Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 86: Six True Kings Strike

Back to the tenth day of 800,000 years ago! Peacock God Island.

Under the order of Kong Xuan, all the peacocks left the Peacock Sea and avoided the place far away.

Inside the Peacock Temple, there is a void in the void leading to the reincarnation of hell.

Gu Hai stood in the void and looked at the Vajrayana sitting outside the temple.

"Vajrayana, don't you avoid it?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Some things, I have to ask!" Vajra Buddha took a deep breath and shook his head.

"How about asking clearly? The six true kings will surely kill you and kill your mouth. You sit here waiting for him, but ..." Gu Hai frowned.

"It's just the skin. Mr. Gu needn't be too concerned. My tenth generation is a good body of gold. It is different from ordinary practitioners. Although sometimes I am pedantic, but because of pedantic, I will thoroughly investigate some things. You said earlier that I didn't believe it, but now my determination is shaken, I must figure it out, otherwise what use is my body of Buddha? Mr. Gu, are you sure that the six true monarchs will come right away? "King Kong Buddha frowned.

"I sense two positions, one in the southwest and one in the northwest. The six true monarchs in the northwest are getting farther and farther away from me. It seems to be killing others, but the six true monarchs in the southwest are farther away from me. The closer you are, it's here to kill me! "Gu Hai nodded.

"Mr. Gu, don't worry about me! Don't worry about me!" Vajrayana said with his hands folded and his eyes firm.

"Well, be careful yourself!" Gu Hai nodded.


The ancient sea stepped into the void in the peacock temple.


The gates of the hall slammed shut.

The Vajrayana Buddha is carrying the gate of the Peacock Temple with his hands folded, showing compassion.

This is about an hour.


Suddenly, a strong wind came straight towards the Peacock God Island.

"Wow ~~~~~~~~~~~! Where is the peacock?" A crow came from the sky.

Vajrayana looked up and looked up. A huge Jinwu with a height of three thousand feet suddenly turned into a human form, but it was the Donghuang Taiyi who left yesterday.

On the side of Tai, there are twenty strong men, including monks, priests, emperors, and demon kings, all of which are Vajrayanas facing the entrance of the Peacock Temple coldly.

Surrounded by a group of strong men are three figures. The first one is the six true monarchs in a robe showing great compassion. The other two, in black robes, could not see their looks.

Six true monarchs set foot in the air, all of them centered on it.

"The Immortal Buddha!" ​​Vajrayana uttered a Buddhist horn.

At this moment, the six true monarchs are here, even Taiyi hasn't crossed, just looking coldly at Vajrayana.

"Vajrayana, don't come without a fist? The last ointment, is it still effective?" Liudao Zhenjun laughed.

The laughter of Liudao Zhenjun showed a warmth as the spring breeze struck.

Vajrayana Buddha has a touch of complexity.

Liu Daozhen really found it, didn't he confirm the words of Gu Hai again? Are six true monarchs really going to die?

"Thanks to Liu Daozhen's ointment, my injury has healed!" Vajrayana smiled bitterly.

"It's good to heal. I heard that you've been running around the Peacock Sea for my reward. I wonder how the ancient sea I'm rewarding is now?" Liudao Zhenjun laughed.

"They are in the hall behind me." Vajrayana solemnly said.

"Haha, Vajrayana, good job!" One of the strong men laughed.

"Zhenjun, this group of demons, we don't need you to take a shot, we will help you solve it!" A crowd of powerful men said one after another.

Vajrayana is staring at the six true monarchs.

"Six true monks, the poor monk wants to ask for teaching!" Vajrayana solemnly said.

"Oh?" Liudao Zhenjun frowned slightly, a flash of enlightenment flashing in his eyes. This Vajrayana should know why.

"Have you ever thought of disobedience to heaven in your heart? Anyone?" Vajrayana screamed suddenly.

During the big drink, Vajrayana's pupils suddenly turned golden, staring at it as if this pair of golden pupils could see into the heart of Liu Daozhen.

Liu Daozhen's expression remained unchanged, and he could not see the slightest wave, but the strong men around him suddenly changed his face.

"Vajrayana Buddha, are you presumptuous, dare to slander Zhenjun?"

"Vajrayana, you're enchanted!"

"Are you already deceived by the demon?"




The strong are suddenly angry.

"Vajrayana Buddha, it seems your character is not enough, but you were disturbed by demons!" There was a pity in Liu Daozhen's eyes.

"Protect the demon, Vajrayana, you are the enemy of the world, the demon is in troubled times. Today, the poor monk will surrender you to the demon on behalf of Cangsheng!" The monk who had previously greeted the Vajra Buddha stared, took out a stick, and hurled towards Vajrayana Call.

The Vajrayana is staring at Liu Daojun as if he is still exploring what Liu Daozhen thinks.


At the moment when the stick hit him, Vajra Ford suddenly became Jin Chancan.


With a loud noise, the stick was hit back.

Vajrayana stepped up and looked ugly: "Six true monarchs, I see, your heart is moving. Fortunately, the poor monk did not make a big mistake!"

While talking, the Vajrayana's body suddenly rose up, and in a blink of an eye he turned into a giant giant, showing the color of angry Vajrayana.

Six eyes narrowed for a moment: "Vajrayana Buddha, you have been blinded by demons!"

"Huh, you are the demon, and the poor monk will descend on behalf of heaven today!" Vajrayana's eyes glared, and he stepped toward Liu Daojun.

The body of a thousand feet, the movement is only fast or slow, and came to the front in an instant.

"Vajrayana? You burned the tenth century for good practice, just to protect them?" Liu Daozhen's face sank.

"Jinjun, don't talk nonsense to him, I'll come!" Taiyi growled suddenly.

During the talk, Tai Yi suddenly turned into a three-footed three-legged Jinwu, spreading his wings and flying towards the Vajrayana Buddha.

"Taiyi, be careful. This is his tenth golden body, King Kong is not bad!" Cried Liu Zhenzhen.

Jin Wu's claws clawed at the Vajra Buddha's heavenly cover.

"Running dog!" Vajrayana yelled and slammed.


With a loud noise, the two powerful men suddenly separated. The Vajrayana's heavenly spirit was still there, but there was only one more scratch. The Vajrayana's palm was shot on the wings of Taiyi, but the wings of Taiyi were folded.

"The tenth revision is superimposed? A good Vajrayana, but you dare to protect the demon, that's only death!" Too loudly shouted.

Under the roar, he spit out a huge yellow bell.


The chaotic bell rang loudly, and instantly formed a huge yellow sound wave towards the Vajrayana Buddha.

"Buzz, buzz .........!"

Vajra Ford suddenly held his head in pain.

"Chaos bell, watch me distract your three souls and seven souls!" Tai rang the chaos bell again and again.


"Ah ~~~~~~~~~!" Vajra Ford yelled in pain.

While yelling, he knew that he couldn't resist the chaotic clock, but he jumped sturdily, grabbed Liu Daozhen, and seemed to kill Liu Daozhen with one palm.

"Jingjun be careful!" The crowd cried immediately.

Liu Daozhen's face sank: "King Kong, you've been brainwashed by demons. In the next life, cast a good baby!"

While talking, he saw Liu Daojun stretch out his right index finger and gently.

"call out!"

Liu Daojun shot a scarlet light on his right index finger, and went straight to Vajra Buddha's heart.



With a loud noise, Vajrayana's figure suddenly appeared, and he looked at Liu Daozhen in shock.

But I saw an additional blood hole in Vajrayana's eyebrows, and hundreds of millions of golden breath came out from the whole body, as if the whole body was completely scattered.


Vajrayana's figure shrunk to its original appearance, sitting cross-legged on the ground, no sound, dead!

One finger?

The minds of the strong are cold, but more is worship.

"True King, Vajrayana takes his own blame, shall we still take down the demon, right?" Tai Yi turned into a human form.

Liudao Zhenjun nodded.

Ignoring the body of Vajrayana, he stepped to the entrance of the Peacock Temple.


At the entrance of the Peacock Temple, the door opened suddenly, and everyone immediately saw the void crack.

"This is it?" Everyone was surprised.

"Reincarnation of Hell Road? Let's go!" Liu Zhenzhen said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Everyone stepped into the crack with Liudao Zhenjun instantly.


After everyone stepped into the crack, the void crack suddenly disappeared.

Peacock God Island, in a blink of an eye, became silent again, leaving only the body of Vajrayana Buddha. Sitting there alone.


At this moment, the golden breath that had just dissipated from the Vajrayana Buddha's body returned again, slowly condensing into a transparent figure, and the appearance of that transparent figure was exactly the Vajrayana Buddha. It's just transparent, outsiders can't see it at all.

The transparent Vajrayana looked at his body in front of him, revealing a bit of bitterness: "A finger to destroy God? One finger to destroy my three souls and seven souls? If it wasn't for the tenth golden body of my practice, as well as the great charity body, it would be completely gone now . So powerful Liudao Zhenjun. Mr. Gu, you have to be careful! "

Looking at his corpse, Vajrayana's great merit and merits slightly sighed, stepped, soared into the sky, and disappeared into the void. As for the physical body, it doesn't matter anymore--

Hell road reincarnation. Eighteenth hell.

On a planet.

Gu Hai, Kong Xuan, and Jiectong Tongtian looked at a picture in front of them. In the picture, it is exactly the scene of the Vajrayana fighting six true monarchs just now.

"One finger?" Kong Xuan's eyelids jumped wildly.

"Six true princes are really amazing!" Tongtianjiao's face sank.

While speaking, the Master of Heaven shook his hand and the picture disappeared.

"Gu Hai, the next battle is dangerous!" Tongtian leader said with a bitter smile.

"Yeah, that Vajrayana's method is so extraordinary, but so powerful, it's not the one-handedness of Liu Daozhen? Liu Daozhen also came with a group of helpers. Oh, it is really dangerous. If you do n’t want to participate, You can also leave! "Gu Hai Shen said.

"Where did Your Majesty speak? In the past, Kong Xuan was in distress, and His Majesty never flinched. At this moment, how could Kong Xuan retreat?" Kong Xuan sank suddenly and firmly.

"Gu Hai, don't say such a thing. No one can escape 800,000 years ago! Besides, the priest has never escaped!" There was a firmness in the eyes of the tongtian priest.

Gu Hai nodded, and suddenly his face turned cold, looking at the entrance to the eighteenth floor hell.


Liu Daozhen took 23 strong men to step into the eighteenth layer of hell.

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