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Yanjing, Huaqing University.

Huaqing University can be said to be one of the most beautiful universities in the world. Its predecessor is the Royal Garden Huaqing Garden. The main campus of Yenching School is a whole. It is divided into east and west campuses by the main road of South Gate, and the west campus is the old campus. Buildings in different periods have formed various styles of architectural communities, and the East District is more modern-style buildings. It has to be said that the campus has a very strong academic atmosphere.

Frankly speaking, many students at Huaqing University have a trace of a famous school plot in their hearts, and Lin Shu is no exception.

However, he knows very well that if he really wants to be admitted here, he needs to take good care of this re-examination.

"Lin Shu!"

Just when Lin Shu went to the examination room for the postgraduate re-examination of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, a young guy walked up quickly and greeted Lin Shu with a smile.

The young man is not tall, keeps an inch, and is full of energy. He walked a few steps in front of Lin Shushu, with a trace of excitement in his eyes, and said with a smile: "Lin Shu, hello, my name is Liu Zheng, and I will come here too. For those who participated in the re-examination, I also applied for the mechanical engineering major."

"I have watched your video on the Internet before, and you are really amazing."

Lin Shu was surprised by the enthusiasm of the Liu Zheng in front of him. He was a little surprised by his familiarity. He smiled and said, "No, it's exaggerated on the Internet."

"That's not the case, I really admire your courage."

Liu Zheng seems to be quite familiar. He went to the written examination room with Lin Shu and chatted with Lin Shu about him on the Internet. Naturally, he also talked about Huaqing's postgraduate entrance examination.

"Now it is very difficult for Huaqing Machinery to postgraduate entrance examinations. Most of them are guaranteed by other schools. Last year, only 12 people in the Department of Mechanical Engineering in this department were admitted for postgraduate entrance examinations, with a minimum score of 380. Of course, in Pengcheng, Huaqing International Studies There will be more candidates for postgraduate entrance examinations, but not too many. Most of them are specialized masters, but now the proportion of postgraduate entrance examinations is increasing year by year, and the difficulty for Huaqing postgraduate entrance examinations is getting more and more difficult."

Lin Shu nodded. He also knew this. He applied for a master's degree in mechanical engineering this time. Because both the master's degree and master's degree in the Huaqing Department of Mechanical Engineering were three years, he naturally chose to learn the master's degree.

"You must have no problem, 469 points, it's really too high,"

Liu Zheng was not particularly disappointed, and said with a smile: "I'm just one point away from math, otherwise I can get 420."

Hearing Liu Zheng's mortal quotations, Lin Shu raised his brows. This was obviously a ruthless person, and said, "Awesome, I actually got 149 points in the math test."

Liu Zheng shrugged and said very usually: "That's not 50 points lower than you. I was second. I was so much behind you. I thought my score should be stable. I didn't expect you to be there. This monster, I don’t know what will happen to the retest. I hope we can both go ashore."

Lin Shu nodded.

In Lin Shu's view, the written test for the re-examination is not too difficult. There are only nine major questions in the written test, ranging from the speed ratio and acceleration ratio between different points of the rolling circle, to the deflection of material mechanics, and instantaneous current, To rectify the current, the key is to draw the material mechanics iron-carbon phase diagram, draw the crystal plane and crystal orientation, ask about the austenite carbon content of t10 and t12 at 740 degrees, screw dislocation, blade dislocation, manufacturing process, positioning error...

I have to say that the retest written test questions are still the same as the Huaqing professional test in the initial test, with great emphasis on basic knowledge. It's just that the coverage will be very wide, and some knowledge points can even be said to be very cold ones.

Lin Shu feels that it is not difficult. After finishing the retest written test, the most important thing is the comprehensive interview tomorrow.

Comprehensive interviews attach great importance to professional knowledge and complete scientific research experience. The questions asked are also based on the candidates' resumes. The key is to prepare for oral interviews related to English. You must know that you have also used English documents for the candidates to translate before the interview. .

Although the time for a comprehensive interview is not long, generally no more than 30 minutes, the variable is also the biggest, because no one knows which teacher will ask what questions suddenly, and the flexibility is relatively large. The same teacher has different opinions. The students' questions are not exactly the same.

At the end of the written test, neither Lin Shu nor Liu Zheng asked each other how the written test was.

Because they all know that a written test is nothing at all. The key is tomorrow's interview. The interview score x4 in the total score is enough to prove how important the interview is.

Everything depends on the performance of the interview tomorrow.


The next day, Lin Shu, who drank [sleeping pills], woke up energetically, and got ready for the interview early.

Liu Zheng stood beside Lin Shu, waiting outside the examination room, and saw several teachers walking over while talking.

"I told you that it is Professor Yang Guang, Dr. Hua Qing, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Cambridge, a super-excellent professor, and the latter is Professor Gongcheng Zhao, a Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo, and is also a professor level."

Liu Zhengxing enthusiastically introduced Lin Shu, and said: "The other two are associate professors, and one is a researcher. I don’t remember what his name is. I saw him on the teacher list before, and I really hope to follow him. Academician Liu Qiyuan is studying for graduate school, haha, unfortunately, academicians usually do not take graduate students, even if there are few, I have a senior who studied under the academician, but basically I can’t see academicians for a year, it is doctoral students who are leading he."

Lin Shu listened to Liu Zheng's words, just about to say something, Liu Zheng patted Lin Shu on the shoulder, lowered his voice and said, "You have to pay attention to that person."


Lin Shu was a little puzzled and didn't understand why Liu Zheng said this. Following Liu Zheng's gaze, an older teacher whose hair was obviously taken care of, his round face was squinted and his eyes swept towards Lin Shu. After a glance, he looked at each other, as if he had recognized him.

"He is Associate Professor Zhou Jie, and his undergraduate degree is from Shonan University."

Undergraduate from Shonan University?

Lin Shu didn't have a big surprise. A bachelor's degree from Shonan University is nothing, but it is easy for him to understand what Liu Zheng meant by saying this to him.

He had dropped out of Xiangnan University before and re-applied for Huaqing University.


Lin Shu shook his head and stopped thinking about that. The most important thing for him is to behave well, and he can't decide the rest.

Candidates go in one by one, and no one knows how the interview is going.

Soon I arrived at Lin Shu. Lin Shu gave a brief self-introduction, talked about his undergraduate study experience and later work experience, and introduced himself fluently in English, the person sitting next to Zhou Jie asked. : "Why didn't you choose to go to graduate school after you first graduated?"

Lin Shu was prepared for this question from the beginning, and directly replied: "In the beginning, it was for personal reasons, thinking about entering social work early. After working, I found that the undergraduate study was not enough, so I decided to continue studying for the postgraduate entrance examination. "

"You were admitted to the graduate school of Shonan University last year. Why did you drop out of Shonan University?"

This question is somewhat straightforward.

However, the more immediate is yet to come.

Zhou Jie, who asked this question, holding Lin Shu's resume, seemed to ask questions very casually, and asked: "You used to call the teachers of Shonan University a group of cannibals. Don't you think this is too much?"

Lin Shu's heart was a little tight, but he was not particularly nervous, because he had guessed that the previous incident would definitely be asked, he pondered a little, and replied positively: "I just told the truth. In addition, I did not scold all the teachers of Shonan University. On the contrary, I respect some teachers of Shonan University. I scolded those people who wanted to cover up the facts, speak for the cannibals, and pretend to be innocent."

Obviously, this kind of problem made the atmosphere at the scene a bit stagnant.

The teachers who interviewed have generally heard about Lin Shu, this student, in fact, this is what they want to know.

"And I left there in the end for this reason, and this is also the reason why I chose to apply for Huaqing. I believe in the school spirit and motto of Huaqing University."

I have to say that Lin Shu's last sentence also raised his hand to Huaqing University.

Zhou Jie raised his brows and a smile appeared on his face, but he couldn't see what he was thinking, so he asked, "I don't think you have any scientific research experience?"

"And your undergraduate graduation project and thesis are also very simple."

Lin Shu has already felt that the series of questions this teacher Jie asked him was just looking for him. Obviously, this is also his weakness, because he did not carry out relevant scientific research during his undergraduate course, and did not do projects. After publishing a paper, I joined the work afterwards, so naturally I didn't have relevant scientific research project experience.

"Yes, and this is why I need to study further."

Zhou Jie asked several questions at the beginning of this series, and the key atmosphere was still a bit tense.

A teacher next to him naturally asked, "Then which field of mechanical engineering are you planning to conduct research in?"

"Personally, I am more interested in the research of driving robots and parallel robot technology."

As soon as this was said, another teacher who was reading his resume with glasses asked: "Then you should have learned this aspect. Tell us how you think about parallel robots."

This is the question of true professionalism.

"Parallel robot, called llelmechanism in English, or pm for short, can be defined as a moving platform and a fixed platform connected by at least two independent kinematic chains. The mechanism has two or more degrees of freedom and is driven in parallel. Closed-loop mechanism. Parallel robots are characterized by no cumulative error and high accuracy; the driving device can be placed on or close to the fixed platform, so that the moving part has light weight, high speed and good dynamic response."

"Speaking of which, the parallel robot was first proposed as a tire testing structure and flight training simulator, and has received wide attention at home and abroad. Compared with the series robot, it can theoretically provide better stiffness and higher control. Precision, so it has very good application prospects in the fields of aerospace, medicine, and precision machining. At present, the key theoretical problems have not been completely solved, such as singularity, dynamic control and mechanism integration problems, mainly..."

The teacher with eyes nodded, seemingly satisfied with what Lin Shu said, and asked: "What do you think of a 6-DOF parallel mechanism?"

Lin Shu still replied calmly: "From the perspective of complete parallelism, this type of mechanism must have 6 kinematic chains. However, in the existing parallel mechanisms, there are also 6-DOF parallel mechanisms with 3 kinematic chains, such as 3 -prps and 3-urs and other mechanisms, as well as a 6-degree-of-freedom parallel mechanism in which a 5-bar mechanism is attached to each of the 3 branches as the driving mechanism."

The atmosphere of the on-site interview seemed to really return to some professional issues.

However, Zhou Jie on the other side asked again: "Are you sure you are going to take the scientific research path? I think you also participated in the law test Lin Shu couldn't help but complain. In one sentence, you have too many questions, but you also ask irrelevant questions!

In fact, Lin Shu did not write on his resume after passing the law test. This is also because it has nothing to do with mechanical engineering and does not need to be placed on it. After all, this will make these professors and researchers think that his mind is not on mechanical professional research. , May even feel that his heart is uncertain, thinking about changing careers at any time.

When Zhou Jie asked this question now, Lin Shu had a moment of thinking.

But after a moment of thinking, Lin Shu smiled and replied: "Yes, I intend to conduct mechanical research."

"As for the law test before, it was just a hobby, so I thought it was very simple. I tried it, but I didn't expect it."

"I was also quite surprised."


There was a moment of silence on the scene.

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