The latest website: Yanjing.

Yenching University, School of Law.

In the lecture hall, the lecturer at the top is talking about the torture class, while the students at the bottom are also busy taking notes.

"So we know that anyone who abducts and sells children in the XXXX Criminal Law shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years but not more than 10 years and a fine; in any of the following circumstances, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years or life imprisonment, and Fines or confiscation of property; if the circumstances are particularly serious, the death penalty and the confiscation of property: Which of the following situations, you need to pay special attention to. There is also a need to pay attention to distinguishing the crime of child trafficking from the previous lesson..."

Soon after a class was over, Lin Hua finished taking notes and looked at the phone, and saw Lin Shu sending her a WeChat message.

Lin Shu sent her a message saying that he had arrived at the high-speed rail station.

Naturally, Lin Hua quickly replied, "Good luck, pay attention to safety and the like."

Looking at Lin Shu's WeChat profile picture, Lin Hua was in a daze for a moment. In fact, she really wanted to ask Lin Shu the question directly on WeChat, but she knew she couldn't ask.

A classmate next to him asked: "You didn't send him to the high-speed rail station?"

"He said no, he took the subway by himself, so I still have classes."

"When did you say you would introduce him to let us get to know him? We also especially want to know the great **** Lin Shu. I really want to ask him about the relevant experience of the law test. He has taken 246 objective questions in the law test. Divide, it's really the living God of Dharma."

Lin Hua couldn't help laughing when she heard this. She knew that it was because Lin Shu, an illegal student majoring in illegal studies, had a terrifying score of 246, and there were legends about him in the entire Yanda Law School.

Lin Hua smiled and couldn't help saying: "He is admitted to Huaqing University now, and he will go to Huaqing University later. He will definitely have a chance to meet him in the future."

"By the way, how many points did Lin Shuta score on the subjective questions in the law test?"


"It's really abnormal!"

Hearing this speechless answer, the classmate really knew what to say. It was really only the word "abnormal" to describe her inner admiration for the great **** Lin Shu.

After chatting for a while, the classmate asked: "Have you decided on the topic of your thesis?"

Lin Hua shook his head and said honestly: "I haven't thought about it yet, it feels hard to write."

"Yes! They can also do experimental projects in science and engineering. After the results are obtained, the paper will naturally be there, at least there is a clear hope. Unlike our law, we are sad to read code words and think about papers. It is difficult to innovate in fields with sufficient literature. , There are innovative fields, and the literature is supplemented, and it is difficult to demonstrate."

The classmate looked sad, with a big head, and said, “I’m telling you, I’m most afraid of my instructor telling me, where are you writing this innovation? That so and no one has written it a long time ago. Let’s change the topic. Really drafting a thesis topic makes me almost autistic."

A classmate on the side heard this and couldn’t help but vomit: “That’s right, the most feared thing is that the writing is finished. The laws and regulations changed, and I returned to the pre-liberation early morning. I managed to squeeze out a small essay, and suddenly a new one came out. Most of the judicial interpretations made by direct essays are useless. It’s too painful. I can’t wait to take a knife and go to the Ministry of Justice to fight them!"

Lin Hua couldn't help but laugh when he heard this. Although he knew it was a joke, he could imagine how painful and hopeless it was that the new method had just been completed and the new method came out.

"That is, the key is that there is a 5% duplicate check rate, which will force individuals to death, and the specific provisions have been changed to not look like what people say."

"and also……"

Lin Hua listened to the complaints and pain of her classmates. In fact, she also knew very clearly that she was also thinking about the topic of the essay she should write, but her eyes couldn't help but fall on the relevant content that the teacher said just now.

She is actually quite interested in this and thinks she can study it.


After the class, Lin Hua asked Xu Hui to meet in a coffee shop.

Because it was still early, Lin Hua took out the notebook in his bag and prepared to read the relevant literature for a while.

While Lin Hua was reading the literature, there was a little boy at the next table innocently smelling a lot of questions to the woman next to him.

"Mom, why don't I go to school yet?"

"Mom, why can Brother Yangyang go to kindergarten?"

Several questions came out, full of curiosity. Before the previous questions were answered, new curiosity questions emerged.

The little boy was about three or four years old, and asked curiously: "Mom, where did I come from?"

The woman was swiping her phone without lifting her head, and casually replied, "You picked it up from the trash can on the street."

When the little boy heard these words, the smile on his face disappeared instantly, his big eyes were puzzled, and he stared at his mother like that, as if he was really picking it up from the trash can on the street?

This recognition made him feel a little uncomfortable, but he dared not speak in an instant.

Lin Hua on the side heard the conversation, and he wanted to say something, but found that another woman on the other side said: "Don't listen to your mother's nonsense, you were born in your mother's belly."


"Does mother's belly hold me?"

"Why did mom put me in my belly?"


Well, the woman who originally wanted to explain was cured by this series of problems in an instant, and she didn't know how to proceed.

The woman swiped her phone and replied angrily, "What are you doing with so many questions!"

With a curl of the little boy's mouth, he seemed to clearly feel that his mother was attacking himself, and his face drooped in an instant, as if he was about to cry.

The woman next to me said hurriedly: "Don't listen to your My aunt will take you to eat ice cream. We also bought an ice cream for Brother Yangyang, and waited for Brother Yangyang to come back and eat it together."

The little boy was held by the woman and went to the counter to buy ice cream.

Lin Hua looked at the mother who was playing with the mobile phone, shook her head, and said to her child that it was picked up in the trash can. It seems a very simple and casual sentence, but sometimes it will cause a certain amount to the child’s young mind. s damage. After all, the child is innocent. If the child was picked up from the trash can, he might really think that he was not his biological person. Simply believing it might even cause serious feelings of inferiority.

Obviously the mother didn't notice what kind of harm her seemingly unintentional words might cause.

However, this is not something Lin Hua can intervene. She now needs to think about her thesis and what topic to write.

Lin Hua focused his eyes on the series of documents on the laptop screen, and his bright eyes were entangled. Is it to discuss the crime of kidnapping and trafficking in children, or to choose another...

For her, this is a problem.

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