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Separating from Wei Hongxi, Feng Yi walked away from the river bank.

The woods are denser over there, and various plants are scattered along the hillside. As the weather warms up, they, like dormant animals, are brewing a new round of vitality.

Feng Yi has not come into contact with many animals and plants that are classified as invasive species. Except for those he has actually seen, many others cannot be recognized immediately. The most important thing is that there is no memory storage of smell information, so even if they meet, they will not be able to identify them. .

But that's okay.

Feng Yi would record the unrecognizable or suspicious animals and plants on his mobile phone, and then consult the UNEP personnel who are good at identifying species.

The wind passing through the forest brings life movements near and far away.

There were passers-by, as well as investigators and interns from the Joint Security Bureau on patrol.

Apart from these…

Feng Yi paused.

Carefully identify the smell information in the air, confirm it again and again, turn around, and follow the smell to find it.

If you have any doubts, go take a look and see if there is anything new in the mountains and forests.

Continuing up the hillside, there are no paved roads, and there are no traces of narrow paths left by frequent trampling. It is very original.

It can be seen that no one usually goes this way.

There were birds flying on the branches above, chirping and making noisy noises. Perhaps they saw someone here and flew away in a hurry.

Apart from the limited activity of animals in the woods, there was the sound of Feng Yi's footsteps.

He didn't deliberately play it lightly. Branches and grass blades slapped the uppers of his shoes and trouser legs. The sound was not loud, but it was obvious if you listened carefully.

Feng Yi did not hide it.

As he got closer and closer to the place where the target smell emanated, Feng Yi saw a person in front of him under a big tree next to the mountain wall.

There was also a tent there, the style seemed to be commonly used by campers, and the color was not eye-catching.

The other party noticed Feng Yi's approach at this time, and his vigilance was much stronger than what he showed at this time.

"Who is it?!" The other party looked over.

Feng Yi took out his work ID: "The Joint Security Bureau is inspecting. What are you doing here?"

Standing in front of the tent was a man in his thirties, who didn't look strong and was wearing a dark green and slightly loose jacket. His appearance is very ordinary. At first glance, he doesn't make people feel too friendly, but he doesn't make people feel dangerous either.

At this time, the expression on his face changed from vigilance to nervousness and embarrassment after Feng Yi revealed his identity as a "United Security Bureau personnel".

Most people won't be too calm when they hear the words "United Security Bureau", especially people camping in the wild. They can easily violate the regulations, but most of the time, as long as they are not discovered, nothing will happen.

But now, people from the Federal Security Bureau are blocking the door, so it’s normal to be nervous.

Feng Yi continued to walk that way. The sunlight at this time was a bit strong, and the light projected through the tree crown above, leaving mottled light and shadow.

Even if there were no branches blocking it, the sunlight would cause the brim of the hat to leave an asymmetrical shadow on Feng Yi's face.

From a distance, the young man in front of the tent could not clearly see the face of the person coming. As he got closer, his eyes stayed longer on the ID card presented by Feng Yi.

This certificate was issued for the "Strictly Investigate Illegal Release" operation. It bears the logo and badge of the Joint Security Bureau and an identification number. It does not have a specific name written on it, nor does it have a portrait printed on it.

But if you have good eyesight, you can identify the authenticity of the document at a glance even without checking the ID number.

Without waiting for Feng Yi to ask questions, the man explained:

"We shouldn't have violated the regulations stipulated by the Joint Protection Bureau, right? We are just here to camp and have fun, not to hunt, and we have not harmed the wild protected animals here!"

"Camping?" Feng Yi looked towards the tent, "Who else is there?"

At this time, a woman came out of the tent. She was about the same age as the man just now. She should be husband and wife.

She glanced at Feng Yi, with an unhappy expression on her face, and frowned as she opened the tent curtain.

When she left the tent, she moved very gently. When she came over, her voice was lowered and her tone was harsh: "Please keep your voice down! The child is still sleeping!"

Feng Yi didn't care about his attitude: "You're celebrating the New Year, go camping in the mountains?"

The woman who had just come out of the tent glanced at Feng Yi's face, and she couldn't help but express doubts.

It always looks familiar. Where have I seen it?

Seeing that his wife was silent, the man next to him explained: "It was my child's birthday on the first day of the Lunar New Year. Yesterday, I took him out to play, set off fireworks in nearby villages and towns that did not ban fireworks, and then spent the night here. I can't help it, the child likes it. This time."

"Take the kids out to camp? Are you going to walk up the mountain?" Feng Yi asked.

There is a tent here, as well as tableware and other utensils. Hiking up the mountain with children and tools on their backs?

"No, it was the child's uncle who sent us here, which is the driveway on the other side. When we have enough fun, we will call someone to pick him up." The other party said.

Feng Yi wondered if he could point towards the tent and said, "Can you open the tent so I can take a look?"

"This..." The two hesitated.

"Poached? Illegal release?" Feng Yi stared at them.

"No, no! We don't do that kind of thing!" the two waved their hands.

"That's fine. Don't be nervous. It's just a routine inspection. I need it when I write a work report. I won't go there either. You can lift up the tent curtain and let me take a look, so as not to disturb the children's rest." Feng Yi said.

"All right."

The woman walked over and pulled up the tent.

The man whispered to Feng Yi: "The child played too late yesterday and didn't fall asleep until almost dawn today."

Feng Yi didn't reply to him.

As the tent door curtain was lifted, Feng Yi looked inside.

There was a child lying inside, with his head facing in and feet facing out. He was covered with a quilt. He couldn't tell what he looked like. He was estimated to be six or seven years old.

The tent is not big and there is not much clutter inside, so you can see clearly at a glance.

Feng Yi calmly withdrew his gaze and motioned the two of them to go aside: "Don't be nervous, just ask a few questions as usual."

He said and walked away from the tent.

When the two came over, Feng Yi took off his hat.

She brushed her hair that was deformed by the hat, and her face became clearer in the sunlight.

The two people who came over were originally thinking about their own things, but now they were stunned when they saw Feng Yi's face.

The woman next to me yelled.

No wonder it looked familiar just now!

"Recognize it?" Feng Yi said.

" are the black one..." the man stuttered.

I was kicked by the woman next to me and I had to revise my words as I was about to speak.

"Ahem, you're the snake...snake-catching star!"

They were very nervous at this time, not pretending to be nervous.

Feng Yi's identity is circulated on the Internet. In addition to being a shareholder of the Ancestral Factory, which looks very wealthy, he also has a gang background! Black!

Now I don’t know how many people the other party has brought and what they are going to do. This place is in the wilderness...

The two looked at the smile on Feng Yi's and always felt that Feng Yi's smile was very subtle.

He had a face as handsome as that of an idol star, but his smile made them feel cold, and the dazzling sunlight couldn't bring much warmth.

Feng Yi played with his hat in his hand: "Don't be nervous, I'm just asking a few words."

" ask!" The two people's voices were tight, and they focused their attention on observing their surroundings to make sure that no one would jump out with control tools at the next moment.

Feng Yi smiled and said, "First question, do you know the identity of the child in the tent?"

The two people who were paying attention to the surroundings suddenly looked away, shocked and angry:

"What do you mean? There is our child in the tent!"

"Even if you are from the Joint Security Bureau, even if you are rich and powerful, you cannot make malicious speculations!"

"I want to complain!"

The two scolded each other one after another, and even took out their mobile phones to make a call.

Feng Yi remained calm: "Then it seems you don't know."

"Don't think I'm just scaring you. If you slander me again, call the police! How can your joint security bureau cover the sky with one hand?!" the other party said angrily.

"Oh, report it." Feng Yi looked at them, "By the way, explain to the police why my half-brother appeared in your tent."

Although he had a bad relationship with the Feng family in Yangcheng, and his parents also prevented him from having too much contact with this little brother, and he didn't see the appearance of the kid clearly just now, Feng Yi still stored the smell information.

The kid is fine now.

Feng Yi was very curious:

How did the little brat appear here?

It’s Chinese New Year, does the Yangcheng Feng family know that their child is missing?


There have been more people getting sick recently. Everyone should pay more attention when going out and take care of yourself and your family.

(End of chapter)

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