National Athletics Team Training Base

Lin Shu returned to Yanjing directly after the new year, and then coach Tian Zhi took Lin Shu to the training base of the national team track and field team. The track and field team here naturally did not have the slightest surprise for Lin Shu's joining. It should be said that the national team is looking forward to Lin Shu, the new national champion.

Guo Jia was also surprised that Lin Shuhui came so early, but he answered Tian Zhi's call and naturally came to make arrangements for Lin Shu in the first place, and brought Lin Shu report to settle down in person.

"The accommodation conditions here are pretty good, because the national team will be very strict in management and closed training, so there are many times you must not go out at will. If you have anything you can talk to me directly."

Lin Shu listened to Guo Jia's instructions and nodded, he naturally knew that the management must be strict here.

"Immediately after that is the National Indoor Track and Field Championships, try to run 3 minutes and 35 seconds in this competition."

When Tian Zhi heard Guo Jia's words, he quickly said to Lin Shu: "Lin Shu, don't put too much pressure on you, just concentrate on training."

Tian Zhi knows that the entire track team now knows that Lin Shu is the most hopeful athlete who can run in 3 minutes and 35 seconds on the 1500 meters event. He is very hopeful that he can represent the national team in the Olympics, but even if he can run in 3 minutes and 35 seconds. It does not mean that Lin Shu can produce results. After all, foreign masters such as Lin have even more terrifying results.

Guo Jia also knew what Tian Zhi meant by saying this, and nodded and said, "Yes, just train well!"

The training of physical education students is no different, as always, the intensity training and adjustment training are carried out.

Even if Lin Shu knows that his athletic talent is his best talent, he is more aware that persistence is the most important thing. No matter what time it is all about persistence, no effort or persistence is the best talent.

At this point, Lin Shu knew it early. He knew very well that his current grades had risen. Part of the increase in [basic attributes] was also due to the advantages brought by long-term persistence. It is precisely because of this persistence that Lin Shu Going forward is getting better and better.

Persevere, then persist, just so focused, simple, purely while brushing the game experience, while trying to improve yourself.

Obviously, people on the national team have gradually understood Lin Shu, because Lin Shu is really a very persistent person. The attitude of focusing on training really makes many people in the national team admire him. After all, Lin Shu's achievements They are all here, there is no doubt that Lin Shu is now a talented and hard-working player.

It can be said that there is no accident for such a team member to win the 1500m event in the National Indoor Track and Field Championships again.

Lin Shu once again won the championship at the National Indoor Track and Field Championships very easily, but did not break the national record.

3 minutes 35 seconds 53!

The results are not bad, but such results are still unable to participate in the Olympics after all.

Obviously, Lin Shu really has no rivals in the domestic men's 1500 meters project. As for foreign countries——

Soon Lin Shu followed the national track and field team to Italy to participate in the Italian station of the indoor track and field championship.

Before Lin Shu made his first debut and won the 1500m championship, he broke the national record and has reached the World Indoor Championships. Now it can be said that it is Lin Shu's first time in the World Indoor Championships.

I have to say that the schedule of the World Indoor Championships is very tight. A total of 12 athletes from China are sent to compete in 8 events. Lin Shu is the only one in China to participate in the 1500m event.

Soon, the world indoor track and field competition in Italy began.

The men's 1500 meters event can be said to be true masters from all over the world. It is also two games in three days. There are 69 players in total. After the first round of the preliminary round of the group competition, only the top eight finals will be taken. Indoor games are almost the same.

There is no doubt that this elimination rate is very high, really ridiculously high.

This is also the first time that Lin Shu has participated in an international competition in the true sense. He very much hopes to win the championship here. For this reason, he deliberately bought a [Blood Fruit] from [Props Mall].

It is because I hope I can play very well and show my most passionate results.

I have to say that foreign track and field events are also very hot. The stadiums are large, but there are also many spectators. Of course, this is also because events like the World Indoor Track and Field Competition are still very large-scale competitions. It should be said that the IAAF Golden League is held every year. It is one of several major events in the world, and the attention it receives is naturally not low.

The cheering voices in the audience were very enthusiastic, and the audience was not stingy with their passion and cheered frantically. The wave seemed to overwhelm the entire stadium.

Looking at this wonderful picture, Lin Shu was naturally excited.

Standing on the runway warming up, Lin Shu looked at the international players around him, still a little nervous and excited, because he had known before that there were real world champion players, and those talents were real masters.

After all, the 1500-meter event at home and abroad is still more than a little bit worse, otherwise there will be no Olympic athletes who have reached the Olympic standard.

Now Lin Shu is the only hope in the country.

But Lin Shu knows very well that he not only has to meet the Olympic, he also has to win the world championship!

At the starting line, the people standing next to Lin Shu were all black people. Obviously, they didn't put Lin Shu, the yellow race, in his eyes. After all, Lin Shu was just a little-known newcomer here.

In addition to blacks, there are only three whites. It is clear that black runners are still very advantageous in long-distance running after all, and this is only one group of them.

As always, seeing the glittering gold coins on the runway ahead, Lin Shu was ready to sprint.

He doesn't know what will happen to his first international competition, but he will definitely try his best to run. Now he feels full of strength, full of passion and passion.

"Set!" The starter's prepared voice sounded.

The runners on the starting line are also ready, Lin Shu is already ready, he has already planned to rush.

"Papa!" The gunfire sounded quickly, and all the players on the starting line rushed out in an instant.

However, Lin Shu soon felt that the people around him were not weak and wanted to grab the road. Lin Shu felt pressure and gritted his teeth and ran forward. He didn't have any thoughts at all in his mind. There was only one thought, that is. ——

Speed ​​up and then speed up, rush!

For gold coins!

For the world champion!


The final result-

3 minutes and 32 seconds!

The people of the national team were excited, boiled, and crazy!

However, Lin Shu wanted to cry, because he ranked ninth in this grade and didn't even make it to the finals.

If you don’t look outside, you don’t know how much the outside world is--


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