Every Exam must be Full Marks! The Whole People Kneel and Beg Me to Repeat The Reading

Chapter 104 Beauty J-20 Pilots! Really fly into the blue sky!

Chapter 104 Beautiful fighter pilots! Really fly into the blue sky!

galloping in the blue sky,

driving mechs or fighter jets,

This is Su Chen's dream!

And now!!

This dream, right in front of my eyes, is the latest one!

Su Chen is not a high school...

The new fighter he designed from the ground up,

including human-computer interface and systems,

Including all situation handling, driving maneuvers.

He, the designer, is clear,

What I learned instantly in the exam room!

Including how fighter jets theoretically fly!

How to deal with extreme situations!

These are firmly recorded in Su Chen's mind!

He learns fighters and has an innate advantage!

But theory is just theory,

Like an engineer who designs a car, maybe he doesn't drive a car himself.

In practice, it also requires the cooperation of the brain and the body,

Neuronal reflex connections that build driving skills.

Humans learn any acquired skills, in essence, is a process of building brain-body, neuron reflex connections.

. . . . . .

"Old Zhang."

After more than half a year of getting along, it is the next dormitory again,

Although the age difference is more than twenty,

But the two are also very close.

Su Chen usually calls him Lao Zhang.

"You also know that the human-computer interaction, operation, etc. of this new generation of fighters is different from the previous traditional meaning."

"It's a whole new layout.

"Although it has been extremely simplified, the operation interface of the fighter is still complicated.

"For various functions and various complex situations, pilots need to accurately know the function and usage of each button...

"That alone would take years of training!

In Su Chen's words,

Zhang Yanghao was startled.

. . . . . .

That's right,

This comes to the core.

A new generation of fighter aircraft, the design drawing of the operation interface of the fighter 67,

Zhang Yanghao knew it better than anyone else.

he is sure,

Once this aircraft is present at the air show, it will be an international shock.

But the only thing to worry about is...

Too late to train!

This man-machine control interface subverts the previous cognition,

A drastic change has been made!

All the time in the production of this fighter has been compressed like crazy!

In March, the test flight of the demonstration aircraft will probably be produced.

Real flight training in May, air show in June, and maybe even real flight!

Even an ace pilot,

Can't be familiar with this new aircraft?

To know,

an ace fighter pilot,

Basically driving an ace model,

From start to finish, from study to retirement!

Even if it is to change the fighter, that 150 requires at least five years of retraining!

There are hundreds of buttons on the fighter,

Although only a few are usually used, various scenes will occur on the battlefield, every button is useful, and different combinations will have different effects.

These alone are not short-term adaptations!

0. . . . . .

"The new fighter J-67 is a brand-new human-computer interaction design language and interface...  

"Only our group of designers are the most familiar!

Su Chen said,

"Those complex human-computer interaction languages ​​and manuals can be written in a Xinhua Bookstore."

"Even our best ace pilots can't control it. If they fly once and land, that's all, but the air show has a combat mission!"

0. . . . .


"You don't know how to fight a fighter at all, and you haven't touched it before..."

Zhang Yanghao said,

Wouldn't it be harder if you learn from scratch!?

This is much harder than a pilot learning from scratch!

Isn't this a joke?

. . . . . .

Su Chen smiled lightly,

Old Zhang, we have been working together for more than half a year,

You know me. noodle

I don't do things I'm not sure about.

"I am confident that I will learn it well in a few months. Front

"Or, it really doesn't work,

You let me surprise and train me for half a month,

Check out my results. 35

"For half a month, if I don't have a driving qualification,

I'll never mention it again. "

"But after half a month,

Once passed the fighter pilot test,

I hope to give it a try. "

What Su Chen said about the fighter student assessment,

is the strictest method,

Students need to go through various physical fitness tests, overload tests, orientation tests, etc...

Then do the simulator driving,

After passing,

Only qualified to be a real fighter!

. . . . . . .


I can't resist Su Chen,

Zhang Yanghao agreed.

Su Chen's current status is not what it used to be,

He's a young man in his early twenties.

But he is also the most respected genius of Sizuo,

It is the core of the entire 032 group!

Don't look at him Zhang Yanghao is the general manager, but who is the real core, all fools know!

He Zhang Yanghao is just a name based on his old qualifications...

Su Chen now has no official status, nor is he in the military,

But that is because he has no idea in this regard. Once he wants to do it, he will be promoted like a rocket!

At that time, age became his biggest shortcoming!

Zhang Yanghao is not good at saving Su Chen's face now!



half a month,

No one can pass that test.

The most ace pilots also need at least five years.

After this,

You also need to learn from the trainer,

At least the flight time reaches a standard, in order to really get on the fighter...

He promised Su Chen,

because he knows,

this is impossible!

0 probability of what will happen!

. . . . . .


10,000 steps back,

After all, it was Su Chen's request.

For the first time, he made a request to the Eastern God,

Gotta do it!

Zhang Yanghao himself is an important member of the Air Force, and he has soldiers under him. Sure enough, on the second day,

A real ace pilot formation was transferred to Su Chen.

As Su Chen's interim coach!

The fighter formation is generally 2-9.

This is a minimalist 3-plane combat formation, with experience in performing tasks, and all of them are young people.

The oldest is only 28 years old!

Zhang Yanghao did not let the traditional trainer trainer come, but went directly to the ruthless, special training for real fighter pilots!

It's because I want Su Chen to feel the pressure and give up voluntarily!

he knows,

A arrogant young man like Su Chen is so talented,

Don't let him stay away, he won't stop!

"Just like the last lab failure..."

"After that experiment failed, Su Chen never mentioned the biochemical test again on a whim.

"No matter how powerful Su Chen is, he is still a young man! 35

"Young people, always think that they are omnipotent...

"Only by experiencing real failure, do you know what it means to be enough!"

. . . . . .

Zhang Yanghao calculated this.

0. . . . .

"Hello! ;35

"I'm the captain of the fighter 20-113 third combat formation - Jiang Feng!"

at this time,

Rongcheng manufactures the aircraft test field.

This is the test flight site for the base-made aircraft, with a huge area.

At the same time, some finished machines will also perform training and other tasks here.

There are no trees in this area for hundreds of kilometers, and basic birds are extinct.

In the huge hangar,

A young pilot under thirty years old salutes Su Chen!

He was wearing a handsome aviator leather jacket with a Type 77 pistol on his waist.

Wearing sunglasses, about 1.78 meters tall, looks tough and strong,

He's tanned, and that alone means he's going to be flying for a long time. …

Stand there, imposing!

There was another man and a woman beside him,

Same pilot jacket and armament.

The domestic Fiyta special watch with silver and black on the wrist. Brilliantly bright in the sun!

These two were younger than Jiang Feng and were his teammates.

"These two are members of Squad 113, Chen Jinqiu and Mu Lingzhen.

They were all about twenty-five years old.

Chen enterprising square face, thick eyebrows, and uprightness!

Mu Lingzhen has short hair and no makeup, but she has a medium-to-top appearance, especially with short hair, she is valiant, and at the same time, she is about 1.7 meters tall, and has a righteous and heroic body!

That is the temperament of a king that an ordinary girl cannot possibly possess. Such a girl walking in the crowd is a phoenix!

The three look at Su Chen!

They are combat formations, but they also often perform flight test missions at the Rongcheng aircraft test site.

As insiders, they also know something about the 032 project,

They knew that it was the person in front of them, the chief designer.

They admire Su Chen.

But only there!

After all, they don't know much about Su Chen and how Su Chen works, and the contribution to the new 032 (cgfg) fighter.


ace pilot, without arrogance,

then don't do this,

They were chosen from among hundreds of thousands,

There are only a small number of 20 places in each session.

These 20 places will be screened in various ways,

There are only a few left in the end!

There are only a few who actually fly fighter jets at a time!

This is several times more difficult than Qinghua University!

Such a person cannot be described by the word Heaven's Chosen!

Especially female pilots, they are the giant pandas in the flying world!


Combatants, to be honest, are not very interested in technology.

What they admire most are those pilots who are truly skilled and courageous!

. . . . . .


Su Chen nodded.

I don't care about attitude,

after all,

In the military, it is necessary to show strength.

It's like for a border soldier, a famous writer who moves the world, and a general who leads the way to kill the enemy but is not well-known, the latter must have a higher status in his heart!

. . . . . . . .

"My team is instructed to guide you in your flight study for half a month."

"Within half a month, I hope you can persevere."

Jiang Feng looked at Su Chen,

He didn't believe that the young man in front of him,

To be able to survive that kind of devil training and screening.

This is also the meaning of the peak,

Let Su Chen retreat.

0. . . . .

When receiving this order, Jiang Feng was confused.

after all,

A technical staff, chief designer, high status....

Although he didn't know how Su Chen got to where he is today at such a young age.

Such a person is the high-ranking big man, the great grandfather,

They should be in luxurious accommodation, with three layers of protection, and they should be in bomb shelters in wartime!

Never fighting in Skyrim!


Half a month... how is that possible!?

Jiang Feng shook his head,

They don't know how many years of training they have gone through,

From boyhood, day and night,

Just to prepare for the sky one day.

theory, physical fitness, stress resistance, simulation, trainer,

After so many nights and nights,

Only in exchange for the qualification to fly to the blue sky!

But flying into the sky doesn't mean you can do it,

Countless hours of training are required!

At least thousands of hours of flight time to become a qualified pilot!

. . . . . .

And Su Chen.

Want to enter the simulation warehouse simulation in half a month?

Still want to actually drive!?

Isn't this a joke?

. . . . . .

"Forget it, it's all about being a big man, just on a whim...""

Jiang Feng shook his head,

The trio looked at each other, all feeling slightly unhappy in their hearts.

Su Chen has a special status and a high status, and they can't say anything,

Just some psychological opinions.

. . . . . . .

Chen Jinqiu and Mu Lingzhen also shook their heads.

Under Jiang Feng's suggestion.

Mu Lingzhen came up.

"As a student.

"The learning and training of fighters is a long process.

"According to the usual practice, it takes at least five to ten years of study to be able to barely enter the room.

“However, it is not without precedent for surprise learning training. 35

"During World War II,

In order to strengthen the air force, Yingguo,

Compressed the training period of a pilot to two weeks,

From scratch to boarding a fighter,

Just two weeks. "

Mu Lingzhen's voice was very nice, with a kind of heroic spirit and power in the ethereal spirit.

"The fast-paced pilot,

80% discount rate,

Half of them didn't even take off. 99

"But still about eight percent of the pilots,

Soaring in the sky, the task was accomplished well.

"And our first priority,

It is to learn all the theories related to fighter jets. "

"This part of theoretical and technical knowledge,

Including the principles of aero-engine, aerial shooting theory, automatic control, electrification, electrical and electronic, aerodynamics, fluid mechanics, aircraft manufacturing, human-computer interaction engineering, air traffic control, aviation regulations, general linguistics for air traffic wireless telephone communication, aircraft lighting, flight psychology.....

"This part of the theory...

Requires a lot of time to learn...'

Even if Mu Lingzhen is already a pilot, when it comes to these theories, to be honest, it feels very complicated.


It took them three years,

just devoured them all,

Keep it in mind!

Every special situation encounters the required steps, and they keep them in mind!

But pilots have to learn this,

These theoretical knowledge will become the key to saving lives when flying!

In the event of a crisis...

This knowledge will save lives, and the more proficient you are, the better your chances of surviving!

For example, a simple oil tank leak requires dozens of buttons to cooperate, and dozens of systems are required to cooperate in remedial work.

If you don't study theory, how can you deal with this situation!?


Knowing this knowledge, you will know what a real fighter is!

Only then will you really learn to use this tool!

. . . . . . .

"These, don't need to learn.""

Su Chen shook his head at this time.

Not learn?

at this time,

The three were stunned,

Then became a little disdainful...


Sure enough, he's a big guy!

. . . . . .

"Don't study?"

"Do you know how important these things are?

Chen Jinqiu said at this time,

He was a little unhappy at this time!

He was originally unaccustomed to this kind of person who relied on power and intervened in the flight sequence in the air.

"These things are the most basic knowledge, and every line of text is the key to saving lives!

"You must understand the theory of every fighter!"

"You must learn!"

"Otherwise there is no need for you to be in this training group!

"You are not qualified!!!

. . . . .

Su Chen shook his head:

"It's not that I don't learn, it's that I can't learn.

"These things are all made up by me.

(More than 70,000 words have been updated today, and the author's hands are sore.

The wonderful climax has come again,

Guys, give a monthly pass and subscribe automatically, for the author's hard work!).

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