Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 19: Open eyes

Among the magic caves, only Gu Hai is left!

Gu Hai sat cross-legged, and a huge heavenly soul slowly emerged behind him.

The heavenly soul is as high as eighty-one feet, and the whole body is golden, but with a trace of witch spirit, the heavenly soul slowly turns black.

There is so much witchcraft here, but it is not unpleasant for Sky Soul to absorb.

"It takes all the witches here, not decades?" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

However, this witch spirit is extremely misty, cannot be captured, and only the soul can absorb it. The ancient sea waited for a while.

For decades? When you go out, everything is late.

"Fu Tianfu?" Gu Hai suddenly opened her eyes.

But at this moment, I felt a power coming from the Goddess God, straight into the soul of heaven. But it is a method from the great tragedy of heaven and earth.

"Tianhun can also practice the Great Compassion of Heaven and Earth?" Gu Hai stunned slightly.

Then he closed his eyes and quickly urged the world to make a great tragedy.


Sure enough, with the urging of the great tragedy of heaven and earth, the soul of the heavens absorbed the witch spirit around them faster and faster. It's ten times faster, or even faster.

"The heavenly palace repairs Qi and breaks the standard. It is condensing Qidan. One Qidan is for the heavy! Qidan?" Gu Hai said solemnly.

However, with the cultivation of the great tragedy of heaven and earth, after the refining of Tianhun's spirit, the witch spirit slowly gathered to the head of Tianhun and slowly condensed into a small cyclone.

As soon as the cyclone came out, the speed of absorbing witch qi increased again several times.


Heaven soul absorbed insanely.

With the cultivation of the great tragedy of the heavens and the earth, a depression was gradually formed in the soul of Tianhun's eyebrows, and a trace of the depression came out, and the ancient sea suddenly opened its eyes.

"A world of tragedy is about to break through?" Gu Hai was surprised.

But it was the sunken eyebrows, slowly revealing the outline of an eye, a vertical eye.

But this eye, through the whimper, is continually condensing, becoming clearer and more condensed.

Gu Hai's heart beat unconsciously.

Gu Hai understands that his cultivation is not the hardest to improve. The hardest thing is the cultivation of the great tragedy of heaven and earth. Only now is the triple heaven. It has never been lawful.

Chi You had previously been driven into the magic cave, and she still had complaints, but now she has no resentment, but is grateful, because the world ’s great tragedy seems to have a breakthrough.


The appearance of the two objects of eye contour and witchcraft cyclone suddenly absorbed the witchcraft witchcraft and reached a state of plundering. The speed was dozens of times, even more than a hundred times. Even faster.

I saw that the witch cyclone slowly turned into droplets, and then slowly condensed into a liquid ball, and then slowly turned into a solid ball.

I do n’t know how long, the solid sphere has undergone qualitative changes again. The interior is like a big explosion. The interior of the solid sphere seems to explode a huge space, like a universe. Vaguely see that there are countless witches inside Stars.

At this moment, the witch spirit in the magic cave has been absorbed by the ancient sea by 90%.

"The first Wuqi Dan? The second heavenly palace?" Gu Hai was pleasantly surprised.


On the other side, the reincarnation of Tianhun's eyebrows has completely condensed. An extremely strange black eye.

The ancient sea knows that just now the witchcraft was whirling, Wuqidan only absorbed one third, and the other two thirds were drawn by this eye. At this moment, this weird black eye is getting clearer and clearer.

"Ning!" Gu Hai shouted.


The remaining ten percent of witchcraft all poured into the soul of the sky in an instant.


The loud black eye made a loud noise, completely transformed into an entity, and it was embedded in the soul of the heavenly soul.

"Heaven and earth grief, fourfold heaven. Open heaven eyes?" Gu Hai's eyes flashed with surprise.

Tianyan opened, but what about Wuqi Dan just now?

The ancient sea froze slightly, and then the mind sank into the heavens and souls, but the previous Wuqi Dan disappeared.

"It's impossible, it must be!" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

After a careful search, Gu Hai was found soon, but I saw that Wuqi Dan seemed to have become countlessly smaller and fell into the eyes of Tianyan.

The eyes of Tianyan are like an abyss like a black hole, and Wuqi Dan is like a star floating in this black hole. If you don't look closely, you won't find it.

The ancient sea was surprised.

The heavenly soul enters the body and shakes his hand.


Wuqi Dan seemed to send a rolling force to Tianhun, who filled the whole body with strength, and the ancient sea power suddenly skyrocketed. Gu Hai firmly believes that if he now deals with Red Emperor, he won't have to deal with him at all, he can be killed with one punch.

"Yes, Shangtian Temple is the second most important thing! Although Qi Dan stays in the pupil of Tianyan, it seems that it has no effect?" Gu Hai sighed.

Above, as the witch dissipates. With a roar, Chi You's seal disappeared.

At this moment, Chi You and his 81 brothers were preparing to break through the city gate in a tightly closed city gate in the land of Divine Land. The city master and the generals were all in panic.

"Brother, order it, I can't wait!" Ada said excitedly.

"Roar!" A roar of giants.

Chi You turned her head abruptly and looked towards the East China Sea.

"Break the seal? My brother, it's not easy!" Chi You narrowed her eyes and laughed.

Turning his head, Chi You ignored Donghai and continued to look at the city in front of him.

Above the East China Sea.

Gu Hai stepped out of the magic cave.

As the witch emptied, the magic cave seemed to collapse. Instant condensation disappeared.

The billowing water rushed and formed a small tsunami.

Gu Hai stepped in the air and looked up at the sky.

"Sky Eye? What magic are you in the end?" Gu Hai's eyes flashed a look of expectation.

However, under the inspiration of the heavenly soul, the third eye suddenly appeared at the place where Gu Hai's flesh and eyebrows appeared.

As soon as his eyes opened, his eyes flew straight up into the sky.

The sky is opened, but it needs to consume witchcraft. The witchcraft Dan suddenly pours out a lot of witchcraft. The ancient sea urges the skyeye to see the end of the starry sky and the farthest edge, time, space The end.

"Oh?" Gu Hai was surprised.

Looking down, the ancient sea looked in the direction of the land of Shenzhou.

Standing in the East China Sea, as soon as the eyes opened, I saw the borderless sky capital and rushed to the Temple of Heaven.

"This sight?" Gu Hai showed horror.

Eyes quickly traveled in all directions, the land of Shenzhou, like everywhere, under the eyes of the sky, there was nothing to hide.

It ’s just that the world is too big to be precise enough to look at every position. Just now Wutiantiandu is just a coincidence.

"Good eyesight, good eyes, it seems like it's not the limit?" Gu Hai was again stunned with witch.


The sky looked at the earth, and while a lot of witch air was infused, the ancient sea suddenly picked its eyelids, revealing a touch of horror.

"Underworld? Can Tianyan penetrate the two realms of Yin and Yang?" Gu Hai was surprised.

You ca n’t make mistakes. In the past, the unborn had taken themselves to Hades, but the scene of Hades was very familiar. Even Gu Hai saw a city with the words "Dafeng Ghost City" on the plaque .


As soon as the eyes closed, Gu Hai was suddenly slightly tired. The sky eye of the flesh body gradually disappeared, and it retracted into the sky soul.

To open the sky, you need to consume a lot of Qi. Especially through the two circles of yin and yang, after watching this small meeting, the ancient sea felt tired than a day of vigorous fighting.

No wonder Wuqidan will be hidden in the eyes of Tianyan, in order to replenish Tianyan at any time.

"The eye of life and death, the eye of heaven? The great tragedy of heaven and earth is really a good thing! There are five talents for merit? One of the six immortals, I have one, and there are three in this world? In other words, I have these magical abilities Should there be three more people who can do it? Maybe the magic power is different, but it is by no means weak to the great tragedy of heaven and earth? "Gu Hai dignified.

"The immense amount of witches left by Brother Chiyou could have condensed three witchcrafts, which made me break through the fourth weight of the Heavenly Palace. Unfortunately, only one was gathered, but it does n’t matter. The birth of Tianyan is definitely better than Wuqidan is more important.

Just a month ago, there was news from the borderless sky. The Emperor Wu of the North was about to move, and he wanted to conquer Dahan, Long Shenwu? Oh, it's really bold. I thought that since I came back 800,000 years ago, I did n’t have any rules of chess. Humph! There was a cold rush in Gu Hai's eyes.

The scout took out a Qin figurine, while Gu Hai was flying toward the borderless sky while listening to the news of the Qin figurine.

"Oh? The two armies are at war?" Gu Hai narrowed his eyes. There was a sneer.

Ancient seas know the strength of the borderless sky. The top powerhouses include Wen Youmo Yike, Gu Qin, Gao Xianzhi, Wu Youkong Xuan, Shangguanhen, and Ao Shun. Intermediate repairers, there are more than 500,000 gods.

The Dahan Emperor is not afraid of any incoming enemy. What if the Great Emperor Wu Dynasty? Even without you, you are not your opponent.

"Wangshou Taoist disciples? Lingshan Holy Land disciples?" Gu Hai suddenly sank.

The news from the Qin Terracotta Warriors, however, caused Gu Hai to stand still for a while. The Emperor Wu of the Great Dynasty colluded with the Lingshan Holy Land and Wanshou Taoist disciples? Does the Master of the Heavens block himself in Wutiantian?

The Dahan Emperor Dynasty seems to be in crisis.

"Spy? Rebellion?" Gu Hai sank.

This is the news from Mo Yike. At the leadership level of the Dahan Emperor, there was a spy, so that a war of the Dahan Emperor was leaked in advance?

The leaders of the Dahan Emperor Dynasty were all chosen by the ancient sea. How could there be a spy?

In Guhai's view, this incident was more serious than the onset of the Great Emperor Wu.

"Hold your soldiers, wait for me to come back!" Gu Hai spoke to Qin figurines.


The Qin figurine quickly sent a message back to Wudu Tiandu.

At this moment, the ancient sea was also a focal point, and the speed suddenly climbed to the maximum. It turned into a streamer and went straight to the direction of the borderless sky.

Hurry up!

Although the ancient sea is only the second rebuilding of the heavenly palace, the speed of the fifth heaven of the heavenly palace may not be as fast as the speed of flying.

Two days.

In just two days, the ancient sea entered the realm of the Dahan Emperor.

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