Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 29: Find out Ao Shun?

Sima Changkong House!

"Master, it's not good, it's not good!" Suddenly an official hurriedly ran to Sima Changkong.

"What's wrong?" Sima Changkong frowned.

"Ao Shun, it may be exposed!" Said the official, his face ugly.

"What? It's only been an hour, why was it exposed?" Sima Changkong stared.

"I also don't know. The spies in the city said that after Ao Shun entered the palace, there was no news. One hour, one hour later, he suddenly saw Ao Shun's face panic and ascend to the sky. It seemed as if he was running away! The mosquitoes seemed to be waiting, and in Ao Shun they had not returned to God, and they hit the palace with one palm! "Said the official.

"Then what? Then what happened? Some voice or something came out?" Sima Changkong's face changed.

"No, then quietly, no more voices!" Said the official bitterly.

Sima Chang paced back and forth, his eyelids jumping wildly.

"It shouldn't be, it shouldn't be, one hour? Just one hour, was found by the ancient sea? This ...!" Sima Changkong's face was extremely ugly.

"The palace is heavily guarded and we can't detect it, sir, will Ao Shun ...!" The official worried.

Sima Changkong paced back and forth. After a while, he stopped and showed a bitter smile: "Gu Hai, it really is the most dangerous enemy, one hour? Just one hour? What method does he use?"


Ao Shun rushed out of the cupola.

The moment he could rush out of the Temple of Heaven, Ao Shun's face changed, because the outside world only entered the sky, and everything else was exactly the same as before.

Qiyunhai has not increased or decreased. The generals of the Quartet are the same group of people who had previously entered the Sanqing Hall. Yes, that group of people has not changed.

In the city, it is exactly the same. One of the huge shops has a big notice erected by a kite and wrote ‘Clearance Sale, Last Day’!

Isn't this the house you saw when you came?

And, there are many more.

Many of them are exactly the same, not after a few months, but on the same day.

"This is impossible!" Ao Shun's face changed.


There was a loud noise, but there was a mosquito coming straight ahead without knowing when there was a mosquito.

In a hurry, Ao Shun's face changed. However, the strength of Mosquitoes was stronger than Ao Shun after all. Moreover, Ao Shun was like a shell, and shot back to Sanqing Hall.


Instantly shot into Sanqing Hall.

Kong Xuan and Shangguan Mark suddenly flew away.

"Gu Hai, you lied to me, you lied to me, it was n’t nine months outside, not nine months at all, only half a day? Why did the outside world only last half a day?" Ao Shun shouted suddenly.

In the hall.

Everyone froze a little, but Kong Xuan and Shang Guanchen didn't care so much, and flew to Ao Shun for the first time.


The three of them immediately fought together, and a powerful shock wave rushed in all directions.


With a wave of Gu Hai, the gate of Sanqing Hall closed suddenly.

The huge shock wave of the three-man battle immediately hit all four palaces. In the past, the Sanqing Hall had exploded long ago, but at this moment, instead of exploding, the Sanqing Hall suddenly enlarged the entire space by 10,000 times.

For a moment, everyone seemed to see countless stars above their heads. Slowly rotating in general.


With a loud noise, Ao Shun was subdued by Kong Xuan and Shangguanchen Thunder.

Detective Kong Xuan pressed Ao Shun's body. Suddenly, Ao Shunxiu was blocked.

"You lie to me!" Ao Shun stared at Gu Hai.

Gu Hai looked coldly at Ao Shun, and there was a hint of incomprehension in his eyes. Ao Shun betrayed himself? why?

Kong Xuan looked at the stars above his head, and his expression moved: "This is the ancient fairy sphere?"

Kong Xuan entered the ancient fairy dome, and now there seems to be a huge space in the entire hall. It's too similar to the ancient fairy heaven.

Matrix can also create this effect. However, the matrix method is difficult to achieve time asymmetry with the outside world.

The ancient dome of the ancient sea is fine. It used to be smelted in the eighteenth floor of hell. The time of the ancient dome of the ancient sea is much faster than the outside world.

One day outside, ten years inside.

Everyone stayed inside for nine months, while outside it was just an hour. Just an hour.

Ao Shun was sealed and repaired, and pressed by Shangguan marks and Kong Xuan.

"I never thought it would be Ao Shun!" Mo Yike frowned deeply.

At this moment, Mo Yike also understood the key, investigating rape, and it seemed difficult, but Gu Hai was very simple to do it, but it was so simple that it was very effective.

First of all, beat everyone. If you feel at ease, you will naturally not be disturbed by the beat of the ancient sea. At most, you will feel a little uncomfortable. Once the truth is revealed, you will feel a sense of exultation.

A guilty conscience is different. He could pretend to know nothing, but Gu Hai's knocking made him stretch a string in his heart. This string is not the same as the beginning, because if someone Communication, this string will slowly loosen, but no one communicates, the atmosphere is depressed, as time goes by, this string will become more and more tight, more and more irritable, and more irritable and more taut.

In nine months, it was stretched to a critical point. At this moment, when Sima Changkong appeared, as if everything was broken, the string was instantly broken.

Ao Shun fled in an instant, but was caught by the prepared ancient sea in an instant.

The crowd raised their eyebrows and exhaled for a while, but Ao Shun was cheeky.

"Sima Changkong? How do you know Sima Changkong?" Ao Shun sulked.


But I saw that Sima Changkong beside Guhai suddenly turned into a white smoke and disappeared.


"Qidao formation, cloud beasts condensate?" Gu Qin eyes stared at the stars in the sky.

The stars are lined up in a thirty-three array, condensing a fake Sima Sky, too easy.

"Hah? Hahahahaha, it turns out that in the past nine months, did you make me scare myself?" Ao Shun said in a faceless manner.

"Remember the question that I asked you earlier?" Gu Hai Shen cried.

Gu Hai asked, who does Aoshun care about most? Ao Shun said it was his brother Ao Sheng.

Gu Hai asked again, who does Ao Sheng hate the most? Ao Shun said it was himself.

"Your Majesty, this is to threaten him with Ao Sheng and make him repent at an early date?" Shangguan marks wondered.

"No, I guess someone threatened him with Ao Sheng and made him rebel!" Kong Xuan frowned.

Ao Shun looked at Gu Hai coldly at this moment, and suddenly realized that Gu Hai might know something.

Gu Hai said coldly, "You are almost right, Ao Shun really cares about Ao Sheng, even if he pretends not. But the second sentence has a problem. Ao Sheng hates not Ao Shun but he Father Ao Tianhuang! "

"Uh?" Everyone froze slightly.

"You deliberately avoided, it was useless, I knew, and Ao Shun also knew. Otherwise, Ao Sheng would not be able to dig the ancestor's grave. That is a terrible resentment against his father, Ao Tianhuang, why is his father bad for himself? Oh, you Deliberately avoided, thinking that this was Ao Shun's idea, don't you know, the more you are so, the more guilty you feel! "Gu Hai said coldly.

"Uh?" Everyone froze slightly.

Your Majesty, why does it sound a little messy?

"What you say, I don't understand!" Ao Shun said coldly.

"Don't understand? If you are really Ao Shun, you already understand. You don't understand, because you are not Ao Shun at all!" Gu Hai's face went dark.

"Hahaha, I'm not Ao Shun, which eye do you see that I'm not Ao Shun?" Ao Shun shouted with a stare.

Although Xiuwei was sealed, the body still appeared black and white.

"No need to pretend in front of you, Prince Ao Sheng!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Ao Sheng?" Everyone in the hall suddenly changed his face.

Detective Kong Xuan patted his hand on Ao Shun's back and examined it carefully.

During the investigation, doubts grew. This is obviously Ao Shun, why does Your Majesty say that he is Ao Sheng?

"I don't know what you're talking about, hum, kill if you want to kill!" Ao Shun said coldly.

"Kill you? Huh, what about the Dahan Dragon Supreme? Where did you get Ao Shun?" Gu Haihan whispered.

"Oh, joke, what a mess, I'm Ao Shun!" Ao Shun said coldly.

Gu Hai didn't speak. Slightly sneered: "No, I won't play with you anymore, some people will play with you slowly!"

"Huh?" Ao Shun sank.

"Monte!" Said Gu Hai Shen.

"The minister is here!" Montai said suddenly.

"Extorting confessions by torture, you are better at handing it over to you. Take it to Jin Yiwei's headquarters and ask you everything!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Yes!" Montai exclaimed suddenly.

Gu Hai's mission is more pleasant than any Xianyin Kagura, indicating that Her Majesty once again trusted himself. The prisoner is simply his best.

"Come on!" Said Gu Hai Shen.

"Yes!" Montai stunned Ao Shun immediately. Bringing Ao Shun, quickly opened the Sanqing Hall and stepped out.

Montené went on to question Ao Shun.

Gu Hai looked at the remaining six. Previously, it was beaten to everyone.

Gu Hai suddenly solemnly saluted the six.

"Your Majesty, no!" The six people hurried away.

"The situation was urgent, and I made the best decision, and previously made you Aiqing wronged!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

With King Courtier!

At this moment, the six were moved for a while, and the previous resentment disappeared immediately.

"Your Majesty, you don't have to do this, we didn't expect that it would be Ao Shun, the damage caused by the previous is not great. After that, Ao Shun obeys the ** guys behind us, we have no chance to regret it!" Gao Xianzhi shook his head immediately. .

"Yeah, Ao Shun's strength, if I am not prepared, assassinate from my back, even I can't stand it!" Kong Xuan said with an ugly face.

Everyone nodded.

The previous grievance was not a big deal at all.

"Ao Shun? No, he's not Ao Shun, you wait. Soon, there will be news from Monte Thai, Ao Sheng? Oh, it shouldn't, it's like, Ao Shun's body, Ao Sheng's The soul is the same! "Gu Hai's face was gloomy.

"Changing the soul?" Shangguan marks suddenly sank.

"Oh? Shangguanhen, what do you know?" Gu Hai wondered.

"My basalt **** seems to have a trace of memory, as if the old man who watched chess in the past mentioned that Qin Dao has the most profound study of the soul. The master of Qin Dao can create the soul, which is the elf of the past. His Majesty can still remember "Shangguanhen said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Gou Chen was created by Mr. Yinyue, and so is the soul!" Gu Hai nodded.

"Yes, the old man who watched chess said, Qin Tao was so perfect that he could exchange souls more!" Shangguan Mark frowned.

"Oh?" Gu Hai frowned suddenly.

"In the past, the founder of Yinyue Mountain Villa, Mr. Yinyue, seemed to be able to do this!" Shangguan Hen solemnly said.

"Mr. Yinyue?"

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