Every Exam must be Full Marks! The Whole People Kneel and Beg Me to Repeat The Reading

Chapter 110 Su Chen's speed surpassed the speed of sound! Sonic boom! The sky belongs to me at

Chapter 110 Su Chen's speed exceeds the speed of sound! Sonic boom! This moment

(Climax must-see chapter!)

On the big airstrip!

Su Chen pulls the joystick in his hand...


A quarter of the way to the end of the runway!

A huge metal monster soars into the sky!!!

Straight to the sky!!!

. . . . . . .


Zhang Yanghao held a sweat in his hand,

The first real flight, perfect textbook level operation, at least this pass,

Su Chen's safety is no problem!

Mu Lingzhen was also looking at the behemoth flying high in the sky,

With a smile on his face,

Su Chen, as expected of you!

0. . . . .

"I am Cao!""

“It’s so cool!!!”

Su Chen flew straight into the sky,

Immediately, I silenced my own radio station first,

Then yelled loudly!

Then turn on the radio immediately!

This feeling is really cool!

He has been on many civil aviation passenger planes, and he has also been on military planes in this world...

However, that kind of machine is different from a fighter jet!

It's like comparing a Nissan meat car to a Lamborghini sports car,

No! The gap is even bigger!

"Call the tower, 01 everything is normal, start climbing!"

Su Chen looked at the blue sky outside the window,

Looking at the born sun in the distance,

Looking at the airport under my feet turned into a small square,

The huge Rongcheng Aircraft Factory is getting smaller and smaller...

He began to see the clouds above him,

See that slightly curved horizon in the distance...  

This feeling,

It's simply hilarious!!!

this moment!

The sky belongs to me!

Su Chen!!!

. . . . . .


The huge air intake of the J-10 fighter jets put endless air bags into it,

And then in the engine with the endless fuel detonation effect,

Generated endless power,

Drive this metal monster up the clouds!

. . . . . .

Boom boom boom!

air vibrations,

The sound of wind and thunder sounded,

The world is at his feet, and the heaven and the earth fly past him!

There is no man who is not excited because of this!

When Su Chen was a civilian before,

The most envied are those pilots soaring in the sky!

From time to time, a plane flies through the air, and the sound of howling wind and thunder it brings can make the boys look up for a long time and be excited for a long time!


That is the highest level of human combat power,

The whistling, the thunder and the wind, the vibrations of the air,

It is from the heart that people on the ground are shocked and even scared!

That is the rule of true authority!

Air dominance!

These ordinary three words are the most terrifying thing in war!

And now,

163 Su Chen is driving this big killer!

. . . . . . .

Whoosh whoosh!

As Su Chen lifted off,

Several escort models behind them also took off one after another!

"Tower Tower, I'm 01, the climb has completed, and it is now in level flight...

"Apply to do technical moves!

first flight,

Su Chen naturally wants to apply what he has learned, some basic and intermediate technical movements are standard to do!

There was a voice of approval from there,

Su Chen starts now....

The fighter, under his control,

Like a nimble swallow!

turn left and right,

Roll sideways, climb, dive.

A set of actions is smooth and smooth, in one go!

The people at the tower captured Su Chen's actions,

It's all amazing!


Mu Lingzhen is a professional pilot,

She couldn't do better movements, Su Chen did it in one go, and the movements were very coherent between movements, without stopping at all!

"He has a very strong psychological quality and excellent technique, which has been confirmed."


"Already an excellent fighter pilot! 35

Mu Lingzhen said it for sure!

Chen Jinzhao was beside him, also stunned,

These movements, though he could do them too, were very simple,

But when he started, his first actual flight was to take off and then land,

It has exhausted all his energy and energy!

Follow-up actions, you have to wait until you are familiar with them before you dare to do them.

Su Chen did it without hindrance!


"This is a real genius!"

"Captain Jiang Feng is right, he belongs to the sky! 35

. . . . . .


Su Chen made a continuous scrolling action,

It's just rolling eight laps in a row,

Then reverse it eight times...

This is a very difficult move,

Su Chen is also familiar with it!

"He...he's practicing!?"

Conducted by Liu Zhiyun Liu, who has rich observation experience,

At this point, the clue is revealed!

"Every lap is faster than the previous lap, to be standard...

"Be quick!

"It's like he's learning to fly on the spot..

"The scene is rapidly improving!"

Commander Liu's tone remains the same, but his expression has changed!?

. . . . . . .

He was right!

Su Chen!

Just learning!

In the air, this kind of action is very easy to cause the pilot to be indistinguishable between the ground and the air, dizzy, and unable to distinguish which (cgfg) is up and down, east, west, north and south,

But for Su Chen,

Not a problem at all!

He didn't feel the slightest discomfort, even after turning 10,000 laps,

He can tell the direction, up and down without any machine!

This is the benefit brought by the improvement of life and body!

He is indeed learning!

Under the realm of the gods of the college entrance examination, he personally designed the fighter 67, and knew all the various performances and operations of the fighter 67 well.

But this does not mean that Su Chen can start the fighter fighter 67,

Because he needs experience!

It's like the person who designs the car, who probably can't drive it!

He now has a ton of knowledge and just needs some practice and practice to solidify his driving skills!

Put the driving knowledge in your head and blend it perfectly with your body and experience!

That's what Su Chen is for today!


Su Chen's test flight this time,

He's here for real aerial practice!

When he completely combines the vast amount of driving knowledge, flight knowledge, and physical experience in his mind...

He is the most ace fighter pilot in the world!!!

. . . . . . . . .

Under the perfect control and analysis of the body by the brain, with every action, he can grasp the previous deficiencies, and then quickly rush,

Then quickly perform the re-engraving action, and integrate this memory into your own muscle body memory!

Completely become your own skill!

high altitude reversal,

tossing around,

roller motor,

Somersault loop!

He is training and learning over and over again!

Others need hundreds of flight hours to consolidate their learning,

Su Chen can completely imprint it into his mind a few times!

That's the advantage of Super Life Potion!

. . . . . . .

In the beginning, Su Chen just flew according to the model standard,

But it's getting more and more reckless,

more and more daring...

He was rusty at first,

But getting more and more proficient!

It's like a first-time person, no, just like a child learning to walk for the first time, it takes at least a few months from toddler to run!

And Su Chen....

Learn to run at the speed of light!

Almost the first step is still staggering, the second step is steady, and the third step is already fast!

If there is a beep at this time...

You will definitely hear the sweet tone of Lv Xiaobu's upgrade!

. . . . . . . .

"The first roll is 4 seconds, the second roll is 3.5 seconds, the action is more standard, and the recovery heading is more stable..

"He's growing fast!""

At this time, Commander Liu's originally calm tone,

Also up half a degree!

He couldn't help but be surprised...

This f*ck!

It's too scary!?

first flight,

He is so desperately pressing to improve himself!?

Jiang Feng and others who followed Su Chen in the back were also completely dumbfounded!


You completely treat the fighter jet as a toy!

. . . . . . . .

"What is he doing!?

Jiang Feng looked at the Su Chen fighter jet locked in the distance.

For a moment, I was stunned!

Call Su Chen now!

"Call 01, call 01, stop your movements!

"This is not the first time a student can use an action in a real flight!"

. . . . . . . .

Boom boom boom!

amidst the storm,

Su Chen is having fun!

Just started to climb rapidly!!

Turn on the afterburner, pull it up until it is vertical,

Then complete a 180 degree roll!

. . . . . .

Su Chen this action,

Anyone with a discerning eye can see what this is!

Imman maneuver!!

This is a move that only a veteran can do.

quite tactically difficult,

If you are not careful, you will be killed!

And Su Chen,

Don't wait for the people at the tower to respond!

After taking off and climbing up and rotating 180 degrees!

Push the rudder to complete the aileron roll,

Then reverse the adjustment to level recovery.

Beautifully done action!

"I f*ck!?

Even Jiang Feng made foul language!

What a newcomer!?

If he didn't know Su Chen thoroughly, he even thought that Su Chen was some kind of ace pilot and came to practice the trumpet!


An even more shocking thing happened....

Su Chen is back with an Immaman maneuver!

This time the action is faster and more accurate, like a cobra, quickly biting its prey!

Be firm!

A cold light burst out from Su Chen's eyes,

He is now slowly entering a state, as if he is already a man and machine...

Every part of the entire fighter plane is subject to its most precise instructions!

Like a finger on the arm!

"Next move..."

"Pugachev Cobra Maneuver!!!"

(Don't worry, the air battle is part of the plot, it's a small copy, and it will reach its climax soon!)

Pugachev Cobra Maneuver!

This action...

It's an act of desperation!

The signature action of the Soviet pilot, the Soviet pilot Pugachev was first performed in public at the 1989 Paris Air Show, and the Pugachev Cobra was named after it!

No pilot has nothing to do to try this maneuver, because it is too fancy and dangerous, and the national pilot will not deliberately perform this maneuver.

There are not many ace pilots who master this action in China.

Most of them are the actions that will be performed at the finale of the main event of the air show!

Because there is a voice saying that this kind of action is a completely useless fancy show operation, and it is not used at all in actual combat!

But Su Chen doesn't think so!

In practice, anything can happen!

His purpose is to completely turn the fighter into a part of himself like an arm...

Showing off this skill is a must!

There is no such action in the aircraft manual,

These do not appear in their knowledge of the law of circular expansion,

At the beginning of the design of the aircraft,

No one would have thought that there would be hairless, design a cobra action,

No one knows that for so many years, there are so many big guys who play extreme planes and come up with various tactical moves!

Su Chen should explore these uncharted territories even more!

these areas,

It's something that experienced fighter pilots find out,

He needs to eat these things and eat them all!

During the previous training,

Su Chen once performed this action on a simulator,

But the actual exercise is different from the simulator,

He needs to fully master this action in the real flight!


Su Chen flies horizontally at near-sonic speed..

Then, quickly disconnect the fly-by-wire system switch and the angle of attack limiter switch!

Pull the lever hard!!

Pull the lever to the bottom quickly!

Drop drop drop drop!

The warning system in the cockpit rang out loudly!

This is a severe out-of-balance loss-of-speed situation,

In normal times, the electronic system will intervene in the driving to maintain the stability of the fuselage,

The angle of attack limiter will limit the angle at which the nose is raised...

But because the fly-by-wire system was shut down by Su Chen,

So only for Didi's warning!

. . . . . . .


The plane leaped forward sharply,

At this moment, Su Chen sensed the gravitational acceleration on his body, but he could withstand 11 g,

This is a few grams, which is a moment, which is trivial!

Under the operation of Su Chen!

Raise the nose and move the belly forward!

like a cobra preying,

Just climb up!

Leaving a circular upward arc pull line in the air!

. . . . . . . .


at this time,

in the tower,

Zhang Yanghao yelled angrily!

He couldn't help but swear!

"What is he going to do!?"

"This is really courting death, let him stop!!!"

"Try the cobra move for the first time, court death!""

Zhang Yanghao was in a cold sweat!

Su Chen In case of accident,


I'm sure it's over,

But it's a trivial matter to end yourself,

The loss of the country is the greatest!

. . . . . . .

"I'm sorry, I knew it earlier, I wouldn't allow Su Chen to fly!""


"He's crazy!!"

Zhang Yanghao is remorseful!

The actions in front of them are pleasing to the eye and extremely shocking,

But this cobra action, if you are not careful, you will die on the spot, and you will be killed by the machine!


at this time,

Commander Liu Zhiyun Liu was very calm,

He did not issue orders to stop Su Chen,

Because he knows that now he is sending a signal, it is interfering with Su Chen's movements!

will increase the risk!

Su Chen has already done this action,

Then let him do it!

The best action prediction of the tower command center is to not intervene!

. . . . . . .


The wind pressure pressed the wings and abdomen of the J-10,

Su Chen adjusts the wing angle...

Forming a perfect one hundred and twenty degree slice...

The plane advances in the air in a manner almost perpendicular to the ground, climbing


When the plane enters the critical point of the tail!

When it looks like it's about to flip the machine back..


Su Chen's hand exploded quickly, and he directly turned on the switch of the fly-by-wire control system and the switch of the angle of attack limiter, and quickly recovered!

Pull back the direction..

The nose of the plane returned to stability, just like a cobra feeding on,

Lightning strikes!!

resume level flight,

Accelerate sharply!


The engine behind the plane roared, spewing blue flames,

The plane accelerated suddenly, like a cobra, like a tiger attacking its prey at the last second!


The middle of the plane began to move backwards, forming a huge white gas-burst umbrella-shaped structure!!!



Sound barrier!!!

The end of the cobra action, connected to a breakthrough sonic action!!!

on the tower!


Just stupid!!!.

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