I am looking forward to it very much, burying your fun~

——Arisu Sakayanagi

Horikita doesn’t understand people’s hearts very well, she almost made everyone in the class completely friends with her just by opening her mouth.

Because how can you say something like “are you stupid?” Although it is true, it will offend people.

It’s just that Horikita is not absolutely stupid, she stood up, “I once suspected that you were an undercover agent sent by Class D or other classes.”

She opened her mouth and directly shot back, “Compared with the personal gain or loss of a little score and the big loss caused by the final announced ranking, don’t you all think about it?”

“It’s just that we’re not the worst.” The student Satsuki who was bullied seemed to be temporarily suppressed by Horikita’s momentum, but what he said kept everyone silent.

Because although they are in Class C now, they know their own strengths, and Satsuki disagrees with becoming cannon fodder because he wants not to lose so much.

“And it’s not about letting you all lose.” Yukimura checked his phone and stood up, “Although we are going to use some of our classmates as cannon fodder.”

“Can you?” He looked at Mr. Chabashira who was watching the play with his hands folded. After getting Chazhura’s permission, he stood up and walked directly to the podium.

Write down 9 mandatory items for each student on the blackboard.

are respectively:

① 100-meter race

② Hurdles race

③Inverted pole competition (men only)

④Pitching contest (female only)

⑤ Tug-of-war between men and women

⑥ Obstacle race

⑦Two people with three legs

⑧War on horseback

⑨200-meter race

“Participation in these events is mandatory, and cannon fodder will be arranged in order to gain points and reduce loss of points. However, in the future recommended events, we can let cannon fodder who lose serious points participate.”

While talking, he wrote down the recommended events, such as borrowing contest, four-way tug-of-war, mixed men and women with three legs.

These are recommended projects to participate in, but there is a limit on the number of participants, so it is impossible for everyone to participate.

“We will let the students who choose to be cannon fodder in front of them participate in these projects. As long as they can get points in these projects, they can keep the cannon fodder in front of them from being at the bottom of the list.”

“Similarly, this time, if the points of our class increase, the points will be redistributed.” Yukimura pushed his glasses, “If there are bonus points, and this time is a special case, 2/ 3 to those outstanding students.”

“At the same time, regarding the issue of deducting 1000 points for the last cannon fodder in the previous mandatory events, all this will be borne by the class, because we are a whole, and now we are implementing the plan. But I still hope everyone I can do my best.” Yukimura added, “However, for the joint 1200-meter relay of all grades, there must be people with excellent physical fitness to participate, so in this plan, we have to conduct a physical examination of everyone. Do you have any comments?”

“There should be no objections.” Hirata took the lead in applauding.

Indeed, this method is relatively safe, and it is also suitable for most of the weaker Class D’s tactics.

And the reward points here can also greatly stimulate those students with excellent physical fitness.

For example, Koenji Liusuke.

For example Sudou.

“So I’ve contracted everything!” Sudou said.

Well, Sudou doesn’t need to persuade him at all, he is only a sports genius and can’t waitwanted to express myself.

Let’s just say it’s qualified and suitable for the current Class C tactics.

Mr. Chabashira stood on the side observing and thought to himself.

After a while, the bell rang.

Although it is not the opening ceremony of the official sports festival, it is also a large-scale organization. The teachers and students of the whole school will gather in the gymnasium.

The gymnasium is quite spacious. There are 160 students in one grade, and after including the teachers, the number reaches 500.

The second and third graders are also coming in one after another. Near the summit, there are lines drawn for each grade and even each class.

Here, Qinglong and the others came here once when they entered school, and now they are queuing up, but they are not going to class D, but stepping on the position of class C. It was not until this time that people intuitively felt them It’s really not a student of Class D anymore.

“I’m Fujimaki from Class A of the third year, and I will be the commander-in-chief of this sports festival.” On the summit stage, a tall and thin boy wearing glasses was speaking.

Horikita Gaku, who was not the president of the student council, was the host. He just stood on one side and gave the space to Fujimaki.

And below, it seemed that there was a little restlessness when they saw that it was not the host of Horikita.

In fact, it was more of a surprise.


The first graders are surrendering to the members of the student council at the summit with incredible gazes.

There are not many members of the student council standing on the summit platform, just like the king, Horikita Gaku, who is still very stressful even if he doesn’t speak, and the vice president, oh, they don’t know the second-year class B Vice President Kiryu, the current accountant of Vice President Nagumohara felt very aggrieved, because as an accountant, he didn’t need to be on stage.

So now he is at the head of his class.

But the positions of the secretary are different. The old secretary Akane Tachibana and the new secretary Katsuragi Kohei are both on it.

This is enviable.

Because he joined the student union as a first-year student.

Katsuragi Kohei has thick facial features, and now he is standing beside Horikita Gaku. Although he usually looks steady, he always looks a little nervous.

It’s rare to see Katsuragi-kun’s nervousness.


The first graders recognized him, and the second and third graders were also looking at him with strange eyes, perhaps envious, perhaps puzzled, perhaps…jealous…


Although Horikita Gaku was unsmiling, they all admitted that he was an excellent president, and this president would also promote people exceptionally. For example, his vice-president had fallen from Class A in the past to Class B in the lower rank. Pick there.

Because he felt that even though his class rank had dropped, Kiryu was still outstanding, so he could entrust him with a heavy responsibility.

Therefore, being selected as a student council means being considered excellent by the president.

“Why does Katsuragi from Class A… isn’t he a first-year student—”

“Are the students so easy to advance?”

There are many discussions like this in Class C or Class D.

Because, it’s unbelievable.

As a result, the idea of ​​underestimating the student union will also arise.

“I would like to give a piece of advice to the first graders. Some people may say that it is long-winded, but the sports festival is a very important event, please keep this in mind. The experience of the sports festival will definitely be applied to other Opportunities. In the future exams, there will be many games that look like games at first glance. But no matter what it is, it will become an important battle for surviving in school.”

This Fujimaki classmate is imparting experience, but what he says is similar to the head teacher who won’t tell you anything.

“For events involving all grades, only the final 1200-meter relay race is at the school level. Other than that, they are all events at a single-year level. All grades are starting to gather now, and discuss policies at will.” It’s useless.

But this kind of organization really needs people who talk nonsense.

Kiyotaka even wondered if it was because he wanted to talk nonsense that Horikita gave the right to speak to Fujimaki, who was also a student from Class A.

After all, this senior Fujimaki is not even a member of the student union.

“I say–”

At this moment, a person suddenly raised his hand.

Although everyone was discussing, but only in a low voice, this person stood out exceptionally. As soon as he raised his hand, Qinglong looked over.

It was Ryuuen Sho with his hair on fire parted in the middle casually.

“Is it true that if you don’t obey the discipline today, you won’t lose points?”

Ryuuen really asked a surprising question loudly.

And just from this voice, Qinglong already understood that Ryuuen probably wanted to do something, and even wanted to take advantage of this sports festival to regain his class C or even surpass his seat in class B all at once. .

And Ryuuen was so aggressive that Qinglong finally felt that this sports meeting was a bit messed up.

ps: The chosen answer in the last

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