Every Exam must be Full Marks! The Whole People Kneel and Beg Me to Repeat The Reading

Chapter 88: The Super Human Experiment Failed! Big Bang! (The ninth is more customized!)

Chapter 88: The Super Human Experiment Failed! Big Bang!

"He is also the god of aviation fighter sequence design sequences!!!"

The excited beards of the experts are trembling,

I haven't eaten or drank water all day and night, and I've been relying on smoking all the time.

He was so excited that he almost fell to his knees!

"Is this still a human brain!?"

"How can he hold so many things in his mind!? 35

. . . . . .


Zhang Shaozhong exhaled fiercely!

"Unexpectedly, this Su Chen gave me such a big surprise!"

"Everyone knows what it would mean if I ordered the implementation of this plan?35

Everyone present was stunned,

That is Project 031. All their work in the past five years has been overturned!


Do it again with Su Chen's method!

over here...

Countless funds, manpower, and injections!


within one year,

If it is really successful,

really works wonders...

Next year's air show that will be greatly valued....

We will show the absolute dominance level of force beyond f22!

The global aviation system will be reshuffled!

. . . . . . . .

"Sizuo! 99

Zhang Yanghao stood up and wanted to issue a military order!

0. . . . .

"Need not!

Zhang Shaozhong waved his hand.

"Now time 11:00 on June 11, 2026!

"I officially appoint you as the general director of the 031 Alternative Plan 032 Plan!"

"Confidential inside and out!"

"The 032 plan is dominated by Su Chen's plan, hidden under the 031 mission, and 031 will become your 032 guise!"5

"The main body of the 032 mission - to build the J-67!

0. . .

"Give you the highest authority, and all departments and manufacturers in the country will open the door for you!;35

"Have the right to mobilize all resources in the territory!

"You don't have to worry about the budget!

"Air people, go straight to the blue sky!

"Let it go!!!"

. . . . . . .


this moment,

All the participants were like chicken blood!

Eighty percent of the inferred success rate, there is no flaw at present...



It is the real domination of the sky!

excess force,

let the world see,

What a real excess of force!

. . . . . .

"Sizuo, this is just a catalogue of a big plan, and there are some core points, design drawings...

"The real core is still in the hands of Su Chen...'

"I'm going to invite Su Chen today, even if I kneel down for him, he will definitely help me this time!"

Zhang Yanghao's blue veins burst out of excitement...

I haven't slept for two days and two nights, my eyes are red, but I am very excited!

"Not in a hurry.

"Now I'm dining here, 99

"Take a two-hour break after each meal.

"I'll confirm something later!"

"OK, I'll go with you to invite Su Chen"

Zhang Shaozhong said at this time.



Everyone heads straight up!

What does Zhang Shaozhong mean?

For Pretty, he's the number one list to kill!

real boss..


Is he going to invite Su Chen in person?

. . . . . .

Everyone is blinded...


Continuous fright, let them, these well-trained bigwigs,

I really can't stand it!


Zhang Shaozhong put his hands behind his coat.

"I'm going to meet him in person...'

"Look what kind of young man he is!"

"Before, I underestimated him..."

"I hope this time, the surprise he gave me is not fake!

Zhang Shaozhong is not without worries,

This is just an advance plan, the core content of technology.

Details, including the hardest test data, are all missing!

Su Chen summed up all the parameters in a conclusive tone, but without testing, how could they believe it?

How do you know that this is not Su Chen's imagination?

Once it fails,

That's more than a year of drifting...

Huge amount of money wasted!

. . . . . .


He's going through some tougher arguments!

eleven o'clock in the morning,

They had a buffet at Zhang Shaozhong's mansion.

Zhang Shaozhong's mansion is not luxurious, it is an old-fashioned two-story red building.

But it's all there.

They also have their own rooms,

After a two-hour break,

one o'clock in the afternoon,

More than a dozen experts came to Zhang Shaozhong's mansion.

They were the people who were called by Zhang Shaozhong and had participated in the core production of the previous generation of fighter jets.

They are all real veterans!

The newcomers of the 031 project, as well as the old people of the previous generation of projects, gather together,

In this little red building, a fierce discussion was launched!

at the same time,

experts and engineers,

Started to contact the manufacturers one by one according to the production line plan given by Su Chen,

Ask about production capacity, call up detailed production situation...

but found,

It fits perfectly with what Su Chen wrote on the answer!

These manufacturers are indeed able to produce some parts with a little modification!

. . . . . . .

At the same time, the experts also input Su Chen's engine, fighter design, all into the computer......

Several rounds of pre-calculation were carried out...

During the discussion, time flies by,

Dozens of people eat and live together......

Seven or eight days have passed!

Final argument....

Feasibility! Ninety percent!

. . . . . .

The new and old team, two-phase confirmation. Zhang Shaozhong didn't hesitate any longer!

A team of 200 people was urgently mobilized by Zhang Shaozhong to personally take charge of his travel!

Six or seven black Hongqi L5 or H6 sedans left behind, followed by off-road jeeps.

It is mighty and mighty, and it drives directly towards Hangcheng!

I did not choose air transportation because of safety considerations! Generally speaking, the general principle of this level of travel is that if it can be on the ground, try not to use high altitude or sea transportation.

As for the traffic accident on the ground or something,

Sorry, there is zero accident risk.

Martial law, surrounded by a large number of motorcades for protection, has long ruled out the danger.

The kind of large trucks that are prone to traffic accidents cannot enter the 2-kilometer circle at all.

If there was a car driving fast at close range, it would have been blasted on the spot by a bullet. Among the military vehicles of the convoy, they also carry some heavy firepower.

. . . . . . .

the next morning.

The convoy arrived at Su Chen's Hangcheng villa. At this time, there were not many staff in the villa, because most of them followed Su Chen to the No. 21 laboratory.

The two teams quickly negotiated and confirmed the identity of the other side.

. . . . .


The people in Su Chen's mansion gave a quick salute!

Within each system, even if you don't know who this person is and what position they are, you can't fake the epaulette!

The representative who came out was Su Chen's personal girl Ouyang Xue! Ouyang Xue was going to go out this time because she planned to give Su Chen a change of clothes.

It's been about ten days, there is no news from Su Chen's side, and I've been with Su Chen for a year, and I'm really worried. She was holding clothes in her hands, all of which were Su Chen's happy inner and outer clothes. This year of familiarity, she was shy at the beginning, and now she is used to the size of Su Chen's clothes. When I went out to see Zhang Shaozhong, I was naturally startled!

. . . . . . .

"Mr. Su...

""" is not


Zhang Yanghao asked at this time.

"He... went on a secret business."

Ouyang Xue did not say where Su Chen went.

It was not until Zhang Shaozhong revealed her identity and purpose that she was sure that there was no threat.

"At the 021 Biochemical Experiment Institute.

"He did some experiments there,

"It's been ten days.


. . . . . .

"Let's go together!"

. . . . .

The two convoys joined forces,

Together, we headed towards the research institute where Su Chen is located!

. . . . . .

down the high speed,

After an hour of winding mountain roads,

I just arrived at this research institute in the mountains,

At this time, martial law was already enforced, and Shi Zuogang's sentinel had discovered them long ago.

After coming down to negotiate... Shi Zuogang also used the walkie-talkie to contact Su Chen!

Got answer with permission from Su Chen.

. 00000

“Sizuo, in principle, we cannot disturb Mr. Su Chen’s research experiments. 35

"But you are of high rank, I can bring someone in to see Mr. Su Chen.

"However, no more than three people. And unarmed.

When Shi Zuogang faced Zhang Shaozhong, he still insisted on his own principles!

"it is good!"

Zhang Shaozhong knew the rules and disarmed with Zhang Yanghao on the spot. At the same time, a veteran designer was brought in.

"I brought a change of clothes to Mr. Su Chen."9

Ouyang Xue also followed Shi Zuogang in...

Doors opened one after another, passing through laboratories one by one,

The few people who entered were a little confused...

Almost all the machines are running, and the materials and materials on the conveyor belt channel are being consumed batch by batch,

Various liquids of different colors are mixed together after passing through the machine,

Generate a wonderful response... The process of countless equipment in the laboratory running at the same time is truly spectacular!

"This....what research is this doing?

"Mr. Su Chen, do you still understand biochemistry?""

Zhang Yanghao is confused..

Shi Zuogang shook his head,

no answer,

Everything about Mr. Su Chen is a secret, it is impossible for him to say.


He doesn't know and doesn't interfere!

Do things with Su Chen, just be a tool person, don't listen, don't watch, don't remember anything else!

Zhang Shaozhong is very calm, this kind of scientific geek, it is not normal without this little hobby.

Otherwise, why does this kid keep insisting on giving him questions in the college entrance examination? Obviously his brain is abnormal! A proper geek!

. . . . . .

"The main laboratory is up ahead. 35

"Mr. Su Chen should be inside..."5

After a long glass passage in the laboratory, inside is Su Chen's main laboratory, where everyone changed into biochemical protective suits...

Just about to go in!

. . . . . .

Boom!! Tick!

main laboratory,

Suddenly there was an explosion,

The sky-high flames and black smoke suddenly burst out,

fire alarm bells blaring,

At the same time, countless sprinklers on the roof began to sprinkle water to put out the fire!!.

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