Every Day He Does Good Deeds, His Diary Was Exposed By His Green Tea Girlfriend

Chapter 051 The Road Ahead Is Long And We Still Need To Work Hard [1 Update]

The live broadcast of "A Diary" came to an abrupt end with the appearance of the ancient immortal treasure.

The leaders of Jiangbei TV station forcibly stopped the live broadcast.

In the live broadcast room, the audience cursed loudly.

But no matter how much they scolded them, the live broadcast did not continue.

In Jiangbei College.

King Wu who came to see the ancient book of Wu Bei left one after another.

The house where Tang Feng temporarily lived became peaceful in an instant.

"Ding... Because of your kind deeds, King Wu Li Yunchang took a big step in his life and successfully became the King of Wu. He is grateful for your kindness in his heart, and you have gained two thousand merit points.

In my ears, the system prompts sounded.

"Ding... Because of your kind deeds, Wu King Zhou He took a step forward in martial arts. He is grateful to you and you have gained a thousand merit points.

"Ding... Because of your kind deeds, King Wu Ma Tianhang has taken a further step in the martial arts. He is grateful to you and you have gained ten thousand points of merit.

The feedback from all the martial kings has finally arrived.

System prompts exactly sixty times.

When the system prompt ended, Tang Feng once again gained 63,000 merit points.

The merit in his body once again exceeded the one hundred thousand mark.

"It's time to improve your cultivation level again. 26"

Looking at the accumulated merit in his body, Tang Feng had a bright smile on his face.

Since entering the Grandmaster realm, every time you advance to a small realm, the difficulty is several times greater than before.

Even with more than 100,000 merits, he couldn't guarantee that he would be able to break through to the Grand Master realm in one go.

However, even if it is impossible to directly break through to the Grand Master Realm, it is still not too far away from the Grand Master Realm.

He was full of expectations for this.

Lin Jiaer left with complicated emotions.

Apart from Sun Liangchen, who was working as a temporary hard labor, Tang Feng was the only one left in the house.

He stepped into the practice room and started to level up.

"Addition of merit...it consumes 500 points of merit...your martial arts practice +2 (years)."

As you enter the Wuzong realm, you gain two more years of cultivation, and the merit you consume is five times that of the Houtian realm.

"Addition of merit..........Consumption of 500 points of merit......Your martial arts cultivation level +2 (years)."

Tang Feng sat cross-legged in the practice room, with system prompts popping up in his mind.

"Addition of merit... It consumes 500 points of merit.... Your martial arts practice +2 (years).'

"Addition of merit... Spend 500 points of merit and your martial arts cultivation level will be +2 (years).

In a short period of time, his martial arts cultivation has increased by twenty years.

Within the body, merit continues to brew.

"Addition of merit... consume 500 points of merit... your martial arts practice +2 (years).

Every system prompt means that his martial arts cultivation has increased by two years.

And this process ended in just one minute.

This also means that at this time, his martial arts cultivation level can be improved in one minute, which is equivalent to two years of hard training for a person with the same talent.

And often, it takes about ten years for a person with ordinary talents to advance to a small level within the realm of a master.

When reaching the fourth or fifth level of a master, it takes about twenty years to advance to a small level.

If it is those geniuses, it will take much less time.

Just like that Su Bingyan, it only took ten years to go from the first level of Grandmaster to the ninth level of Grandmaster.

Almost, a small realm every year.

This is the gap.

Tang Feng understood that in terms of talent, there was a huge gap between himself and those talented people. Among the general public, his talent could only be considered average.

He is able to achieve what he has today because of the system of doing good deeds and accumulating virtue.

"Addition of merit... It consumes 500 points of merit... Your martial arts practice +2 (years)."


Mysterious fluctuations.

Driven by merit, his realm broke through.

The fifth level of Grandmaster.


"Addition of merit... Consume 800 points of merit... Your martial arts practice +2 (years)."

As the cultivation level breaks through to the fifth level of the Grandmaster, the merits that need to be consumed increase again.

Tang Feng has a lot of merit and doesn't care at all.

His purpose this time was very clear, which was to squander all the merit he had accumulated and turn it into his own combat power.

Having experienced the darkness of Beimang Mountain, he knows better than anyone else the importance of human experience.

If you want to survive in this world, then you must make yourself strong enough.

Only if you are strong can you have the last laugh.

"The addition of merit... consumes 800 points of merit... and your martial arts practice +2 (years)."

"Addition of merit... Spend 800 points of merit and your martial arts cultivation level will be +2 (years)."

"Addition of merit... Spend 800 points of merit and your martial arts cultivation level will be +2 (years).

The consumption of merit is the improvement of martial arts cultivation.

Every minute, his martial arts cultivation will steadily increase by two years.

The increase continues.

Let his cultivation level continue to rise.

Heading towards new heights.

"Addition of merit... Spend 800 points of merit and your martial arts cultivation level will be +2 (years).


It's that mysterious aura fluctuation again.

There was a narrow door, which was pushed open violently.

With the opening of this portal, the most original power of the body is awakened.

The breath on Tang Feng's body began to churn.

Wave after wave, soaring.

The sixth level of Grandmaster.

The small realm breaks through again.

"It's not enough, come again."

"The addition of merit... consumes 1,200 points of merit... and your martial arts practice +2 (years)."

Breaking through the sixth level of Grandmaster, the merit consumed increases again.

For every two years of martial arts cultivation, the merit consumed is more than double that of the Grandmaster's Fourth Army.

"Addition of merit... Consume 1,200 points of merit... Your martial arts practice +2 (years)."

"Addition of merit... It consumes 1,200 points of merit... Your martial arts practice +2 (years)."

"Addition of merit..........Consumption of 1,200 points of merit..........Your martial arts cultivation level +2 (years).

The system prompts kept ringing in my mind.

Martial arts cultivation continues to soar.

In the body 747, the massive amount of merit is decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A long time passed.

The mysterious aura filled the air from Tang Feng again.

After continuing to break through the sixth level of Grandmaster, his martial arts cultivation reached another breakthrough.

The seventh level of Grandmaster.

At this point, Tang Feng opened his eyes and took a short rest.

Although he seemed to have done nothing during this entire process, the continuous improvement of his realm also consumed a lot of his energy.

Now, his mind has become tired.

Need some time to rest.

Once the adjustments are made, continue breaking through.

From the fourth level of Grandmaster to the seventh level of Grandmaster, it spans three small realms. Even these three small realms consume a full 50,000 points of merit.

The further you practice, the higher your level will be. Every time you improve, the merits consumed will be doubled.

Tang Feng stood up, raised his arms, and made fists with both hands.

The raging infuriating energy trembled.

The thickness of the true energy of the seventh level of the grandmaster is more than twice as deep as that of the fourth level of the grandmaster.

His palm fell, and a smile appeared on his face.

Nineteen years old, seventh level of Grandmaster. Such an achievement would probably surprise countless people.

However, this is not enough.

The road ahead is long and we need to work harder.

P: This book has come a long way, thank you all for your support.

It's on the shelves. The old author maintains the quality and quantity. The update starts from 10 to ensure that everyone can enjoy it. Friends who like it, please subscribe and customize!

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