Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 24: National authority

Holding on to the sword, the ancient sea stepped out of the defensive battlefield of the borderless city of heaven and rushed to the leader of Tongtian!

At this moment, almost everyone opened their mouths, even if they knew that the ancient sea had mobilized the world's potential, but it was the master of the heaven. One of the top powerhouses in the world.

Just rushed like this?

One to one? Don't help?

The Dahan people's eyes widened, the Quartet's spies widened their eyes, and Kong Xuan and the mosquitoes also showed shock.

Gu Hai alone? Alone rushing to fight himself?

This is impossible. He is trying to die. This is not 800,000 years ago. Is there any rule of chess now? What confidence does he have to dare to fight one-on-one with himself?

Mosquitoes were most afraid of the Master of Heaven, but now, when they see the ancient sea rushing out, they are shocked at the same time. Perhaps they are right to take this step.

Kong Xuan also looked at the ancient sea in amazement.

Kong Xuan still has some understanding of the strength of the ancient sea. He can't deal with the God of Heaven. His Majesty can do it?

However, even though everyone doubts Gu Hai, Gu Hai has already rushed out.

Kong Xuan and the mosquitoes killed a group of disciples to the Master of Heaven.

"Mosquito Taoist, you eat my sister and sister, look for death!" Duobao Taoist, Madam Jinling immediately roared.

Countless sword qi rushed towards the mosquitoes.


Suddenly, the black mosquitoes were flooding the Quartet sword air with more sword air and more mosquitoes. The mosquitoes entered the battle of the Dahan Emperor, and naturally exerted their best efforts, leaving no stay.

Kong Xuan's figure flickered into a peacock with a height of three thousand feet, and he was so enchanted that he didn't know what to keep his hands in. He opened his mouth and countless swords were swallowed into his belly.

The Tongtian leader stared at Gu Hai: "You dare to come out and die!"

Between the probes, he once again grabbed a sword, turned it into a fairy sword, and cut it again.

"It's useless to come here. I didn't cut you just now. Now, I'll see where you hide!" Gu Hai sighed coldly.

Zhou Tianba once again chopped down to Xianxian Sword.

At the moment of life and death, Guhai saw more severe flaws than before. Cut it across.

Suddenly, a void was torn from the void, crashing into the 诛仙 剑.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

With a loud noise, the Xianxian sword exploded again, and the tremendous power went straight to the palm of Tongtianjiao.

"Tear it!"

Suddenly the Master of the Heavens ripped off his sleeve, and a huge blood mark was cut from his arm.

"What? Master!" Our Lady of the Golden Spirit changed in the distance.


A large number of mosquitoes surrounded the Virgin Mary.

"Sinner beast, get away!" The Madam of Jinling spit out a lot of magic weapons in anger, and rushed out with countless gasps.

However, as long as the energy, the black mosquitoes suck, and in a blink of an eye, the radon is swallowed up. Thousands of princes approached.

"Be careful!" Madam Fire Spirit immediately released a large number of flames to burn the black mosquito.

"Flame? Eat like black mosquitoes, hahaha!" Mosquito laughed.

Suddenly, the black mosquito approached the two women.

"Brother Help!"


Duobaodao people cast a lot of magic weapons to save the second daughter, but the second daughter was still embarrassed and fleeing. Mosquitoes are in hot pursuit.

Above the sky, the second sword of the ancient sea prevailed again.

"Impossible, Zhou Tianba. Shouldn't have such great strength. If I don't have as much strength, I can break my sword?" Tongtian leader said in anger.

"Eight Sunday!"

The ancient sea surface was exposed again.

The Tongtian leader did not believe in evil, and once again waved his hand, and a hundred swords turned into Qixian sword and slashed away towards the ancient sea.

But hundreds of Xianxian swords were cut, and the pressure on the ancient sea was even smaller, because the swords were scattered and the flaws were bigger.



With a loud noise, hundreds of Xianxian swords exploded.

The ancient sea continued to rush to the Tongtian leader, backing it down.

In this weird scene, the spies of the Quartet forces all looked horrified.

"This is impossible, Gu Hai is forcing the God of Heaven?"

"That's the God of Heaven. Why isn't it Gu Hai's opponent?"

"I must be dazzled, it must be!"




How many spies showed unbelief, how many Dahan people showed ecstasy.

What about the Heavenly Master? His Majesty shot, just as much pressure on him to fight back.

"Your eyes?" The leader of Tongtian suddenly stunned.

Seeing Gu Hai's eyes and the pair of eyes instantly made the Master of Heaven think of the former six true monarchs.

In the last eighteen levels of hell, Liu Daojun used this eye of life and death, almost exactly the same.

"How can you? Impossible!" Exclaimed the leader of Tongtian.

"There is no impossible, come again, don't run!" Cried Gu Hai.

"I despised you, hahahahaha, this pair of eyes can see the flaws? That year the Dragon Warring States was broken by Liudao with these eyes. Hahahaha, I understand, I understand!" One cold.

With a wave of the master ’s hand from Tongtian Church, the four swords of Xunxian who besieged the borderless city of heaven flew up instantly.

"Ah!" In the distance, Zhao Gongming was swallowed by Kong Xuan without the protection of the four immortal swords.

"Kong Xuan, you kill my elder brother, I want you to die!" Sanxiao roared suddenly.

"Hmm, you must kill 200 million people in Wudu and Tiandu. Don't allow me to fight back? Joke!" Kong Xuan opened his mouth again and flew towards Sanxiao.

On the other side, the four swords of Wuxian instantly surrounded the ancient sea and the Tongtian leader. When the sword array opened, the ancient sea was full of sword air in all directions.

"I don't believe it, you also have eyes on your back, Gu Hai, you really have many secrets, ha ha ha ha, when I grab you, everything will not be a secret!" Tongtian leader laughed.

"Haha, arrest? Today, whether you can escape, is still unknown!" Said the ancient sea.

"You're just relying on these eyes, Zhou Tianba? You can only cut out Zhou Tianba. This pair of eyes can't help you all the time. Liu Daojun has only used it for a while. Can you always use it? There must be a lot of consumption, when you can't use these eyes, see how you shot! "Tongtian leader sneered.

While speaking, manipulating the Xianxian Sword Formation, with a wave of a sword, all the sword qi in the sword formation suddenly became all Xianxian Swords, and a powerful destruction struck from all sides of the ancient sea. This time, the ancient sea had nowhere to hide, and the Tongtian leader seemed to have found a way to win.

"Do you think I can only cut out Zhou Tianba?" Gu Hai sneered.

"Huh?" The leader of Tongtian sank, and seemed to have a bad hunch.

"Sunday!" Gu Hai looked pale.

"Nine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!" Gu Hai's face twisted and she sang loudly.


Cut it off with a knife, and suddenly there appeared a sword slamming straight up into the sky.

The sword came out. Whether it was Kong Xuan or Mosquito Taoist, even the disciples of the Master Tongtian stopped fighting and looked in horror at the ancient sea where the sword was waving.

Zhou Tianjiu. In the past, in the eighteenth layer of hell, the ancient sea was cut out, and even the six true monarchs couldn't stand it. With that cut out, the entire galaxy's stars burst, it was an entire galaxy.

Now, the ancient sea is cut out again?

Just like the void crack that seemed to split the heavens and the sky, everyone held their breath.

"Impossible ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The Tongtian leader screamed, but saw that within the Xianxian Sword Formation, all the solid Xianxian swords exploded and burst open under the sword, just like the stars of an entire galaxy all burst out last time.

Wuxian's four swords, without any resistance, burst out and flew in all directions. Among them, the Xianxian sword flew to the Master of Heaven. The Master of Tongtian hurriedly grabbed Xianxian Jian to resist.

The sword is facing the God of Heaven.

Although the Tongtian leader resisted with all his strength, how could he never expect that the ancient sea could cut Zhou Tianjiu? This should not be, this is impossible. How could his strength suddenly soar? This is impossible.

"Ah ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

A huge roar.

The Master of Heaven, not far from the borderless sky, was chopped by the knife to the starry sky, and between the distant stars.


A crack in the void was restored, and the sound of absorbing immense storms sounded.

In the sky, a large number of stars exploded. Similarly, the figure of the Master of Heaven was also exposed.

The clothes of the whole body exploded, and the master of the heavens shed his hair. He was extremely embarrassed. His skin was bursting with numerous cracks and blood.

At this moment, there were cracks on the Xianxian sword. Obviously, the sword that had just been borne by Xianxian sword most of the time, could not bear it and broke.


Xi Xianjian burst open.

"Oh ~~~~~~~~~~~! The Tongtian leader spit out blood.

Time seems to be still.

Gu Hai was holding the Health Knife, and his face was pointed towards the Master of Heaven.

In the distance, the leader of the Heavenly Master defeated the enemy, the Xianxian Sword burst, and the Xianxian Jian was chopped.

This style of painting is wrong?

Should n’t Tongtian teach the Lord to end the abuse of the ancient sea?

How could it be that the Master of Heaven was completely abused?

The spies of the Quartet all showed a shocking look, and for a time, they didn't know how to report to their organizations.

Dahan people showed ecstasy.

Kong Xuan and Mosquitoes widened their eyes and seemed to be unbelieving.

"There is no rule of chess? There is no peak spirit? Nor is it a human-soul monopoly? Your Majesty, Your Majesty now ...!"

At this moment, Kong Xuan understood that the ancient sea is really strong. Without relying on those external forces, by his own power, can he win the Master of Heaven?

At the most, it is the power of Dahan people. But it is not uncommon for an emperor to borrow power from his people, otherwise what would he do?

In other words, as long as it is in the borderless sky capital and in the ancient sea home, it is not enough to connect the heavenly master to come.


At high altitude, the leader of Tongtian spit blood again, and looked at the Xianxian sword with only one hilt in his hand. It seemed that he could not accept the fact at this moment.

Gu Hai's eyes with black and white light? No, not those eyes. Gu Hai surpassed herself with her strength.

How could this be?

Tongtian looked down at the ancient sea that was still exposed, and a great sadness rose in his heart. Today, even Gu Hai is not an opponent?

"Everyone, let's go!" Master Tongtian shouted a sorrow.

"Yes!" Tongtian's disciples also ran away in sorrow.

At the time of flight, the Master of the Heavens waved his hand, incurring the fragments of the sword of the fairy, and the sword, the trap of the fairy, and the sword of the fairy that had been shot to the four sides.

"call out!"

In a blink of an eye, the Tongtian leader disappeared into the sky.

"Where to run!" The mosquito Taoist screamed angrily at the Taobao Taoist.

"No need to chase!" Gu Hai sang coldly.

"Yes!" Mosquito and Kong Xuan flew over.

The ancient sea stepped back to the borderless sky.

"Her Majesty's might!" There were hundreds of people and courtiers screaming with excitement at the moment.

The victory at this moment made everyone have unprecedented worship and confidence in the ancient sea.

"Dahan people, the thief has retreated, Guowei is right!" Gu Hai shouted loudly.


Qiyun Jinlong flew out of the ancient sea, rushed to Qiyun Yunhai, and heard a dragon yin, which was heard in the ears of all the people of Dahan.

"Dahan is invincible!" Cheers came from all the cities.

But Guhai didn't enjoy the cheer, but entered the Chongtian Temple alone.

"Kuang!" The door of the Chongtian Temple closed suddenly. Gu Gu left alone in the hall.


A bite of blood spewed from the ancient sea mouth.

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