Shonan University, the sky is sunny after rain.

   After the postgraduate entrance examination, all the dust settled. Just as the first postgraduate entrance examination was over, Lin Shu once again got a good experience value.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you have completed the second postgraduate entrance examination and gained 1. Experience +4001; 2. Gold coins +400.】

the second time?


   Lin Shu only reacted at this time. It turned out that after his first postgraduate entrance examination, he didn't cut his knife, but told the truth. It was really the first time at that time.

   Now it's over for the second time, Lin Shu hopes there won't be another time.

  The postgraduate entrance examination is over. Although the answer scores are destined, it will take some time for the results to be announced. Lin Shu knows very clearly that the postgraduate entrance examination results can only be checked one and a half months after the exam.

   But it is obviously different from before Lin Shu can rest, and now Lin Shu has to rush back to the hospital to take care of his father.

   When Lin Shu was about to return to Decheng, Yao Chen contacted Lin Shu in advance and asked him to have a meal.

   Lin Shu did not refuse, and planned to meet at the appointed place.

   But just as Lin Shu left, someone from the school examination room would naturally come to say hello to Lin Shu.

   "Senior, are you a graduate student in mechanical engineering from Huaqing University?"

   Some students want to confirm this, and want to know if Lin Shu is still planning to take the machine test.

   Lin Shu nodded, there is no need to ask.

   "How was your test?"

   Lin Shu thought about the exam questions. He thought that he was doing pretty well and I felt pretty good, but he didn't directly say that it was good. He just replied, "I don't know, I hope I can go ashore smoothly."

   "Senior, you must be able to, I believe you, really, you are really amazing in my heart!"

Hearing this, Lin Shu smiled. He knows that some people are optimistic about him, but some people are not optimistic about his hurried postgraduate entrance examination this time, especially after he took care of his father in the hospital, he didn’t say anything, all the answers are behind. Will be revealed.

   Lin Shu looked back and glanced at this place he once scolded as a cannibal. Not surprisingly, he shouldn't come back again.

   But he hopes that after the group of cannibals are dealt with, there will be no such cannibalism here in the future.


   After leaving the examination room of Shonan University, Lin Shu went to the place that Yao Chen had arranged.

   Zhou Yu and Zhang Yuan also came, but Zhang Qiao and Zhou Jun did not come. Zhou Jun couldn’t come because of something. As for Zhang Qiao——

   Lin Shu didn't ask Zhang Qiao. He didn't have much contact with Zhang Qiao, so naturally he wouldn't ask more now.

   Zhang Yuan and Zhou Yu naturally knew why Zhang Qiao did not come, because at the previous dinner, Yao Chen and Zhang Qiao really had a stalemate, and it would naturally be embarrassing to meet, so naturally they would not stop calling Zhang Qiao.

   Lin Shu heard that Yao Chen mentioned it, but he didn't take it to heart.

   "Lin Shu, how is your father in the hospital? Is it better?"

   Lin Shu nodded and said with a smile: "I have improved, but I still need to stay in the hospital for a long time. I don't know when I will be discharged. After all, it was a major operation."

   Zhang Yuan and Zhou Yu both nodded. They also knew that Lin Shu's father was seriously injured. It can be said that they are very lucky to survive now.

   "You have a hard time taking care of in the hospital, right?"

   Lin Shu shook his head and said, "Fortunately, my dad is the one who has worked hard. He has been lying on the hospital bed like that. In fact, the person who has worked hardest is him."

   "In the hospital, patients are always the hardest."

Hearing what Lin Shu said, Yao Chen couldn't help but interjected and said, "Hospital accompany is not that simple, and it is not easy for you. I admire you anyway. Here I stay in the hospital for 24 hours and I have to review preparations. It’s really too difficult to take the postgraduate entrance examination."

is it hard?

Lin Shu didn't feel that it was difficult for him. Maybe he felt it was difficult at first, especially when his father was still in the ICU. He really felt a lot of pressure because he never knew what would happen next. .

  Unknown worry is the most terrifying and stressful.

  Neither Zhang Yuan nor Zhou Yu asked how Lin Shu was doing in the test. After all, it was not suitable to ask this question at this time.

  The most important thing is that they believe that there is no problem with Lin Shu crossing the national line. As for the scores whether they can go to Huaqing University, it depends on how Lin Shu played this time.

   After meeting and gathering, Lin Shu will also rush back to Decheng.

   The weather is changeable, and I don’t know why the sky that just cleared up not long ago was covered with dark clouds for a while.

Lin Shu drove the car all the way, probably because he had just finished the exam, and he was still a little relaxed. At least he didn't need to worry about the postgraduate entrance exam until the postgraduate entrance examination results were announced. Later, he could relax a little while taking care of his father in the hospital. So tight.

   Thinking that his father's injury is getting better, the tense strings in Lin Shu's heart have relaxed even more.

   Before the rain fell, Lin Shu rolled down the car window and let the cool wind blow on his face. There are indeed winds and waves and pain in But fortunately, those winds and waves will pass.

   Dark clouds piled up, and the darkness seemed a little depressed.

   Lin Shu suddenly had a similar feeling, this familiar illusion is very strange, it is unbelievably weird.


   Soon, Lin Shu realized that it was such a thunderstorm when he entered the Secret Realm of Space-Time Crack before, and it was also when driving, shouldn't he—?

   This idea came out in Lin Shu's mind, and when he turned the road, he saw a service station at the intersection of the expressway.

   Lin Shu felt that his thoughts were somewhat unnecessary, because he entered the secret realm of the crack of time and space, as if he had entered by accident, there was no law at all.

   Of course, there may be rules, but he has not figured out the rules. As the system reminds, players need to explore the game by themselves, and all interpretation rights belong to the system.

   Lin Shu went to the convenience store at the service station and bought a bottle of water. When he first left the store, the heavy rain crashed.

   Lin Shu stood at the entrance of the store, looking at the heavy rain in front of him, he was hesitant to rush over, and saw that the rain was getting heavier and harder. It was really not raining, but Yu Bo was splashing water crazily in a basin.

   covered in rain and fog, I can't see where the car parked in front of me.

   Lin Shu looked back again, and found that the convenience store behind him also seemed to become void, faintly glowing with cold light, like a refracted halo.

   Suddenly, a strong wind engulfed in the rain, and Lin Shu avoided taking a step, just like that and walked into another world.

【Ding! Player, you accidentally entered the secret realm of space-time cracks! 】


I go!

   is really here again!

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