Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 10: Provoke alienation

In the mouth of Golden Dragon, Shinto Witchcraft!

Jiang Rulai and Ji Dihong all had their eyes bright, surrounded by dark fog, looming, others could not see why they came, but they knew the preciousness of Shinto witchcraft.

However, Jinlong did not get into Jingwei's body, and he could not touch the Shinto Scriptures at all.

"Ang ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The voice of Long Yin is vast.

As more and more people raised their hands in the Dayan Dynasty, Qiyun Jinlong was condensed more and more clearly.

In the clouds of luck, Jinlong tossed, seemingly carrying a mighty power.

Golden Dragon did not dive down, but continued to gather rolling power.

"Jingwei, almost, take things off!" Ji Dihong Shen said.

Jiang Rulai also stared at Jing Wei: "Jing Wei, give me something!"

The two powerfuls battled each other, and Jiang Rulai and Ji Dihong all showed a fierce look.

"Hahaha, Jiang Rulai, Ji Dihong, do you want Shinto rituals? Oh, do you think I am the fish on the chopping board?" Jing Wei said coldly.

"Oh? So, do you have any other support?" Ji Dihong said coldly.

"This is something of my father's sage, it is something of Dayan. When you wait for Dayan to be rebellious, I will not give it to others," Jing Wei said coldly.

"Huh, who dare to grab us?" Ji Dihong chuckled coldly.

"I didn't find out, who was I with?" Jing Wei smiled coldly.

"Too high-profile giant?" Ji Dihong suddenly sank, and seemed to think of something bad.

But at this moment, above the sea of ​​luck, Jinlong suddenly twisted his body, and the huge dragon's head suddenly stretched out toward a huge floating island in the distance.

The Shinto scriptures held by Longkou seemed to spit towards them.

"Teacher of the heavens, Shinto shamanic ceremony, promise me, but don't flinch because of Jiang Rulai and Ji Dihong!" Jing Wei yelled.

Ji Dihong and Jiang Rulai suddenly changed their faces when they heard Jing Wei's words.



The two eyes stared, full of anger. Sure enough, there is only one Wanshou Taoism left for the Dahuang Heavenly Kingdom and Lingshan Holy Land.

Earlier I saw Lin Waner, who possessed Jingwei's possession. Although everyone suppressed others, they had doubts in their hearts. But he didn't want to, Jing Wei was so bold that he would rather not get the Shinto scriptures than let himself be.

Mad woman? Actually asked Wanshou Taoism for foreign aid?

The crowd turned their heads.

Sure enough, on the floating island facing the dragon head, the master of Tongtian Church stood with his hand.

At this moment, the sky is extremely angry.

When the dragon head of lucky Jinlong flew towards himself, Tongtian knew that he must have been pitted by the ancient sea. It turned out he found me long ago? Leading in trouble?

What a misfortune? At the moment of hearing ‘Shinto Witchcraft’, the Master of Tongtian ’s heart also jumped violently. After all, there is an ancient record of ‘Shinto Witchcraft’ in Wanshou Taoism.

Woe to the East? Is it a Shinto scripture? Is it the black gas in Jinlong's mouth?

"Tongtian leader? Please exit Shennong City immediately!" Ji Dihong stared.

"Wuliang Shoufo!" Jiang Rulai's hands clasped.

"call out!"

Suddenly, three figures behind Jiang Rulai flew out.

It is Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva. Go straight to the Master of Heaven.

"Jingwei? Guhai? You really are so clumsy to provoke alienation." Tongtian leader said with a cold drink.

Ancient sea?

In the distance, Jiang Rulai and Ji Dihong frowned. In addition to the master of Heaven, is there an ancient sea?

Provoking alienation?

Didn't Tongtian come for the Shinto Scriptures, but to hunt down the ancient sea?

It doesn't matter if you are so foolish and inferior, as long as it is useful.

Even though everyone is confused, there must be no mistakes for the Shinto Scriptures at this moment.

"Teaching the Lord is a matter of great importance to me, no matter what your purpose, please exit Shennong City!" Jiang Rulai folded his hands.

"Please Wanshou Taoism, don't get involved in what I'm waiting for!" Ji Dihong also said politely.

The strength of the Master of Tongtian is there. It will be very troublesome if you fight later. If not, please leave Tongtian.

"Ha, leave? What if I don't leave?" Tongtianjiao's eyes were cold.

At this time, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva had come to the Lord of Heaven.

"The Buddha has orders, please leave Shennong City!" Brahma solemnly said.

The three showed serious faces and cold eyes.

"Oh? Hahahahaha, what are the three of you? Want me to leave? Do you guys deserve it?" Tongtian leader said coldly.

Tongtian has already named himself and he is not with Jingwei. However, Jiang Rulai did not care about them, but just asked Tongtian to leave. In doing so, they aroused the arrogance of the Tongtian leader.

Jiang Rulai and Ji Dihong came here in person, and they just sent these three spirit mountain guardians who came out somehow? This is simply looking down on yourself.

"So, that's offending!" Brahma said coldly.

While speaking, Brahma reached out his right palm.


The right palm rose in the wind, not palm slug, but flesh palm, suddenly turned into a hundred feet, grabbed to Tongtian.

"Huh, you can't help it!" Tongtian snorted, and his sleeves fluttered.


A huge purple sword rushed straight out and beheaded at the right palm of Brahma.

The purple sword cricket has been seen by the Emperor of Fire. In the past, there was no city in the sky. This is the purple sword cricket, and it forced itself back. Brahma can't stand it now?


Brahma shook the palm of his hand, and the sword smashed into pieces.

"What?" Huohuang exclaimed.

The Tongtian leader also changed his face, how could it be? It ’s not so easy to pick up the fairy sword yourself.

"Go out!" Brahma yelled and slammed again.

"Huh!" Tongtian was really angry this time, and immediately took out the Wuxian Sword and cut it with a sword to Brahma.


When the Wuxian sword emerged, the void suddenly turned into a dazzling purple and was cut towards Brahma.

But at this moment, the Brahma's body suddenly appeared a light and shadow, completely through the sky, then, the Brahma's body grew up quickly along the light and shadow, and in a blink of an eye, became a giant tall.

The giant giant is not a physical body, but an entity. He is not afraid of the sword, and fists.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The fist and sword collided, and there was a sudden tremor in the void.

Brahma seemed to be invincible, and his body exploded backwards.

But at this moment, Vishnu and Shiva also suddenly became huge, and the two of them suddenly shot on the back of Brahma with both palms. Pass strength to Brahma.

Brahma's power suddenly skyrocketed.


Brahma stabilized, but the Tongtian leader and the Wuxian sword were knocked back by the strength of the three.


Tongtian flew out of Baizhang before stopping.

"What? Impossible?" Huohuang exclaimed.

Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva? The three people who never showed up, actually bumped the Master of Heaven back and returned? This is a joke, but it ’s the God of Heaven.

Hit by a huge force and back, Tongtian also showed a sense of astonishment.

"What's going on? The three of you, what power?" Tongtian's face changed.

The three giant giants rushed towards Tongtian in a short time.


Ji Xianjian threw it out, and suddenly there were billions of swords in the void, which kept chopping to the three, but the three were like the King Kong's indestructible body. The sword could not hurt at all. The sword could not deal with one person, but the three were Retreat.


In a roar, the three actually forced the leader of Tongtian out of Shennong City.

Everyone who saw this weird scene was shocked. Even Jingwei didn't expect that it was the God of Heaven, holding a fairy sword in his hand, and was forced out of the city by three inexplicable people?

"God protector of the Spirit Mountain Holy Land? God? So, they also cultivated the gods? Was Jiang Lianshan the mystery of the tribe of the witches who passed to you from the Shinto Scriptures?" Ji Dihong's eyes stunned.

Jiang Rulai smiled slightly and didn't explain, but this expression has explained everything.

The Red Emperor and the White Emperor suddenly became eager to the Shinto Witchcraft.

Three unnamed people have cultivated the secret methods in Shinto witchcraft, can they block the God of Heaven? If this is to be obtained, what a powerful treasure should it be? It turned out that the Dayan Dynasty had this super giant.

Beyond Baidi and Chidi, at the moment, all the officials of Dayan were also shocked.

Is God repairing? So powerful?

"Well, it turns out that you have been trained by the Father ’s Secret to teach you? They only stimulate the body for a short time, and ca n’t hold it for long. When the Tongtian Master returns, the three of them are not enough! Cold channel.

"It's enough to stop the Master of Tongtian for a while, this is the worst batch of witch clans. Jing Wei, don't get the Shinto Witch now, when will you wait?" Jiang Rulai looked coldly at Jing Wei.

Ji Dihong also sent a pressure all over his body, forcing Jingwei to take out the Shinto scriptures.

Jingwei showed his face, looked up at the sky: "Jinlong!"

"Ang ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The giant golden dragon suddenly roared from the cloud of luck, dived down, and came straight to the Jingwei.


With a loud noise, Jinlong rushed into Jingwei's body. Jingwei was instantly wrapped in billions of golden light. Like a round of sun, countless people can't open their eyes.

As Jinguang stabbed, Jingwei issued a dragon chant, which suddenly turned into a three thousand-foot-long golden dragon.


Jinlong soared into the sky, rushed into the clouds, and suddenly spit out a dark mist in his mouth.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, where to go!" Ji Dihong laughed, stepped, and appeared on Jin Long's back instantly, stepping on his feet.


The dragon body sank.


Jiang Rulai also instantly turned into a golden light, appearing on the back of Jinlong. The dragon body sank again and the flight was difficult.

Shinto shamans have finally turned from illusory to reality.

"Give me!" Detective Ji Dihong fetched it.

"Give me!" Jiang Rulai also fetched it.

The two seemed to have billions of feet at their feet, and Jinlong could not fly far. Even if the situation of Dayan was mobilized, the strength of Jingwei was too weak to play much. In front of the two, there was still no resistance. .

"Tongtian leader, here you are!" Jinlong growled.


The dark shroud of shrines rushed to the distant Master of Heaven instantly.

No delusion, but no blessing.

The Master of the Tongtian shuddered slightly, flung his sleeves, and rolled the shrine of shrine into the sleeves.

"Presumptuous!" Ji Dihong and Jiang Rulai all changed their faces.

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