Today is the fourth day of the opening ceremony. After the physical fitness test the day before yesterday, the students also did training for the entry and closing ceremony of the sports festival, and today, most of Class C The students are still in high spirits. Because they are people without association.

Eighty percent of the students in Class C are free clubs, so they have a lot of free time. That is to say, having moremy chance to train.

As the cannon fodder team, Kiyotaka and Yukimura went through the 200-meter test and the boys’ version of the two-person three-leg training together, and then got free time to move around.

As for the 20% people are Hirata and Sudou, but at this point Hirata has already gone to the football club, and Sudou also left first. These strong men are different from others, they are good at sports, so they don’t need to practice.

It was originally like this.

“Ha——Ayanokōji-kun, can you train again?”

Yukimura said out of breath. This is the difficulty of the top students. It seems that most of the top students have the disadvantage of lack of exercise. Yukimura looks very thin, but his legs and feet are still strong, but let him test the standing long jump with only 1.6 meters. Belongs to the kind of weak chicken.

The same goes for physical fitness. Qinglong has tried his best to drain the water, but he still feels rushed. In the end, Kiyotaka gave up his dominance and let Yukimura take control when the two of them were on three legs. Although the speed was relatively slow, they barely passed. And it’s just the cannon fodder group, and the students in class B will let them go and directly choose the super watery ones in this project in this group.

So it’s almost fine.

However, there is something different about leaving school tonight. He, Horikita and Kushida made an appointment to go to the whole school to investigate the fighting strength of other students.

It’s just that this is probably just Kushida wanting to make a date.

She probably still wants to ask Horikita Suzune out and continue her 26 plan of being friends with Horikita classmate.

Because if she was really investigating for the sake of the class, then she should have done the investigation two days ago, not now that the entry form has been handed in and no changes are allowed.

So she was just looking for an excuse.

As always, my mouth is not right.

Horikita probably also wanted to find an excuse to watch her brother’s training, so this time, very exceptionally, she didn’t reject Kushida’s proposal to investigate together.

It’s just that what Horikita said was to train for a while and then go to investigate.

But now it’s been a while since the training, Horikita hasn’t come, but Kushida Kikyo has come, although she is wearing a cheap smile for everyone, but it can be seen that she is going to the team of girls who are having a three-legged trip The smile he showed was particularly bright.

It is preliminarily determined that something that made her feel particularly happy happened there.

The required events for participation include 100-meter run, 200-meter run, hurdle race, inverted pole competition (only for boys), ball throwing competition (only for girls), tug-of-war for men and women in groups, obstacle race, two-person three-legged race, and horseback riding.

It’s easy to talk about running and hurdling by yourself, but it’s not good if you accidentally get injured during training for events like horseback riding, so the students in Class C also gave up training, but two people and three legs can be trained.

So most of the girls are now doing two-on-three-legged training.

However, there was a problem in the girls’ team.

It is a very conspicuous combination.

A combination of Horikita Suzune and Onodera, the second-ranked girl in the class.

Horikita naturally didn’t need to say much. Won the first place in the 50-meter test, and then was arranged to the final 1200-meter relay race.

And Onodera is a girl from the swimming department, and I heard that she is also a very good sprinter.

Both of them are the best among girls in terms of physical fitness.

Logically speaking, if the two join forces, they should be able to leave other students far behind, but this is not the case. The speed of the two of them is not only not faster than others, they are even inferior to the standard of ordinary people.

“Horikita-san, can’t you cooperate with me again! This is the third time.”

After practicing for a while, Onodera untied the rope and panted.

Kiyotaka walked over to Kushida-san who was gloating in his eyes, and before he could ask, he had already reached a conclusion.


He heard classmate Horikita say, “Indeed, the rhythm is not right.”

“However, it’s not my fault, but that you are too slow. It’s only natural to match the pace of a fast runner, because it would be too strange to spend time compromising because of this.

Listen, is this guy speaking human language?

It was impossible to easily keep up with Horikita who ran at the fastest pace without authorization. Because the limit of human beings is there, and this limit cannot be expanded all at once.

So Kiyotaka understood what made Kushida happy.

Probably refers to this. The relationship between Horikita Suzune and the girls in the same class may continue to deteriorate. Kushida has always been treated coldly by Horikita, so she can’t wait for Horikita to be hated by the girls.

The girls’ group is different from the boys’ group. When you have an opinion on you, even if you have a good relationship just now, you can start to fight immediately. At least after Horikita said so, many girls came over.

Staring at Horikita with a strange look.

And Horikita, who is used to being treated coldly by her people, is very calm. Although she doesn’t know Yukinoshita Yukino, she believes that as long as what she does is right and what she says is right, then she will not Need to change.

Although, now she also noticed that the surrounding air seemed to have changed.

But he still felt that he was standing there without fault.

He is really not good at flexibility.

Didn’t you see that everyone else was dumbfounded by her theory?

There is really nothing to do with her.

And Kiyotaka still bears the saying of “taking care of sister Horikita”, and accepts 50,000 points of teaching from brother Horikita every month without hesitation.The cost of raising a younger sister, so really do nothing, and then let Horikita learn, then this stable maintenance fee will probably be ruined.

Although the current Qinglong’s assets have reached a terrifying 34.047 million, he will not dislike being richer.

So I have to point it out.

It’s just that it’s easy to cause public outrage if a boy comes out to meddle in this kind of time, and let the girls solve the girls’ problems.

In this way, he immediately started the mode of finding tools for things.


Karuizawa, who had just completed the two-person three-leg training with Shinohara, noticed that the phone vibrated, and Shinohara had already untied the rope at this time, and Karuizawa immediately showed a dissatisfied expression when he saw the message, but this expression Just for a moment.

She immediately took action.

“what happened?”

Karuizawa went to the girl’s team with an unknowing appearance.

Grabbed a nearest person to ask.

Sakura Airi. Airi and her good friend Boruga had already trained for a round and were resting, but Karuizawa appeared directly in front of her.

Airi replied subconsciously, “It seems… how should I put it… It seems that Horikita-san and Onodera-san are arguing, it seems that Horikita-san is demanding that Onodera-san cooperate with her, but Onodera-san feels that Horikita-san should accommodate her , and then arguing… ah ah ah ah… Karuizawa!”

However, Airi turned around and saw that the person who asked her was Karuizawa Megumi, and she was taken aback.


Because of the incident on the small island, Airi was very afraid of Karuizawa.

So I stepped back in fright.

“…” Karuizawa was speechless. She probably understood that Airi remembered that Kojima had taken off her glasses.

She was also very helpless at that time, because the friends around her were watching, it was Gaoyue who said that Ai Li was cute, and then others made a fuss, so as the leader of the small group, she had no choice but to go to love Ai Li positively.

It’s just that now is not the time to talk to Airi.

Now her mind is full of messages sent to her by Qinglong.

[new task. Horikita is stupid, help her solve the problem and don’t let her evaluation drop. I’m a boy and it’s hard to deal with it, so you can deal with it.

The reward is 30,000 points. ]

“…” Karuizawa.

Girls are here to deal with girls’ problems.

Karuizawa didn’t want to talk. Although that guy thought it would be better for boys not to get involved, but…does he think girls can solve the problem so easily?


Want her to deal with Horikita Suzune? Hey, it’s Horikita Suzune!

That woman who scolded and cried her during the Kojima exam!

Karuizawa is very suspicious now, is it true what Kiyotaka told Manabe and the others that he liked her so much on the ship.

Because, he obviously protected her by saying that, but he casually got in touch with Airi, or Horikita, and it was completely impossible to see that he had any intention of liking her.


I know that he will send some missions on purpose to give her points, but every time she solves the mission well, so that’s what she deserves, right?

It’s just that now, Karuizawa feels super wronged by asking her to deal with the woman who scolded her.

“Sure enough, we have to deal with it.” Qinglong, who was watching from afar, murmured. “I’m afraid Horikita’s state is going to explode in a girl relationship.”

“It is indeed my stupid sister.” However, a familiar voice came from behind him.

Kiyotaka immediately turned around, only to find that Horikita-san’s stupid appearance was seen by the last person who should not see it.

“Is the student council president on patrol?” Qinglong asked pretendingly relaxed.

“Well, because the sports meeting is coming soon, so I will go around. In the morning, I will run around the school ten laps. As long as I wake up at five o’clock, I will be in time for class. Ayanokoji, you can try it.” Horikita Xuedao .


Qinglong was not interested in this kind of behavior of waking up in the morning and abusing himself.


Horikita Gaku noticed the short sleeves Kiyotaka was wearing. Noticing his arm, “Although you haven’t practiced martial arts, have you done any training?”

“It’s just been done before.” Qinglong said.

“In the past.” Horikita said, “The human body is prone to rust. Otherwise, no matter how good the material is, it will not be able to show its perfect state.”

“Not necessarily.” Qinglong said, “A truly good body can exert the power it should have at any time.”


Horikita pushed his glasses, “So are you going to shine in this sports meeting?”

“No.” Qinglong refused, “I did this kind of thing in the past, and I found it very annoying.”

“Why? Isn’t it an honor to be able to represent the class in participating in various events?” Horikita has been physically strong since junior high school, and then played for the class. So he felt that Qinglong’s idea was very strange.

“Because when you are always good enough, others will think that you are omnipotent, and if you make a mistake suddenly, others will think that you did it on purpose.” Qinglong said, “One time, because of a sports meeting, I had a high fever. In the end, I only won the third place, and I was accused by a large number of people of not doing my best. And they are far from knowing what kind of state I am in to work hard.”

I see.

Horikita pushed his glasses. He probably understood why Ayanokōji Kiyotaka was assigned to Class D.

Because he closed his heart.

“You can participate in the 1200-meter relay race.” Horikita XueSaid. “I will agree with you. What you lack now is approval.”

Like a generous elder, Horikita looked at Kiyotaka with serious eyes.


Kiyotaka looked at Horikita strangely all of a sudden, because he just complained suddenly, not because he lacked any love or concern.

And when the two of them flirted with each other, Qinglong received a text message from Karuizawa.

[Mission completed, play money. ]

Has it been completed?

Here I have already seen Horikita Suzune and Onodera re-tying their straps, and then having a three-legged three-legged affair. And Horikita Suzune no longer rushed forward alone like a little scalper, but deliberately slowed down a little for Onodera.

By the way, how did Karuizawa solve this?

I just asked the girls afterwards and they refused to say anything, and just like that, with such a little bit of progress, Yucheng High School ushered in the annual school sports meeting. .

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