At the end of the interview, Lin Shu felt good and planned to go back.

   For Lin Shu, the interview is over, and the journey of researching for the postgraduate entrance examination is an end, and the final result is not for him to decide.

Lin Shu knows very clearly, as in a certain sentence, "I have fought the good battle, I have run out of the road, and I have kept the faith. From now on, there will be justice." The crown is reserved for me."

  If it is really in case, without a crown, and losing his name to Sun Shan, then Lin Shu is helpless. This is not his decision, and he can only choose to start World War II from the beginning.

   If you can't pass the level, please try again.

   With this thought, Lin Shu was ready to leave.

   There are a lot of students who come to participate in the interview. Just when Lin Shu was about to leave, he suddenly saw a person. It was very unexpected. He knew this person.

   How can I see him here?

   shouldn't be!

   "Zhang Yao?"

   Lin Shu tentatively yelled.

  As soon as Lin Shu shouted out these words, the boy who was walking in front turned his head, looked at Lin Shu with a puzzled expression, and asked, "Do you know me?"

   is really him!

   is really Zhang Yao!

Seeing that face clearly, Lin Shu was taken aback. His entire body was erected at that moment. He didn't know how to describe his mood at this moment. He clearly believed that the secret realm he had experienced before was all false and realistic. There is no Xu Gui's [Cannibalism] in the world, so it proves that none of the secret realms experienced are real.

   But now he clearly sees his roommate Zhang Yao standing in front of him in the secret realm.

   is not an illusion, nor is it that he misunderstood, but really Zhang Yao.

   Lin Shu felt a coolness rising from the soles of his feet.


What is   ?

Shouldn't    all be fake?

   Then why does Zhang Yao appear here?

The boy with the Chinese character face looked no younger than Lin Shu, with an old-fashioned look. Looking at Lin Shu, his face was puzzled. He didn't even know the boy in front of him, but the look in his eyes was a bit strange. .

"You are--?"

   Lin Shu's lips moved slightly, not knowing what to say, his mind was a little confused, countless thoughts flashed in his mind, he hesitated for a long time, could not help asking: "You also apply for a graduate student majoring in mechanical engineering?"

   "No, I applied for material mechanics."

   Lin Shu frowned when he heard this. He didn't know if he had remembered it incorrectly. The secret in his memory was that he and Zhang Yao were both graduate students of mechanical engineering.

   Now Zhang Yao said that he applied for material mechanics, which made Lin Shu a little puzzled.

   I don't know what happened.

"You are--?"

   Zhang Yao still doesn't know who the boy in front of him is.

   "My name is Shu Lin, and I also applied for a graduate student at Shonan University, but I applied for a major in mechanical engineering."

   Zhang Yao was a little surprised when he heard Lin Shu's words. He opened his eyes and looked at Lin Shu and asked: "You are Lin Shu! Did you score 88 points in the political test, which is amazing."

   "Our previous postgraduate entrance examination group was spreading your score for the first big guy in the first test, 88 points in politics, really a bit crazy, and your English test actually scored 92 points, which is too good."

Zhang Yao has heard of Lin Shu’s scores. In fact, candidates who apply for the postgraduates of Shonan University also understand the scores of the top students. The most eye-catching one is Lin Shu, who has a total score of 453 points. It really is to make them look up.

   Lin Shu was very surprised when he saw Zhang Yao, and praised him for his greatness, but he calmed down a bit.

   "I also planned to apply for the mechanical engineering major at the beginning, but after thinking about it later, I decided to apply for material mechanics."

   These words surprised Lin Shu.

   Then, in other words, Zhang Yao and the choices in the secret world are different.

   Can it be said that the world of the secret realm is still different from the real world, and it is not the real future.

   The key is that he didn't find the name of the [cannibal] monster Xu Gui in the list of teachers on the postgraduate website of Shonan University.

   Is the secret realm an independent time and space?

   Lin Shu suddenly thought of the phrase that the system said before, "accidentally entered the secret realm of space-time cracks".

   If the time-space cracks are fake and not independent parallel time-spaces, then it can only be said to be a virtual illusion with a very real sense of experience.

   If the time-space crack is real, but it is different from the real world, then it can only be another time-space crack.

Will    be another parallel time and space?

   The world is similar but different.

   Lin Shu had such thoughts in his mind.

   "What's wrong with you, what do you think?"

   Zhang Yao saw what Lin Shu seemed to be thinking, so he couldn't help asking.

   Lin Shu came back to his senses, shook his head, took out his mobile phone and searched for [Cannibal] Xu Gui's name again on the postgraduate website of Shonan University, but still couldn't find it.

   Lin Shu felt a little grateful that he didn't see that name, and at the same time wanted to know if there would be a third-year fellow Lin Yiming in the school.

   Lin Shu felt that if the [Cannibal] Xu Gui was not in this even if Lin Yiming was here, there shouldn't be that thing in the secret realm.

   After all, Lin Yiming's mentor would definitely not be the [Cannibal] Xu Gui.

   It is also possible that Lin Yiming, like Zhang Yao, did not choose the mechanical engineering major, but followed other mentors.

   In this way, there will be no things happening in the secret realm.

   Lin Shu cast off the complicated thoughts in his mind, looked at Zhang Yao, and said, "I saw your name, and I feel familiar. I wonder if I have seen it before."

   Zhang Yao couldn't help laughing when he heard Lin Shu's words. He could hear the authenticity of Lin Shu's words, because Lin Shu's eyes were like seeing an acquaintance just now.

   "It doesn't matter if I have seen it before, but now I know it anyway."

   Zhang Yao said with a smile: "Now I am more fortunate that I have not applied for the mechanical engineering major. Fortunately, the test is material mechanics. Otherwise, you are a great god, and I don't know if I can enter."

   Listening to Zhang Yao's words, Lin Shu smiled.

   The two chatted for a while about the retest. They felt very good with each other, and they made an appointment to have dinner together.

   Lin Shu feels that since the secret realm is different from reality, then some things will not happen.

   After all, it’s still a different world.

   Just as Lin Shu and Zhang Yao were leaving, a middle-aged man with black framed eyes and bald hair came out of the school building and walked not far behind Lin Shu and Zhang Yao.

   Walking step by step.

   Lin Shu did not look back, so he did not see a line of words clearly pressed against the head of the man walking behind him.


Although    is a place of moral education, there is never only one monster.

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