Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 3: Shangqing Kendo Headquarters

"This time, the leader ca n’t agree with him. He is the lord of the Supreme Master and the reputation of Taoism of Wanshou. Come this time and let the ancient emperor leave to comfort him!"

"You want to let me?" Gu Hai was surprised.

He nodded, and the probe pushed the Taiji chart again.


The energy of yin and yang in the Taiji diagram rotates retrogradely, slowly drawing back energy from the ancient sea.


The energy in the ancient sea suddenly became usable again.


In an instant, the ancient sea jumped out of the Taiji diagram.

"Ancient Emperor, maybe I have done more than this. You have the means to slowly extract this yin and yang energy. Presumably tomorrow, you can break the seal without me, right?" He laughed.

"Tomorrow? Indeed, tomorrow I may be able to break the seal, but on the occasion of tomorrow, everything is too late!" Gu Hai confronted slightly.

I nodded and said, "That's good, but fortunately I'm not in vain!"

"Should be trapped in this hall, presumably not many people know? You ...?" Gu Hai Shen said.

"It was Lin Waner who asked for me! Maybe it was the first generation that had been accounted for," said Zheng solemnly.

"Oh?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Tradition is too old, there is a legacy jade stele, only if you can do too long, you can understand internal things. There are messages from the first generation of Taishang. You can use the jade stele to deal with the God of Heaven. In these years, God of Heaven has never been I didn't feel too sad, and never used it. Until now, Lin Waner used the information on the jade stele to find me. "铩 Zheng Zhongdao.

"find you?"

"Yes, the Supreme Master left a message. If Tongtian violates his intent, he can use the jade tablet to find '铩' and ask for help. That is to find me. And me, oh, not long ago the resurrection meeting, I will be back 800,000 years later. There, when I met the Supreme Master, I owe him a favor! "

"Oh?" Gu Hai was slightly surprised.

"Lin Waner learned from Xuandu that you were imprisoned and asked me to save you! And I owe a favor to the Supreme Master, and in addition, I feel that the Master of the Heavens has done too much, so ...!" .

"Waner, what's wrong?" Gu Hai worried.

"She was repaired by the Master of the Heavens, and it was not a problem. She was waiting for tomorrow and was forced to marry!" He explained.

"She didn't let you save her?" Gu Hai frowned.

"No!" I shook my head.

Gu Hai smiled bitterly: "I know, I can't protect myself, still think of me first?"

"Gudi, if you are going to save her, just go early, the time is tight!" Zheng solemnly said.

Gu Hai glanced at him, and frowned slightly: "You let me go, how can you explain it to Master Tongtian?"

He frowned slightly: "My business, you don't have to worry about it."

Gu Hai stared at him for a while, and nodded: "Okay, thank you this time!"

He shook his head, apparently unwilling to accept Gu Hai's gratitude.

"Aren't you looking for Kendo in the world?" Gu Hai looked at Yu.

"Oh? Do you have a new idea again?" I wondered.

You know, Gu Hai gathered Zhang Sanfeng, duguo for defeat, Ximen blowing snow, and undefeated East in the form of matrix. They represent four types of kendo, but they have benefited a lot.

"I have a copy of the" Song Qing Kendo Master ", a friend gave it, is it useless, you see for yourself!" Detective Gu Hai took out a sword-shaped jade card and handed it to him.

This is what Jiantian Tongtian gave to him that year, his Kendo.

He may be the reincarnation of Jedi Tongtian, or it may be the rebirth of other situations, but Gu Hai did not intend to tell him that since he chose to follow a path of sword repair, cut it off from the past. As for this "Song of the Qing Dynasty" It's a kendo experience.

"Oh?" I took it.


Suddenly, the sword-shaped jade card burst into the mind.


My body surface erupted in countless cyan swords.

"So strong!" I was surprised.

Guthai immediately retreated.

I was all trembling, as if I had accepted the immensely powerful Sword Art heritage.

"Where did this come from? Good swordsmanship!" Wu said in surprise.

"A friend's!"

"Oh? Your friend? This is so strong, this Kendo is somewhat similar to the Master Tongtian, but it is a little different. The same? Not the same. It ’s a weird kendo, it's a powerful kendo!" He stared.

"Maybe!" Gu Haiwei smiled.

"Who is your friend? Such a kendo must be an amazing figure, right?" Su surprised.

"He reincarnate and go!"

"Oh why?"

"He didn't think his kendo was good enough, so ..." Gu Hai recalled.


Isn't this Kendo good enough? Who is this senior?

"Does this Kendo help you?" Gu Hai curiously said.

"Yes, this Shangqing kendo and my kendo seem to be far from each other. Maybe in my instinct to practice this shangqing kendo, I have never practiced it, but since you want to practice swords, you should not avoid any kendo, you shangqing kendo , Maybe just make up for my shortcomings! Thank you! "铩 solemnly said.

"Thank you? No thanks, this should be yours!" Gu Hai shook his head.

Jedi ’s reincarnation, spiritual practice deliberately avoided his previous Kendo? It's really a big determination.

"You leave quickly! Taiji illustration, you don't want to take it away, after all, it is a Taoism of Wanshou!"

"Good!" Gu Hai nodded.

Opening the door, Gu Hai rushed out instantly, and the door closed suddenly.

I watched Gu Hai leave, and a grateful flashed in my eyes.

He looked around the hall, suddenly sitting cross-legged, closed his eyes and enlightened this "Song of the Qing Dynasty".

I let go of the ancient sea, and did n’t pretend to have done it, but in this hall, waiting patiently for the God of Heaven, it was done by myself, and there was no need to hide it. Bright and light.

Gu Hai left the hall.

There are some guardians of Wanshou Taoist disciples outside the hall, but now, they all seem to be asleep, which is obviously a masterpiece of grandma.

Turned his head and glanced at the hall.

"Tiantian Temple? Huh!" Gu Hai snorted and rushed into the forest instantly.

After all, Taiji is one of the strongest magic weapons in the world. If you did n’t have an ancient immortal sky before, you could extract a certain amount of yin and yang energy, and you would be helpless.

Now the cultivation is restored, and the peak cultivation of Zhongtian Palace is capable of cutting the elementary Shangtian Palace. It naturally moves freely in Taoism of Wanshou Taoist. After a lot of questions, it quickly knows the position of the previous vein.

"call out!"

Rushing towards Lin Wan'er's residence instantly--

Lin Waner's residence outside the main hall.

Xuan Du took a few close friends and looked at the surroundings that had been dressed up by Da Hong.

"Meet you elders!" A few mother-in-law pleased him.

"How's it going?" Xuandu said lightly.

"The giant didn't want to wear a bridal gown at first, but now she has been banned and repaired, she can't resist it at all, some of us forced her to change her clothes!" Said a woman, pleased.

"She didn't want to die or live?" Xuan Du said lightly.

"We are just hired, she naturally can't scare us with death!" The mother-in-law said smugly.

"Well, you're doing well!" Xuan Du smiled.

"Also, the elder made me put the medicine in my tea, and I took it, and the giant had already drank it, I saw it with my own eyes!" Said a proud woman.

"Good job, let's enjoy the rewards!" Xuan Du smiled.

"Thank you elder, thank you elder!" The mother-in-law left with excitement.

Xuandu looked coldly at the women.

"Brother, this is a shameful thing after all, will these mother-in-laws talk in the future?" A younger brother frowned.

"Brother, I'll deal with this group of subordinates?" There was a murderous look in the eyes of another brother.

Xuandu squinted and nodded.

"Well!" The teacher immediately chased away a group of women.

"Big brother, the giant is unwilling to obey. Tomorrow, but the leader has arranged it, let's not lose it!" A younger brother frowned.

"Rest assured, nothing will happen, you can go and do something else, just me here!" Xuan Du smiled.

"Yes!" Laughed all the students.

Lin Waner drank the medicine, and it should be happening at this moment, everyone really is not suitable to stay here.

"Do things well. After that, I won't have Lin Waner anymore. I can make her a pot for you!" Xuandu fluttered again.

A group of students and brothers suddenly showed great joy.

Lin Waner is the body of Huoding. If you practice with yourself, your speed of practice must be extremely fast. So big brother?

"Yes, thank you, Brother!" A group of brothers and sisters excited.

Because Xuandu treats a large number of teachers and brothers, he is always generous and must do what he says. This has bought people ’s hearts. Since he said it, he will naturally honor it.

Everyone left happily.

Xuandu walked into Lin Wan'er's room slowly with a sneer.


Gently open the door. This time, Lin Waner didn't shout.

When I stepped into the room, I saw Lin Waner wearing a red robe, curled up on the red bed, the whole person was shaking, it seemed to be struggling, his face flushed, his eyes were watery, his breath was extremely rapid.

"Juzi, what's wrong with you? Would you like me to help?" Xuandu sneered.

"You, don't come here, Xuandu, you give me medicine!" Lin Wan'er's eyes flashed a bit of hatred.

"I just moved the cave house ahead of time. How about it, is it a fever all over the body? I have been looking for this medicine for a long time!" Xuandu sneered.

"Don't come, you come again, come again ........." Lin Wan'er shouted fiercely, but the whole person was weak.

"Swallow the red pills again? Oh, the red pills are with me, how do you swallow them? Slut, obediently, let me see, how much firepower your Huoding body has!" Xuandu came step by step.

"Don't come over, Gu Hai won't let you go!" Lin Wan'er shouted in convulsions.

"Gu Hai? You still expect him? After tomorrow, how about me and you **** cave in front of him? Hahahaha, shout, useless, if Gu Hai is useful, let him come. I am here, let Is he coming? "Xuandu laughed and was about to pounce on Lin Wan'er.


Suddenly, a long purple knife passed through Xuandu's back.


Looking at the purple long knife emerging from his chest, Xuandu's face suddenly changed, and his face was horrified. Xuandu knows this knife.

How could it be a spatula?

"Hey, here!" Gu Haisenhan's voice came from behind him.

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