Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 94: Kong Xuan VS Sword God

Six Sword Gods?

When Kong Xuan and Weisheng identified the man holding the sword in front of them, their faces turned wild.

How strong is the Six Sword Gods? In the past, Kong Xuan had seen the water **** body of the six true monarchs, two masters of heaven, the master of the Supreme Master, and the monopoly of the ancient sea soul and soul. The powerful golden **** body.

Replica? Even the clone is extremely fierce!

"Six gods of the sword, the unborn person will give it to me. Will you concentrate on dealing with that Kong Xuan? Alas, Kong Xuan? Daming King God, but I have heard of your great name before, ha ha ha ha ha!" Laughed.

"Okay!" Six Gods of the sword answered.

"call out!"

Instantly, the sword god's six body shape flew to Kong Xuan in a flash, and the holy sword in the hand was cut again.

"Five-colored Shenguang!" Kong Xuan screamed, and he immediately slammed his hand, and three hundred five-colored Shenguang burst out.

The void suddenly tore out a series of black holes, straight toward the sword **** six.

At this moment, Kong Xuan did not dare to stay.

"Huh!" Sword God snorted six times.

The holy sword was cut in his hand, and it seemed that the heaven and the earth were cut in half, and they collided with three hundred five-colored gods.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

A sword comes out, all methods are broken!

With a loud noise, three hundred five-colored divine lights exploded and burst open. It was completely broken by a sword on this day and shattered countlessly in an instant.

Nuo ripped out Nuoda's black hole, and the sword edge not only reached the front of Kong Xuan in an instant.



In the black hole, Kong Xuan instantly turned into a streamer and shot far away, and a blood spewed out during the fly.

The sword **** Liudao holds the sword coldly, but sees that Kong Xuan is smashed into a huge pothole below.

"Ahhhhhh!" Coughing blood, Kong Xuan crawled out of the hole.

However, at this moment Kong Xuan's body was full of blood and sword marks, as if tearing the skin of his whole body by a small half.

"Hahahaha, Kong Xuan, you are not the enemy of the sword **** Liudao, hahaha!" Chun Shenshou laughed.

"Cough, cough, huh, huh, there are still different, six sword gods? Six true king gold **** body replicas? No, the replicas are only replicas after all, but a little bit worse!" Kong Xuan coughed bloodily.

"Almost close?" Chun Shenshou said in a deep voice.

"The golden **** body of the six true monarchs is the tenth weight of the heavenly palace. The heavenly palace is fully consummated. Your replica is not a great consummation, but it is almost impossible. Otherwise, a sword just now is not my injury, but a Sword chopped me! "Kong Xuanliang whispered.

"Even if it wasn't for the great consummation of the Heavenly Palace, you are not an opponent, it's just a little worse than the great consummation, and you are still going to die!" Chun Shenshou said coldly.

"No, a little bit, just for this point, even if the heavens and earth are completely different, there will be no flaws in the Heavenly Palace. If there is a flaw, I will find it. Huh! Come again!" .

Kong Xuan suddenly screamed, instead of escaping, he rushed towards the six sword gods.

"I can't help it!" The sword **** snorted six times.


Sword came out, a sword light stabbed the world.


Suddenly, Kong Xuan was chopped to the ground again by a sword. Although it was not to kill Kong Xuan, the power of the six swordsmen was too strong, and Kong Xuan could only struggle.

The second sword did not chop Kong Xuan, and the sword **** Liu Da suddenly rushed over.


Kong Xuan suddenly emerged from the ground with his hands in claws, and immediately came to the sword **** Liudao.

"Dead!" Kong Xuan pulled a claw out of his face.

The sword god's six eyes stared, and the holy sword turned again.



Kong Xuan was suddenly blasted by Jian Guang into the distance, breaking a large mountain and stopping. At this moment, Kong Xuan was covered with blood, and his face was not reconciled. I looked at Sword God Liu Dao, even if he was seriously injured, still staring hard at Sword God Liu Dao.

Sword God Liudao touched his face lightly with his hand.

On his face, a bloodstain and blood spilled, although it was very obvious, even just a skin trauma, but it meant that Kong Xuan had already hurt the sword **** Liudao.

Looking at the blood at the fingertips, there was a chill of Mori in the six eyes of the sword god: "You have angered me!"


With a cold hum, the six sword gods seemed to travel through space and time, and the speed was so extreme that they immediately reached the front of Kong Xuan, and a sword was cut towards Kong Xuan again.

"Five colors of light!"


Kong Xuan was blown up again, only to remain immortal, and his injuries were getting worse.

The unborn wanted to help, but Chun Shenshou was immediately blocked by the unborn.

"Well, you haven't been born, you just repaired it and went. It won't help at all, just stay!" Chun Shenshou said coldly.

"Chun Shenshou, do you want to stop me too?" The unborn person waved his hand, and a large amount of black gas erupted in the void.

"Shouxiu, life is life, death is death, oh, you blend life and death, you are really looking for death. Do n’t think that life and death are even worse. On the contrary, if you distract two, you will only make both of them fail. "Chun Shenshou waved his hand, and ten jade boxes popped up.

"None of them succeeded? Oh, I remember Chunshen's dynasties have studied the meaning of integration. Why, don't you look down on being both?" The unborn person's black gas grew more and more, it seemed Form a huge vortex.

"I'm interested, but I just want to know how you die, huh, Shou Zhen, you can't!" Chun Shenshou said coldly.

During the conversation, ten jade boxes opened in front of them.


From the inside of the jade box, ten corpses emerged suddenly, one by one looking at the unborn person.

"Zombie?" The unborn person suddenly sank in a deep voice.

"Yeah, I now follow the corpse worm. He supplied me with a steady stream of corpses. On that day, Sanshan City was just a small corpse, and this time, you tasted a series of ten consecutive flavors, up!" Chun Shenshou yelled.

"Get up!" Weisheng yelled.


The two of them were instantly shrouded in countless black gas.


In the dark air, there was a sound of loud noises, apparently the fierce fighting between the two shoushi divisions.


After half an hour.

Kong Xuan has become a blood man, and the sword **** six, at this moment there are two more blood marks on his face, a total of three, only three skin injuries.

However, Kong Kongxuan's fighting power was getting weaker and weaker. His flesh and blood had been shaved off to reveal the sensational bones on his arms and legs.

"I am unwilling. My Peacock family has not yet risen. My Peacock family has not yet been revived in my hands. How can I die here, no!" Kong Xuan said unwillingly.

Although the sword **** Liudao has been injured, it is still far behind, especially the murderer of Liudao Zhenjun.

"You have no retreat, die!" The sword **** Liudao took a fierce battle, and the sword was cut again.


The sword edge was huge, as if it had surpassed all the previous ones, bringing out a sword destroying the world, condensing hundreds of millions of swords, blocking Kong Xuan from all retreats, forcing Kong Xuan into the sword, and one sword was killed. .

"No, five colors of light, kill!" Kong Xuan shouted unwillingly.


Nearly four hundred five-colored gods of light slammed into that vast sword. Kong Xuan tried his best, almost wiping out all the power hysterically.

"No matter how much the five-colored gods have light, what's the use? The quality is not enough. Don't ever try to block my holy sword, die!" The sword god's six eyes chilled.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~!"

The holy sword collides with the five-colored **** light.

As the sword **** Liudao said, what's the use of it?

When the sword approached, all the divine light shattered and opened instantly, just like a rag. It was totally unbeatable, and in the roar, it exploded instantly.

Kong Xuan's hysterical blow had no effect at all.

"No, I can't lose, I can't lose, the Peacock family can't be destroyed!" Kong Xuan rose with a desperate growl.

At this moment, two lines of blood and tears overflowed in Kong Xuan's eyes.

Kong Xuan understood that now that little peacock family, after losing their own blessings, will soon perish. 800,000 years ago, the old peacock family was promised to revive the peacock family, but it has not been done yet. He has a great mission and cannot die here.

Even though Kong Xuan was desperate, the holy sword was still unrelenting, and he tore all the five-colored gods in an instant, and it seemed that Kong Xuan would be cut in half.


But at that moment, Kong Xuan suddenly heard another peacock tweet.


Before the arrival of the Holy Sword, a large mouth appeared, a mouthful that swallowed Kong. At the same time, a six-color divine light greeted the holy sword.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

There was a loud noise, the six-colored light burst, and the holy sword was hit back for the first time.

"Huh?" Sword God looked cold.

It was just a moment ago, the bird king Wraith arrived and swallowed Kong Xuan.

"Wraith? You ate the person I was going to kill, and spit it out!" Sword God said in a cold voice.

"Yeah!" The bird king complained, but yelled.

"He has enmity with you, do you want to eat him? Hehe, I don't care whether you have enmity or not, I promised the Lord Feng, this Kong Xuan, to live to see people, to die to see the corpse, you do not spit out, I Break your belly, dig out Kong Xuan and kill again, hum! ”Sword God Liu Binghan was cut again.

"Yeah!" The bird king resentfully sighed, and immediately threw out six colors of light, banging against the sword.


Sword God's six opponents were replaced by the bird king Wraith.

Kong Xuan was confused, but was swallowed into the belly of the bird king, as if there was a force digesting Kong Xuan, Kong Xuan's injuries were getting worse all over the body.

In order not to faint himself, Kong Xuan forcibly severed his three fingers in his right hand.

Click! Click!

"Ah!" Yelled in pain, and Kong Xuan was awake a lot.

"This is, the peacock's stomach? It's the stomach of the bird king's complaining spirit. He wants to kill me?" Kong Xuanyi got excited and figured it out.

But at this moment, Kong Xuan was too injured to help himself. The digestive power in his stomach seemed to be melted by the numerous corrosive liquids. Before long, he would be melted.

Kong Xuan was suddenly sad.

"Seniors 800,000 years ago, I promised you that you can revive the peacock family. You ca n’t do it. Kong Xuan is not willing, Kong Xuan is not willing. I can die, but the peacock cannot be destroyed. Now, what do the peacocks do, peacocks cannot destroy them! "Kong Xuan shouted in sorrow.

His eyes were full of blood and tears. A sense of resentment and resentment accompanied Gong Xuan's shouting. Kong Xuan's resentment skyrocketed.


The body of the bird king's Wraith trembled violently, especially where Kong Xuan was located. The shiver was like a spasm in the stomach of the bird king's Wraith, but the corrosive force suddenly dropped a lot, Suddenly a thick voice came out.

"I'm not willing. I'm dead. What can the Peacock family do? Peacocks can't destroy it!"

The voice of resentment almost the same as that of Kong Xuan, the despair, the unwillingness, as if from ancient times, as if from the depth of the soul of the bird king.

Kong Xuan's resentment resonated with the fowl king's resentment. A sad, hopeless resonance.

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