Every Day One Step Closer To the Manifestation

Chapter 345: faster than a meteor

Feng Yi has been squatting on the meteor for the past few days, and he is not completely dormant when he sleeps at night. Once there is any abnormality, he can wake up and enter the working state at any time.

In the sky, a large net made of energy matter extending into space was still quietly placed there until it sensed that a celestial body was approaching.

Different from the fine meteoroids before, this time, this one is a real "big fish" level!

After the "big fish" touched the energy net, the energy fluctuations were triggered and fed back, which made Feng Yi wake up in an instant.

One turned over and got off the bed, and the next moment, the person had already come to the window.

At this time, the "big fish" was not seen outside the window.

It has not yet begun to burn visibly.

"It's a bit big."

Feng Yi felt the information fed back by energy fluctuations and began to operate.

During this period of time, he has used those fine meteors to practice his skills. It's hard to say anything else, but he has become proficient in locking the target.

The energy network quickly captures the target and anchors accurately.

During this process, Feng Yi still had to solve a problem.

This issue has also been considered previously.

This "big fish" has a relatively high initial mass, and if it cannot burn completely in the air, part of it will fall to the ground, and it is likely to pass through crowded areas, which is dangerous.

But if its falling position is shifted, and it falls to a farther, uninhabited desert area, then even if its fragments explode, the impact will not be so serious.

If it can be split into small pieces and burned in the sky as much as possible, the impact on the ground will be much smaller!

Feng Yi is still in the initial stage of learning a whole set of skills, and it won't be accomplished overnight.

Take it easy and take it step by step.

First, offset the big rock a little towards the desert area.

A little bit is fine.

With a small offset, the gap between the drop points will be quite far.

There are no lights in the room, the silver moonlight outside looks dim, and the street lights are not as bright as those in the bustling city. Farther away, things on the surface are extremely hazy.

When the window was opened, a vague figure could be seen, but soon the figure disappeared into darkness again. Can't see what's going on in the room.

No one will see what kind of changes are happening to the people near the window.

The pupils of Feng Yi's eyes narrowed, and then expanded into an ellipse. During this process, the iris was covered with light filaments.

With the stimulation of his own energy, he stretched out his arm, and scales quickly covered his upper arm to his fingertips. First update@

Faint energy fluctuations around him.

In the air, invisible floating dust trembled.

Outside, on the road, a gust of wind blows.

Fine gravel was carried by the wind and rubbed against the ground, making a hissing sound, as if an invisible giant was crawling here.

[offset a little]

[Offset a little further to the desert area]

The "big fish" that broke into the atmosphere, its huge body, began to emit flames under the huge heat ablation.

An invisible force dragged it in, slowly shifting its original trajectory.

And during this process, the huge fragment itself was ablated more intensely, and the flames became more intense.

under the sky.

Feng Yi next door.

Xiao Jia touched the stretched hair on the back of her neck, and looked around vigilantly.

He was already familiar with the feeling, so he didn't overreact.

Every time the boss wants to fix something, it feels like this.

It's just that Feng Yi didn't tell him this time, which means it wasn't the things he was worried about.

Perhaps for the external environment?

Xiao Jia looked out of the window at the quiet town under the night.

There are no bright lights of those modern metropolises here, nor are there crowds of people enjoying supper.

This small town, after its former glory has faded, has long lost its wonderful and lively night scene. It will gradually fall into a deep sleep as the sun sinks.

Day after day, monotonous silence.

Tonight too.

At this time, most people in the town have fallen asleep.

It seems to be business as usual.


Xiaojia knew it was different!

Floating in the air, every grain of dust, every fiber, the rolling gravel on the road, and all kinds of information flowing in the evening wind, all tell...

The boss is going to make trouble!

I don't know what will happen.

Xiao Jia is like a silent guard hiding in the dark, quietly observing, patiently waiting for what is about to happen.

Next door to Xiaojia, in the guest room on the other side.

Wen Zhiyu chatted with a group of friends in the capital late, and just fell asleep, dreams began to brew, but suddenly there was an inexplicable feeling!

a little cold.

But it's not actually cold. Can't tell why.

The consciousness was separated from the dream, and Wen Zhiyu opened his eyes with confusion.

He obviously felt a strong drowsiness just now, but now he is very awake.


The air circulation system and temperature control system are installed in the room, and it doesn't feel cold, but a layer of goose bumps suddenly appeared on the surface of the skin!

here we go again! This inexplicable cold feeling!

"Could it be a cold heart?"

Wen Zhiyu opened the curtains.

The camera on the terrace outside is still working dutifully.

Wen Zhiyu just glanced at it and didn't look any further.

Come to the window and sit down, open the window. He is addicted to cigarettes and wants to have one.

Late at night, sleepless, another cigarette, accompanied by a sensual chant, and then a charming copywriting that can be sent to Moments!

Wen Zhiyu had a cigarette in his mouth and was about to start a fire.

Seeing something strange from the corner of the eye, he suddenly looked up.

In the night sky, a bright line of fire pierced the sky!

It's not like the distant light like drizzle that he saw when he observed the meteor shower before. _o_m

The one I see now is closer and brighter!

It's a burning fireball!

When Wen Zhiyu got excited, the cigarette that was just in his mouth was shaken off.

"Ah—fire meteor!!"

"Big Pan!! Get up and look for meteorites..."


Dragging a long ion tail, the fireball falling at high speed exploded with a loud noise.

The light that lights up in an instant is far better than the daytime!

Wen Zhiyu, who had been staring at the bolide, quickly covered it with his palm, but he was still a step behind, and suffered from temporary flash blindness.

After the strong light, the deafening sound that spread a step slower overwhelmed all other voices, swallowing half of Wen Zhiyu's unfinished sentence.

Wen Zhiyu couldn't see anything now, but the excitement didn't stop there, but continued to shout excitedly after the bursting roar:

"Da Pan! Feng Yi! There is a fire meteor! The fire meteor has finally appeared! Go out and hunt for meteors!!"

Pan Weining didn't sleep well tonight. He is actually the kind of person who sleeps better, and goes to bed early, but there is always something strange in his sleep, the whole picture is shaking, and it seems to be flickering caused by unstable current, flustered.

Half asleep and half awake, I heard Wen Zhiyu's hoarse roar.

He didn't hear what the other party was shouting, and when Pan Weining opened his eyes, he was still a little confused.

The next moment, strong light projection!

Completely blackout curtains, but can't block the light penetrating through the gaps!

At that moment, Pan Weining thought he was still dreaming, but was soon awakened by a loud bang.

Pan Weining turned over in shock and rolled off the bed.

At this moment, his first reaction:

Is there a war outside? ? !

The glare had dimmed, and the roar had stopped.

He drew the curtains and opened the window to look outside.

Other places in the town had already been lit up, and the huge bang triggered many alarm devices, and the rapid beeping sound made people's hearts tremble.

Someone was shouting something in a hurry in the distance, but they couldn't hear clearly.

Pan Weining groaned in his heart, he really thought something violent happened

I didn't even have time to put on my clothes, so I touched the knife and was ready to rush out to call other people in the house.

Then I heard Wen Zhiyu shouting at the top of his voice: "Da Pan! Feng Yi! There is fire flow.


Pan Weining: ...

Pan Weining:? ? ?

fire star?

Reason quickly returned.

The rapid heartbeat gradually slowed down.

"Bolide?" Pan Weining murmured.

Thinking about it this way, it does.

Pan Weining ran to the terrace outside, and asked the excited Wen Zhiyu: "The movement just now, was it a bolide?"

"Yes! I saw it fall with my own eyes, and it exploded with a bang!" Wen Zhiyu groped to go to the terrace.

"It's really a fireball." Pan Weining wiped his face with sweat, "I **** thought war broke out here!"

As he said that, Pan Weining quickly noticed something was wrong.

"Where are you looking?"

Wen Zhiyu: "I didn't look at it, isn't this talking to you? Hey, I was illuminated by the strong light when I was watching Bolide just now, and now I can't see anything. Wait for me to take a while."

It took almost half an hour for Wen Zhiyu's vision to recover. While recovering, this guy didn't stop his excitement.

"I was about to fall asleep at the time, and I suddenly felt heart palpitations! I didn't have this problem in the previous physical examination! Then I got up, walked to the window, and then saw the shining fireball! This is God's will! Guidance I saw that bright meteor!"

At this time, Feng Yi from the room also came out, but his complexion was not good, and he looked haggard.

Pan Weining thought that he hadn't slept well, and Feng Yi hadn't slept well these days, so Pan Weining wasn't surprised at his current state.

However, Feng Yi was just out of spirits, and he seemed relatively calm when he encountered the incident just now. Presumably, I also heard those few words that Wen Zhiyu roared.

In the middle of the night, Wen Zhiyu is now in good spirits, changed his equipment, and is ready to go at any time.

"Hurry up, both of you, bring your equipment and set off to find the meteorite!"

Feng Yi said: "Perhaps when the bolide exploded, the debris had already been burned up in the air." Zhiyu Wen: "Impossible! It is so bright and explodes so loudly, it must be a big one! There must have been a lot of debris falling after it exploded! "

Pan Weining looked at the video captured by Wen Zhiyu's camera: "Even if there are debris falling, it should be some distance away from here, so it's not easy to find."

Feng Yi silently picked up the water cup to drink.

After he pulled the fireball a little bit, he thought about making it burn more thoroughly in the air, so that no fragments would hurt people or things.

While this situation cannot be completely avoided, the risk can be minimized.

So Feng Yi tried his best again, trying to break the burning rock into more pieces.

Then, there was this scene of the fireball exploding more violently in the sky.

The movement was a little bigger than he expected.

"Are we going back to the capital tomorrow?" Feng Yi asked.

"Why back!" Wen Zhiyu was gearing up, "I want to hunt down! Da Pan, are you going? Da Pan?"

Wen Zhiyu leaned over after calling twice without hearing the other party's response.

Pan Weining's eyes were fixed on a screen on the tablet, which he cut from the surveillance video.

Wen Zhiyu asked: "What are you looking at, did you hear what I just said?"

Pan Weining didn't answer, but paused the video at a certain moment, took a screenshot of the still picture, and zoomed in.

"Look, did something hit the bolide right before it exploded?"

Wen Zhiyu rubbed his eyes, although his vision recovered, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

After seeing the picture Pan Weining said, Wen Zhiyu was also full of surprises.

He didn't look at this scene very carefully before, because he had already seen the bolide falling down with its long tail.

Now, Pan Weining turned on the camera again to shoot the video, pointing out this detail, and Wen Zhiyu discovered it.

Indeed, looking at this picture alone, it seems that something has split the flame tail of the bolide. @重量\\/书阁*First release update~~

When Pan Weining brought up this dynamic video separately and slowed it down, the details became more obvious.

The only pity is that...

"You camera.

Why is the picture taken so blurry? And the tailing is serious! "Pan Weining said dissatisfied.

"It's probably because the smart parameter setting is not adjusted properly. You know that sometimes 'smart' is not so smart. I didn't expect to be able to capture a bolide, and it still has such a sound." Wen Zhiyu said.

Wen Zhiyu's attention has been shifted to this now, and he has forgotten about the matter of clamoring to find meteorites just now.

"Although it's blurry, this picture is really worth studying. This section shouldn't be a matter of parameter settings." Pan Weining frowned.

Wen Zhiyu looked at the scene again.

When the bolide was falling, something behind it struck at a faster speed, and then the fireball exploded.

"The bolide may have a speed of more than ten kilometers per second. What is faster than it? Is it a new secret weapon? Or..." Wen Zhiyu was frightened, and a little excited and curious in the fright, "Alien people?"

Standing quietly not far away, the non-existent Xiao Jia raised her eyelids slightly and moved her fingers. Error-free update @

But seeing Feng Yi's calm expression, Xiao Jia continued to remain silent.

Feng Yi is very stable on the face, but panicked in his heart——

[How the **** can this be photographed? ! 】

Energy matter is invisible and invisible to the naked eye.


When they are active and acting on other things ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, some weird pictures may indeed appear.

Now Feng Yi knows.

But this, Feng Yi really can't explain it!

Can't explain it either!

Pan Weining and Wen Zhiyu are still discussing whether the footage captured by the surveillance is real? If true, what exactly hit that bolide?

Feng Yi felt worried.

Wen Zhiyu can take pictures here, so there must be monitors in other places in Tuojia Town that also took pictures of that picture.

If someone posted this picture on the Internet, how many people would believe it?

There are so many fake online videos, not many people will believe this blurry picture, right?

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