Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 90: That choice, when no regrets!


The face of the Dragon Warring States was exposed, and the fists in his hands smashed rapidly.

To the strength of the Dragon Warring States, weapons and magic weapons have become the last sect, because his body is full of magic weapons, although the physical body is not as good as before, but the physical body that is destroyed by all sides is extremely arrogant.

After all, Liudao Zhenjun is only one tenth. Although the ten six roads have the same strength, but that is relatively speaking, because in the face of other people in Shenzhou, the ten six roads are the first in the world, but they can be the first and the first after 800,000 years of the Dragon Warring States. Feeling the pressure.

"Dragon Warring States, are you really a cloud beast?" Liu Daozhen said in a faceless manner.

"Boom, boom, boom ...............!"

The two men fought extremely fiercely, and the void was tearing the black hole larger and larger, regardless of speed and strength, exceeding everyone's expectations.

Too powerful, repeated intensive collisions, not only tearing the void, but also shaking the void with the unteared place.

The two Masters of Heaven are both extraordinary in strength and can't tell the results for a while.

Kong Xuan's place, however, once again devoured an emperor-like man. After that, Kong Xuan's fighting became more and more fierce, and his advantage gradually leaned toward Kong Xuan.

On the other side, he said: "If it wasn't for the Chaos Bell was destroyed by the cloud beast, if it wasn't for my serious injury, you would be my opponent!"

Too fiercely roared, but Kong Xuan didn't bother at all. At this moment, Kong Xuan wanted to kill!

The fighting is extremely crazy.

The leader of the ancient sea and the distant Taizhang gaze stared at each other.

The leader of the Supreme Master frowned slightly at the ancient sea, and the ancient sea also sank.

The advantage of choosing Hell on the eighteenth floor is that the time here is asymmetric with the outside world, and the six true monarchs cannot exchange information such as time.

Gu Haifang prepared for the Supreme Master.

At this moment, Gu Hai suddenly sank: "Dragon Warring States, be careful!"

However, Liu Daozhen and the Dragon Warring States did not win or defeat in a single battle. Under heavy blows, they did not distinguish each other, but the battlefield was slowly heading towards the Supreme Master.


With a loud shout, the Dragon Warring States and Liudao Zhenjun stood with their palms facing each other and pushed each other out.

"Dragon Warring States? You should be dead!" Liudao Zhenjun shouted in a faceless manner.

At this moment, Liudao Zhenjun began to be convinced that this cloud beast is exactly the same as the former Dragon Warring States. It's just a little less powerful. Although he still has the advantage, his advantage is also limited.

"If you don't die, how can I die?" Long Zhanguo shouted.

The face of the Dragon Warring States was a bit ugly, because when the two were facing each other, their own strength was not as good. After all, this body was not their own body.

"Ka!" Dragon Warring States felt that there was a hidden crack in his body.

If you continue this way, you will be broken by Liu Daojun?

However, on the surface, the Dragon Warring States was still a domineering look, there was no flinch at all.

Liu Dao Zhenjun could not tell the situation of the Dragon Warring States for a while.

However, Liudao Zhenjun didn't want to wait any longer. The battlefield slowly shifted to the vicinity of the main battlefield of Tongtianjiao, and there was an idle Supreme Lord near the main battlefield of Tongtianjiao.

"It's too high, don't do it yet, when will you stay?" Roared Liu Daozhen with a stare in his eyes.

"Bastard, 800,000 years, it's still the same!" Roared Dragon Warring's face changed.

"The winner is king, the loser is pirate, Dragon Warring States, you are too stupid!" Liu Daozhen sneered.

Today, the two are deadlocked, and neither seems to be able to make a move.

"Dragon Warring States, be careful!" Cried Gu Hai in the distance.

"Well, if you want to withdraw your palm, then wait for me to be killed!" Liu Daozhen said in his face.

As long as the Dragon Warring States withdraws his palm, the full strength of the six true monarchs will bombard the Dragon Warring States. The forced Dragon Warring States cannot withdraw his palms.

And at this moment, the Supreme Master shot.

Probe, Taishang Master hit with one hand.


A half-black and half-white palm suddenly appeared in the void, as if crossing the void, and reached the back of Liudao Zhenjun in an instant.

"What?" Liudao Zhenjun's face sank. "Too much, you're looking for death!"

At this moment, it was not the Dragon Warring States that was too hard to hit, but six true monarchs.

The sudden scene made the ancient sea in the distance look pale.

"Too high, you are crazy. Ten of the six true monarchs, do you want Wanshou Taoism to exterminate?" Taiyi screamed in the distance.

Beyond Taiyi, all the powerful men were showing shock. At this moment, Taihang actually betrayed?

Kong Xuan was not distracted, but opened his mouth and swallowed two other peerless powerhouses.


The black and white yin and yang palms of the Supreme Master slammed on the six backs, and a wave of great force swept the four sides.


Six were suddenly smashed with blood.

It's not over yet.

"Moan!" "Moan!"

Suddenly, two Jianming shot from the side of Taishangjiao, but they were two sacred swords, and suddenly reached the back of Liudao Zhenjun.

"Do you also rebel?" Six Tao Zhenjun said facelessly.

Suddenly, the two Masters of Heaven seemed to cooperate in an instant, each cutting out with a single sword and heading straight for the six backs.

"Boom, boom!"

The sound of a blast of thunder and lightning rang out, and two swords of Xianxian blasted into the backs of Liudao Zhenjun.

The Supreme Master, two Masters of Heaven, and the three attacked together and attacked six true monarchs?

The Dragon Warring States and the ancient sea are all at a loss.

Too far in the distance, the powerhouses have been watching for a long time, why is this so?

Did n’t the two Masters of Heaven kill each other? Aren't they endless? Why suddenly the United Front?

The Supreme Master also suddenly shot.

The horror of the three men's power can be seen from Liu Daozhen's blood spit three times in a row.

"Puff puff!"

Three blood squirted, and Liu Daojun's entire face was distorted.

The two swords of Xianxian did not blow up Liu Daojun, but got stuck in the body of Liu Daozhen. The power of the Supreme Master has not withdrawn, and it is still raging.

The Dragon Warring States went all out. The four strong men inserted the six true monarchs into the center, and a destructive force poured into the six true monarchs.

This time, Liudao Zhenjun is really finished?

This is a group of peerless powerhouses.

The ancient sea in the distance is also a clenched fist. Succeeded?

"Dead!" Dragon Warring States roared loudly, with more power in their hands.

"Oh!" Liu Daozhen spit blood again, and his face was extremely distorted: "Why? Too much, do you dare to rebel against me?"

Intercepting Tongtian coldly: "Because, the third day after you went to Wanshou Taoism, I also went to Wanshou Taoism!"

"What if you go?" Liu Daozhen said in his face.

The Supreme Master took a deep breath and said, "My brother didn't tell the truth, just to surrender to you. After 800,000 years, Wanshou Taoism will surrender to you, but he didn't say, if you don't die, one year later, he It was obliterated by the time of the old man watching chess! "

"Huh? So, for your brother, regardless of the consequences?" Roared Liu Daozhen.

"My younger brother can die for me, why can't I fight for him?" Tai Shang said in a cold voice.

"Ha ha ha ha, good brother rescues brother, brother rescues brother, hum, I have ten bodies. Have you ever thought that if my body is destroyed today, there are still nine, which can destroy you Wanshou Taoism?" Lu said.

"Both choices, when no regrets!" Tai Shang said coldly.

"Well, I have already said, when I succeed, take the rules of time, break the old man's situation of watching chess, you don't believe me, believe him!" Liu Daozhen said facelessly.

"I believe this God of Heaven!" Tai Shang said coldly.

Taishang believes that Chujiatong Tongtian, because in addition to telling the fact that he was killed one year later, he also said that Taishang Future regrets and created "Taisheng Changsheng". Since the future will regret it, why not work hard today? ?

I used to pretend that I do n’t know Jedi Tongtian, just for this moment, I can do a fatal blow.

"Too high master, don't need to make more nonsense, do your best, first destroy the six true monarchs, just in case there is any change!" Zhuanjiao Tongtian roared.

"Okay!" Tai Shang asked the leader.


Suddenly, a pattern of tai chi yin and yang fish emerged from the black and white palms of the leader of the Supreme Master, rushing straight into the backs of Liu Zhenjun, and a sudden burst of tears came from the back of Liu Zhenzhen.

"Roar!" Liudao Zhenjun suddenly yelled.

Under the roar, there was a super fierce look, and the whole body swelled again.

"To this day, you will die, no doubt, broken!" Long Zhanguo roared loudly.

"Boom!" More power pressed against Liudao Zhenjun.

Liudao Zhenjun suffered from the enemy on the stomach, but he no longer cared about everyone, and a crack appeared in his body when he shouted. However, the eyes of the six true monarchs suddenly shrank their pupils, and when they were released again, a soft light slowly emerged.

The left eye is white and the right eye is black.

The soft light is accompanied by a heart-breaking power of destruction.

As soon as that light came out, the ancient sea on the distant planet changed suddenly.

"Eye of life and death? Impossible, Liudao Zhenjun has eyes of life and death?" Gu Hai suddenly numb his scalp.

My own method of "great tragedy of heaven and earth", but it ’s only after practicing the triple heaven that there is an eye for life and death.

Do the six true monarchs also have "The Great Compassion of Heaven and Earth"?

"Be careful with six eyes!" Gu Hai exclaimed, his face changing.

At the time of the exclamation, the flying fairy sword suddenly flew out.

"call out!"

Zhanxianfeidao went straight to the right eye of Liu Daozhen's black light. However, the situation of the war changed rapidly and it was too late.

Eye of life and death? This appearance is more than just horror? The situation will be turned upside down.

Sure enough, with the opening of the eyes of life and death, the world in Liudao Zhenjun's eyes suddenly changed, and the back slamming was all right. The opponent in front of the Dragon Warring States was instantly seen by Liudao Zhenjun.


With a cold hum, Liu Daojun suddenly pulled his palm.

"Do you seek your own way of death?" Dragon Warring States stunned slightly.

The six true monarchs withdrew their palms and opened the empty door.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The palms of the Dragon Warring States, like two open axe slamming on the chest of Liu Daozhen.

"Click, click!"

Liu Daozhen's chest collapsed in, the ribs burst out, the internal organs shifted, and blood burst open.

The Dragon Warring States thought they were going to explode the six true monarchs, but the resignation of the six true monarchs was a two-handed sword, beheaded against the shoulders of the Dragon Warring States.


Long Zhanguo's eyes widened, and six true monarchs were to be opened.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

A super loud noise exploded, but the explosion was not the six true monarchs, but the Dragon Warring States. Gu Hai's cutting fairy flying sword, just flew near, was blown back.

"What?" The Supreme Master and the two Tongtian showed horror.

The Dragon Warring States that was still on a par with Liu Daojun just exploded instantly?

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