Supreme looked coldly at Ao Sheng.

In the mountains and forests, Xuandu stared at the ancient sea with narrowed eyes.

"Huh?" The fire emperor in the battle also turned his head suddenly.

"Gu Hai, why did you come back? I am exhausted!"

On the occasion of great joy, countless mosquitoes were withdrawn in an instant, and they did not want to be in front.

The sea of ​​mosquitoes disappeared, and the billowing fire went straight to the borderless sky.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom!"

Gu Hai, Kong Xuan, Shangguanhen, and Ao Shun, four figures slammed onto the borderless Tiandu Square, and an atmospheric momentum rushed out in all directions, immediately forming a storm that forced the surrounding fire back.

PS: I took a leave yesterday. Sorry, I am in good health now. Thank you for your concern. It ’s almost summer, the weather is not normal, and it is easy to be affected by the wind. You take care of yourself.


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