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This is the third time that Lin Shu has accidentally entered the time-space crack secret realm. Although he did not have any psychological preparations, Lin Shu seems to have begun to get used to this inexplicable entry into the time-space crack secret realm in his heart.

The Secret Realm of Time and Space Cracks is actually another parallel time and space.

Lin Shu already knows this. It is specious. Some things are the same, but some are different. So what kind of space-time crack secret realm will be this time, Lin Shu still has such doubts in his heart, and he has already smelled it. The smell of blood.

The smell of blood was so strong that it shocked him.

Everything in front of him was still dark, completely covered by darkness, without the crackling rain, Lin Shu felt a faint feeling of anxiety in his heart.

The first time in the secret world is [Cannibal], the second time is [Ghost Tooth Po], then what kind of terrible monster will he encounter in this **** secret the third time?

Lin Shu felt a little uneasy.

With these uneasy or nervous thoughts flashing by Lin Shu, the darkness in front of him gradually disappeared, and a dazzling light appeared in front of Lin Shu. The light was dazzling, but after the dazzling light, it seemed that darkness followed.

Lin Shu found himself standing in an unfamiliar place, and the cold breath slowly eroded. He gradually noticed that he was in a forest. The trees in front of him were extremely thick and really covered the sky from the sun. Under the gloomy sky, everything They all looked so gloomy and cold, and everything gradually became clear. In this clarity, the smell of blood was even clearer.

As the surroundings gradually became clear and the objects became concrete, Lin Shu found that he was inside a simple wooden house with towering trees outside the window, and several similar wooden houses outside.

Lin Shu was puzzled, and he looked inside the wooden house, and saw that there was a bed and a pile of charcoal was still burning. Everything proved that people lived here. Lin Shu had some doubts in his mind. He didn't understand where he was now, in which time and space, Where, everything is unknown, and the unknown is the most terrifying.

The key is that there is still a **** smell in this unknown, that **** smell is like a poisonous snake lurking in the dark, spitting out a snake letter, and it seems that at any time, it will show fierce fangs and rush up to bite.

Soon, Lin Shu will know that it is not poisonous snakes lurking in the darkness, but other monsters.

Lin Shu vaguely heard movement outside, accompanied by an inexplicable anxiety, walked towards the door, and just pushed open a crack in the door with a little force, Lin Shu saw a lot of people standing outside the door, wrong——

There should be a lot of monsters standing!

Because there was a line of explanatory text clearly floating on the heads of the monsters in front of them.

At that moment, Lin Shu froze all over, blood rushed up at that moment, and subconsciously held his breath.

[Lv10 Desperate Druglord: The skill is Corrosive Poison Strike. Remarks: The main body is a owl bird full of poison, and its poison is ferocious. Warning stay away, extremely dangerous! 】

[Lv5 Desperate Druglord: The skill is Corrosive Poison Strike. Remarks: The main body is a owl bird full of poison, and its poison is ferocious. Warning stay away, extremely dangerous! 】

[Lv7 Desperate Druglord: The skill is Corrosive Poison Strike. Remarks: The main body is a owl bird full of poison, and its poison is ferocious. Warning stay away, extremely dangerous! 】

[Lv3 Desperate Druglord...]

[Lv6 Desperate Druglord...]

[Lv2 Desperate Druglord...]

[Lv9 Desperate Druglord...]


There were more than 30 terrifying [Desperate Drug Lords] in the whole scene, which really made Lin Shu's whole body chill.

He faintly guessed what these monsters were. You must know that this monster explained that there was a warning to stay away, an extremely dangerous warning.

This really shocked Lin Shu. Did he come directly to the tribe of monsters?

Is this the home of [Desperate Druglord], the home base of monsters?

There are so many monsters [Desperate Druglord]!

What is even more terrifying is that Lin Shu saw from a distance that there was a [Lv9 Desperate Druglord] in front of which there was another monster's name floating on its head——

[Lv9 Murder Ghost]: The skill is to kill. Remarks: extremely scary and dangerous.

This is the real double title addition, the horror upgrade!

Lin Shu stood still and didn't dare to move, for fear that this movement would be noticed by these owlbirds, and then stared at death, staring directly at him and pecking to death.

Lin Shu was crying in his heart. Why did he inexplicably enter the monster's nest? How did this make him a rookie player live!

Lin Shu wanted to cry without tears. He really didn't know how to describe his feelings. This time-space secret realm actually took him to a large group of horrible monsters. Is this really afraid that he, the player, will not die?

He has only one life!

There is definitely no resurrection pool here. Even if he wants to fight monsters, he definitely doesn't want to rush to the monster's lair to find death.

It's really not that he wants to die, but somehow sent him here in the secret of space-time why!

Pit the player's system!

His title is only a fledgling novice player, why did he teleport to the monster's base camp? This is really not to give the newcomer a little game experience.

Although the monsters [Cannibal] and [Ghost Tooth Po] in the Secret Realm of Space-Time Cracks were terrifying, they were just a single monster at any rate. How come such a large group of monsters have suddenly been brought to him now.

Ask me, what should I do if the rookie player teleports to the big monster's lair?

Waiting online, life and death matter, super anxious!

He didn't have any god-level equipment or sacred artifacts, and he shot directly at this group of owlbirds, and even if he rushed out and shot, I'm afraid he would be pecked to death by this group of owlbirds.

He is really just a little chicken.

Lin Shu's heart was pounding fast. He didn't know what to do. He just wanted to leave this ghost place and the monster's nest.

At that moment, it seemed that a monster owl bird noticed the movement of the wooden house and looked back in the direction of Lin Shu. His eyes were very calm, but there was a chill.

The owl bird didn't seem to notice anything, and his death gaze turned away again.

Lin Shu felt cold in his heart and hid outside the door. He saw the death gaze of that owl bird just now, it was really terrifying.

At that moment, Lin Shu's cold hair stood up all over, and he didn't dare to breathe. Just when he was still thinking about what to do now, suddenly a gunshot sounded outside.

"Bang" a gunshot!

Lin Shu's heart was stunned. This gunshot was completely different from the gunshot he had heard on the runway before. It seemed so cold in the depths of the dense forest, revealing a terrifying killing intent.

Before Lin Shu could move, there was an extremely cold voice outside.

"Old Mu, are you a policeman?"

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