Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 50: Dragon King of the South China Sea, Ao Sihai

Sima Changkong treason?

As soon as the news came out, the entire Emperor Wudi was in an uproar, not only the people, but also the military and political circles. In the past, Sima Changkong led the army of Dawu, and many soldiers were driven by it.

Just such a hardworking, loyal and loyal courtier, was actually forced to be a treason?

It is 'forced'. All soldiers and officials must be forced, because Wu Tiancheng's affairs cannot be concealed at all.

His Majesty was jealous of Sima Changkong, and he wanted to turn Sima Changkong into a zombie descendant, and even used Sima Changkong's wife and children to persecute him.

How chilling is this?

Long Shenwu was the former Prince Daqian, yes, but his actions are far worse than that of the Dragon Warring States.

The Emperor Wudi fell into a dead silence, but many soldiers and officials were frightened.

Will he be turned into a zombie by his Majesty?

Wenwu of the Manchu dynasty, the group with the highest weight has become zombies. What next?

The Great Emperor Wu Dynasty was perturbed. One kind of worry, one kind of fear.

As Sima Changkong said in the past, the ability to change zombies can only be assisted, and never enter the room, because as more and more people become zombies, more and more people are afraid of dragons and gods. It will only get harder and harder, the British will only keep avoiding and losing.

A month later, Wu Tiancheng went to the study.

Long Shenwu listened to the official report in front of him.

"Dahan Emperor Dynasty, broke 20 cities again? Silvermoon City also broke open?" Long Shenwu said coldly.

"Yes, Your Majesty, after Master Sima's rebellion, many officials resisted negatively, so, so ...!" The official knelt and whispered.

"Ha, ha ha ha ha ha, passive resistance? Sima Changkong? You really mess up the army! Do you think that there is nothing you can do except Sima Changkong? You have already taken me nearly two hundred cities! Dahan Emperor, Dahan Emperor Dynasty. "Dragon God Wu coldly.

"The minister is unwilling, but there are rumors that are unfavorable to His Majesty everywhere, and the major families, but strangely cooperate with the Dahan Emperor!" Said the official Shen.

"Huh, I know, let's go out!" Long Shenwu chuckled coldly.

"Yes!" The official withdrew from the study.

In the study, only Long Shenwu and Ao Sheng were left.

"Ao Sheng, do you think like them?" Long Shenwu looked at Ao Sheng.

"Her Majesty, rest assured, My Majesty and My Majesty have long linked interests, Your Majesty need not doubt me!" Ao Sheng nodded.

"The Dahan Emperor Dynasty, there is a demon army, there are also millions of piano figurines, there are millions of bronze army! Originally, I thought it would not be so early. Huh!" Long Shenwu said coldly.

"The million bronze men of Yinyuehai in the past? Can't they drive it?" Ao Sheng was surprised.

"Yi said yes, you can!" Long Shenwu coldly.


"Kill the six fingers? Oh, I can repair it!" Long Shen Wu coldly said.

But I saw that it was the six fingers that stepped into a man slowly outside the study room, but at this moment the six fingers looked a little stiff.

"Meet the master!" Six fingers respectfully said.

"Oh? Your Majesty, have you fixed your six fingers this month?" Ao Sheng was surprised.

"Unfortunately, the heavens and the earth have lost the rule of the Qin Tao. The six fingers restored this time have less spirituality!" Long Shenwu frowned.

Ao Sheng appeared blank.

Qin Tao? His Majesty is so good except His Royal Highness?

"Six fingers lead the Silvermoon Army, which can block the Dahan Emperor Dynasty, the army of gods and demons!" Long Shenwu said in a deep voice.

"But, Your Majesty, I remember that the one million Bronze Army is just the peak strength of the Yuanying Kingdom. But the Demon Army seems to have opened the Temple of Heaven?" Ao Sheng worried.

"The peak of Yuan Yingjing? That's just that the battle song was not played. It was passed by the six fingers." Silver Moon Battle ", under the battle song, the bronze army's strength will rise ten times!" Long Shenwu said coldly.

"Oh?" Ao Sheng's eyes brightened.

Ten-fold climb? In this way, the demon army of the ancient seas is not weak, and more than a million, it is even better.

"Without Sima Changkong, there is no need for Yin


Conspiracy, Dahan Emperor opened a big close, I accompany them to open a big close, huh! "Dragon God Wu coldly.

"His Majesty, the Dahan Emperor's Eighteenth Army, if it is against the ordinary army, this one million bronze army is still invincible, but there are also Kong Xuan on the front line. There are too many top masters in the Dahan Emperor's dynasty. The minister is a bit worried ...! "Ao Sheng frowned.

The Million Bronze Army is powerful and not weak, but it is only a middle-level army. In terms of upper-level generals, it is not as good as Kong Xuan, Kong Xuan showing power, swallowing the earth, and the million bronze army is not enough. See?

"Anyway, just right, I will introduce you today!" Ao Sheng laughed.

"Please Ao Sihai!" Long Shenwu cried.

"Ao Sihai? Dragon King of the South China Sea?" Ao Sheng's face changed.

I saw a man in a blue suit walking slowly outside the study room. The man was quite handsome, but his eyes were full of dark eyes.

"Long Shenwu, how are you preparing?" Ao Sihai said coldly.

"Ao Sihai is supreme. The war will begin soon. Please also ask Ao to be calm and calm. Just right, here to introduce you!" Long Shenwu laughed.

"This will be the command of a million bronze troops, six fingers." Long Shenwu looked at six fingers.

Six fingers respectfully said, "I've seen Ao Sihai Supreme!"

"Million Bronze Army? Oh, this is Mr. Yinyue's army, but the king is looking forward to it!" Ao Sihai's eyes were slightly bright.

"This one, you don't need to introduce it, I am the Supreme Emperor of the Great Emperor, the North Sea Dragon King, and Ao Sheng!" Long Shenwu introduced.

"Ao Sheng?" Ao Sihai looked at Ao Sheng with narrow eyes.

Ao Sheng frowned: "800,000 years ago, the Dragon King of the South China Sea didn't seem to be you!"

"Eight hundred thousand years, everything will change, isn't it, Ao Sheng Supreme? I heard, however, that the Xihai Dragon King had a drop of ancestor blood, gave it to you?" Ao Sihai's eyes flashed a fine light.

"Coincidence!" Ao Sheng frowned and nodded.

"Coincidental chance? Oh, why didn't Wang have that chance?" Ao Sihai laughed.

"Dragon King of the South China Sea, I'm curious now, why aren't you hundreds of thousands of miles away from the South China Sea to help me with the Great Emperor Wu Dynasty?" Ao Sheng frowned.

"Why? Oh, the King and the Dahan Emperor also have the same hatred!" Ao Sihai looked cold.


On the side of the dragon **** Wu Dandan said: "Not long ago, Yinyuehai, the ancient sea people killed the Nanlong female bodhisattva, you know?"

"Nanlong Female Bodhisattva?" Ao Sheng looked.

"It's the little girl. Although the little girl's soul has returned to the Purple Bamboo Forest in the South China Sea, I still need to report her revenge. Hahahaha, the Dahan Emperor Dynasty, it's really brave!" Ao Sihai Cheering cheeks.

"Nanlong Female Bodhisattva mobilized all the Bodhisattvas and Luohan in Lingshan Holy Land at that time. She was your daughter. The Bodhisattva and Luohan in the Great Emperor's Dynasty, did you not listen to your dispatch?" Ao Sheng's expression moved.

"Yes, the king has called them together, and there are the dragons I brought. Although your Beihai Dragon Palace has fallen, a group of elders have not died yet, but they are also an army. We are not weak against the Emperor Han Dynasty, as long as Working together, we can undo the Dahan Emperor! "Ao Sihai said coldly.

"Yes, work together!" Long Shenwu showed his face.

"In this way, I can rest assured. As long as we work together, the Dahan Emperor will definitely lose!" Ao Sheng also laughed-

The borderless sky, go to the study.

"Your Majesty, our agent came to report that the Dragon King of the South China Sea appeared in Wutian City, and may cooperate with the Great Emperor Wu Dynasty to deal with our army!" Mo Yike frowned.

"Working together? Oh, do you believe it?" Gu Hai sipped tea and laughed.

"I don't believe it!"


"This Nanhai Dragon King must also have a great connection with the Lingshan Holy Land. The Nanlong Female Bodhisattva died, and the Lingshan Holy Land didn't have much reaction? Also, Yunmo mentioned last time that the Lingshan Holy Land came this time not to deal with Dahan. They have another purpose, this time, the Dragon King of the South China Sea should come for this purpose, and conspired with the Great Emperor Dynasty, but only use the Great Emperor Dynasty! "Mo Yike said in a deep voice.

Gu Hai nodded.

"Without the think tank of Sima Changkong, now Mr. Yinyue can only see the appearance. After all, he is not really Long Shenwu. He was shot, but he doesn't know it!" Mo Yike laughed.

"Find out the purpose of this trip to Lingshan Holy Land as soon as possible. Also, notify Gao Xianzhi and Kong Xuan, and be careful of the Dragon King of the South China Sea!" Said Gu Haishen.

"Yes!" Mo Yike nodded.

"By the way, Your Majesty, it seems that the news just got today, that three thousand dragons appeared in the Great Emperor Dynasty!" Mo Yike frowned slightly.

"I also know, oh, he went to Dragon God to help! Father and son fighting, but it is getting more and more interesting!" Gu Hai laughed.

"Yeah, the Emperor Wu of the Great Emperor, if the Dragon God Wu is really in the Joseon Dynasty, if he wants to win it, it will be a waste of time. Now, Mr. Yin Yue, who does not understand the way of the emperor, is accelerating the destruction of the Great Wu. Ah, even if Long Shenwu finally regains his body, it should be too late! "Mo Yike laughed--

The great emperor emperor dynasty, the **** city. In a hall.


Long Sanqian Zhang smashed the desk in front of him.

"Sinzi, Sinzi, you idiot, you are so good, you are in a mess? Sima Changkong? Hahahahaha, you actually forced Sima Changkong to Guhai, you waste, idiot!" Ryuzo Thousands of melancholy growls.

In the hall, the desk was broken, and a large piece of information was scattered.

At this time, Dragon God slowly entered the main hall, looked at the manic dragon 3000, and picked up a report from the ground.

"Boss, there is no need to breathe. From the moment you were changed, you have lost the Great Emperor Wu Dynasty, even if you regenerate, what about it? That's not your country anymore!" Dragon God said lightly.

Long Sanqian looked at the dragon god: "You promised to help me recapture my body. When? That sinner, the foundation that I laid down, failed like that, I can't stand it anymore. I want to go back, I want to retake the Emperor Wudi towards!"

"Be calm and restless, the time is ripe, it is fast!" Dragon God shook his head and said.

"Coming soon? What is coming soon!" Long Sanqian said depressed.

PS: The second one, and the third one at night!

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