Every World Dresses As Men

Chapter 86: The emperor repaired the ruthless way (Part 2)

Perhaps Yun Xiao's gaze was too fiery, Feng Lin looked over to her, frowned slightly, his eyes light, as if he didn't like being watched like this.

Yun Xiao turned his eyes away naturally, and immediately put it on Lan Liner, who was beside him, and called out, "It's fate to meet like this. Look at your direction, it is possible that you are also going to Dongling Island. ?"

Seeing that her savior suddenly returned, Lan Liner looked very happy, she said with a smile: "Yes, we are planning to go to Dongling Island this trip, is the son too? "

Yun Xiao followed her words and continued with a smile: "It's a coincidence, I also plan to go to Dongling Island. It is said that there are recruiting students there recently, and I plan to go over there to see."

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; The hostess goes to Dongling Island all the way, but the road is true.

Lan Liner was surprised when she heard this.

"Young master too? I'm here to recruit students for this trip! We're too lucky!"

Yun Xiao smiled lightly, with a rare and elegant appearance, giving people a particularly comfortable feeling. Lan Liner likes to talk to "him" very much.

The two briefly talked to each other and got to know each other, Yun Xiao ended the conversation, and his eyes naturally fell on Feng Lin, who was beside him.

"I don't know who this gentleman is..."

Yun Xiao asked.

"Ah, this is Young Master Feng Linfeng."

Lan Lin'er and Yun Xiao talked very happily, and replied casually, completely unaware that she was shaking out Feng Lin's information at will, and it was Yun Xiao, who had just met and didn't know. A familiar stranger.

"Could it be that the two of you are...the relationship between Taoist companions?"

As soon as Yun Xiao said these words, the two people on the other side reacted very differently, and the contrast was quite large.

Feng Lin looked unhappy, staring at Yun Xiao with indifferent eyes.

Lan Lin'er turned red as soon as the voice fell, she peeked at Feng Lin next to her, and quickly retracted her gaze, explaining rather incoherently: "No... That's not the case, I and Mr. Feng are not the kind of relationship you think. I accidentally rescued Mr. Feng from the Nanwuhai, and it happened that Mr. Feng was also going to Dongling Island. This trip escorted me to the past. Kindness."

The world of immortality has always paid attention to cause and effect. If you accept your love, you will repay your kindness. The higher the strength, the more emphasis on this.

People like Feng Lin naturally repay their kindness immediately. After all, the world of cultivating immortals is too big, it is not easy to find someone, and people like him often don’t have the time to look for them people.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that he would fall into it.

Yun Xiao was relieved to hear Lan Liner's answer, no matter whether the two have signed a soul contract or not, as long as there is no other affection, everything still has room for manoeuvre.

Although she believed that the person would not be disturbed by the plot, she was afraid that the world's rejection of him would have any impact on him.

" Having said so much, I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Yun Xiao, a loose cultivator. Currently, I plan to go to Dongling Island to apprentice."

Yun Xiao said with a light smile.

She felt that she had never laughed so softly in her life, hey, the situation forced her.

Yun Xiao didn't mind saying his name like that, there are many people with great names in the world, and after arriving at Dongling Island, the Yun family can't help but think about it. They are.

Besides, now that she appears as a men's clothing, and with the disguise, they can't find it.

Even if I find it, it's only a material for death, and there are two protagonists next to it.

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; a female lead and a villain, encountered the death of death.

Yun Xiao tilted his head to look at the two people next to him.

Lan Liner seems to be very happy with Yun Xiao's self-introduction, she likes and Yun Xiao very much, so they can be regarded as friends.

Feng Lin, who was next to him, did not respond at all from beginning to end, Yun Xiao glanced at him inadvertently, seeing his indifferent reaction, although he was already prepared, he would still feel uncomfortable .

The three of them walked towards Dongling Island.

Feng Lin followed the two in front, his eyes fell on Yun Xiao who was not far away, his expression changed a little, different from the previous indifference, it seemed to have a little more meaning of exploration, And a little bit of resistance.

He frowned slightly, as if he didn't know why he would pay so much attention to such a sudden person.

And when Yun Xiao just said her name, he was in a trance for a moment, as if he had heard it somewhere.

Feng Lin quickly put this feeling behind her.

As a ruthless practitioner, I will not take anyone or anything to heart.

When this female cultivator Lan… is sent to Dongling Island, his mission will be completed.

Feng Lin is indifferent.

I have thought about it a few times in my heart.

On the way, Lan Liner and Yun Xiao chatted happily.

Yun Xiao is very knowledgeable, she knows a lot, and it is not an exaggeration to talk about topics that Lan Liner is interested in for three days and three nights.

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; plus Yun Xiao's elegant temperament makes it difficult to get close.

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Feng Lin quietly became a background board for many days.

When they entered a valley unintentionally, they discovered that they had suddenly lost their way. The Qiankun pointer is directly invalid here.

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Lan Lin'er looked at the direction in her hand, a little panicked.

The universe pointer was shaking back and forth, but there was no direction, and this huge valley looked like it everywhere, and I couldn't tell where it was for a while. This is the direction to Dongling Island.

Yun Xiao looked at this situation and reviewed the plot in his mind.

Here is Huashen Valley, and further ahead is Huashen Cliff.

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; even if the monks in Mahayana come here, they will be trapped here.

This place is very magical, even the exercises and minds practiced by the monks will be invalid. Therefore, this bridge is arranged for the heart of the heroine to completely capture the villain.

Although Yun Xiao tried his best to avoid here at first, he didn't expect to come back here after going around. The later the world, the stronger the rules will be stronger, and she cannot easily change at all.

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; In this case, then you can only take a step.

Yun Xiao patted Lan Liner lightly, and said softly, "Don't worry, you'll be fine no matter what, isn't there still us."

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Lan Lin'er's face was slightly reddish, and her eyes were moving and touching.

Feng Lin, who was standing at the back, frowned slightly, and felt a little uncomfortable in her heart as she looked at the atmosphere between the two of them, which was too harmonious for a third to intervene.

But it was not clear for a while, where did this feeling come from and why.

The three of them were in the Valley of Gods. After two or three days, they finally couldn't stand it anymore.

"I can't do it anymore, Yun Xiao, I'm tired and hungry at the moment, I don't have the strength to take another step, let me rest for a while."

Yun Xiao stopped in time, and Feng Lin, who was following behind her, did not go any further.

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; although Feng Lin's strength is almost unpredictable, he did not expect that in the past few days when he walked, he can also clearly feel that his strength is one by one. Point consumption, empty stomach, a rare taste of a rare hunger.

Is this the Valley of Gods?

It is unfathomable.

Yun Xiao tilted his head to look at Feng Lin, the other party's usually flat and indifferent eyes showed a rare trace of surprise, and he couldn't help but smile.

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; "This Huaman Valley is well -known. We are estimated to be looking for food as soon as possible, otherwise, let's not talk about the spiritual beasts that may be secretly lurking deep in the depths of this Huaman Valley. In this God Transformation Valley."

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Huashen Valley is a spiritual shielding area. For those who cultivate the immortal, they first stepped here, and I am afraid that if I care about it, I may not get out again.

"What should I do then? I haven't arrived at Dongling Island yet, and I haven't become a teacher yet. I don't want to die here!"

Lan Liner spoke with a little trembling in her voice.

Feng Lin didn't have a particularly big reaction, but Yun Xiao could see his irritability.

Yun Xiao thought about it, and began to divide the labor.

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Lan Lin'er is responsible for fishing. Although Feng Lin is limited, his physical strength is much stronger than ordinary immortals. prey.

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Yun Xiao made fire and find some branches and crickets. There were some small weapons in the Qiankun bag that she got on the road that could be used to make fork barbecue.

With meat and fish, after Yun Xiao's treatment, the three of them surrounded the fire and began to wait.

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Due to other reasons, Lan Lin'er and Yun Xiao were slightly separated from some distance, Feng Lin and Yun Xiao sat next to each other.

The night gradually fell.

Everything in Huashen Valley slowly fell into a silence.

The chirping of cicadas on summer evenings and the chirping of birds flying by from time to time make this valley seem calm and comfortable.

In the night sky, you can clearly see some twinkling stars arranged in it, in various shapes.

The breeze blew across her cheeks, bringing a touch of warmth and warmth.

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Feng Lin sat next to Yunxiao, and the cool taste of the people next to the people next to the night wind of the summer seemed to get into his heart through the face.

There is a throbbing throbbing.

Unconsciously, he had already set his eyes on Yun Xiao.

Yun Xiao tilted his head to look over, just happened to meet his gaze, after a moment of stunned, he said with a smile.

“See what?”

With shallow helplessness and imperceptible trace of evil.

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Feng Lin retracted his eyes, picked up a long branch next to him, turned over a few fires, the flames were brighter, and the flames reflected in his eyes became more obvious.


Yun Xiao looked at his reaction and smiled.

Lan Liner, who was sitting across from them, looked at the actions between the two of them. It seemed a little weird, but she couldn't tell.

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Yun Xiao didn't think there was anything. She quickly took a look, took the seasoning from the Qiankun bag, sprinkled it on the grilled fish barbecue, and the air exuded a strong aroma.

"Okay, it's time to eat."

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