Every Day He Does Good Deeds, His Diary Was Exposed By His Green Tea Girlfriend

Chapter 061: I Want To Point My Sword To The Sky, Screw It (1 Update)

[The old man just stood on the wall with his hands behind his back, speechless. 】

[No matter how monstrous the ghost spirit is, with him standing there, no evil can escape even half a step. He is like a city wall, blocking everything. 】

[Those two voices echoed in my ears. 】

[Old guy, you shouldn't have come, and you can't stop me, the human race, when... This is the voice coming from the depths of Beimang Mountain. 】

[I am here after all. Even if I don’t come, there will always be people. Mo Chi came 20,000 years ago, Wen Xidong came 10,000 years ago, Long Yuan came 5,000 years ago, and now, here I'm sorry, as long as the fire of the human race is not extinguished, someone will always come, and you will never be able to get out forever... This is the old man's slow voice. 】

[Mo Chi, Wen Xidong, and Long Yuan, these three names are swirling in my mind. Each of these people was once the strongest of the human race, and they all led the human race to conquer all directions, and they all actually I once fought with that being in Beiman Mountain. 】

[Old man, do you really think you are the patron saint of the human race? As long as you don’t become the emperor, you can’t be my opponent, and you can’t protect the human race... That cold voice echoes in the sky and the earth 26 echoed in the room. 】

[The old man just smiled indifferently. He looked back and looked at the world behind him. He seemed to want to imprint this world and this world in his heart. 】

[But at that glance, his expression became more determined. He looked towards Beiman Mountain and slowly raised his right hand. 】

[I want to point my sword to the sky, but the sky refuses, so go to hell. Today, I will use my body to build the Great Wall, subdue Fengdu, and extend the inheritance of the human race. I hope that my human race will never be extinguished and prosper forever... ...That not-so-loud voice echoed in my ears in this world. 】

[At this moment, my eyes turned red uncontrollably, and a sentence came to my mind. 】

[There are no quiet years, but there are people carrying the burden for you. 】

[No one knows that on this day, in the southwest border, outside Beimang Mountain, there was such an old man, who used his not-so-burly body to build a Great Wall of flesh and blood for the human race behind him. 】

[I repeated the old man’s words in a low voice, I wanted to point my sword at the sky, but the sky refused, then screw it. 】

[May our human race be immortal and prosperous forever. 】

These lines of vigorous and powerful handwriting were presented to countless people through Nangong Xue's live broadcast.

Someone was chanting that sentence in a low voice.

I want to point my sword to the sky, but if the sky doesn't allow me, then go to hell.

The blood rushes.

Someone was reading another sentence.

I will use my body to build the Great Wall, to control Fengdu, and to extend the inheritance of the human race. I hope that my human race will never be extinguished and prosper forever.

In the bass, tears flowed down.

As written in the diary, no one knew that on that day of that year, outside Beimang Mountain, there was an old man who used his body to forge a Great Wall of flesh and blood for the humans behind him.


There are no quiet years, but there are people carrying the burden for you.

The powerful martial artist stood up silently and looked in the direction of Beimang Mountain.

His face was solemn.

The top of Xi'an Mountain.

The woman in plain clothes had already burst into tears at this time.

"Father, is that you?"

With tears in her eyes, she quietly watched the live broadcast and learned from her mistakes.

Not even willing to blink.

[The old man took steps, stepping on the void, and climbed up step by step. With each step, the heaven and earth shook, and with each step, stars fell. Faintly, I heard in my ears the cry from the long river of time, That is the voice of the sages of the human race. 】

[The sky is full of light, endless energy, sealing the sky and sealing the earth. I want to see clearly what is happening, but I can't see anything. I just hear the old man's voice echoing in my ears, please ask my ancestral sword to fight with me... ...Human race, Chang. 】

[Two familiar auras rushed to the top of the sky. The two auras that were fighting in the depths of Beimang Mountain a few days ago. I finally knew who the people who were fighting in Beimang Mountain during those two days were. 】

[I don’t know the old man’s name, let alone where he comes from, but I know that he fights for the human race, even at the cost of his own life. 】

[Next to me, the little girl raised her head and looked at the sky full of light, with tears glistening in her eyes. 】

[At this moment, I asked myself, in the future, when the human race is in crisis, can I stand up and fight for the human race like this old man did. 】

[I feel that I can, but I feel that I can’t. I don’t have his ability or his mind. 】

[The world is too big, and my mind cannot accommodate it. 】

【Long time, Chen…………

[The darkness has finally receded...]

【Its daybreak. 】

[Beside the collapsed wall, I saw that familiar figure. 】

[He sat there slumped, his head drooped, and his originally not tall body became more and more stooped. 】

[The hand he always liked to pick at his feet, together with his arm, disappeared. The dense white bones were visible to the naked eye, but not a drop of blood was seen. 】

[I jumped on him desperately, thinking he was dead. 】

[Tears burst out of my eyes. 】

[When I ran to him and hugged his body, he was alive again. 】

[He raised his head and looked at me, with a smile on his face, but that smile looked ugly even if he wasn't crying. 】

[He looked at me with a smile and said to me in that weak voice, "Boy, be my apprentice." 】

[Without any consideration, I knelt on the ground and kowtowed to him several times. 】

[It is my honor to be his apprentice. 】

When the diary reaches this point, there is a blank space below.

People in the live broadcast room felt a thump in their hearts when they saw the blank space.

Could it be said that the diary ends here?

From this day on, the owner of the diary, 867, did not write any more diaries!

"Maybe the owner of the diary was infected by the old man and set up a lofty ambition. From then on, he gave up his pen and took up the sword to conquer the world."

"I want to travel to the end of the world with my sword and see the prosperity of the world..."

"Did that respectable old man die in the end?"


But everyone is respectful.

That old man deserves everyone's respect.

On the sacred mountain of Xi'an.

The woman in plain clothes wiped the tears from her face and stood up resolutely.

"I want to go to Yanguo, to Jiangbei... I want to know if that old man is my father."

Jiangbei College.

Tang Feng wiped the broken iron sword, and that sloppy and lazy figure appeared in front of his eyes.

The old master, whose thoughts were a little out of touch and somewhat slovenly, finally left, leaving him with only a broken iron sword.

Every year, at this time, he would always take out the iron sword and wipe it carefully.

See things and miss people.

Perhaps, only after seeing this iron sword would he allow himself to maintain his original intention and follow his master's footsteps step by step.

Master's words are still echoing in my ears.

"Boy, this world is beautiful, but there must be someone to protect it. Take this ancestral sword and go to the outside world to see. Perhaps, one day, you will want to understand what I have done today. for what.".

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