Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 6 Chapter 96: Emperor Fuxi

This is the second more! ——

The Supreme Leader took the Leader to the ancient sea!

"Ancient emperor, the previous battle really opened the eyes!" The Supreme Master looked at Gu Hai, a flash of admiration flashed in his eyes.

It can be said that most of the six true monarchs were hit hard by ancient seas.

"Don't dare to be an eye-opener, but if we don't leave, the other six true monarchs will all come!" Gu Hai smiled bitterly.

"Let's go, Gudi, how are you hurting?" Tai Shangjiao worried.

"It hurts, I can't move it for the time being!" Gu Hai smiled bitterly.

In the body, Bu Tian Li is nourishing the physical body, but as the ancient sea body becomes stronger and stronger, the needed Bu Tian Power is also increasing, and it will not be restored as before.

"Your Majesty, I will help you!" Kong Xuan helped Gu Hai.

"Kong Xuan, do you feel more enchanted all over you?" Gu Hai looked at Kong Xuan.

Kong Xuan nodded: "I have eaten so much that I haven't had time to digest it all! But, support your Majesty, it should be fine!"

"Hell road reincarnation, immortality, there is a possibility of resurrection, they are all dead?" Gu Hai worried.

"I haven't died yet, because I haven't completely digested it, Your Majesty is at ease, I will let them die outside Hell!" Kong Xuan solemnly said.

Gu Hai nodded.

"Go!" Nodded too much.

Gu Hai suddenly shook her head.

"Huh?" Everyone looked at Gu Hai in doubt.

"Can't go the same way!" Gu Hai shook his head.

Taishang, Tongtian and Kong Xuan nodded.

"But can Kong Xuan still tear another cycle crack?" Tai Shang worried.

At least, the Supreme Master and the Supreme Master cannot.

"Hell reincarnation is not the same as 800,000 years later. At least, the eighteenth floor has not been sealed!" Gu Hai laughed.

With that said, Gu Hai took out a lamb fat jade net bottle with difficulty.

There are four samsara lotus flowers in the lamb's jade net.

The ancient sea motioned to Kong Xuan. Kong Xuan naturally knew this reincarnation lotus. After 800,000 years, His Majesty used it to take himself away once.


Kong Xuan picked the next flower. Suddenly, the reincarnation lotus withered quickly, and under the reincarnation lotus, an exit appeared in the void.

"Reincarnation lotus?" Tongtianjiao's look moved.

"Coincidence by chance, everyone, let's go!" Gu Hai smiled bitterly.

"Okay!" The Supreme Master nodded.


The four entered the cave at once and disappeared into the eighteenth floor of **** in an instant.


The hole just closed for a short while and disappeared.

It didn't take long to leave in Guhai. Outside the Peacock Temple.


A sudden strong wind swept through and shattered the entire Peacock Temple, revealing a void crack.

But it was a man in a robe, cold and cold, and arrived in an instant.

Liudao Zhenjun! Another six true monarch?


Liu Daojun stepped into the void crack one step into Hell Road reincarnation.


A gale swept again. But it was another six true monarch rushing to his face, showing his face, stepping into the cracks of time and space.

The Hell Road reincarnation entered by the two big six true monarchs quickly went straight to the eighteenth floor of hell.

Upon entering it, the two six true monarchs were all cold.

"Escaped? Huh!" A six-character Zhenjun said coldly.

"Ancient sea? Too high? To heaven? Watching chess? Huh, don't you want to run any one!" The other six true princes said facelessly.

The two six true kings looked at each other.

"Go to Wanshou Taoism!" Nearly at the same time, the two six true monarchs murmured with a great hatred.


The two six Daojun turned their heads, left the reincarnation, left the Peacock Temple, and went straight towards Wanshou Taoism with indignation.

The rebellion that is too high and the sky is completely broken with Liu Daozhen--

The reincarnation lotus took Gu Hai and his party out of hell, but they appeared randomly.

A group of people appeared in a valley, but the passage behind them suddenly disappeared.

"Tongtian, go and find out why this place is here!" Tai Shang commanded.

"Yes!" Tongtian replied and left.

"Ancient Emperor, thanks to you before, my brother said, there should be two six true kings looking for you? There is only one this time. Isn't it ten days later, there will be six true kings finding you?" Tai Shang frowned.

"That's true, oh, the Supreme Master, you open up the sky, and you don't know what you want to say to me alone?" Gu Hai said slightly weakly.


The leader of Tai Shang turned his hands to take out a pile of debris, which was the chaotic clock, which was destroyed in all directions, the fragments of the extremely cold gourd, and the destroyed real fire gourd.

The Lord of the Supreme Master turned over and put away the damaged true fire gourd: "Although the true fire gourd is broken, after all, the memory of Samadhi is really fire, and I can continue to use it to refine alchemy and refinery. These three treasures are useless to me. This In the second battle, it was mostly the ancient emperor's actions. The three treasure fragments should be left to the ancient emperor's disposal! "

Said, handed the fragments of the three things to the ancient sea.

Gu Hai looked to Tai Shang in doubt, but saw that Tai Shang looked sincere.

"The Supreme Master is wise, Gu Hai is ashamed!" Gu Hai smiled slightly.

This is too much of the leader, and she really observed the slightest, but from some of her own subtle expressions, she saw that she needed the three things and gave it to him without hesitation.

"Thank you, Mr. Supreme Master, for your success!" Gu Hai refused with an unpretentious rejection, and the detective put away the three pieces of debris.

"This is what you deserve, and I also saw that a while ago, the immense amount of 'energy' in the **** road seemed to gather to you?" Too puzzled.

"The Supreme Master's wisdom eyes!" Gu Hai sighed.

Earlier, when his soul was monopolizing his body, his strength reached its peak. The ancient sea could actually manipulate the soul book and earth soul book. The soul book was not very useful, but the earth soul book could absorb energy.

Once, Gu Hai once again extracted the free 'energy' of the whole **** road reincarnation. Unfortunately, the 'energy' of the **** road reincarnation at this moment is much less than 800,000 years ago. After all, after 800,000 years, it is all Closed, energy can't get out at all.

The Supreme Master did not pursue it much, but asked, "After ten days, there will be six true monarchs attacking. Can you still slaughter six more?"

Gu Hai smiled bitterly: "Treasures are all broken. I was seriously injured. Six of them have prepared for me. Ten days later, there is no other way, at least I haven't thought of it yet!"

"If it weren't for your surprise raids, the six true monarchs would be impeccable, and there are six true monarchs in defense. In this world, no one can really be their opponent!" Tai Shangjiao smiled bitterly.

"Six Tao Zhenjun is one aspect, in fact, there are old people who watch chess!" Gu Hai frowned.

"Old man watching chess? Two have died before? Is that the same as Liudao Zhenjun, is it ten?" Kong Xuan wondered aside.

Gu Hai shook his head: "I don't know!"

"However, I always have the feeling that the old man watching chess seems to be more than just killing Liu Daojun. He seems to have a bigger plan?" Gu Hai's face complexed.

"Old man watching chess? Oh, yeah, I can't see him except you!" The leader of Tai Shang was slightly silent.

"call out!"

At this moment, the Master of Heaven is back.

"Brother, our current position is beside a city in the east of Shenzhou!" Tongtian explained.

"Orient? Orient!" Nodded too.

Turning his head, he looked at Gu Hai: "Ancient emperor, the six true monarchs want to fight against the sky. It has been determined that you have ten days. You will have to be wounded if you want to come in these ten days. If you go with me to a place!"

"Oh?" Gu Hai looked at the Supreme Master.

"Go see the Emperor Fuxi!" Tai Shang Shen said.

"Fu Xi? Too big brother?" Gu Hai looked.

"Yes, the ancient emperor is strange. Others first knew Fuxi, and later knew Taiji, but you know Taiji better? Oh? Also, after 800,000 years, there are Taiji and Fuxi!" Too The leader laughed.

Gu Hai smiled bitterly, too stingy, looks like he is now his daughter-in-law, is he going to see the big brother?

"The Emperor Fuxi? I've heard it a few times. I don't know what is special about Fuxi?" Gu Hai wondered.

One side passed the sky and Shen said: "The Dragon Warring States is the first person in the world after 800,000 years, and the Sixth Path is the first person in the world in this era. Fuxi is the first person in the world in the previous era!"

"Oh?" Gu Hai froze slightly.

"In the past, Fuxi was almost at the border of the emperor. Later, for some reason, suddenly all the imperial power was dispersed and retired, and away from all the hustle and bustle of the world. Now that the world is in danger, it is time to invite him back!" Sound channel.

"Brother, do you know where Fuxi is? Didn't you hear that Fuxi is completely cut off from the world?" Tongtian was surprised.

Too shook his head too much: "I also learned by chance!"

"Okay, then there is the leader of the labor leader too!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Your Majesty, you came my way!" Kong Xuan solemnly said.

Gu Hai nodded.


Kong Xuanhua became a huge peacock. This time it was not three thousand feet, but just a few feet long enough to sit on the ancient sea.

"Follow me!" Exclaimed the leader.


Suddenly, everyone flew towards the horizon.

Gu Hai sat cross-legged on the back of Kong Xuan, closed his eyes and adjusted his breath.

Bu Tianli constantly repairs injuries. The physical injury is not good, and naturally, Bu Tianli will not be wasted on the three ** treasure fragments.

However, the three ** treasures also came to the Goddess of the Spirit Mother.


The eyes of life and death saw that the black line broke countlessly above the three treasures.

"call out!"

At this moment, the iceberg in the body seemed to project a chill from the place where the water was in the sky, and rushed towards the extremely cold gourd.

"Oh? Cold?" Gu Hai looked.

Just a ray of replenishing power was broken onto the broken extremely cold gourd, and the black line suddenly had a trace of connection.


The cold air of the iceberg rushed into the fragments of the extremely cold gourd, and the cold gourd was quickly repaired by the cold.

"Since the extremely cold gourd can be repaired by the iceberg, then the extremely cold gourd is back to the **** of water!"

Suddenly, the extremely cold gourd flew into the water shrine.


The extremely cold gourd, full of cracks, restored its appearance, and immediately sucked the iceberg into it. The iceberg emitted countless cold, nourishing the cracks above.

The water **** of the ancient sea held the extremely cold gourd in his arms and quickly sacrifice it.

PS: Two more!

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