Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 136: Out of luck

Jiang Rulai frankly selected 300 billion people to broadcast live simultaneously. The people immediately felt good. After stopping the riot, they calmed down. Yeah, no matter how much money, Lingshan Holy Land can get it, not to mention the talents invested by themselves So a little bit, the disciples who came out of the holy land of Lingshan have more than one.

Don't worry, not much, not much, Lingshan Holy Land will definitely be returned to me.

However, when the statisticians shouted a billion top-quality spirits, almost everyone's heads were buzzing.

"One billion? Top grade spirit stone?" Almost everyone exclaimed.

One billion top-grade spirit stones are ten trillion bottom-grade spirit stones. In general, ordinary people still use low-grade spirit stones for circulation, just as mortals mostly use copper money to circulate, and most of the gold bars are stored at home.

Ten trillion? Ten trillion?

Hearing this number, almost everyone did not believe it.

This is a super astronomical number that people can't imagine.

"No, it's impossible?" Someone was surprised.

"Ten trillions? That's just a city, but we have two thousand cities, don't we want two trillions of fine stones? This, this, this, so much?" Many people exclaimed.

Of course, this is only an approximate figure. Lingshan City is close to Lingshan Holy Land. Naturally, it is a big city. There are many people and there are only one billion. There are not so many other cities. There is also a trillion, and it must be more than that.

Three hundred billion people feel that their hearts are about to come out.

Countless Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats in Lingshan City are dazzling, so many? How could it be so many?

Two trillion top-quality spirits? Wouldn't it be, 200 billion worth of spirits?

This wealth management shop has swept away all the spiritual stones of the two thousand cities?

Jiang Rulai is also amazed at this moment. I only have 90 billion top-quality spirits. Even if I spend all of them, I can't shoot a spray.

"How can there be so many?" Jiang Rulai looked coldly at the audited Bodhisattva.

"The disciple counted three times!" Said the Buddha bitterly.

Hundreds of people looked at Jiang Rulai baba. What you said just now, you said that you should pay the money first, we are all waiting for you to talk and talk, waiting for Lingshi to go home to cook.

"Lingshan City, Donglin Temple? Who chaired it!" Jiang Rulai said coldly.

"It's a disciple!" A Buddha stepped forward.

"Donglin Temple? Donglin Bodhisattva, why do you want to help financial management shops!" Jiang Rulai said coldly.

"The disciples don't, the disciples don't know who they are!" Dong Lin Bodhisattack retorted immediately.

Suddenly, there was anxiety among the people below.

"He lied, and all of his spiritual stones in Donglin Temple were left to the financial management shop!"

"Buddha, in the past, some people went to the wealth management shop to make troubles. It was the monks from Donglin Temple who came to solve the crisis!"

"Buddha, many monks at Donglin Temple are working in wealth management shops!"




Suddenly, hundreds of people shouted in disbelief.

"The Buddha forgive his sins. Those disciples, who ca n’t stand the temptation of wealth management shops, have gone astray. The disciples really do n’t know!” Donglin Bodhisattva suddenly anxiously cleared himself.

"Whether you know it or not, because you, the people trust the wealth management shops, so you have to take some responsibility for this debt. You said that the wealth management shops spent a lot of money to buy your spirits. It is used to deceive the people in the city. What is the big price? This is money that harms the people. Take it out and return it to the people! "Jiang Rulai drank.

"The Buddha is merciful!"

"Thank you Buddha!"

"The Buddha was right, Donglin Temple colluded with wealth management shops and must spit out money!"




Suddenly, hundreds of people shouted in excitement, as if they could get the money right away.

Two thousand city ponds, and people in other places are also excited. Donglin Temple took out the money, other temples must use this as a model, and their money can finally be returned.

Jiang Ru came to see the East Forest Bodhisattva.

Donglin Bodhisattva suddenly knelt down in panic.

"The Buddha forgive his sins, and the disciples were also bewildered by the traitors. They promised me higher interest, and all the money was invested in wealth management shops!" Donglin Bodhisattva grumbled.

"What?" Quartet, hundreds of people exclaimed.

"This one-billion-dollar spirit stone does not include the investment in Donglin Temple. How much money did the wealth management shop make?" Someone exclaimed.

In the city, everyone looked at Donglin Bodhisattva.

"You said just now, I don't know who they are?" Jiang Rulai said coldly.

"The disciples really don't know. I just watched them go in to fight for gold. I, I, I didn't hold back. I also want the disciples to have a better spiritual environment. "Donglin Bodhisattler suddenly cried.

There was a cloud of uncertainty in Jiang Rulai's eyes. Look at others.

"Buddha, the disciples are incompetent, and have been deceived by the wealth management shops. Now Jinshan Temple is also impoverished!"

"The disciples are incompetent, and my Jinshui Temple is also impoverished!"




Every Buddha, Bodhisattva, and Luo Han bowed down in sorrow. At that scene, Jiang Rulai's whole body suddenly exploded.

Who in the end is so wicked, not only uses the reputation of Lingshan Holy Land for profit, but also turns all the disciples of Lingshan to deceive, sending all the spirit stones out.

This shocking scam did not wake people up until the moment they were disassembled?

The people in Lingshan City fell into a dead silence, and all the people in the two thousand cities were silent.

"He, are they going to lie?" Someone suddenly said.

The anger that just 300 billion people just extinguished, all of them rose up.

"Buddha, please pay back the Buddha!" ​​Lingshan City shouted.

"Buddha, that's what I got from working hard for a hundred years. Please pay back the Buddha!"

"Buddha, I have been paying homage to the Buddha all the time, and ask the Buddha to give me everything!"




Lingshan City, the people immediately looked at Jiang Rulai eagerly.

"Buddha, I wait for the innocent, please pay back the Lingshan Holy Land!" Qi Yunhai heard the voice of hundreds of people.

There was a chill in Jiang Rulai's heart. But, pay back the money? How to return? Returned Lingshan City, what about other cities?

If it is not possible to cover all the debts of all people and repay a small part of the people, it is equivalent to offending the majority of the people, and most of them will be completely hostile to Lingshan, and this small number of people may not be grateful for Lingshan It is impossible for them to return their own money without investigating Lingshan. It is impossible for them to be as devoted to Lingshan as they once were.

Everyone was looking forward to Jiang Rulai, but Jiang Rulai couldn't afford the money at all.

"All Lingshan people!" Jiang Rulai cried.


All voices ceased instantly, and all the people waited for Jiang Rulai's presidency.

At this moment, Jiang Rulai's eyelids were jumping wildly. At this moment, it was as if he was being grilled on the fire. Three hundred billion people stared at him. The eyes seemed to burn themselves?

However, at this moment, I can only scratch my head: "I am so deceived by the wealth management shop, my deity is also very heartbroken, my deity swears to heaven, he will recover the spirit stone for him, and he will certainly recover it. Don't be impatient! Wait patiently! "

After Jiang Ru finished speaking, the three thousand city ponds were dead again.

At this moment, the minds of all the people suddenly changed.

If Jiang Rulai didn't boast about going to Haikou just now and threatened to fund all the spiritual stones, the people would not be so angry, but they would be recovered and lost again. The anger in the hearts of the people can be imagined.

"Lingshi, it was originally the Holy Mountain Holy Land. Buddha, do you want to practice some kind of exercises? Just say it with me, why should you lie to me?"

"Lingshan disciples help financial management shops? Who do you lie to? So many Lingshan disciples are all deceived?"

"Without your order, all Lingshan disciples will deceive us together?"

"If it weren't for your spiritual mountain holy land, how would I hand over the spirit stone?"

"Return my spirit, return my spirit!"

"Jiang Rulai, are you a liar, playing with us in front of everyone?"

"Repay the money!"

"Return my spirit stone!"

In the major cities, the ancient Qin had arranged for people to challenge. Suddenly some angry people shouted.

With this shout, Jiang Rulai knew it was bad.


It seemed as if the sky blasted loudly, and the voice of screaming of 300 billion people came from the sea of ​​clouds of anger, the roar, the anger, the chaos, the sea of ​​clouds of anger that burst instantly burst apart.

Vaguely saw a huge tens of thousands of miles of lucky golden dragon, was torn into pieces by an invisible tearing force.


With a scream, Jin Long completely disappeared.


Billowing luck disappeared quickly.

In the major cities and towns, the anger of the people was completely ignited, and the previously stopped collision with the temple broke out again.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" ……………………

A number of Lingshan temples were smashed and shattered, and the internal spirit stone was looted. A spirit stone mine of the spirit mountain industry was robbed by a mountain.

With two thousand cities, all the city defenses were instantly destroyed. The riots of the people can't stop.


The weather in Lingshan was full of luck. This time it was not lost, but broken.

After just a few minutes of work, the weather is over. Nothing is left, and it is about to disappear. It shows that the hearts of the people have all dispersed. The Holy Land of Lingshan was completely dead.

All the disciples in Lingshan looked at the sky with horror that was about to dissipate, and had a very unreal feeling.

Lingshan City. In a restaurant.

Gu Qin showed a sneer: "Jiang Rulai is too confident and really thinks he is rich? At this time, dare to go to public trial? He did it for himself!"

"If it were me, I must first stabilize all the people and slowly change the public opinion. He actually dared to go to trial in front of all the people who mixed fish and dragon.

"It should be considered a great success. The last batch of spirit stones has been transported back to the capital. After watching this wonderful public trial, it is time to go back? Hahaha!" Gu Qin was excited. Laughed.

"Return to the North at once! Annunciation to Your Majesty!" Long Shenxi also laughed.

ps: Not long after I got home, the update was late, sorry, I finally wrote it!

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