Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 22: Mosquitoes get recruited

Heavenless Capital!

Jin Yiwei reviewed a number of officials.

Among the official group, there was a small cluster of terrified people who wanted to flee and even encouraged other officials to coax together, but it also depends on the time.

If His Majesty does not return, he may still succeed, but now, who will be challenged by His Majesty?

Dahan countless officials have a large number of businessmen who followed Gu Hai on the island of Jiuwu in the past. They have cultivated an absolute worship of Gu Hai a long time ago. Later, they have recruited officials one after another. They also experienced too much. Things, at this moment, as long as the officials with a little brain, can not make trouble.

Someone just ran away and made trouble, and soon caught up.

After a batch of confession examinations, soon a group of officials were locked.

Meng Tai was negligent and was reprimanded by Gu Hai. Although he was not dismissed from the position of commander of Jin Yiwei, he was still frightened. Even if he was seriously injured and Dan Tian was destroyed, Montai still endured the pain and continued to coordinate Jin Yiwei's review.

At dawn, most of the officials had returned to their homes and only a few were arrested.

"Part A, take the people to search the homes of these suspicious officials. Anyone in the family is under control. No one is allowed to escape. One of them escaped. Come and see me!" Montai said rudely.

"Yes!" A Jin Yiwei answered.

Immediately, he took a large number of Jin Yiwei to search the group of suspicious officials.

Montai endured the pain, even without bandaging. His clothes were stained with blood, and he brought a series of files to see Gu Hai. Mengtai understands that Wujiang Tiandu is so chaotic this time that he can hardly blame him. Now, he can only make himself look miserable, and hope that His Majesty can sympathize.

Go to the study entrance.

Mo Yike took a lot of information collected by Chen Tianshan, stepped away, and when he went out, he just ran into Montai head-on.

Meng Tai's face sank when she saw Mo Yike coming out of the study.

"Master Mo, how much offend!"

"Master Meng's hard work!" Mo Yike also ordered.

The two crossed.

Now, who is the biggest spy is not completely clear, and the two dare not get too close.

"Oh, right!" Mo Yike suddenly turned his head.

Montai stopped slightly and looked at Mo Yike.

"Your Majesty is not in the study now. If you want to report to Her Majesty, go to Sanqing Hall! Her Majesty should be there!" Mo Yike said, and left.

Montauk froze slightly, then smiled slightly bitterly. Suddenly began to wonder if the assassin I saw last night was Mo Yike.

You know, how could a person as intelligent as Mo Yike be assassinated and shot in person? But if not him, who is it? You see it yourself, and His Royal Highness sees it.

Montai shook his head and went straight to Sanqing Hall.

In the Sanqing Palace, Guhai was the residence of Jiutian Tongtian when it was called by Guhai.

At the moment, inside the Sanqing Hall.

Gu Hai found a drawing on a table in Sanqing Hall.

Behind him, there was a mosquito.

"Gu Hai, did you go 800,000 years ago?" The mosquito Taoist looked at Gu Hai with a shock.

"Oh? Who did you hear?" Gu Hai didn't look back, looking at the drawing in his hand.

"They didn't say anything when they came back. I heard the news from other ancestors!" The mosquito Tao Shen said.

"Since you know, why bother asking again?" Gu Haiwei smiled.


"Mr. Mosquito, you have kept the appointment. Three times have been completed, and I will keep the appointment. When the time comes, I will help you get the Yuanyuanzhu!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

Mosquitoes frowned slightly. There seems to be something to say.

"Why, Mosquito Taoist, what else do you have to say?" Gu Hai turned his head and looked at Mosquito Taoist in doubt.

The mosquitoes looked at Gu Hai with narrow eyes: "I can see these days, Gu Hai, you have a great plan!"


"Agree with me for fifty years? Oh, ha ha ha ha, I thought that after fifty years, I should be able to get mixed Yuanzhu. Now it seems, but not necessarily!" Mosquito said, squinting.

"What do mosquitoes mean?" Gu Hai wondered.

"You have a big heart, but they are the same as the Dragon Warring States and the old man who watched chess. Fifty years? Fifty years later, when the sky awoke, when your sword pointed at the sky? At that time, you didn't care about the mixed Yuanzhu. Then you will become immortal, and you will lose everything if you lose. Therefore, you are willing to promise me the mixed Yuanzhu, because then, you did not care anymore, or, there is nothing you can do? "The mosquito Taoist said coldly.

Gu Hai looked at the mosquitoes and smiled slightly: "Sword refers to the sky? Oh, mosquitoes, you can't talk nonsense!"

Gu Hai didn't admit it, but the look wasn't surprised. Apparently, I don't want to fall out of my tongue.

"Then you were lying to me before?" Mosquito said coldly.

"Cheat? No, I am telling the truth. If fifty years later, if I have mixed beads, I will definitely give it to you!" Gu Haishen said.

The mosquitoes' eyelids were raised. Although deceived, they were not so angry that they jumped.

"My Dahan Emperor Dynasty is about to enter into an eventful autumn. The enemy is huge. Mr. Mosquitoist, you have already fulfilled your promise. There is no need to stay at Dahan to face danger with me," Gu Hai said sincerely.

"Dangerous? Oh, with you, Dahan is indeed dangerous. Now, the Great Emperor Wu Dynasty colluded with Lingshan Holy Land and Wanshou Taoism to destroy you Dahan. It is indeed very dangerous. Last time it attracted the Master of Heaven!" Shen said.

"Yes, it's so dangerous, I don't want to hurt you, after all, you helped me. Maybe it should be very fast. The Master of Heaven will come for the second time. This time, the future is menacing. Sir, please avoid it earlier!" Gu Hai Advise.

"What if I don't want to hide?" The Mosquito smiled.

"Oh?" Gu Hai frowned suddenly, showing a hint of surprise.

"Yes, I'm timid, I'm used to it, I can't stand the constraints, but I've suddenly found that it's not bad to stay in one place these years." Mosquito laughed.

"Sir, what do you mean by this? Are you willing to join my Dahan Dynasty?" Gu Hai was surprised.

"Although my mosquito family is timid, but I also understand that if you want to drink blood from people, you should not be afraid of being shot dead. If you want to drink blood, you must go. Now, I want to drink blood. "The mosquitoes stared at the ancient sea, their eyes firmed.

"Sir, you are sure, there must be blood on me?" Gu Hai smiled.

"I believe that I have also seen that it is not that you have blood on your body, but that you can take someone to drink blood with you. Then the Shangguan marks, do n’t you have enough blood? Kong Xuan and Ao Shun, even Mo Yeke I drank too much blood, and if I dodged again, I could n’t drink it! "Mosquito Taoist surely said.

"In case the blood was not drunk, was shot dead?" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"I will run away! I hope you don't mind me running away!" Mosquitoes stared at the ancient sea.

The mosquito-path means that if he finds that the signs are wrong, he is allowed to run away by himself, perhaps he is betrayed.

Have a man with two sides and three swords? Changing people, definitely not willing.

But mosquitoes, Gu Hai can't get angry. Although he is a villain, he is a real villain, unlike those hypocrites. These are daring to speak out, but make Gu Hai look differently.

"Okay, I allow you to run away. But before you run away, you have to keep your eyes open. Don't be scared away before it's too late!" Gu Hai laughed.

"Ah? Would you?" The Mosquito surprised.

"The calamity is about to fly on its own, just human nature. It's nothing, and, I believe, one day, I won't escape!" Gu Hai laughed.

"You are so confident?" Mosquito said strangely.

"The mosquitoes!" Gu Hai drank softly.

Mosquito stature is a figure.

"From today on, you are sealed as the commander of the Sixth Army of the Dahan Emperor Dynasty! Form your own army and defend the Dahan Emperor Dynasty." Gu Hai solemnly said.

The mosquitoes froze slightly, struggling for a while, and solemnly saluted, "Yes, Your Majesty!"

After agreeing to the ancient sea, the mosquitoes took a breath. It seemed like letting go of my worry.

In the past, there was a feeling of supremacy in the Dahan Emperor. However, as Kong Xuan and Shang Guan marks surpassed one another, even Ao Shun was catching up with him. Mosquitoes understand that they may have missed a lot of opportunities . At this moment, one is to test the ancient sea, and the other is that there are some red eyes in their hearts to announce their gains.

I didn't want Gu Hai to agree, and it was still so rude.

"Your Majesty, I, Chen Guan, as soon as you enter this hall, you stare at the picture, is that it?" Mosquito said curiously.

"Xian Xianjian array, I have already read it, I haven't used it very much for you. You've been in Xian Xianjian array. Let me watch it for a while!" Gu Hai threw the picture in his hand to the mosquitoist.

"What? The map of Xunxian Sword Formation?"

At a glance, it seemed that the overwhelming sword qi rushed out from the drawings. The mosquitoes looked surprised and showed surprise.


But at this moment, a super loud noise came suddenly from the outside, it seemed that a torrential storm swept through, and immediately trembled the countless buildings blowing in the infinite sky. Along with this storm, there is a strong breath that oppresses the borderless sky.

The mosquitoes who were watching the map of the Xianxian Sword also suddenly changed their faces: "This breath?"

"Tongtian leader, finally here?" Gu Hai sneered.

Stepping forward, the ancient sea stepped out of Sanqing Hall.

The moment I stepped out of Sanqing Hall, I heard a cold drink from the sky.



Suddenly, a penetrating sword of the heavens and the earth, inserted into the east of the infinite capital of heaven, entered Jiuxiao and Jiuyou.

"Kill the fairy!"

Immortal Sword immediately inserted into the southern land of the borderless sky.

"Trapped!" "Amazing!"

The Immortal Sword is inserted into the west of Wutian Tiandu, and the Immortal Sword is inserted into the north of Wutian Tiandu.

For a time, the four swords were put out, showing the shape of a large encirclement, surrounding the borderless sky in a circle.

"Stand up!"

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

With the four swords as the corners, hundreds of millions of sword qi erupted in an instant, rushing towards the sky without borders. For a time, the sky and the ground were filled with infinite sword qi.

"Xianxian Sword Formation?" The mosquitoes came out with a change of face.

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