Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 129: Discovery of Cangjie

Rhubarb heaven!

Chaodu, Xuanyuan City! Inside the palace study!

Ji Dihong sat behind the desk and stood in front of a group of Ji Dihong's close friends.

On the cheek of Ji Dihong, there was a shallow scar, but at this moment he was still shaking.

"Holy, that Yuanshi Tianzun is so powerful, and Holy has been entangled with him for so long?" Conte shocked.

Ji Dihong's eyes narrowed slightly, and he nodded: "He and he went to nothingness, and used the mystery left by the old man to get rid of him. This Yuanshi Tianzun is really powerful. The Heavenly Palace is so complete that it is comparable to the Dragon Warring States! "

"Compared to the Dragon Warring States?" Everyone was surprised.

"Yuanshi Tianzun is trapped in the nothingness by the Holy Spirit. Will he find it back?" Conte worried.

"Rest assured, even if he comes back, he will not come to the rhubarb heaven again!" Ji Dihong said lightly.

"Yes!" Everyone answered.

"It seems that my rhubarb dynasty can only be suspended after joining the south of Shenzhou!" Ji Dihong sighed slightly.

The rhubarb dynasty is located in the southwest of Shenzhou.

When the ministers heard Ji Dihong's words, they instantly understood


The power of Yuanshi Tianzun. Let the Holy Spirit stop, there are really no people in this world.

"Holy, we can also do two-handed preparations, Shenzhou is south, Shenzhou is west, Zhengxi, Lingshan Holy Land!" Kong Di laughed.

Ji Dihong thought for a while, and finally nodded.

Obviously, in Ji Dihong's eyes, Wanshou Taoism is more powerful than Lingshan Holy Land, picking soft persimmons.

"Lingshan Holy Land, Jiang Rulai? This Jiang Rulai is also deeply hidden. It is not what you look at, you need to fully dig its concealment!" Ji Dihong Shen said.

"Sacred is the Holy Land of Gods?" Conte asked.

Ji Dihong shook his head: "No, the last time the purple jade demon was hit, Jiang Rulai refused to step in, and it can be seen that he already has the ability to fight against the demon holy land. How can he not know his character?

"Yes!" The crowd nodded.

"Holy!" Among the ministers, a man in a white robe muttered.

The white robe came with a hat covering his face, but it sounded quite old from the sound.

"Mr. Cangjie! What do you want to say?" Ji Dihong said suddenly.

The ministers suddenly looked at each other, and apparently knew the weight of this Cangjie in Ji Dihong's heart, and looked at Cangjie with great respect.

"I shouldn't have taken care of this, but I've been curious recently, and I've discovered something new, so I can enjoy it with God!" Cangjie said lightly.

"Oh? What makes Mr. appreciate it so much?" Ji Dihong curiously.

"Lingshan Holy Land, a place of two thousand cities, there is a class of shops called wealth management shops. I don't know if there is anything on the holy site?" Cangjie chuckled.

"Wealth management shops? One kind of shops? Shops, merchants, cheap businesses, and business affairs are only supplemented by military affairs. Why is the husband so concerned?" Ji Dihong wondered.

The ministers here also showed curiosity. Only this last column, Mr. Wu Xing frowned slightly.

"Oh, the Holy Lord looks down on these merchants, but Holy Lord knows that these financial management shops are about to destroy the Lingshan Holy Land, and this group of businessmen has brought disasters to the Holy Mountain Holy Land!"

"Oh?" Ji Dihong suddenly shrank his pupils.

The ministers were also surprised, with a look of disbelief and the destruction of the Holy Land? How is it possible that some shops can do it? Are you kidding me.

If you say it for another person, and no one here believes it, you can say Mr. Cangjie.

Mr. Cangjie, astronomy and geography, he is perfect, he never solicits power, and never has power, but when Ji Dihong has any major event, the first thing that comes to his mind is Mr. Cangjie, and talk to Mr. Cangjie. Mr. Cangjie has helped Ji Dihong to overcome the huge difficulties again and again, which has made Ji Dihong extremely trusted, and it is not an exaggeration to sit for Ji Dihong as the first counselor.

At this moment, when Cangjie mentioned the wealth management shops, Ji Dihong immediately became cautious.

Quickly, someone was sent to the case file of the two thousand cities in the Holy Mountain Holy Land. His own Wenchen immediately picked out all the records about the wealth management shops.

Everyone in the study looked at it quickly.

At first, it was okay, a reverse usury shop, but as the chronological report came out, everyone immediately stared.

"How could it be, in just five months, the two thousand cities were all covered, and the enthusiasm of almost all the people was mobilized?" Ji Dihong was surprised.

"Who is responsible for the information, in just five months, opened two thousand cities, and caused a boom, this must be organized and premeditated, otherwise, how can it be so fast? There is no such thing as a major event? Emperor also changed his face.

"There are 126 financial management shops, separated, and there shouldn't be too many crises. Maybe this is a normal business practice?" An official frowned.

"What if most of these firms are one? They are divided into multiple firms, just to hide people's eyes?" Cangjie laughed.


"But what are they doing?" Conte wondered.

Obviously, many people are not so scary about the shops in front of them.

"Holy, the minister is also quite sensitive to the numbers. After seeing the news two days ago, he sent someone to make a short record of entering and exiting wealth management shops in a city and made a rough calculation!" Cangjie took a deep breath.

"Oh? What, what?" Ji Dihong wondered.

"Calculate how much money these wealth management shops have made in these five months!" Cangjie solemnly said.

The ministers wondered and made money? What's so good about this? Shops are set up to make money, just how many questions. A normal business phenomenon. At most, it is only 30-50 million top-quality spirits. In five months, will it still reach nearly 100 million top-quality spirits?

Of course, the ministers were puzzled, but no one dared to jump out and count down Cangjie, and looked at Cangjie strangely.

"Over the past five months, a wealth of wealth management shops have earned at least 600 billion top-quality spirits!" Cangjie solemnly said.

"What?" Exclaimed all the courtiers in the study.

600 billion top-quality spirits? Nearly everyone thought they heard it wrong. All the spirit stones of the Treasury of the Tianhuang Dynasty are only 100 billion top-grade spirit stones, and they have accumulated for thousands of years.

You say that a shop, in five months, has made 600 billion top-quality spirits? Just kidding. Is it to evacuate all the spiritual stones of the entire western people?

All eyes widened.

Ji Dihong was also shocked.

As a monarch, although I don't look down on businessmen, but many parts of the country use money, I still understand the difficulty of making money. But now, a number suddenly appears, which makes Ji Dihong feel unreal.

"Sir, did you make a mistake just now? Six hundred billion top-quality spirit stones? Is it top-quality spirit stones?" Ji Dihong shook.

The difference is very different.

Everyone stared at Cangjie.

"The minister is talking about top-grade spirit stone, 600 billion top-grade spirit stone, and I said the least, that is to say, the wealth management shops may earn far more than this!" Cangjie solemnly said.

The crowd did not doubt Cangjie, because Cangjie never won the favor.

"His ~~~~~~~~~~!"

In the study, there was a sound of cold breath.

Just now, Cangjie said that wealth management shops will subvert the Holy Land of Lingshan. Everyone still does not believe it. But now, with this huge number, everyone has already broken their faith.

Six hundred billion top-grade spirit stones are six times more than the spirit stones in my rhubarb heavenly treasury? even more!

Just five months?

Ji Dihong could not help but read the news of wealth management shops again.

"Sir, you said, these shops are going to destroy Lingshan Holy Land?" Ji Dihong looked at Cangjie.

"There is still some fire in the Holy Land of Holy Spirit, but the luck of the Holy Spirit is very easy!" Cangjie took a deep breath.

"Destiny?" Everyone's face suddenly changed.

"Holy, have you seen it? In the second month, the two thousand cities opened financial management shops at the same time. This is not a whim. This is a premeditated plan. Therefore, Chen will say that most of these financial shops It is an organization, and the people behind this organization are really powerful roles! "Cangjie solemnly said.

"The man behind the scenes?" Ji Dihong looked slightly condensed.

"If the minister guesses well, at most, a month will erupt in Lingshan Holy Land!" Cangjie solemnly said.

"Notify all the detectives in Lingshan Holy Land, focus on exploring all the information of wealth management shops, send them quickly! Also, do your best to check the people behind these wealth management shops. At all costs!" Ji Dihong ordered.

"Yes!" The ministers answered.

Cangjie is slowly retreating into the ranks of ministers, and since this is already known, he will no longer talk about it. Ji Dihong was able to realize the importance of this matter, and it was enough. Next, the national machinery will fully respond to—

Holy Mountain Holy Land.

Rainbows rushed towards the direction of Daleiyin Temple, and the immortal birds and beasts carried one by one Manhan, Bodhisattva, and Buddha flying to Lingshan Holy Land.

Over the Daleiyin Temple, luck was tumultuous, and it was a great prosperity.

The Luohan temples from the two thousand city ponds are attached temples of the Lingshan Holy Land.

The temple hosts were all sent by the disciples of Lingshan, on the one hand, spreading the teachings of Lingshan, and on the other hand, they controlled the cities in various places.

At this moment, they are coming to the Holy Land of Lingshan. With smiles on their faces, they were polite.

On this day, the Lingshan Holy Land is performing Dafa, gathering countless auras into the rainwater, and spreading the Lingyu rain to the cities around the Lingshan Holy Land, which is a gift to the people.

Lingyu has great benefits for ordinary people's practice, and ordinary people are instantly rejoicing. Lingyu also has great benefits for plant growth. There are sacred places in Lingshan, Cui Cuiyingying, and plants have skyrocketed.

Ancient Qin, dragon gods, and all the old shopkeepers, holding umbrellas, looking at the direction of the Holy Land of Lingshan, between the clouds and mist, a ray of light fell in that direction.

"Jiang Rulai's longevity? The monks from all over the world come to congratulate! Once every one hundred years, Jiang Rulai will open an altar in Daleiyin Temple to explain the mystery of the Buddha?"

"A lot of monks, I heard that all the temples in the two thousand cities came to represent Jiang Rulai for his birthday. Come and listen to the Buddha?" Said an old treasurer in shock.

"Such a great event, really prosperous? This is not just a preaching altar. It is a grand event where the spirit of the Holy Mountain gathers people's hearts. Look at the gathered Luohan and Bodhisattva? Laughed.

"His Royal Highness, Your Majesty asked us to withdraw. Then, shouldn't all the financial management shops be closed down immediately? In this way, the people cannot return to Lingshi. Is there a huge civil commotion? Just ...! "Said a shopkeeper with an excited smile.

"Indeed, as soon as we leave, the next chaos is unimaginable! Your Majesty's plan for extermination is really terrifying!" Dragon God shook with shock.

"Da Leiyin Temple is still receiving thousands of disciples, preaching on the altar? Deser's own prosperity?" A treasurer sneered.

Gu Qin looked at the thriving Daleiyin Temple in the distance, and smiled lightly: "I suddenly remembered that when I was a kid, my father once taught us a word, and one of them is really the best!

"Oh?" Everyone looked at Gu Qin curiously. At the same time, I look forward to the ancient words of the past.

"Seeing him rise from a tall building, seeing his guests, and seeing his building collapse!" Gu Qin's eyes glowed with coldness.

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