Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 86: Father is absent, elder brother is father

Heavenless Capital! Cupola Temple Square!

Da Ri Ru Lai and Gu Hai talked about the appearance of the uncle, and both of them frowned during the discussion.

Obviously, Lu's strength far exceeded everyone's expectations. In the eyes of Da Ri Rulai, he was actually comparable to the Dragon Warring States. It can be seen how deeply Jiang Lianshan was hiding.

"Ancient emperor is also a good means. The third major cultivation of the Heavenly Palace can also see the distant Honghuang City?" Da Ri Rulai thoughtfully looked to the ancient sea.

But it was Gu Hai who had just gathered the day of the sun, and had already closed the sky.

"Weak skills are not enough," Gu Hai said indifferently.

Da Riru came to see the ancient sea, smiled slightly, and did not ask.

"How did you discover that Honghuang City is abnormal?" Gu Hai looked at Da Riru in doubt.

In the borderless sky, others know the situation and can only send messages through the Qin figurines. Only one person can see the Honghuang City. How can Da Ri know it? Did n’t he retreat in his own palace?

"I am also a coincidence, this time just out of customs!" Da Riru solemnly came.

"Oh?" Gu Hai's eyes brightened and looked at Da Rirui, as if guessing what Da Riru was going to say.


Da Riru nodded and smiled, "Fortunately, I found it!"

"Please!" Gu Hai waved and invited Da Riru to the Chongtian Temple!

Da Riru nodded, which was of great importance, and he did not explain in front of Manchu and military.

The two stepped into the Temple of Heaven.


The door of the hall closed shut.

"I found that my son is missing?" Gu Hai looked forward.

Da Riru nodded his head: "According to the six-character Daming curse, he has sensed where he is!"

"In Lingshan Holy Land?" Gu Hai looked forward.

Da Riru shook his head: "In the underworld!"

"Hell?" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed.

"Yes, I don't know exactly where, but I have refined this spell-seeking ball, and it will follow you through the induction direction of the six-character Daming Mantra, taking you seriously!" Da Riru solemnly said.

During the talk, turning your hands, there is an hollow hollow ball in the palm of your hand. Among the balls, there seems to be a small Buddha sculpture. On the small Buddha, there are six words of mantra printed with a light golden light. underground. It seems that as people shake the golden ball, the shape of the small Buddha is also changing.

"This is the search ball?" Gu Hai cautioned.

"Yes, I have infused mana, and it is valid for one year. I can help you find the ancient man. May I help you to go there?" Asked Da Riru.

Gu Hai shook her head gently: "Not in use for the time being, there is labor!"

"Anyway!" Da Riru nodded.

Gu Hai took the ball carefully.

"Thank you!" Gu Hai solemnly saluted.

"Mr. Gu is polite! Just raise your hand!" Da Ri Ru laughed.

"For your hand, it is extremely important to me!" Gu Hai shook his head.

"When are you going?" Da Riru asked.

"Wait a minute, handle a few things at hand, deal with it a little, and go!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

Da Riru nodded--

On a school ground in the borderless sky.

At this moment are lying a lot of dragons. A large number of Dahan guards tied them with ropes.

"Ang!" The dragon roared in pain.

But when I saw the unborn person standing in front of the dragon's head, it seemed that the withered right hand was inserted into the dragon's head, and he grabbed it suddenly, and a great pain made the dragon pain.


Slowly, from his head, grabbed a purple and black ghost. That shadow was also dragon-shaped, and seemed to be struggling in pain.


The unborn person pinched, and the dragon-shaped virtual shadow shrank to the size of a mud pill, and was collected by the unborn person.

But the dragon was sweating and fell to the ground.

"How? Elder Lin?" Ao Shun asked anxiously.

"Prince, no, Supreme, rest assured, the ancient soul has been completely pulled out, thank you Supreme, thank you for the unborn seniors!" The dragon was grateful.

"Thank you, the unborn!" Ao Shun also looked at the unborn with gratitude.

"Soaked in the yin water for so long, you should be able to remove it. Don't thank me now. There are other dragons, thank you until the end!" Weisheng said lightly.

"Good!" Ao Shun thanked.

The unborn people quickly pulled out the ancient souls of the dragons. For a time, on the school ground, Long Yin continued to scream in pain, but after the pain, the dragons continued to thank the unborn and Ao Shun.

The ancient soul in the body can indeed increase its strength in a short time, but at that time, it was not under its own control, and as the ancient soul penetrated into the bone marrow, all dragons felt that their soul was being assimilated, and they were not themselves.

Well now, finally unplugged.

"Thanks to the unborn seniors!" All dragons were removed from the ancient soul, and they immediately thanked the unborn.

"Thank me, you don't have to. Thank you, Your Majesty!" Weisheng shook his head and left without paying attention.

Ao Shun worshiped the unborn.

"You, since the ancient soul has been removed, next, you take a good rest, recover your injuries, and repair!" Ao Shun instructed.

"Yes, supreme!" Thousands of dragons answered in an echo.

Ao Shun nodded.

As he nodded, Ao Shun's face suddenly changed.

"Extreme, what's wrong?" Elder Lin wondered.

But he saw that Ao Shun frowned: "I and Ao Sheng shared a drop of Zulong's blood. Sometimes, through this drop of blood, we can sense each other. Ao Sheng may be in trouble!"

"Ah?" Qun Long froze slightly.

Ao Shun closed his eyes and fully sensed this drop of blood.

"Ah, ah, ah, I'm in Zizhulin, save me, save me ~~~~~!"

Through the blood, Ao Shun heard Ao Sheng's voice faintly.

"Ao Sheng's screams, he's dying?" Ao Shun's face sank.

"Extreme, it's only good if he dies. He has framed you many times with outsiders and almost got it ...!"

"Yeah, supreme, leave him alone!"

"Extreme, ignore him!"




The dragons filled with indignation.

Elder Lin frowned slightly and didn't speak.

"Okay, shut up!" The elder Roan on the other side yelled.

Qun Long was silent.

"Elder Lin?" Ao Shun looked at Elder Lin.

Elder Lin smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Although we were killed by Ao Sheng, you two are the ones who grew up watching us. What Ao Sheng has done over the years is indeed too much, digging the ancestor's grave, holding me back Soul, killing you, attacking the borderless city of heaven, countless evils, but this is the ultimate family thing, I ca n’t wait to intervene! "

Ao Shun looked at Elder Lin and finally nodded.

After explaining the cultivation of the Dragons, Ao Shun couldn't wait to go to the study room in Guhai.

Go to the study.

Gu Hai stopped and read the chapter, and looked at Ao Shun in front of him.

"You said that Ao Sheng was deceived by the Dragon King of the South China Sea and tricked into the Purple Bamboo Forest of the South China Sea, and is about to die now?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Yes, I want to save him!" Ao Shun solemnly said.

"Save him? Ao Sheng?" Gu Hai solemnly looked at Ao Shun.

Ao Shun smiled bitterly: "Your Majesty, I know that Ao Sheng has done a lot of wrong things over the years, hurt the Dahan Emperor more often and wants me to die, but he is my brother after all!"

The ancient sea looked utterly.

"My father told me before he died that he should take care of Ao Sheng as much as possible. His previous wanton behavior was also because I did not take him on the right track, and I also had my responsibility." Ao Shun smiled bitterly.

"You don't blame him? He used to, but he was going to kill you!" Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"My father is not here, my elder brother is my father! He did too many wrong things, but after all, my brother, my mother died early. In this world, there is only this loved one. I watched him grow up. Maybe others think it's stupid for me to save him, but he is my brother after all! "Ao Shun asked.

Gu Hai took a look at Ao Shun, was silent for a while, and nodded: "Okay, I want you to save Ao Sheng!"

"Really?" Ao Shun's eyes lit up, surprised.

"Ao Sheng has indeed done a lot of harm to Dahan, but let ’s be the owner. How can you tolerate Sima Changkong? Ao Sheng ca n’t be tolerated. If you go, bring it back. Strict discipline in the future! "Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Yes, Your Majesty, rest assured! I must let him learn well!" Ao Shun was instantly grateful.

"But!" Gu Hai frowned.

"How is Your Majesty ...?"

"The purple bamboo forest in the South China Sea is too mysterious, and even Jiang Rulai has shown it well, so it is not as simple as imagined!" Gu Haishen said.

"I'll be careful!" Ao Shun promised.

But Gu Hai was still uneasy: "Come!"

"Yes!" A guard stepped into the study with respect.

"Come to Shangguan marks to see you!" Gu Hai ordered.


The guard went down, and it didn't take long for Shangguanhen to be recruited into the study.

"Your Majesty, are you looking for me?" Shangguan Hen wondered.

"Xuanwu tribe, how's the gathering?" Gu Hai laughed.

"Your Majesty, rest assured, at this moment, several elders of the Xuanwu tribe are busy convening, everything is normal, and now there are 2,000 basalts to vote, and the follow-up should continue!" Shangguan marks laughed.

"Since it's formal, I have something to ask you to do!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Your Majesty, please tell me!"

"Accompany Ao Shun to the Zizhu Forest of the South China Sea to rescue Ao Sheng!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Oh?" Shangguan marks hesitated slightly.

Ao Shun did not expect that Gu Hai not only let himself go, but also assisted by Shangguan.

"Yes!" Shangguan Mark said suddenly.

Shangguanhen and Ao Shun are also relatively cooperative. Regardless of the purpose, Shangguanhen should be instantly resolved.

"Thank Your Majesty!" Ao Shun thanked.

"When you go here, you must be careful. Also, I am also inquiring into the purple bamboo forest in the South China Sea. There has been no news. You can see the mystery of the purple bamboo forest in the South China Sea. You may not find Ao Sheng here. Don't take too much risk, everything is based on protecting yourself first! "Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Yes!" The two moved.

"If appropriate, if you see you, you can ask me for help! I help you repair one!" Gu Hai quickly wrote a letter.

Ao Shun glanced, grateful in his eyes.

It was enough to send Shangguan to go, and now I am studying again. This is obviously for the sake of owing another person.

Ao Shun squeezed his fists and became absolutely loyal to Gu Hai.

After folding the envelope, Gu Hai handed it to Shangguan Mark: "Remember, be careful all the way!"

"Yes!" The two solemnly said.

Only then did the two step out of the study. Instantly blasted towards the South China Sea.

Gu Hai is about to continue to read the seal.

Suddenly, a guard came again: "Your Majesty, Grandma is coming!"

"Dahao Tianchao? Has the messenger ever signed up?" Gu Hai stared suddenly.

"Yes, Dasao Tianchao, War God, Xingtian!" The guard said respectfully.

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