Hirata’s proposal is to line up according to height, and then exert force evenly, with the most powerful Sudou standing at the end.

And after reaching the designated position and pulling the rope, everyone also saw the formation of the red team on the opposite side.

It should be said that Class A and Class D cannot unite again.

The people in class D stood casually, Ryuuen even put the powerful Albert in the first place, and then the others were tall and short and stood wantonly, but the students in class A at the back were the same as here in the red team Line up according to height.

It is completely impossible to see that they have any intention of joining forces.

First time.

The referee placed the red tassel of the rope on the center line. Holding the whistle at the same time.


As soon as the whistle sounded, the BC Alliance immediately lowered its body, and even Sudou, who was standing at the end, gritted his teeth. However, it was surprising that he only felt a momentary resistance when he pulled the rope, and then the BC Alliance gave the rope to him. Pulled over.

The white team won.

Victory is so easy.

“You guys in Class C are really rubbish!” Sudou, who had just been beaten by 26 on the battlefield and knelt down, was in a good mood now. He raised his middle finger and began to mock Ryuuen and the others.

And the students of Class C who were frightened by the advance of Class D on the battlefield also regained their confidence.

“Dragon Garden is nothing more than this—” During the two minutes of rest, he kept saying something like thisvoice of discussion.

“Ryuuen-kun, we are also part of the red team now, so for your D team, I suggest—” Katsuragi from class A is urging Ryuuen to cooperate with them.

The students in Class A felt that they failed so quickly because Long Yuan and the others didn’t pull the rope properly and exert their strength according to this formation.

“Hmph. Just wait and see.” However, Long Yuan ignored them. Instead, he let the students of Class D form a bow-shaped team on his own.

The bow-shaped team couldn’t see anything to exert their strength at all, so this made the students of Class C feel more relaxed. He felt that if Ryuuen couldn’t engage in conspiracy and tricks like he was on the battlefield, then it was just relying on strength, and their D class was not worth mentioning at all.

Most of the students in Class C probably think so, even Hirata-kun thinks so.

So soon came the second round.

The whistle sounded for the second round.

The people of the BC League were just about to continue to shout slogans and pull the rope together, but surprisingly, most of the red ears of the rope were pulled to the AD League. This made the BC Alliance startled, and quickly pulled the rope again, but after all, they underestimated the enemy, and the red spikes on the rope slowly led to the red team.

The red team won the second round.

“Ha… you guys are really rubbish.” Long Yuan’s side was very relaxed. “Come again, give the opposite side a little color!”

Class D’s morale was boosted, and Class A’s fighting spirit was also high because of winning a round.

The others probably already understood.

The reason why the White Team won so quickly in the first round was because the members of Class D, Long Yuan, and the others deliberately released the water, and then let them underestimate the enemy. But in the second round, they officially showed their strength, so the White Team lost.

Long Yuan is engaging in psychological warfare.

Long Yuan is a bad old man.

“Ryuuen treats us like children—” After hearing someone expose Ryuuen’s psychological tactics, some students became dissatisfied.

For example Sudou.

Originally, he had been wronged a lot on the battlefield, and he won the tug-of-war just now, thinking that he could hit Long Yuan, but it turned out that he was plotting against him.

That’s why anger welled up in my heart.

At this time, the third round of competition had already begun.

This time, the people of the BC Alliance no longer underestimated the enemy, and had already exerted their strength the moment the whistle sounded.

The two sides are evenly matched. And the movement of the red ear of the rope fluctuates very little.

“Don’t lose to someone like Ryuuen—”

Just then Sudou let out a cry.

It seemed that Sudou’s cry had an effect, and Hong Sui was moving towards the white team.

Just when the BC Alliance was about to exert its strength again, the rope was quickly pulled towards the white team.

It’s not just the rope. All the members of the BC Alliance and most of the students from Class A on the red team fell to the ground, while the students from Class D were standing there. They just… loosened the rope together!

That’s why other people fell to the ground due to inertia.

Long Yuan laughed loudly, “You guys are awesome, you picked up treasures like rubbish, congratulations, you won this round!”

There is no doubt about it.

This is a psychological tactic, a aggressive method.

“Longyuan, you tm!”

And Sudou’s patience has reached its limit.

“Sudou—” But the angry Sudou was stopped again. “Sudou calm down, if you get into a fight with him and lose your qualifications, then our class C will be finished!”

“Damn—” Sudou could only be forcibly appeased.

However, at the same time, the girls’ 200-meter race also changed.

Kushida was placed in the fourth group, so Kushida watched Horikita Suzune’s match in the first group from a distance.

As planned, Horikita Suzune was once again surrounded by two seeded players from Class D, Kinoshita and Yajima.

Although Horikita Suzune has great potential in terms of academic ability and physical fitness, but this is just talent, if you don’t develop it or make further improvements, then you can’t become a real elite.

So Horikita was left far away by Yajima, who was the number one. But Kinoshita, who is currently ranked third, clings to the rear.

As for the distance to sprint around the last 50 meters, Horikita Suzune may be too concerned about the distance, so she sometimes catches up with Kinoshita.


Kushida, who was watching from a distance, was in a good mood.

Because after looking back many times, when Horikita was about to sprint, an accident happened. Horikita and Kinoshita’s legs got entangled unexpectedly, and they fell together.

But Horikita refused to admit defeat. Even after she fell down, she resolutely got up on the track, and then barely ran the whole distance with her injured leg, and got the second-to-last result.

As for Kinoshita of Class D, it seems that because of his serious injury, he was unable to stand up and continue the competition, so he could only finish last.

“Are there any problems with your feet?” Seeing Horikita limping back to the rest area, Kushida asked with concern.

“Compared to this.” Horikita said, “I can’t understand that woman even more. She called my name several times during the competition.”

“I see, that’s why you turned around frequently during the competition. Anyway, Horikita-san, take a break first, and I’ll call the medical staff over.” Kushida thoughtfully helped her to the side, but her face was full of joy smile.

Horikita Suzune, it’s over.

The doctor was quickly found and temporarily put a bandage on Horikita.

She is no longer suitable for the competition, but she directly rejected the doctor’s suggestion to abstain.

she won’tIf you give up, you have to finish the competition even if you are climbing.

So, when it came to the two-person three-legged competition, the combination of Kiyotaka and Yukimura struggled to finish fifth, while Horikita Suzune and Onodera’s two-person three-legged match came last.

By the time Kiyotaka got the news that Horikita was injured, she had already firmly participated in the horseback riding battle. .

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