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The court decided that if he dissatisfied with the judgment, he can still apply for a further appeal, but it is clear that Lin Weiguo does not intend to continue the appeal. He pleaded guilty at the beginning and is now sentenced to four years in prison. It should be said that he is hearing the result of the judgment. At that time, his heart is more of relief.

Of course, he didn't really get relief, especially when he saw Lin Hua, he still felt guilty and uncomfortable in his heart. He didn't know how to face his daughter Lin Hua, or his adopted daughter.

Lin Hua feels equally uncomfortable, but in her opinion, as long as the sentence of four years in prison is reformed, it is possible to reduce the sentence for an early release.

Lin Hua also didn't know how to face her biological mother. The deaf and mute woman who is now staying in the orphanage also made her wonder how to face her.

Even if Lin Hua knows that this is her biological mother, some feelings are not so easy to have.

Naturally, the judgment of this case was also reported on the Internet. There is no doubt that the judgment given by the court has already given a legal result on this matter to a large extent. Netizens are also discussing this judgment.

"Although I feel that the sentence is light, it may be a good sentence. After all, the man also raised the child."

"I don't know how to say it, I can only sigh, I just hope that there will be no such thing again, the same kid who abducts children should be cut and killed directly."

"The most difficult thing is the child, but this matter can only be blamed on that man who committed such a cruel crime in the past, and now let the child and the deaf-mute woman bear all this."

"In fact, we also have such a thing here. The children of his family also bought it. We all know that the buyer does not need to go to jail?"

"There are still some injustices. Whether it is buying a child or robbing a child, it is all harm. There is no harm if there is no business. It is really a loss of conscience and must be dealt with strictly according to the law."

"Although the child has been retrieved, the child is no longer a child of more than a decade ago. The child already has a life of his own. How does the child feel when he suddenly wants the child to accept an unfamiliar mother? Everyone can imagine that the crime of human traffickers is the birthplace. Tore apart many families is a vicious extermination of humanity, and we must not be sentenced lightly!"

"For the so-called continuation of the incense, and to pass on from generation to generation, I thought about buying children and grabbing them to continue the incense. What if such a crowd has offspring!"

"There are orphanages that do not go for adoption. They have to buy the kidnapped children, let alone they don't know that the kid was kidnapped."

"There is no way that most of the children in the orphanage are disabled and sick. They are thrown in the orphanage. How could those buyers go to the orphanage for adoption, all of them are heartless and have to spend money to buy other people's children."

"Punishing buyers has always been a difficult problem. This time it is because this man robbed the child himself, otherwise he cannot be held accountable at all. Who will be fair to the original parents? Even if they find their children, they can find that period. During the reunion, can you find your child's heart? It seems that you can't. In fact, most of the original parents lost their children forever and can't find them again."

In fact, as discussed by netizens, it is difficult to find the child’s heart when the original parents were taken away and abducted. However, anyway, the deaf-mute woman who was 21 years ago now finds the child without a doubt. It gave a lot of confidence to the parents who lost their children, and at the same time made many netizens truly realize that there might be such a thing around them, and it also aroused discussion, because Lin Weiguo’s kidnapping was actually known to everyone around him. , But no one reported the incident. Many netizens also started to discuss this, knowing whether such a matter should be reported, and there is no doubt that the case should be reported the first time.

In this way, the mother would not endure and experience painful torture for 21 years.

Lin Shu also thinks like this, which is why he wants to uncover the truth.

Although there is no special report on the Internet about the identity of the kid who was robbed of it, netizens have long known that the kid is Lin Hua, and now he is studying law at Yanjing University. This has caused a lot of discussion before, of course, more of it is still in Lin Weiguo, the criminal.

Naturally, Xu Hui knew about this a long time ago. She specially asked for leave to come back from Yanjing to see Lin Hua. She didn't know how Lin Hua is now.

"Lin Shu, I talked to Lin Hua, but she doesn't seem to want to talk about it."

Lin Shu heard Xu Hui's words, shook his head, and said, "Lin Hua will handle it by himself, let's not ask."

"But it would be better to ask."

In Lin Shu's opinion, there are some things to face after all, no matter what it is, just like his father was injured at the beginning, he was also a bolt from the blue, but life still has to move forward, gritted his teeth, and move forward.

Lin Shu believes that Lin Hua will really face this matter after all, but now she will only be unable to accept it for a while.

"Will Lin Hua blame you?"

Hearing Xu Hui's question, Lin Shu couldn't help laughing, and asked, "Do you think I shouldn't tell the truth?"

"Of course not. Since he chose to take the risk and commit a crime, he must be punished by the law psychologically."

"Lin Hua should also know this."

Lin Shu and Xu Hui were chatting here, and Ai Xin called Lin Shu from the orphanage.

Lin Shu answered the phone and couldn't help laughing when he heard what Ai Xin said to her.

"What's wrong?"

Xu Hui asked when Lin Shu hung up the phone.

Lin Shu said: "Lin Hua went to the orphanage and stayed with her mother for a while. Although the relationship was still very strange, it gradually improved."

Xu Hui couldn't help but nodded when she heard this. Although she didn't know if this improvement was a good thing, but it was obvious that Lin Hua already had her own thoughts and answers in her heart.

"Where is she now?"

Lin Shu was silent for a while and said: "She went to see the man in prison."

Lin Shu knew that no matter what choice Lin Hua made, she was not wrong.

Xu Hui couldn’t help being silent when he heard Lin Shu’s words. Now that man was sentenced to four years in prison and will spend four years in prison. Now that Lin Hua has decided to see him, it proves that Lin Hua is in his heart. It's not that there is no such person at all.

"Lin Hua still remembers that person in his heart after all."

Lin Shu nodded. That person was in jail to be punished for the crime he committed that year. He was not sentenced to death. He is now reforming.

Perhaps, this is also good.

Because Lin Hua is not an NPC, it is not a simple route selection and character setting.

After all, reality will not be like the law that can cut all relationships with a single knife, and clearly cut the boundaries between right and wrong. Those memories and things are intricate and complicated. This is the world in which people live in real life. Cold and warm are intertwined, pain and happiness. The coexisting world.

Everything is not a plot setting, but a human choice.

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