Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 141: Ancient Tang Security

Da Rirui has the same strength as Jiang Rulai. Now Jiang Rulai is hitting hard, and everyone is not optimistic about Jiang Rulai!

If Lingshan Qiyun is still there, Jiang Rulai is not afraid, because returning to Lingshan can mobilize the power of the world. Also capable of turning the tide. But now?

Gu Hai, Kong Xuan, and Da Ri Rulai all looked at Jiang Rulai coldly.

Even Ji Dihong and Xun felt that Jiang Rulai had nowhere to run. Of course, neither of them came to the rescue.

Ji Dihong could not wait for Jiang Rulai to fall soon. At this moment, the ancient sea and Jiang Rulai struggling with mussels were in harmony.

He was very angry with Jiang Lianshan himself. Although Jiang Rulai was a younger brother by name, he knew that this was just a name for the evil villain to borrow Jiang Lianshan. He was an outsider. And, not long ago, would kill Jingwei? How can you rescue such people?

In the world of the sun, Jiang Rulai became an lonely person in an instant.

Covering the hole in his chest, Jiang Rulai's mouth overflowed with a hint of blood. escape?

Jiang Rulai understands that his severely wounded body can't escape Da Riru.

Blame that ancient sea!

Thinking of the ancient sea, Jiang Rulai's eyes spurted out a towering grudge.


Because of the ancient sea, he lost control of the Dayan Heavenly Dynasty, and that countless lucks, it was the ancient sea that took away Jingwei, which led to his loss. Because of the ancient sea, the countless fortunes of Lingshan Holy Land were also destroyed by him. Because of the ancient sea, he was hit hard. All ancient seas, all ancient seas.

Looking at the ancient sea, Jiang Rulai hated to eat ancient sea meat and drink ancient sea blood.

"Mr. Gu, Jiang Rulai needs to be killed or captured?" Da Riru said.

Gu Hai has not spoken yet, but Jiang Rulai glared: "Gu Hai, you dare to touch me, your son Gu Tang, the spirit is gone, you believe it!"

Ancient Tang? Gu Hai's son?

Ji Dihong in Xuanyuan City frowned.

"Gu Tang, huh, last time, wasn't he replaced with you? I can help him reshape his body right away, and his soul is gone? Ridiculous!" Gu Hai sneered.

Although Gu Hai was worried in his heart, on the surface, he still had to pretend not to believe.

"Ha, ha ha ha, you really didn't find out, how could that be true, it was just a fake copy of me, it was really still in my hands, Gu Hai, you don't want the ancient Tang soul to fly away, just get away!" Jiang Rulai hated.

Although I ca n’t wait to dismantle the ancient sea, the situation is so pressing at this moment that he ca n’t succeed at all.

"Oh, Jiang Rulai, do you think He would believe it? By the way, He gave you a chance to let you die, I see how you can make another ancient Tang!" Gu Hai stared in a cold voice.

Take out the ancient Tang?

Jiang Rulai's face changed for a while: "Take out your copy of the ancient Tang. He made it for me, and I'll show it to you!"

Jiang Rulai opened his mouth, and a big stone in Gu Hai's heart suddenly fell. It is obvious that Baidi had rescued the ancient Tang, otherwise, Jiang Rulai would repeatedly shirk.

"No need, I won you, everything will be solved! If the sun comes, I'll bother you, take it down!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Okay!" Da Ri nodded, and stepped forward.

"Gu Hai, don't you believe me? OK, OK, OK, I will let Gu Tang's soul fly away, and I will let him never live again!" Jiang Rulai turned angrily and walked away.

"call out!"

Jiang Rulai shot into the distance. Da Riru came faster and came closer in an instant.


One palm snapped, Jiang Rulai shot a puppet of blood, spurting blood.


"You wait, today's shame, I will pay it back a hundred times, a hundred times!" Jiang Rulai yelled with a cheeky face.

During the roar, the detective took out a bowl, which was the sixth magic weapon of ancient times, and was in the cycle pool.

"Be careful!" Cried Gu Hai in the distance.


The bowl was thrown out, and Da Ri suddenly came on alert.

However, I saw a huge void ripple suddenly appearing in the mouth of the bowl, and vaguely saw a pool of clear water with a large number of reincarnation lotus flowers.

When Daru Rulai warned against Jiang Rulai's shot, Jiang Rulai showed face: "You wait, I will come back!"


Instantly, Jiang Rulai rushed into the ripples of the void. Upon entering, it disappeared instantly, and at the moment of entering, Jiang Rulai swept away all the reincarnation lotuses in it.

"No, he's not trying to fight back, he's running away!" Gu Hai's face sank.

"Where to escape!" Da Riru yelled and rushed into the void ripples.

However, when Da Ri Rulai rushed in half, his face suddenly changed back, and he patted it suddenly.

But I saw that at the other end of the ripples, five golden palms were suddenly shot.

"Five Rugao palms? How come?" Exclaimed Kong Xuan.

Even if Jiang Rulai fights back, there can only be one at most. How can there be five on the other side of the ripples in the void?

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Da Riru resisted with all his strength. After one palm, the palms burst instantly. The void is also shattered countlessly, but Da Riru itself is a meal.

Da Riru's face sank and she was about to step in again.

"If the sun comes, the poor Kou Mo chase!" Gu Hai shouted loudly.

While drinking, Gu Hai grabbed the bowl and reincarnate the pond.

Gu Hai grabbed the reincarnation pool, and the void rippled away.

"The other end of the reincarnation pool is eighteen floors of hell?" Kong Xuan sank.

"The five Rugao palms just appeared. It seems that there is an ambush inside. If the big sun comes, we have a long way to go!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

Da Riru nodded his head: "Okay, but the five Rugao Gods’ palms are very strange. They are one point weaker than the previous ones, but they are actually the Rugao's palms, and I can be sure that the breath above It's Jiang Rulai! "

"In the eighteenth floor of hell, it seems that inside has changed over the years!" Gu Hai looked at the reincarnation pool in his hand.

"Jiang Rulai can give up this reincarnation in order to escape?" Kong Xuan sneered.

Gu Hai looked at the reincarnation pond, and sighed slightly, still remembering the West Sea in the past, he had no possibility of resistance in front of the reincarnation pond. Now, the reincarnation pond has fallen into his own hands.

"The eighteen floors of **** have been sealed by the six immortals. Only the reincarnation pool can be entered. When it comes out, only the reincarnation lotus can be used. That is, Jiang Rulai can only go out and cannot enter. He is seriously injured now. Body, definitely want to repair the injury first! "Gu Haishen said.

"Your Majesty, wouldn't you say that we can also use the reincarnation pool to enter the eighteenth floor of hell?" Kong Xuan's expression moved.

"No!" Gu Hai's face sank.


"You just saw the five palms of the God of Coming, and Jiang Rulai must be in an ambush inside, and must not enter from here!" Gu Hai looked at Da Riru.

Da Riru nodded his head. Previously, he had already opened the entrance to the eighteenth-floor **** with the reincarnation lotus.

Gu Hai is also going to use the reincarnation lotus to enter the secret place of hell. Suddenly, Gu Hai's face changed, and she could use the reincarnation lotus to enter. Couldn't Jiang Rulai also be?

As if seeing Gu Hai's worries, Dayi Rulai smiled slightly: "I urged the method of reincarnation lotus, it was not a means of Buddhism, it was passed to me by Lao Tzu, I would, Jiang Rulai would not!"

"That's good!" Gu Hai hissed.

"But, Your Majesty, one day outside, the first floor of the eighteenth floor of **** is one thousand years. Jiang Rulai's injury will soon be repaired!" Kong Xuan worried.

"It's not so easy to repair. I don't know the harm of the light of destroying the gods. I just slaped him, but it hurt his source of Buddha. Without thousands of years, it cannot be repaired!" Da Riru came from the channel.

"Whether that's the case, it can't be better! The entrance to each floor of the eighteenth floor of Hell is not always open. Jiang Rulai is now waiting at most on the first floor." Gu Hai's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Mr. Gu, when do you want to enter the eighteenth floor of hell?" Dayi Rulai asked.

"Wait a minute, Lingshan Holy Land, but now the dragons have no heads, let's go back to the borderless city of heaven first!" Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Kong Xuanying said.

"call out!"

The three turned into a streamer, heading for the Heavenly Kingdom without borders.

In a blink of an eye, the starry battlefield was gone.

In the distance, his eyes narrowed: "Huh, actually let Jiang Rulai run away? It's boring! But it seems that Jiang Lianshan is looking for, Jiang Rulai's hiding should be in the eighteenth floor hell?"

Xuanyuan City.

Ji Dihong also had his eyes narrowed: "Jiang Rulai escaped to the eighteenth floor of hell?"

On the one side, the barn owl had condensed the distant scene with other spells and showed it to other courtiers.

"Holy, so to speak, that ancient Tang is really in the hands of Jiang Rulai?" Kong Di's eyes brightened.

"It's true that although Gu Hai has concealed Jiang Rulai, but he can't hide it, oh, if Gu Hai really doesn't believe it, he won't talk to Jiang Rulai too much, but let him escape. So, the ancient Tang is on the 18th floor Hell, but also escaped Jiang Rulai's control? ”Ji Dihong's eyes narrowed.

"Mr. Cangjie, can you calculate the whereabouts of the ancient Tang?" Conte expected.

Cangjie was suddenly there, motionless, as if figuring something out, and everyone didn't bother. After a while, Cangjie nodded: "I can find it!" ——

The borderless sky capital, red sky temple.


The three of the ancient seas instantly fell on the Chongtian Temple Square.

"Your Majesty!" A number of dignitaries were already waiting.

"Kong Xuan, Ao Sheng, Gao Xianzhi!" Cried Gu Hai.

"The minister is here!" Gao Xianzhi and Kong Xuanying said.

"Yes!" Ao Shengying said.

"Gao Xianzhi led the army of 400,000 gods and accompanied Kong Xuan and Ao Sheng to the Lingshan Holy Land. He needed to win all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats in the Lingshan Holy Land. Day time! "Gu Hai Shen said.

"Yes!" Everyone answered.

"The demon army listens to orders!" Gu Hai ordered.

"Roar!" Wudu Tiandu suddenly heard a roar.

Then, the 500,000 Demon Army, no matter what they were doing, even if they were still retreating, they quickly reached the Chongtian Temple Square. Very neat and respectful.

"Here you wait for 100,000, stay in the borderless city of heaven, beware of the Xiaofang Quxiao, wait for 400,000, wait for Gao Xianzhi to adjust the order." Gu Hai pointed at the two sides of the demon army ordered.

"Follow the order!" The half a million demon army screamed.

"Where is the Dragon!" Ao Sheng yelled.

"Ang, Ang ...............!"

Suddenly, two thousand dragons soared into the sky.

"Follow me to Lingshan and destroy the Buddha!" ​​Ao Sheng sighed coldly.

"Yes!" Qun Long should drink.

"Let's go!" Kong Xuan waved his sleeves.


Suddenly, a black wind was rolled up, and the demon army and the dragons were rolled up. Ao Sheng was carrying Gao Xianzhi.

"Go!" Gao Xianzhi shouted.


The black wind twirled 400,000 gods and demons and the dragons, and instantly headed for the Holy Mountain Holy Land.

PS: Suddenly found today, Baidu Post Bar, Wanguxianqiang Post Bar, unblocked. Not easy!

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