Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 12: Tokai Island

"It's great, the Holy Lord is back!" The Fire Emperor rubbed his red eyes with excitement.

"Cough, cough, Uncle Huohuang, slow down." Jing Wei coughed.

"Slow down, return to Phoenix Island early, treat your injury with Phoenix Shenshui, come back soon, and see how the holy children are treated!" Said the fire emperor with a resentful expression.

"Oh, don't be so fast, don't be, slow down!" Jing Wei coughed constantly in his bitterness.

Fire Emperor looked at Jingwei blankly.

The two flew to a mountain not far away.


Suddenly, a man suddenly appeared in front of the two out of thin air, which is Gu Hai.

"Huh? Gu Hai? Where did you go before?" Huohuang said ugly.

Gu Hai said that she wanted to help, but she never showed up. If it wasn't for the return of the Holy Spirit, the princess would have suffered before.

Gu Hai is serious.

"Gu Hai, was that true just now, wasn't it? Is it my Father?" Jing Wei's eyes were red, with a look of anticipation.

"Princess, what's the matter with you? That wasn't just Saint ...!" Fire Emperor said half, suddenly his face changed.

Suddenly, the fire emperor thought of the ancient sea's ability, and condensed the cloud beast with the chess course. Cloud beast law phase?

"Princess, you did a good job. Every link was done as I said. First scare the ministers, and then stir up the sky. Then you will be angered by Jiang Rulai and Ji Dihong. Let them help you lift the end. Imprint, good job! "Gu Hai laughed.

"That was just now, wasn't that the Father? It was you who used the chess pattern to consolidate?" Jingwei still didn't want to believe in general.

I thought that was true.

"Previously, didn't I borrow countless spirit stones from you? I arranged an array to consolidate Jiang Lianshan's spirit and spirit. The cloud beast of Jiang Lianshan consumes the spirit stones particularly quickly, and it will disappear soon Now, let's go! "Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Fake? Holy is false? No!" The Fire Emperor suddenly refused to accept the facts.

Suddenly from great joy to great sorrow, the fire emperor glared at Gu Hai as if to force Gu Hai to say that it was true.

"Fire Emperor, you should understand everything 800,000 years ago. Now is not the time to breathe. Besides, I am to save Jingwei!" Said Gu Haishen.

"Well!" Huohuang sighed, revealing a sorrow, as if she were countless old.

Jingwei bit her lip and was extremely uncomfortable.

Jiang Lianshan is the sky. If it falls today, Dayan will collapse.

"Ji Dihong? Jiang Rulai? Oh, cough cough cough, I won't make you feel better!" Jing Wei suddenly revealed to himself.

"Jingwei, go with me now, I try my best to get you into the underworld!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"No, I promised you, Gu Hai, I promised you the amount of Shouyuan, go, I will take you to get Shouyuan!" Jingwei blushed.

"Wuliang Shouyuan?" Gu Hai looked at Jingwei with a wink.

"Rest assured, I won't lie to you this time, Father Sheng really left Wuliang Shouyuan, hahahaha, here you are, all for you, I want to make Ji Dihong not die!" color.

The frenzied color was filled with a monstrous hatred. Seeing Gu Hai's heart sank, because Gu Hai seemed to see a madness from Jing Wei's face, a desperate revenge.

However, since there is no limit to longevity, Guhai naturally will not refuse.

"Okay, we still have to be careful, because the Master of Heaven may find him, and he can find us through the upper breath in Waner's body!" Gu Haishen said.

"Let ’s go, just above the East China Sea, not too far away, Uncle Huohuang, you take us with you. Hurry up, when we get there, we will be safe, and the Heavenly Master is useless!" Jing Wei said in a stern manner.

"OK!" Fire Emperor nodded.

"call out!"

Guided by Jingwei, the three turned into a streamer and shot into the distance instantly--

Yan Temple Square.

Jiang Lianshan stepped onto the square in the cold voice.

All the court officials in Dayan bowed their knees and shivered.

Dongfang Shou, Future Buddha, Emperor Shitian, Red Emperor, Baidi and others were also shocked and wondered what to do.

Especially the Red Emperor, can't wait to slap himself at this moment.

Can't wait a little longer? Wait a little while, just a little while, and you won't be so embarrassed.

I just chose to betray Jiang Lianshan completely, and stood by Ji Dihong, this face came. Is Jiang Lianshan back? Want to be so fast? The Red Emperor wanted to cry without tears.

"Holy, holy, holy, me, me, and I are also fascinated. Huangdi cheated me. I was cheated by him!" Chidi knelt on one knee, afraid to resist.

I still remember that when the black emperor was carrying Jiang Lianshan, he encouraged Murong Yan, but Murong Yan died. At that time, how bad the black emperor died, the red emperor still remembers it.

The two women Jiang Lianshan cares about most are Murong Yan and the daughter Jingwei. Why are you so unlucky?

"Looked at by Ji Dihong? Oh, well, then wait for Ji Dihong to come back, let's count the new and old accounts together!" Jiang Lianshan said coldly.

Red Emperor was agitated, but dare not refute.

"Holy, holy!" Dongfangshou also begged for mercy.

"Shut up! Wait!" Jiang Lianshan chirped.

Dongfang Shou did not dare to speak.

"Bulgarian Buddha!" ​​The future Buddha clasped his hands together and uttered a Buddhist horn.

It seemed that Jiang Lianshan suddenly showed a cold light, and in that look, it seemed as if he could spit out a knife and pierce it, so that the future Buddha would not dare to speak.

Di Shitian stood behind the future Buddha, but did not want to be the head bird.

Baidi frowned slightly and did not speak. Although Baidi did not help Jingwei, fortunately, he was neutral, and even if he was liquidated, he would not be too guilty.

No one else dared to touch Jiang Lianshan's brow.

In this way, the Yan Shen Temple Square was quiet and silent, waiting for Jiang Lianshan to speak.

However, Jiang Lianshan no longer spoke, but looked at the places where Ji Dihong and Jiang Rulai disappeared in the distance, as if waiting for them to return.

This is three hours.

At three hours, no one dared to breathe, everyone was in doubt, but Jiang Lianshan's prestige was so great that everyone was afraid to get in even if he was confused.

Until three hours later.


Jiang Lianshan's body trembled slightly, and a trace of energy smoke emanated from his body.

The smoke of energy erupted, and Jiang Lianshan's body was blurred.

"Huh?" Everyone's face changed slightly.

"Buzz, buzz ...............!"

Jiang Lianshan trembled quickly. More and more smoke was leaking from his body, and at this moment, everyone finally doubted it.

"Holy, holy?" Chidi knelt and asked, trying to ask.


With a loud noise, Jiang Lianshan immediately exploded, completely turning into a puff of energy, and it completely disappeared.

Everyone: "……………………!"

The Holy Spirit turned into a burst of smoke and disappeared? How, what's going on?

"Not good, it's a good idea!" The Buddha suddenly changed his face in the future.

"Ancient sea? It's an ancient sea, chess line formation, cloud beast?" Bai Di exclaimed.

Previously, the leader of Tongtian said that he came to chase the ancient sea, and the ancient sea has not appeared. Previously, Jiang Lianshan suddenly appeared. Everyone thought that Jiang Lianshan really returned, and no one dared to think about it.

At this moment, Jiang Lianshan disappeared, and everyone was in a spirit, and finally came back to God.

"Tricked?" Chidi stood up suddenly.

"Wuliang Shou Buddha, a good ancient sea, ha ha ha ha, a good ancient sea!" The future Buddha is also angry and angry.

Everyone stood here for three hours stupidly, and was so frightened that it was just a hoax in Guhai?

"Cloud beast? Hahahaha, the ancient sea is really daring!"

Although 800,000 years ago, the ancient sea showed a mighty power, but now it is 800,000 years later, the rules of chess are gone, and the ancient sea has no power. Anyone here can pinch the ancient sea at will.

Just such a weak ancient sea, turned all of us around.

"Giggle, okay, okay, okay, Gu Hai? Today, new hatred, old hate, let's count together!" Dongfang Shou confided.

"Come, search for me!" Chidi knelt for a long time, even more angry and shouting.

"No more, find a Jingwei or Fire Emperor's hair, I can find where they are, hum!" Dongfang Shouhan whispered.


The future Buddha beckoned and immediately found a tiny long hair.

Dongfang Shou explored his hands, and a blue ball wrapped his hair.

"Heaven and earth have Shouyuan, find the same origin for me, go!" Dongfang Shou yelled.

"call out!"

Instantly, the blue ball soared into the sky and blasted away in one direction.

"Go!" Dongfang Shou sang coldly.


Suddenly, the future Buddha, Emperor Shitian, and Red Emperor led a group of subordinates, all soaring into the sky, one by one, aggressive towards the distant sky, and went to kill Gu Hai and his party.

Baidi wanted to follow him, and behind him, an official suddenly called out, "Emperor!"

But it is the rebellious righteous son of the ancient sea, Tang ancient.

"Huh?" Baidi looked at Tanggu in doubt.

"In three hours, the ancient sea must have run away, and the pond is too deep, we should not intervene!" Tang Gu solemnly said.

Baidi frowned slightly and finally nodded. Did not follow--

After three hours.

"Stop, here it is!" Jingwei called.

The three stopped instantly above the sea.

But I saw that there was a small isolated island below, but there was a vast sea around it, and the horizon was endless.

An extremely humble island. Seeing the ancient sea is slightly puzzled.

"Wuliang Shouyuan? Hidden here?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Yes, right there, ha ha, Gu Hai, I'll help you, and help you get that infinite amount of life!" Jing Wei blushed.

From Jingwei's expression, this Shou Yuan may be involved, but Gu Hai doesn't care, as long as there is Shou Yuan, now the repair is stuck here, you must borrow the infinite Shou Yuan to break through.

The crowd slowly landed towards the island.

But at this moment, an exclaimed sound came from the forest on the island.

"Is it the lord?" He exclaimed suddenly.

"Master? Master, how did you find it?"

"Ah? It's Guhai, Ziwei, you see, it's Guhai! It's saved now, great!"




A series of sounds sounded, but Gu Hai was slightly surprised. Flying quickly.

But they saw that the people on the island were Ziwei, Changsheng, Gou Chen, Mu Chenfeng, and the disciples of Yipintang that they took with them.

PS: Introduce a friend's book, "Undefeated Heavenly Pride". Fire tree quacks.

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