The latest website: Tancheng.

Since Lin Hua has promised Lin Shu to go to Decheng, he will naturally go there too. After packing up his things, he will go to Decheng the next day.

Zhang Yun prepared a lot of snacks on the road for Lin Hua and put them in Lin Hua's bag. Lin Hua saw that the snacks her mother prepared for her were her favorites, and she was very happy. He stepped forward and put his arms around Zhang Yun's arm, and said with a smile: "It's my mother who loves me the most."

Zhang Yun was hugging his arms intimately by Lin Hua, with a hint of unnoticeable tension on his face, and immediately said with a smile: "I will say nice things."

With that said, Zhang Yun had already pulled out his arm, and was busy preparing to prepare other things for Lin Hua.

Lin Hua looked at the back of her mother Zhang Yun. She really felt that her mother was too shy, and her mother seemed to avoid it when she made intimate actions with her mother.

Such memories seem to have appeared when she was very young.

Lin Hua thinks that her mother should be too shy and unwilling to be in close contact. Of course, this may be because she thinks too much, and there is no such thing at all.

She knew very well that her mother loved her very much, much more clearly than her father remembered. The mother remembered everything like her favorite food.

Zhang Yun took another bottle of water, handed it to Lin Hua, smiled and said, "Drink on the road."

Lin Hua took the water that Zhang Yun handed over, and all the thoughts that were made out of nothing in his brain disappeared, eyebrows were crooked, and his eyes were bright as stars, and said, "I know."

Lin Weiguo sent Lin Hua to take a car here. Originally, Lin Weiguo wanted to send Lin Hua to Decheng directly, but Lin Hua refused. He directly said that his friend Lin Shu was picking her up at the station, so he didn’t need to be at Lin Weiguo University. Send it all over the place.

For this reason, Lin Weiguo did not drive Lin Hua over.

However, Lin Weiguo still sent Lin Hua to take a car.

Lin Weiguo was also telling Lin Hua to pay attention to safety along the way. When Lin Hua was about to enter the station, Lin Weiguo couldn't help asking casually, "When will you come back when you go to Decheng?"

Lin Hua shook his head and said, "I don't know yet. If it goes well, I might come back soon. If it doesn't go well, then I might not come back."

If it doesn’t go well, maybe you won’t come back?

Hearing Lin Hua's words, Lin Weiguo was taken aback.

What does this mean?

Why do you say that you won't come back if it doesn't go well?

"I might just go back to school."

Lin Hua had planned early in the morning that if things went well in Decheng, she would go home again, and if it didn’t go well, she would go back to school. After all, her vacation was originally short and there were not many days, so naturally she could not stay long. To be, I have to go back to school to prepare my thesis, and I may only rest for a while in the summer vacation.

Lin Weiguo didn’t know why Lin Hua said that it was smooth and unsatisfactory. He thought that Lin Hua was just looking for Lin Shu to play in Decheng. Is there a problem?"

"Lin Shu asked me for help. It was the thing he posted on the Internet before. I may not tell you that there was a deaf and mute woman at the Decheng Welfare Institute. Her child was killed by someone 21 years ago. It was snatched away. The police still refuses to open a case. I used to be because of this incident."

At that moment, Lin Weiguo's mind was really blank, and his entire body was erected.

Deaf woman?

The child was robbed 21 years ago?

This, this will not be--

Lin Weiguo only felt that there was some confusion in his mind, and his face changed.

He didn't expect to hear these words from Lin Hua's mouth at all. The point is that these words made him have to remember the previous incident.

Lin Hua saw that Lin Weiguo's expression seemed to change a little, so he couldn't help asking, "Dad, what's the matter with you?"

Lin Weiguo came back to his senses and tried to calm himself down, but he felt that there was a chill behind his heels just like that, opened his mouth, and asked: "You, what you said is... is it true? ?"

What Lin Weiguo wanted to ask more was who that woman was!

Why did Lin Hua suddenly go over!

What is going on!

"Of course it is true. The deaf-mute woman is really pitiful. She has been tortured for 21 years and has never forgotten her child."

Lin Weiguo felt that his whole face was wooden. He wanted to say anything, but he couldn't say anything. He tried to tell himself that things couldn't be so coincidental, and it couldn't be the same woman back then.

Absolutely impossible!

But now the place Lin Hua is going to is Decheng.

He was in that city back then--

Lin Weiguo felt cold all over, stiffly raised his hand to signal Lin Hua to come in, and said, "You, come in."

The voice of speaking was trembling.

Lin Hua was a little weird, but didn't think too much, turned around, carrying his bag, and entered the station.

Looking at the back of Lin Hua leaving, Lin Weiguo had many thoughts in his mind. He didn't know what was going on, whether the deaf-mute woman in the orphanage was the one he robbed the child back then.

If so--?

Lin Weiguo dared not think about it anymore.

Impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible...

Lin Weiguo told himself over and over again in his heart that just looking at the back of Lin Hua leaving, it is absolutely impossible for that matter to be revealed again.

Lin Weiguo's back was soaking wet. He wanted to stop Lin Hua and ask carefully what kind of woman it was and what kind of things he was, but he didn't dare.

Even if it is impossible, he has a very bad premonition in his heart.

This feeling scared him and made him very upset.


Decheng, bus station.

Lin Shu was waiting for Lin Hua at the exit. He actually guessed that Lin Hua was willing to come and help. In his opinion, Lin Hua would be the one who made such a choice, but he thought that Lin Hua would soon Lin Shu was actually a little nervous when meeting the deaf-mute woman, because he didn't know what would happen after the two met.

Although the two people don't know each other now, they don't know what each other means.

Lin Shu knew more clearly that when he called Lin Hua to come and help, he had already made a choice. After all, he had to understand the monster [Ghost Tooth Po], and everything would end.

Lin Shu was thinking about how to expose the truth later, Lin Hua had already left the station.

Lin Hua saw the handsome Lin Shu in the crowd at a glance, beckoned, walked over with a smile, bright and dazzling eyes, and asked with a smile: "Have you waited a long time?"

Lin Shu shook his head and replied with a smile: "No, get in the car. I will take you to the orphanage to meet the deaf and mute woman."

Lin Hua nodded, followed Lin Shu's steps, and asked, "How do you call her?"

"Because she belongs to the Sanwu staff, the orphanage gave her a name when applying for an ID card, which is based on the area of ​​the discovery area as the surname. Because it is in Jiangcheng District, it uses Jiang’s surname, and a person from Xiangnan gets her name as Jiang. Xiang."

Lin Hua nodded. She also understood that, for example, the "Basic Norms for Welfare Institutions" of the Ministry of Civil Affairs only requires the names of the three nomen Add political color to it.

However, it is possible that her name is not known to the deaf-mute woman herself.

Lin Hua is a little curious. I don’t know what the mother of the kidnapped child for 21 years will be like. She only learned about it on Lin Shu’s Weibo before, but it must be very difficult to think about it carefully. It must be painful to lose my only child.

Lin Hua turned his head to look at Lin Shu, and asked, "Is that Aunt Jiang's situation okay?"

"The mental state is not good, and it is easy to be stimulated. Before, as long as I saw the truck, the whole person would go crazy and desperately to catch up, because this lost several times and my health was not very good."

Lin Hua felt a little uncomfortable to say this.

While driving, Lin Shu watched Lin Hua's expression change, and said, "Let's go to see the woman first, and then go to the police station."

Lin Hua nodded. She had known this before. She rolled down the car window and looked at the view of German City outside the car window. The wind was blowing on her face. Lin Hua felt very comfortable all over, even though it was because of the deaf and mute woman. It was a little uncomfortable, but she was still very relaxed.

Because she also knows that she can't help much in this matter, just try her best, and the deaf-mute woman may really be unable to find her child for the rest of her life, but there is no other way.

After driving the car for a while, Lin Hua chatted with Lin Shu and went to the Sunshine Social Welfare Institute.

Now the Sunshine Welfare Institute is very concerned about the deaf and mute women. The employees inside did not expect that the poor deaf and mute woman would be so excited when seeing the truck. It turns out that there is such a thing behind the scenes. Their painful stories really made them all very uncomfortable. They looked at that woman in pain for so many years, and naturally all of them hoped to help the deaf-mute woman find the child who was robbed back then.

Similarly, they even more hope that the man who snatched the child can be brought to justice and let him be tried by the law!

Ai Xin had been waiting for Lin Shu at the Welfare Institute early in the morning. He also heard Lin Shu mentioned that Lin Hua was a high-achieving student in the Law School of Yanjing University. Lin Shu, maybe the pain will not be known to others for the rest of his life, he has been buried in the heart of the deaf-mute woman, and shouted silently.

"This is Lin Hua?"

Ai Xin was inexplicably stunned the first time she saw Lin Hua, because she had a strange feeling, and felt that Lin Hua was a bit familiar.

Lin Hua had heard some people introduced by Lin Shu on the way here. Naturally, I knew that Ai Xin was an employee of the orphanage and was also responsible for the deaf-mute woman Jiang Xiang. He smiled and greeted Ai Xin. .

Ai was puzzled in her heart and didn't say much. She led Lin Hua and Lin Shu to see the deaf and dumb woman, and said: "Now the police are not willing to open the case for a long time because they feel that there is a lack of evidence and the prosecution period has passed. ."

Lin Hua nodded, she had known these things a long time ago.

Lin Shu followed, and he knew that Lin Hua was about to meet the woman soon.

That woman was Lin Hua's biological mother, but Lin Hua didn't know about it.

I don't know if it was because of the encounter between the two, Lin Shu's heart became a little uncertain inexplicably. He knew the truth would be revealed later, but he didn't know whether Lin Hua was ready to endure all this.

Even if he asked Lin Hua, he gave the answer.

Pushing open the door, there is a caregiver in the room with a deaf-mute woman, who is sitting on a chair and drawing a picture.

The nurse saw Ai Xin coming in and was about to say something. The deaf-mute woman had already seen Lin Shu, and she ran over excitedly, with an anxious expression, as if she knew that Lin Shu was her life-saving straw.

The deaf-mute woman only had Lin Shu in her eyes, and she didn't notice Lin Hua. She hurriedly stepped forward, gesticulating something anxiously, making an "ahhhh" sound.

Ai Xin saw the deaf-mute woman doing this, trying to appease the deaf-mute woman, so that the deaf-mute woman should not get excited, but it is obvious that the deaf-mute woman is not so easy to settle down, but when Ai Xin is calming the deaf-mute woman, Ai Xin Suddenly noticed something. The first moment she saw Lin Hua, she felt a little familiar, but now she understood why she felt familiar.

It turns out that Lin Hua and this deaf-mute woman look a bit similar.

Ai Xin’s eyes fell from the deaf-mute woman to Lin Hua, she looked at Lin Hua’s face, and then at the deaf-mute woman’s face. The more she looked at her, she felt a bit similar, especially the pair of eyes. It's so alike.

Ai Xin's heart suddenly picked, feeling that an impossible thought had come out of her heart.

Ai Xin shook her head, quickly shook off the impossible thought in her mind, and asked Lin Hua, "I didn't scare you."


Lin Hua shook her head, looking at the crazy gesture in front of her, the woman who was anxious to say something, but couldn't say anything, only felt very pitiful. This picture was really sad and made her feel a little uncomfortable.

Lin Hua also tried to help reassure the deaf-mute woman. The deaf-mute woman noticed that someone she didn't know appeared next to her, but she didn't care because her eyes were all on Lin Shu.

Lin Shu took the deaf-mute woman by the hand and asked the deaf-mute woman to sit down calmly, holding her hands tightly, which seemed to give the deaf-mute woman a sense of security.

After a while, the deaf-mute woman seemed to calm down.

Looking at the woman like this, Lin Hua felt inexplicably uncomfortable. She was already mentally prepared, but she still felt uncomfortable when she saw the crazy look of a There is a kind of indescribable depression. feel.

Lin Shu on the side suddenly said, "Lin Hua, have you noticed anything?"

"what's up?"

Lin Shu smiled and said, "You and Aunt Jiang look a bit like her!"

It seemed to be said casually, and it didn't have any special meaning.

Ai Xin didn't expect that Lin Shu would notice this. She was a little surprised, and even more surprised that Lin Shu actually said it directly.

Lin Hua smiled when he heard Lin Shu's words, and didn't care, but thought it was a gossip from Lin Shu.


Lin Shu nodded, and then suddenly said, "By the way, Lin Hua, I seem to have heard you say before that your father used to drive a truck."

Lin Hua's heart just twitched like that.

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