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   Yanjing, Huaqing University.

   Jiang Shan looked at Lin Shu carrying a bag and leaving to go to class, she would inevitably have an illusion in her heart. Lin Shu is so passionate about her, would she like her?

   There is no way, he likes me, one of the three illusions in life, no matter when it is, everyone will be moved by it.

Jiang Shan really felt that when Lin Shu was lecturing her one-on-one, she was really warm, with a very good attitude, and she was not impatient at all. Even if she thought the questions she asked were very simple, she did not have a condescending attitude. This feeling will inevitably make her have some illusions.

   Of course, whether it is an illusion or not, she has now added to Lin Shu's WeChat. What's more important is that Lin Shu is better than what she knows online.

Jiang Shan quickly shared the incident with her sisters. Not to mention whether Lin Shu had a good opinion of her, Jiang Shan praised her for her approachability, and she kept complimenting her sisters: "True Yes, Lin Shu is really good in private, and his attitude is also very good. At first, I was worried that he would refuse, and I was a little nervous. I didn't expect to be so easy to talk."

   "Actually, I guessed it, after all, they are Lin Shen, the most enthusiastic."

   "Does he have a girlfriend?"

A girl next to    also began to discuss Lin Shu's love life.

   "It shouldn't be there. They all say that he is studying now, and he can often see him running in the playground early in the morning. It's really self-disciplined."

   Jiang Shan nodded and said, "Yes, I really like this kind of low-key hardworking boy."

   "Do you think people should look good, right?"

Jiang Shan smiled and nodded, and said: "You don't know. Looking at him up close, he is really handsome. The key is not only to be handsome, but to be handsome with a charming personality. Attractive."

   "If you really like it, you can chase it. Haven't you added it to other people's WeChat now? You have to take advantage of the opportunity if you are close to the water."

When Jiang Shan heard this, she felt that Lin Shu was very good to her, but she was not stupid. It was just the first time she met Lin Shu. Even if she had that kind of illusion, she still felt that it was just an illusion. The most feared thing is Lin Shu has this attitude towards everyone.

   "Don't talk about it, you really appreciate it, really appreciate it very much."

A girl next to him said directly: "We all know who does not admire Lin Shu. Everything he does is awe-inspiring. No one can do it like him. He is really brave. , Really handsome. Now I watch Lin Shu's video of saving the senior on the rooftop, and it is still thrilling. He is really cool and handsome."

   Jiang Shan nodded, agreeing very much.

   Everything that Lin Shu did was awe-inspiring for them. No one can be as brave and fearless as him, daring to speak up, and to stand up.

   "The key is that he is really handsome!"

   Jiang Shan emphasized this point again, saying: "Really, real people look better than videos and photos, and they have nice skin."

   "Jiang Shan, you should hurry up and seize the opportunity. Don't wait for others to be famous, you can't regret it anymore."

   Jiang Shan felt a little embarrassed when he heard this, but she said, "I don't know what kind of girl Lin Shu likes."

   "Didn't you have added other people's WeChat, talk to them more, maybe you like you like this."

   Jiang Shan thought of the scene when Lin Shu was lecturing him, her ears were red, and she only felt that Lin Shu was really warm, gentle and handsome, and she wanted to get closer to Lin Shu from the bottom of her heart.

   "Sisters, I decided I would chase him."

   "Support you, but you also have to be psychologically prepared. People are so good, and there is definitely no shortage of suitors."


   lecture hall.

"It can be seen that for incompressible flow, there are four dimensionless numbers that determine the flow state, namely: Euler number Eu, Reynolds number Re, Froude number Fr, and Strouhal number Str. When the flow is constant, And when gravity can be ignored, the formula is simplified to..."

   "Everyone is very good, it should be no problem to learn, I won't talk about it here."

   Many students in the audience: "..."

Hearing this sentence, Lin Shu knew very clearly that the professor of fluid mechanics was about to give lectures quickly. The formula was really pushed up. Even if he felt a certain amount of pressure, he might not know if he was not paying attention. What is being said above.

   Obviously, this professor thinks that Huaqing's graduate students are very good, and there is no need to talk more.

   Lin Shu naturally heard from his classmates that this teacher was Tsinghua at the age of 16, and he was judged as a full professor in his thirties, and he was a real master.

Lin Shu felt that if it wasn't for his strong [spiritual] attributes, and he had learned beforehand, and the basic knowledge was fairly solid, otherwise I was afraid that the lectures would be choking, because he talked too fast, and from time to time he would go deep into the other. A deep domain.

   This is why Lin Shu has been doing pretty well in the exam since he was a child, and feels that his comprehensive strength is quite strong, but after coming to Huaqing, he deeply realized that his comprehensive strength is not strong. In fact, he is very ordinary, and all he can do is diligence and hard work.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you continue to check in for 1 hour and gain 1. Experience +1590; 2. Gold Coins +158.】

   Lin Shu finished the class and packed up his books and notes, and left the lecture hall with Liu Zheng.

   "Are you busy writing the previous paper now?"

   Lin Shu nodded, and said, "I'm still writing and reading a lot of documents. There are too many English documents."

   Liu Zheng gave Lin Shu a thumbs up and gave Lin Shu a thumbs up. Now Lin Shu has to write his own thesis before he joins the supervisor's group. It is really strong.

   "My English level is not enough, and now I find it difficult to read English documents. I may need to ask you more later."

"no problem."

   Here, Lin Shu and Liu Zheng walked to the canteen and talked about the problems that the professors in the fluid mechanics course just mentioned. They only found it very complicated. Even if the main professional direction is not fluid mechanics, they still find it difficult.

   The food in the canteen of Huaqing University is not bad, otherwise no people from other schools would come to the canteen of Huaqing University to eat.

  Lin Shu finished the meal with Liu Zheng, and when he was eating, someone came over to say hello to Lin Shu.

   A girl with long hair, very young, her whole face is full of youthful breath, looking at Lin Shu, her face is full of smiles.

   "Hello, Senior Lin Shu, I am Yang Yu, a freshman in the School of Environment. I graduated from the same high school as you, and my head teacher is also teacher Yang Jinhua. I was admitted to Huaqing University after listening to your experience sharing."

Lin Shu looked at the freshman in front of him with a little surprise, especially when he heard Yang Yu’s words. He didn’t expect to share some learning experiences with his high school brothers and sisters before. He also said that he hoped to be in Huaqing. Seeing them, some people were admitted to Huaqing University, which is really remarkable.

   "Congratulations, really congratulations."

   Lin Shu smiled and said to Yang Yu: "It's really amazing."

Liu Zheng on the side naturally understood that the elementary school girl in front of him was a high school alumnus of Lin Shu, and it was precisely because of Lin Shu that he chose to apply for Huaqing University, which really made him secretly tell Lin Shu again. A thumbs up.

Because she is a high school girl and a fellow villager, Lin Shu will naturally give Yang Yu a meal, but Yang Yu has already eaten, so Lin Shu will naturally ask her to go out for dinner later, and you can ask him for anything. .

  Yang Yu nodded repeatedly, thanked Lin Shu, looked at Lin Shu and asked nervously: "Senior, can you add your WeChat?"


   Lin Shu will naturally not reject his high school and elementary school girls.

   Liu Zhengxiao asked, "Is Lin Shu very famous in your school?"

  Yang Yu nodded repeatedly and said, "Of course, the senior was invited by our class teacher to share experience."

Lin Shu sighed ashamed about Yang Yu’s remarks. At the beginning, he just wanted to complete the task and gain experience, and he didn’t think he was famous at his alma mater in high school. Even if he was famous, it might be because of Shonan University. Thing.

  Yang Yu came here because she happened to see Lin Shu and came over to say hello. In fact, she planned to find Lin Shu when school started, but she was worried that it was too abrupt.

   Now added to Lin Shu's WeChat, Yang Yu is already very happy, and after chatting with Lin Shu for a few words, he left first.

   Liu Zheng looked at the back of Yang Yu's departure, and said with a smile: "Lin Shu, I think your school girl is interesting to you."

   "Can you be more serious."

   For Liu Zheng's words, Lin Shu could only roll his eyes.

   Liu Zheng said directly: "I'm telling the truth. I didn't see that other people took the initiative to add WeChat to you, and they were also the Huaqing University that was admitted to you."

   "That's because her grades are already very good, how could it be Huaqing University that I applied for."

"Hey, don't really believe it. I think her eyes are a little nervous when she sees you. It's really correct. Otherwise, why did she say that it was because of you that she was admitted to Huaqing University. Can't you understand that? This charm is enough."

   Liu Zheng knew that Lin Shu was still single, and said with a smile: "Then you have to seize the opportunity."

   Lin Shu directly replied, "Don't you have enough learning tasks?"

   Lin Shu feels that you don’t have to worry about falling in love, just let it go, and learning well is the key.

   Lin Shu was thinking this way, the phone WeChat rang, and the person who sent the message surprised him. It was his ex-girlfriend from the university who told him that in Yanjing, would he have time to play together?

   Liu Zheng saw Lin Shu looking at WeChat, and under curiosity, he leaned over and took a look, and said in surprise: "Yes, someone will ask you so soon?"

   Lin Shu frowned, shook his head, and said, "Ex-girlfriend, this has been five years since we broke up."

   Liu Zheng was taken aback, the words in his throat were immediately blocked, and the relationship was a bit embarrassing. It has been five years since we broke up. Why did you still get in touch, and Jo Lin Shu went out to play?

   "This, maybe I want you to get back together?"

   Although Liu Zheng said that he was not sure, but in fact he had already determined in his heart that he must have some thoughts about Lin Shu, and jokingly said: "Otherwise, I'm looking for you again, maybe I'm looking for you to borrow money."

Lin Shu's eyes flashed and he was about to say something. There were two more WeChat messages. They were messages sent to him by Jiang Shan who was in the library in the morning and Yang Yu, a school girl just now. They also asked him if he had time for the weekend. He went out to play.


   Lin Shu frowned, feeling that something was wrong.

   Does this really have any other thoughts about him?

   Liu Zheng sighed with a smile: "It seems that spring has already come before winter has arrived!"

   Lin Shu was about to say something, another voice familiar with the game system appeared in his ear.

【Ding! Congratulations to players, you continue to improve yourself, both inside and outside, [Charm] attribute +1. 】

   Lin Shu was a little surprised. He didn't expect to suddenly add 1 point of [Charm] attribute to himself. It was really quite unexpected. Although he has long known that [basic attributes] will increase as individuals continue to practice and improve, and because of persisting in training [strength] and [physical] attributes have increased by 1 point, but those are Lin Shu can Understandable.

   It's just that now this illusory [charm] attribute will actually increase by 1 point, which really surprised Lin Shu.

You need to know his current [Basic Attributes] column, but so far, only the [Spirit] attribute is 5, and the other basic attributes are all three, three, four, and now the [Charm] attribute can actually add 1 point. It becomes 5, which makes Lin Shu a little nervous.

   Will he become a vase like this?

"what's wrong?"

   Liu Zheng noticed the change in Lin Shu's expression, as if looking at something in a trance. He didn't know what he was thinking, so he couldn't help asking, "What are you thinking? Isn't this a good thing?"

   Lin Shu looked at Liu Zheng, shook his head, and said, "Nothing."

   He doesn't know what to say, his [Charm] attribute has been added by 1 point, but he doesn't have any special feelings, and it doesn't seem to have changed.

In Lin Shu's opinion, the mysterious and mysterious attribute of [charm] may really be like in the game, it can only deepen the NPC's favorability to the and [charm] is not only about beauty. Value of charm, as well as personality charm, Lin Shu naturally did not want to find a mirror to see if he really became more attractive.

   Lin Shu's eyes fell on the personal virtual panel in front of him——

   [Basic attributes: Spirit 5, Strength 4, Constitution 4, Agility 3, Intelligence 3, Charisma 5, Lucky 4]

   I have to say that the most conspicuous is not the [Spirit] and [Charm] attributes, but the [Agility] and [Intelligence] attributes are still 3.

   Especially the [Intelligence] attribute is 3 for a long time, which really makes Lin Shu feel a little dazzling.

   This is why he thinks he has a mediocre IQ. IQ can't be compared with the geniuses of Huaqing University, and he thinks he is ordinary.

   Now his [Charm] attribute has broken through to 5, but [Intelligence] is still 3. Why is he always insisting on learning and learning experience, but not long brains, long charm?

   Lin Shu fell into deep self-doubt.

   Is it necessary to let him rely on his face to eat, he doesn't want to go to the showbiz, why do he need to rely on his face to eat, it really depends on talent?

   He really doesn't want to make a vase!



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