Meili Snow Mountain.

   I have to say that the scenery of Jinshan in Rizhao is really beautiful. Looking at the peculiar scenery in front of him, Lin Shu really feels that he has succeeded in his cultivation and ascended to the fairy world.

   is really beautiful.

The golden light from the sky illuminates the top of the snow-capped mountain, like a golden "Potala Palace". It is extremely magnificent, and it is really an indescribable beauty. His **** map shooting technique is simply difficult to capture this magnificent beauty. .

   "Brother Lin, where are you? It's so beautiful, I really envy you too much."

Yao Chen looked at the video and photo that Lin Shu sent him alone. He really can only use the word "fuck" to describe his inner feelings. No, it should be said that neither of these two words can describe his inner feelings. Feelings.

   This is only what he felt through Lin Shu's shooting. It is hard to imagine how amazing and mysterious the scene will be.

   "You have to take a look, it's really beautiful."

   Lin Shu was also a little excited, all of which was magical that he had never seen before.

   "I think too, but I have to go to work and work overtime, so I can't ask for leave at all."

   Speaking of this, Yao Chen felt a trace of pain in his heart.

   Lin Shu expressed sympathy for the experience of his friend Yao Chen, because he had experienced these before, but he has now left.

   "I was okay before, but I don't know what happened recently, and I have been asking for overtime and I'm irritable."

   Yao Chen asked again: "Do you think I want to change a job, or else I will go to the postgraduate exam just like you?"

   Hearing what Yao Chen said, Lin Shu did not have a good opinion to give, because he knew that Yao Chenxin would make his own decision. The key point is that Yao Chen's work is quite good, much better than before, which is not normal.

   Lin Shu and Yao Chen finished talking on the phone and continued to admire the beautiful scenery.

【Ding! Congratulations to the players for displaying the Buddha's light, radiant light, and the magical method of purification, which will cause certain purification damage to the LV1 monster inwardly scrolling madness, gaining 1. experience +298; 2. gold coins +29. 】


【Ding! Congratulations to the player, your sword is dazzling, piercing the eyes of the Lv3 monster lemon essence, causing a certain amount of damage, and gaining 1. experience+1265; 2. gold coins +126. 】

   Hearing the appearance of these two experience points, Lin Shu's smile deepened.

   It feels so good!

   followed closely, Lin Shu did not hesitate, and once again posted four sharp swords in the circle of friends.


   Saturday night at nine o'clock.

Huang Wen brushed his circle of friends and saw the latest Liugongge from Lin Shu, his predecessor. He said that the photo of the ancient city of Dukezong is the largest prayer wheel in the world. The picture is really beautiful and magnificent. It made him feel a trace of envy and sadness. .

   He doesn't know how to describe his mood, he feels hurt, his heart is crying, and he feels shaking, and his thoughts are uncertain.

   Once he wanted to go to the end of the world with a sword!

  Why are you still working **** Saturday?


What exactly is this for? !

Huang Wen really fell into deep suspicion, especially when he saw that Lin Shu, who was originally like him, was so happy playing outside. Every update in the circle of friends stabbed him like a knife and aggravated it. Sitting in the office to make up for the torment of working overtime.

   That kind of suffering is really uncomfortable.

   However, his overtime hours are in the bottom line, and the leader sent an email to emphasize overtime again.

   Huang Wen started working overtime just like that, obviously he didn't like it in his heart, but his body also started working overtime very honestly.

Huang Wen sighed. Just about to quit WeChat, he saw two more updates in Moments. Among them, his colleague Zhou Quan posted a photo. In the photo, the office computer page showed PPT, and there was a bucket of soaking next to the computer. Instant noodles, accompanied by the phrase "late night dinner".

   Seeing this, Huang Wen felt irritated for no reason, very disgusted, and even faintly felt heartache.

   Huang Wen really can’t figure it out, is it necessary to post such a comment?

   Is it necessary to tell everyone that you are still working overtime in the office to eat instant noodles?

   What's so good about this!

   A small picture with a huge amount of information.

It can be compared to a picture composition for a college entrance examination. The PPT on the computer page of the protagonist in the picture shows that he is still working. The instant noodles next to the computer shows that he has never had time to eat for work. The key to eating is instant noodles. He also ate very humble and hurry, just to save time and continue to work, he devoted himself to work, this picture reveals the protagonist...


   Is it necessary to show?

   Why do you want to show up like this? !

   Doesn’t your conscience hurt?

   Huang Wen especially wanted to ask, if you work overtime so late, borrow the phrase from Senior Brother Lin, working overtime so late, what did you do during the day?

   Huang Wen clearly remembered that when he was in the office during the day, he accidentally caught a glimpse of his colleague Zhouquan secretly playing mahjong at the office with his mobile phone, and he had a great time playing mahjong.

   If you don’t go home at night, is it because the office is more power-efficient to play games!

   is also a show, why do you want to show so unpleasant? Is this forcing us to show one on Sunday, the Chinese instant noodles on Sunday?

   Huang Wen was quite upset, he really had an urge to curse, if he really worked overtime until so late, he would definitely admire it very much.

But the colleagues in the office are not blind ~ Even if the disguise is good, they know each other, if you stroke the water, it is necessary to post this statement, it seems that you are the most struggling, let the others People are anxious.

   Why show up? !

Even if someone worked overtime until the early hours of the morning, they did not pretend to say so. Huang Wen still clearly remembers that his predecessor, Lin Shu, was called to the company temporarily before leaving his job. He followed up with the production until the early hours of the morning, and he did not say a compliment. The moonlight in the early hours of the morning is beautiful."

   The more Huang Wen thinks about it, the more he feels his heart hurts. The key is that he is very upset. There is an inexplicable heart pain.

   Seeing these two different photo shows, the same heartache, but not the same feeling.


   The more I think about it, the more angry I can't sleep anymore!

   Huang Wen felt a gust of wind rolling over, causing his body to be rolled up.


Early on Sunday morning, Huang Wen, who had been swept for more than a week, got up lazily, got up lazily, opened WeChat, and was about to take a look at WeChat to see if there was any news to find him. Then he saw a colleague who didn’t update in Moments, but instead In the work group, I posted two on-site photos of the mold placement in the workshop, and also posted a sentence, "New product tooling on-site trial."

   When I saw colleagues posting work photos in the group early on Sunday morning, Huang Wen had to admit that he was a little bit confused.

   This is your product, your project. Is it necessary to notify the entire office so that everyone in the office knows your progress?

   Okay, I see, you are working.

   You are working!

  The whole office, the whole company, that's not right! should be--

  The whole world knows that you are working hard and working overtime!


   I have to work harder overtime too!

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