Every Day He Does Good Deeds, His Diary Was Exposed By His Green Tea Girlfriend

Chapter 011 Breaking Five Realms In One Month I’M Really Not The Material For Martial Arts Training

Looking at the chatting content of the viewers in the live broadcast room, Lin Jiaer's face turned crimson.

She thought again about Tang Feng giving her medicine.

My first kiss was just gone.

And from beginning to end, she had no idea.

Thinking of this, she glared at Tang Feng who was sitting next to her.

No, this matter must not end like this.

He has to make amends.

[After much thought, I finally came up with a good idea. 】

[I crushed the elixir, found tools, made a long straw, sucked the elixir juice into the straw, then inserted the straw into his esophagus, and just squeezed it gently, the elixir was All the juice went in. Needless to say, this method was indeed good. I was impressed by my own cleverness again. 】

There was silence in the live broadcast room.

The beautiful picture did not appear after all.

It seems that the owner of the diary is also a double standard party.

Beauty, he can use his mouth, but when it comes to the dry old man, he uses a straw.

It would be uncomfortable for anyone to think about such a simple long tube being inserted directly into the esophagus.

The owner of this diary does not know how to respect the elderly and care for the young at all.

To put it bluntly, when he gave Lin Jiaer the medicine by mouth, he simply saw that Lin Jiaer was beautiful and wanted to take advantage of her.

[This old man is indeed Xiaoqiang. After taking the elixir, his body recovered quickly. In just one day, his aura became much stronger. 】

[On December 7, 2019, it snowed. 】

[When I woke up in the morning, it actually started to snow lightly. The auspicious snow heralds a good harvest. I think next year will be a good time again. 】

[Go and see the old man. Although he's not awake yet, his complexion looks much better. He's awesome. My bad old man. 】

[I sat next to him, looked at him, and thought about his fate. It was actually quite pitiful. At such an old age, he still went into the mountains to hunt. Either he had no children, or his children were unfilial, but it didn’t matter. Either way, his life is quite sad. At this moment, my kindness is overflowing again, thinking, otherwise, when he gets better, I will leave him in the village, and he will no longer have to go hunting in the mountains. . 】

"The owner of this diary must have so much compassion to achieve this."

"An old man was picked up and he just wanted to provide care for others. I'm really speechless."

"That's enough for you, you are cold-blooded, but I hope you don't criticize others. Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you. When others do good things, you can just watch with cold eyes. Who are you qualified to point fingers here?"

"A bunch of keyboard warriors."

"I curse you. After you died young, your parents had no one to take care of them..."

Suddenly, a group of people in the live broadcast area started to curse.

[December 8, 2019, sunny. 】

[The old man finally woke up. He opened his eyes and looked at me with his old eyes. But why, I didn’t see gratitude in his eyes. 】

[Hey, in this world, forget it, maybe he just woke up and his head is not clear yet. 】

[December 9, 2019, sunny. 】

[I suddenly had a glimmer of enlightenment. Martial arts has broken through to a small level. It has been more than a month since I started practicing and I have only reached the fifth level of martial arts. I am really not the material for martial arts training. I sat by the well and thought, Otherwise, I won’t practice martial arts, and I won’t be able to achieve anything famous anyway. 】


"It's been more than a month since I've been promoted to the fifth level in a row, and I'm still saying it's slow. Are you still going to let me live?"

"Versailles, the owner of this diary is the old Versailles."

Curses instantly flooded the screen.

At the same time, it also attracted the attention of more big shots.

Several forces took action to find the owner of this diary.

Live broadcast of "A Notebook".

There are heavyweights showing up.

Zhou Nan, the vice-principal of Nandu College, came in a hurry.

Zhou Nan looked at Zhao Yuyu without any nonsense.

"The owner of this diary is your ex-boyfriend?"

Facing Zhou Nan, Zhao Yuyu was a little timid.

She nodded honestly.

"Where is he now? As long as you can lead me to find him, I can give you a generous reward. This reward will be much greater than the reward given by Jiangbei TV Station." Zhou Nan said in a tone that could not be criticized.

Hearing Zhou Nan's words, Zhao Yuyu's heart skipped a beat.

The reason why she secretly took Tang Feng's diary to participate in the show was for the reward given by the show team.

Although she didn't know the background of the woman in front of her, judging from her strong aura, she must have a great background.

Such a person will definitely not regret it if he says it.

After thinking about it in her mind, she nodded.

"Okay, I'll take you to find him."

What happened in the audience did not attract too many people's attention.

At this time, everyone is waiting for the follow-up development of the diary contents.

They were full of curiosity about the identity of the bad old man picked up by the owner of the diary.

[This old man, I don’t know why he has such a big appetite. In one meal, he ate up all my life for a week. It’s winter, and there are fewer animals in the mountains. If I can’t catch enough prey, I’m afraid I’ll go hungry. He's dying, he's dying, he's dying, why did he come back with a mess? 】

[However, looking at the old man’s white hair, I felt soft again. Forget it, let’s go hunting in the mountains. The worst thing is, run more mountain roads and hunt more prey. We are young people, and it’s nothing to suffer a little. We can't let him, a poor old man, go hungry. 】

[My luck was not good today. I only hunted two snowshoe hares throughout the day. This little meat was enough for an old man to stuff his teeth between. 】

[I thought about it and finally decided to go to the depths of Beimang Mountain. There are more animals there than on the outside of the mountain. Although it is a bit dangerous, wealth can be gained through danger. In order to keep the old man from going hungry, I will take some risks. worth. 】

The audience has gradually become accustomed to the bad and good person of the diary owner.

They finally understood that this kind of person could not tolerate bad things from others. If others were not good, he would feel uncomfortable.

"A person like the owner of the diary may not appear once in a thousand years, but he can be considered a fairy."

"Thankfully he lives in that small isolated village. If he were in the outside world, he would have died ten thousand times."

[I finally came back alive. Although the price I paid was a bit high, the harvest was not small. One adult snake was enough for me and the old man to eat for a month. 】

[For the sake of my own life, from now on, even if you kill me, you will not go to the depths of Beimang Mountain. I swear again. 】

The audience sneered at this so-called oath.

They also understood clearly that the owner of this diary had no principles at all.

If he encounters someone who is seriously injured again and needs elixir, he will definitely venture to the depths of Beimang Mountain.

In this world, most people do good deeds to gain fame, but there are some people like the owner of the diary who are so naive and overflowing with compassion.

[December 10, 2019, sunny. 】

[A big thing happened today. Something big seemed to have happened in Beimang Mountain. The ghost beasts living deep in Beimang Mountain seemed to be frightened and ran out of Beimang Mountain in panic, running around. 】

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