Every Exam must be Full Marks! The Whole People Kneel and Beg Me to Repeat The Reading

Chapter 193 It can be said that he is a beautiful country, but he should not bully you like he is no

Chapter 193 It can be said that he is a beautiful country, but he should not bully you like he is now!

new material, nuclear fusion,

The production of this process,

Only by hitting a snake and hitting seven inches, firmly nail this poisonous snake to the wall!

Transfer the core of the world to the Eastern Gods and let them lose everything completely!

In Su Chen's eyes, flames burst out!

Suddenly, Su Chen had an epiphany!


this way,

can save them!

Do not!

Not maybe!


Must be able to save them!



"Let me ask, how long can they be in this state?

Su Chen asked!

The doctor was slightly taken aback...

"This...it's hard to say."

"Three cases, the first one, some people in a vegetative state, will fall into a state of brain death within a few months,

The second is that once the vegetative state lasts for more than a few months, it is rare to see improvement, that is, a long-term vegetative state, which can neither die nor survive. 35

"The third, there is about a 5% chance of regaining a certain level of consciousness within the first 6 months after the head injury. The ability to respond to the environment is "zero four three" gradually recovering....but This is very rare, even if someone recovers, there will be a series of sequelae.

Su Chen shines!

He was acutely aware of a statistic!

"That is to say, half a year is a critical period!

"Even in the worst case, in the first case, they will last for half a year, right?"

. . . . .

Doctor nods!

"Yes, even in the worst case, it usually takes a few months of persistence, and it will take less than half a year to enter brain death.

"And, our team, with the medical equipment here, won't let this worst happen."

The doctor said it confidently!

The medical conditions here are among the top in the country, and Dongshen's treatment for these people is free of cost. If the consumption of 20,000 to 30,000 icu a day, even if they live for a hundred years, there is no problem. As long as Dongshen does not fall, These people are forever healed and never given up!

"I am confident that the first worst-case scenario will not occur."

"Definitely keep the second case, our equipment, technology, keep them alive!

"But the third recovery, we won't be able to do it easily. 35

"The showdown is, frankly, there is no chance of recovery, because they are at high altitudes going through brain hypoxia, hypothermia, short loss of heart rate and breathing, the worst case scenario."

"In my opinion, there is no possibility of regaining consciousness!""

. . . . .

The doctor's words will make everyone fall into an ice cellar!

This is basically the death sentence for both of them!

It can't be recovered, the good situation is to maintain the present, the bad situation is brain death. . . .

Even if the situation is good, they will lie on this hospital bed and grow old alone, and in this three-inch land, they will gradually grow old...

Thinking of this, Zhang Yanghao, Jiang Feng and others are all in pain!

Su Chen has nothing to regret!

Instead, nod your head!

Everyone was very puzzled, Su Chen asked what is this for?

Months, half a year, what's the difference!?

Aren't they all in a vegetative state!?

But Su Chen had a different idea!

It's February...

It is necessary to ensure the safety of the two of them for half a year!

"Doctor, please, please do your best to delay their lives and keep them alive..."

Su Chen said solemnly!

Half a year is just a basic guarantee, maybe he needs more time!

The longer this time, the better!

The team of doctors also nodded solemnly!

"You can rest assured that we are all dedicated to the country, and we will save the lives of heroes to the greatest extent possible!"

. . . . . .

his amazing idea,

Su Chen pondered it over and over again, repeatedly researched and calculated it again and again....

It is confirmed that this plan is feasible, and there must be an answer, and a way will be found!

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became.

I can't wait to take a picture of myself, why didn't I think of this topic earlier!?

If I had thought about this topic earlier, then...

The degree of human civilization, the strength of human civilization, even without so much effort, can achieve a transition in a certain sense!

This is an unprecedented feat!

"This plan, once implemented..."

"That's the biggest secret, the biggest life code since God created human beings, or Nuwa created human beings..."

Su Chen's eyes burst out with endless expressions.....

It can completely solve this thorny problem at hand,

Not only Mu Lingzhen but also Chen's problems can be solved......

All human problems can be solved!

"Can't imagine any more, let's see how the plan is implemented first!

. . . . . . .

Zhang Yanghao, Jiang Feng and others did not understand the purpose of Su Chen's question at this time...

At this time, they are still immersed in that kind of pain and anger!

Jiang Feng and others found that,

Unlike them who show anger on their faces,

Su Chen was very calm at this time, his face was very calm,

His eyes are very calm,


Under the calm sea, it seems that some kind of monstrous beast is about to emerge from the sea!!!

It exudes an extremely dangerous aura!

after all,

Su Chen's body is genetically optimized and strengthened,

The defense skills of a variety of nature's most dangerous species are all on Su Chen's body,

This kind of suppression of ordinary humans by the highest level of life is no joke!

Just like when human beings see a tiger or a lion, they can't help but feel fear, this is the fear engraved into DNA!

And usually, Su Chen is very calm, hiding all these under the surface of his calm......

And now!

These dangerous elements have completely erupted!

The pressure on Su Chen is getting bigger and bigger,

Everyone at the scene seemed to be unable to breathe!

Zhang Yanghao and others all looked at Su Chen's direction in shock,


They seem to have only really met this young man!

For a long time, this young man has been extremely gentle and moist. Taishan collapsed in front of him without changing his face or heartbeat. This is the first time he has seen such a murderous Su Chen!

Su Chen stood there clearly, very calm, from the expression, the body, the psychology is very calm,

But it makes people feel a horrible sense of oppression!

Zhang Yanghao and Jiang Feng are both tactical masters in the military. Although they are air services, they do not face the real bloody land battlefield, but they have also seen many soldiers kings and many ruthless men who have climbed out of the sea of ​​corpses and blood. !

However, those ruthless people do not have the huge murderous aura that Su Chen has now!

like a mountain,

Even the sea has to make way for him!

Su Chen fell into this state and quickly reacted,

His murderous aura is fully unleashed, and the people next to him can't stand it!

Quickly curb this murderous aura!

"Sorry, I just lost my temper!""

Su Chen shook his head!


"If there is revenge, we must repay it, and repay the grievance directly. This is the principle taught by Confucius.

"We are here to say a thousand things and ten thousand, and we can't avenge them...

"Unless, we speed up the construction period and get all the works out!

In today's form, Dongshen will definitely not directly start a comprehensive upgrade, this point, Su Chen must not be the master!

It is also impossible for him to drive the fighter himself and rush directly to fight. In the face of the huge state machine contest, even if Su Chen has strength now, he is incomparably small in comparison!


Su Chen can only use his own methods,

The Soldier Who Will Be Subdued Without Fighting!

New materials, plus controllable nuclear fusion, which is necessary for this year's exam. …

This combination of punches can kill them without any war!

There is also Su Chen's dead-end plan that has not yet been activated, and we will start it together when the time comes.

See if they have the guts to come again?

At that time, it would be good not to come and call me grandpa on my knees!

. . . . .

"It is futile what we say now! 35

"We're wasting our precious time here with them!"

"Everyone, go back to your jobs!

Su Chen said at this time!

His voice was extremely cold. At this moment, Zhang Yanghao was obviously above Su Chen, but at this moment, he felt that Su Chen had a sense of oppression from a super superior!

Even he couldn't help but nod his head!

Jiang Feng and others, even more tears in their eyes, and nodded to Su Chen!

Su Chen is right,

Accompanying them here has no effect. It can only be done by professional people, and then these professional people will do what they should do!

"Let the doctors save their lives as much as possible, and at the same time we step up the production schedule...

"The water drop plan is about to take shape, and we slap them hard!

"Let them see what is the power to shock the world!"

Su Chen narrowed his eyes!

"They are a beautiful country, but he shouldn't think like this, bullying people like this at every turn!"

"Makes me want to yell at him!"


Su Chen glanced at the two heroes in the ward, and the monstrous killing intent could no longer be hidden!

"This time, I'm really on fire...

"Let's just smash these four big characters on their faces!!!"

Su Chen's body burst out with unparalleled killing aura!

"Go, go back to base...

"Call the media!

"Announce the results!"

"Start the final target test of the Waterdrop Project!"

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