Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 69: Moving world

The Dahan Qunxiong forced the Lingshan Mountain to retreat to almost all the powerful men. The news seemed to have wings, and it was instantly transmitted to the world.

Especially now that there are terracotta warriors, there are countless spies in Wujiangtian. This battle is almost a live broadcast of the entire process.

Soon Kung Fu, the most conspicuous position on the land of Shenzhou, the study tables of countless emperors and suzerains, is all about the news of World War I.

World War I became famous.

That ’s the Holy Land of Lingshan. Except for the current Buddha, all the peers in Lingshan are close to them. No, in the hands of some people, there is a general description of the war in Sanshan City. It was the news from some spies outside Sanshan who saw the war passing by.

In this battle, the Nanhai Dragon King, Dragon God Clan, Dragon God Wu, Ao Sheng, Bei Ming Shou, Chun Shen Shou, Future Buddha, Past Buddha, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Emperor Shi Tian, ​​Anonymous Peerless sword repair . Even the Buddha's Fa-knowledge now.

These fourteen names are mostly powerful men who can move the world. However, the fourteen powerful men attacked the ancient sea at the same time, but the final result was that Emperor Dahan won.

Incredible battle.

This is not what an imperial dynasty can have, and it has almost climbed to heaven.

This combination of fourteen strong, no matter which emperor dynasty in the world, which median sect door can not be blocked, but Gu Hai did.

"Can block the mountains? Is Dahan already strong?"

"The borderless sky capital is flying north of Shenzhou. Is Dahan going to win the title of Shenzhou and be promoted to heaven?"

"Dahan? How long has this been and has it developed like a behemoth?"

"Dahan Emperor Dynasty, the rising momentum is really unstoppable!"




Numerous magpies frowned, most of them were shocked by the Emperor Dahan. Similarly, a small number began to plot.

A group of forces handed over by Dahan, suddenly all the emperors and suzerains were linked by a figurine.

"Dahan is big, what do you think?"

"Dahan? What, I used to destroy him like an ant!"

"Can't let him grow stronger, and grow stronger, we have no future!"

"Although Dahan became famous in the First World War, there were countless enemies. Taking this opportunity, we immediately destroyed Dahan!"

"While he hasn't weathered it, I'll wait together to suppress it, all right?"

"OK!" "OK!"




Near the Dahan Emperor Dynasty, there are three Great Emperors, three Zhongzong gates, and a conspiracy.


A large number of soldiers rushed quickly from the Quartet city. Along with them, there were countless relatives and friends of the people in Sanshancheng who got news from the Quartet.

As soon as they entered Sanshan City, everyone was shocked.

The corpses of the city were all left without humans and animals, and the death was terrible. A stink of corpses was coming.

"Dad, the baby is late!"

"Daughter, daughter, where are you?"

"Grandpa, grandma! Ah ~~~~!"




Countless people rushed back to find a corpse of a loved one and wept for a long time. In Sanshan City, they suddenly fell into a mood of great sadness.

"Immediately converge the corpses for all the dead people, and bury them all in the golden coffin of the golden cypress. His Majesty said that the enemies of Lingshan will be returned a hundred times in the coming day. Ten days later, the borderless sky will fly here. Hurry up! "One general yelled.


Countless soldiers were divided into countless groups, and the corpses of Sanshancheng people were quickly collected.

The more corpses were collected, the more sorrowful and angry the generals became, and the more resentful they were towards the Holy Land of Lingshan.

The news spread to all cities of Dahan in a very short time. For a time, Dahan Emperor was angry with all the people.

Resentment is not innocent, and can't blame civilians.

Today, Sanshan City was so cruelly destroyed by the Holy Mountain Holy Land. Will the city where he lives in the next day also be cruelly destroyed?

Civilians ’self-cultivation is low, but civilian lives are not their lives?

"Lingshan Holy Land is not a holy land for Buddhism, it is a devil's land!"

"Human life is like grass and mustard, are you still worshiping the Spirit Mountain Buddha? Today, Sanshancheng, you will be tomorrow!"

"I also heard that the same is true of the borderless sky. At that time, the future Buddha would kill the people in the city, use the people in the city to force the people of the Central Government to give up resistance, and threaten the lives of the Lord, King Tianshan, His Royal Highness, and His Royal Highness. In the end, I would rather give up resistance and save the people of the city! "

"His Majesty loves the people like a child. Your adults would rather die to save the people. Born in Dahan, I am so happy!"

"Lingshan demons must not die!"




The Dahan Emperor's dynasty, the people's hearts unparalleled together, even some newly reclaimed Dawu Emperor's dynasty, those people who originally did not accept Dahan, at this moment, suddenly felt that being in Dahan was also a great thing. Han Junchen, love the people like a child, and protect the people by death!

This is what the people's hearts are. Sometimes, one thing can move the people and make them recognized.

For a time, the public's confidence in Dahan quickly turned into a fortune, and burst into the sky over the borderless sky.

Dahan's luck is among the crazy increase.

Similarly, the deeds of Dahan are spreading rapidly to neighboring countries and ancestors, and even to the world farther away.

"Dad, there is an imperial examination every year in the Dahandi Dynasty. The baby wants to go to the Dahandi Dynasty for a scientific examination!"

"Master, the Dahan Emperor's dynasty, kindness first, win the hearts and minds of the people, and return to heaven, the disciples want to see the Dahan Emperor's dynasty!"

"Brother, I want to join the Dahan Empire!"




The good name of the Dahan Emperor's dynasty quickly spread to all corners of the world through the notoriety of the Holy Mountain Holy Land. Countless talents, but in his heart, marked the longing of the Dahan Emperor's dynasty.

Maybe, it doesn't show much effect for a while, but with the passage of time, the Dahan emperor will attract more and more talents from the world.

Sky without borders. Go to the study.

Mengtai respectfully said: "Your Majesty's cave has thousands of miles, and there are six major forces, and he really wants to move. He wants to do it on the tenth day when His Majesty commemorates the dead people!"


"I heard that there were three imperial dynasties and three Zhongzong gates, and they even sent people to the great dynasty imperial dynasty and Lingshan Holy Land for more help!" Mengtai dignified.

"There are only three imperial dynasties and three Zhongzong gates?" Gu Hai said to Montai.

"Yes, Jin Yiwei caught a grandson's most spoiled grandson, and that grandson was also a bale. He was arrested and said everything!" Montai laughed.

"The people of Wuhe are not afraid!" Gu Hai shook his head lightly.

"The minister will continue to step up surveillance, and report to His Majesty as soon as there is news!" Montai respectfully said.

"Huh!" Gu Hai nodded: "How is Jin Yiwei's propaganda?"

"The minister has informed all Jinyiweis who distributed the world. When there are incidents of killing the people in Sanshan City and the borderless world, it will definitely help the people and the hearts of the people and the Dahan Emperor. They are against the Holy Mountain Holy Land!" A trace of excitement.

Although Mengtai is not as clever as Mo Yike and others, it is not stupid. From the arrangement of Guhai, Mengtai can still see that Guhai promotes the Dahan Dynasty in the whole world, its ambition, or the whole land of Shenzhou of.

With this thought, Montai was excited.

"The hearts of the people in the world, the heart towards the Dahan Emperor? That is impossible. Let the people in the world add a touch of goodwill to Dahan, enough. Mo Yike, Gu Qin, Chen Tianshan, the reputation they have gained for their lives, ca n’t they? This is buried, just by taking advantage of the biggest topic of Lingshan Holy Land, spreading the name of Dahan to the hearts of people all over the world! "Gu Haishen said.


"People from any sect or country are different from each other. There are some great monks in Lingshan Holy Land. Similarly, there are also some bad things. Jin Yiwei should also have many such records, right? Come on! "Gu Hai Shen said.

"Yes!" Monte Thai looked, and answered.

"Come on!" Said Gu Hai faintly.

Montai respectfully exited the study.

The ancient sea is slowly walking to the side of the upper study, a map hanging on it.

On the map, the four characters "Sacred Land of Lingshan" are marked.

"Lingshan Holy Land? This is the tip of the iceberg? Then start by destroying this tip of the iceberg!" Gu Hai's face was gloomy.

Gu Hai slowly fell into meditation.

In the past, I did n’t have the ability to dare to think about how to shake the majestic Lingshan Holy Land. Now, the Dahan Emperor has a certain heritage and can point to the world. Similarly, with the Dahan Emperor ’s fulcrum, the ancient sea can leverage the entire Lingshan Holy Land , Began to think about how to compete with the Holy Land Holy Land.

With the hatred of the Dahan Emperor Dynasty and the Holy Mountain Holy Land, there can only be one.

"Your Majesty!" Outside the study, a guard's voice came suddenly.


Gu Hai's thoughts were interrupted, and she frowned and looked up outside the study.

"Mr. Gou Chen's disciple, Zheng Faming, is out!" The guard said respectfully.

"Oh?" Gu Hai suddenly opened her eyes.


Suddenly, the ancient sea stepped out of the study and headed towards a mountain forest not far from the palace. At the same time, a group of people who knew the key to Fa-rectification also got the news and hurried up.

"Your Majesty!" Seeing Gu Hai on the way, they respectfully said.

"Ancient sea!"

But at this moment, a figure was standing in front of Gu Hai.

"Loving Buddha?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Gu Hai, what do you mean that day? You don't believe me? Or don't you care about the life and death of the ancient man at all?" Lian Shengbo said with anxiety.

The ancient Qin and the unborn people suddenly sank. On that day, the ancient sea and the two met the pity Bodhisattva, but they could not be sure whether it was true or false. For the time being to appease, but do not want to, the mercy Bodhisattva has always kept outside the palace, not to spare.

"Lingsheng Bodhisattva? Well, come with you!" Gu Hai nodded.

"Father!" Gu Qin's face changed.

The identity of this pity Buddha is still in doubt. How can I take him to see Fa-ming?

"Only the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva himself would be so concerned and so attached to my son's ancient man. I believe that the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva is real!" Gu Hai shook his head.

"Oh?" Gu Qin and the unborn looked for a moment and stopped blocking.

"What? You always thought I was a fake?" Liansheng Bo's face changed, and he was immediately angry.

Gu Hai gave a slight ritual: "Poor Buddha, I'm very sorry, there were many misunderstandings in the past, but it involves my child's safety, and I dare not take the slightest care!"

"Oh?" Liansheng Boss frowned slightly.

"You said that day, the Lando Temple was betrayed by several disciples. The Lando Temple was destroyed by Jiang Rulai and invaded, causing my son to be captured. Presumably, those disciples were sent by Lingshan Holy Land to impersonate. "Gu Hai explained.

"Impossible, counterfeit? They are ...!" Lian Shengbo shook his head immediately.

"They are good believers, how can they betray so easily? Have you heard of" God Blood Copy "?" Gu Hai asked.

"Reproduction of God's blood?" Liansheng Bodhisattva suddenly shrank his pupils.

"Ancient Han is a reincarnation of the good Rulai, living with Jiang Rulai, so I don't worry about him dying for the time being, rest assured, when I deal with things around me, I will soon free up my hands to deal with the Holy Mountain Holy Land! To rescue the ancient Han, we also need the compassion of the bodhisattva and the good help! "Gu Hai solemnly said.

The compassion of the Bodhisattva changed for a while, and he finally exhaled, solemnly saluting to the ancient sea: "Thank the emperor!"

"You care about me so much. The person to thank is me. Pitying Bodhisattva, that has a long history in Lando Temple, which can be traced back to ancient times. There are countless records of the phagosome. Go, follow me to see Zheng Faming!" The ancient sea is solemn.

"Orthodox Faming?" Liansheng Bodhisattled slightly.

"You'll know when you go, please!" Gu Hai invited.

The merciful Buddha nodded.

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