Huaqing University.

Lin Shu lay wearily on the bed, drank a bottle of [sleeping pills], and fell asleep. When he woke up, the rain outside had stopped. He did not have the nightmare of the monster chasing after death. Although Lin Shu recalled the experience in that time-space crack secret realm, he still felt scared, those monster owl birds were really terrifying.

However, Lin Shu also knew very clearly that all of this was over.

At least he has saved Lao Mu's life in that parallel time and space. As for the past of the real world, it is obvious that he has not been able to change it. Those are things that have happened in the past in reality, and it seems that they cannot be changed.

But at least in that time and space, Lao Mu was able to go back to see his children alive.

Lin Shu said this to himself in his heart.

While Lin Shu was resting in bed, the phone rang and Coach Tian Zhi called.

"Coach, I'm sorry, I don't want to run anymore."

This is Lin Shu's true thoughts, especially after experiencing that life and death escape in the Secret Realm of Time and Space, Lin Shu really didn't want to run anymore.

At least now Lin Shu doesn't want to run away.

"The show? I'll talk about it later. I'm still in school. I will go to the doctor's side for the re-examination on time."

Lin Shu hung up the phone. He was not surprised at what Coach Tian Zhi said on the phone that he was invited by a program. It can be said that he has been making such invitations since he became famous on the Internet, just with him in the Olympic Games. It really became more after winning the next gold medal.

But now Lin Shu really just wants to rest quietly.

After such a thrilling battle of life and death, Lin Shu knew how lucky he was. There were always some people fighting the monsters silently, guarding his stability at this moment.

Lin Shu was lying on the bed, and suddenly remembered the experience value.

Looking at the experience value of the virtual panel in front of him, a smile appeared on his face.

Although he died nine times in that blood-stained secret realm of space-time cracks, he was really almost gameover, and he couldn't die anymore, but he still had certain receipts.

【Level: Lv33】

[Level experience: 520260/450000]

Without any hesitation, Lin Shu directly clicked the [Upgrade] button, and soon there was a congratulatory sound from the system——

【Ding! Congratulations to players for successfully upgrading to Lv34! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the players for successfully upgrading, rewards: 1. Experience +2985; 2. Gold coins +298; 3. 1 mysterious gift]

Looking at the increased gold coins, Lin Shu only felt heartache. He didn't know how to describe his inner feelings. He really spent a lot of gold coins in that time-space crack secret realm, and every air bullet did not destroy one. A monster, it just wiped out a gold coin, especially when he used [Portal], the expensive cost of that gold coin made him feel more heartbroken.

He finally saved so many gold coins, and now he feels that he has lost a lot.

But there is no way, in order to survive, he can only try to escape, desperately protecting himself.

[Balance: 125800 gold coins]

The heart is bleeding!

The loss is really huge.

Lin Shu didn't want to look at the gold coin balance anymore, and turned to look at the two mysterious gifts in the inventory. There was also a reward Lin Shu received after saving Mu Tianming.

Looking at that mysterious gift, and experiencing the previous life and death escape, Lin Shu felt that life was precious, and especially hoped that he could explode a [Resurrection Pill], or explode the super magical equipment of [Two Lives].

Lin Shu did not hesitate, with such expectation, he directly clicked on the first mysterious gift, and then a symbol appeared——

【Peach Blossom Symbol】: You can meet peach blossom within one day after use. Price: 2222222 gold coins.

Seeing this [Peach Blossom Talisman] Lin Shu felt a bit tasteless inexplicably, although he thought this charm should not be so bad for him to see the real peach blossom tree, it should be peach blossom luck, but who knows whether the peach blossom he met is a good peach blossom, or Rotten peach.

Lin Shu shook his head. He didn't have any special thoughts about this equipment. He was very disappointed. He just turned his gaze on another mysterious gift. With a thought, he clicked on it, and a familiar one appeared in the inventory instantly. equipment.

[Disaster prevention doll]: After use, it can warn against disaster once. Price: 16666666 gold coins.

Oh my God!

Wawa, you come back!

Lin Shu sat up from the bed with excitement. He was really excited. He didn't expect that [Disaster Guard Doll] would be released again, which really made him so happy.

Lin Shu also knows that if his gold coins allow him to buy them in the [Item Shop], but his gold coins are not allowed, he also knows that he really lost the warmth and protection of his [Disaster Doll], but he did not expect to be able to buy it now. It's really amazing to burst out the equipment of the doll.

This is the best equipment!

Doll, I love you!

You continue to protect and bless me!

This is what makes him happiest. As for peach blossoms, everything is an illusory bubble.

Because his doll is back!

Lin Shu really felt so warm and happy instantly.

Lin Shu thought about it, clicked to use [Disaster Doll], and then the virtual light flashed, the [Disaster Doll] in the inventory disappeared, and the familiar virtual mini pattern appeared on his left wrist, just like the strange appearance at the beginning. , The black doll smiled at him.

But Lin Shu doesn't feel strange now, he knows that the doll is smiling at him now, and when the doll is crying, it is time to leave him.

Don't worry, I will try my best not to make you cry!

Try not to put yourself in danger, make you cry for me and leave.

I will protect myself.


Huaqing University.

Mu Yang was a little confused. He remembered that he didn't buy the express delivery online, but suddenly there was a call to inform him that there was an express delivery that he needed to pick up.

This made Mu Yang a little confused, and he didn't know who sent him the courier.

Mu Yang looked at the big box that the courier brother handed him, and it became more and more strange, but he still signed for it. The express is too big.

Mu Yang headed back to the dormitory with the big box confused.

Then, Mu Yang was stunned.

Inside the box was a full set of Ultraman models, which really shocked Mu Yang, and the expression on his face changed.

Why is it Ultraman?

Mu Yang's eyes were puzzling and even more sad and uncomfortable.

There is also a letter in the box.

Mu Yang opened the letter. It was written to him by a comrade of his father's. Looking at the content, Mu Yang's eyes were red, and tears flowed down unconsciously.

"Muyang, hello, I am a comrade-in-arms who fought side by side with your father. Forgive this gift that has been so long overdue..."

"Mu Yang, your father always remembers you, and when he is most dangerous, he also remembers to go back and bring you your favorite Ultraman gift. Forgive him for the gift he promised you but never delivered. , He always remembered, he always thought about you, he said that you are very smart, although thin but not cowardly, you will be as strong as Ultraman, he wants you to remember that no matter what time you are not afraid, you must Protect yourself, he told you to run if you can't win..."

Mu Yang was full of tears, holding the letter tightly in his hand, glanced at the Ultraman gift that spanned the long years, and glanced at the dazzling sunlight outside, tears raining down, crying like a lost person Child with beloved toy.

"Please know that your father loves you very much."

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